General props in 1C 8.3 is a platform metadata object that allows you to use one attribute for many configuration objects (directories, documents, charts of accounts, etc.). The object was created mainly to facilitate the work of the developer and the separation of data.

General details were originally implemented in version 1C 7.7, but the developers did not immediately include it in platform 8 of version. The mechanism of common details was introduced by 1C developers only in release 8.2.14.

General attributes are very convenient to add in order not to change the standard objects in the configuration, I often use them along with .

After adding a common attribute, it can be used in queries and displayed on the form of objects − outwardly, it is no different from the usual props.

The only limitation of common attributes is that they cannot be used in .

Let's consider the main settings and properties of common attributes that are different from other configuration objects:

Compound— a list of objects for which the common attribute will be used, the setting resembles the setting of the exchange plan.

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Auto use— the setting determines whether a common attribute will be used for those objects that have the "Automatic" usage mode specified in the composition.

Data separation We will consider this setting separately.

Separation of data in 1C using a common attribute

Data separation- a mechanism similar to the mechanism. However, the performance of this mechanism is more efficient, and it is easier to configure.

The mechanism allows you to configure the display of only elements that the user can see. For example, you can distinguish between all objects (documents, directories, etc.) where a certain organization is installed.

Setting up data separation using common 1C details

To set up in the general attribute, you must specify the data separation − Divide. Immediately after clicking, the system will prompt you to create default accounting parameters:

In this case, it will be necessary to specify session parameters at system startup, how to do this, with an example, it was described in the article.

This completes the setting - the user will only have access to the information that is specified in the selected session parameters.

An example of using a common attribute

Let's analyze the setting of the general props in 1C 8.3 using the example of a wireframe configuration and props Organization:

There are 3 documents in the system, where it is necessary to indicate the requisite Organization: these are Invoice, Expenditure Invoice, Payroll.

The setup is simple:

  1. Create a new General attribute, specify the type — DirectoryLink.Organization.
  2. In the composition we arrange for our documents - Use.

Everything, the setup is over!

Let's see the result:

The system displays the common attribute “as its own”: both in requests, and in form attributes, and in other places. This is such magic! 🙂

General props 1C 8.3 are not added

In this article, we will look at how you can change the details for several elements of a document or directory at once. As an example, all actions will be performed on the demo base 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0.

Such situations are quite common, and there are many reasons for them. Just imagine how inconvenient and laborious it would be to perform this operation for each document separately.

In the program 1C 8.3 (on managed forms) there are two main ways of group processing directories and documents:

  • from the list form;
  • using standard processing.

The first method is quite simple, and any user can easily cope with it. The second one is intended for administrators and has much more functionality, for example, changing details in tabular sections.

Let's start from simple to complex. Consider how to use the processing in the first option.

Suppose, in our example, we need to change the VAT rate for several items of the reference book of the same name at once. To do this, we need to open its list form.

Highlight the items that need to be changed. This can be done by left-clicking and holding down the "Ctrl" or "Shift" key on the keyboard. If all the elements are in a row, then they can be selected not with the mouse, but with the up and down arrows on the keyboard.

Without deselecting, click on one of the elements right click mouse and select Edit Selected from the context menu that appears.

Next, a window will open in front of you, in the left upper corner which will display how many items to change. In the tabular section below, indicate which details need to be changed and what value to set for them. In our case, we will set all product items in the field "% VAT" - "Without VAT".

Same way, this processing allows you to change not only several elements at the same time, but also several groups with all subordinate elements. To do this, in the details settings form, click on the button " Extra options” and in the window that opens, set the flag in the item “Process child elements”.

After you have installed everything desired settings, click on the "Change details" button in the form for specifying details. If there is a large amount of data to change, this operation may take a long time to complete. Upon completion, the program will issue a notification.

Now in the same list form, we see that the VAT percentage has changed in all the positions we selected.

Standard processing "Group change of details"

Undoubtedly, the method described above is very easy to use and does not require special skills and access rights from the user, but, unfortunately, it may not always be applicable. Then the standard processing comes to the rescue, which is located in the "Administration" - "Support and maintenance" section. You can also find it in processing through the "All functions" menu.

A processing form will open in front of you. In the upper field "Change" we will select the documents "Implementation (acts, invoices)". The hyperlink "All items" will appear to the right. By clicking on it, you can set up a selection to select not all documents, but only parts according to some criterion.

In the selection form that opens, we indicate that we only need documents from December last year. This can be done in the top field of the window. There can be any number of selections. In its lower part, those documents that correspond to the specified selection are dynamically selected. In our case, only 56 documents will be processed.

Now we need to specify what data and what we will replace. Processing allows you to edit not only the details of the header, but also tabular parts. They are placed as tabs on the processing form.

Introduction of new values

This processing allows you to both rigidly set the values ​​of the details, and use flexible algorithms. In the first case, everything is much simpler. This mode is set by default when processing is opened and can be switched by the corresponding button.

For simplicity of the example, we will set everywhere as the warehouse "Main warehouse". After making all the changes, click on the "Change details" button.

By clicking on the "Additional parameters" button, you can slightly expand the possibility of changing the details, for example, changing the service details.

Using an arbitrary algorithm

This mode is more flexible than the previous one, but you can't do without basic programming skills. You can enable it by clicking on the "Run custom algorithm" button.

On the left side of the processing, you need to describe the algorithm itself, and on the right side, for convenience, the details of our document are located.

At the bottom of the form, you can specify whether the object you change is written automatically, or this condition will be specified in your algorithm. You can also disable the use safe mode when performing a group change of details.

A shared prop is a prop that is added to multiple configuration objects and can also be used as component special data sharing mechanism:

  • Common props for multiple objects. An attribute that is present in several configuration objects in which this attribute retains its meaning and type. An example of such use: "Organization" attribute in regulated accounting documents in an application solution
  • Common requisite as an integral part of a special data sharing mechanism. This mechanism allows you to separate the work of the applied solution and all stored data into separate parts. At the same time, data separation is enabled for the common attribute.
    An example of such use: In one physical infobase, different "owners" of data work independently, while each user of such an applied solution will only have access to his data

"Data separation" property of a common attribute

If this property is set to "Do not use", then the created configuration object will be used only as a prop that is part of several configuration objects.
If the property is set to "Separate", the common attribute will be used as the data separator

Composition of objects

The "Content" property of a common attribute determines the list of configuration objects that include this common attribute.
If the "Auto-use" property is set to "Do not use", the attribute will not be automatically added, and to select the objects in which you want to include the common attribute, you should use the "Composition" property.
Also, the "Composition" property should be used if automatic use common attribute, there are objects in which the common attribute should not be present.

Using a shared prop

For each configuration object, the Usage column can take one of three values:
  • Automatic – means that the assignment of a configuration object to a common attribute depends on the value of the "Auto-use" property
  • Use - means that the configuration object is part of the general attribute
  • Do not use - means that the configuration object is not part of the general attribute
Thus, using the "Composition" property editor, you can selectively exclude some objects from the composition of a common attribute, despite the fact that "Auto-use" is set for it.

Configuration objects

A common attribute (not in data sharing mode) may include the following configuration objects:
  • Reference books
  • The documents
  • Document journals
  • Plans of types of characteristics
  • Calculation Type Plans
  • Business processes
  • Tasks
  • Information registers
  • Accumulation registers
  • Accounting registers
  • Exchange Plans
  • External data sources


When writing a document, the general attribute of the journal is assigned the value of the general attribute of the document or NULL if the document is not part of the general attribute
The general attribute can be used in data access restrictions. It makes sense to include external data sources in the composition of a common attribute if the common attribute is a separator.

ADVICE! General attributes should not be used to describe data that is part of the business logic of specific objects.

Who are the Contractors? These are legal entities or individuals who are your customers, buyers or partners. Each legal entity has details, i.e. unique data (TIN, KPP, legal and actual addresses) that belong only to this organization. It is with these data that you will need to fill out the counterparty card in the program.

Let's get started. We find the inscription "Reference books" on the left in the menu, click. Before us are sections of the program, we are looking for “Purchases and sales”, subsection “Counterparties”:

We go to the section. To make it convenient to navigate in the process of work, we will create folders by type: "Customers", "Suppliers" and "Other".

Click on "Create Group". In the drop-down box in the "Name" field, enter the name of the "Customers" group:

Similarly, create the remaining folders "Suppliers" and "Other":

Let's create one item in each folder. Let's start with "Customers". We go, select "Create":

A page will open to fill out. This is a counterparty card. The upper field, marked in yellow, is designed to automatically fill in information on the counterparty by entering the TIN. This will only work if the "1C Counterparty" function is connected.

We will consider filling manually. Let's say our buyer will be the organization STYLE LLC. In the "Type of counterparty" field, leave Entity. Enter the name of the organization in the Name field. For the convenience of the search, STYLE LLC is usually entered, i.e. first the name, and then the organizational legal form. You can leave just one name. The field "Full name" must contain the correct spelling of the name of this organization - LLC "STYLE" or with decoding - Limited Liability Company. This will be displayed when printing documents. The "Included in the group" field is filled in automatically. Further, the fields: TIN, KPP, PSRN are filled in with the provided details of this organization. A very important item in the card "Basic Bank Account". Click on the little button on the left. There are two mandatory fields in front of us:

In the first field, you must enter the BIC of the bank in which the organization is serviced. Enter the account number in the second field. Next, the item "Address and phone number". Let's expand it:

The legal and actual addresses are filled in here. We see a notification in which we are offered to download the Address Classifier. This only works if the "1C Counterparties" function is connected. We skip. Click the inscription "Fill" to the right of the legal address. Before us opens a window for entering the necessary data. Fill in and click OK:

The line "Actual address" will be filled in automatically. If the organization has different legal and actual addresses, then you need to uncheck the corresponding box next to the inscription “The actual address is the same as the legal address” and fill it in manually. Write down. The same is true for the postal address field. In the paragraph " Additional Information» you can write any comment. Check if everything is filled in and click "Record" at the top.

All operations in the 1C system are performed using contracts. The contract is a universal accounting separator, which is indicated in almost all documents. Go to the "Contracts" tab and click the "Create" button.

Before us opened the page "Agreement (creation)":

Let's start filling. The first field is "Contract type". Since we are filling out the card of the organization that will buy something from us, we need to select the appropriate type - “With a buyer”. If you initially specify the wrong type, then it will be problematic to change. The next field "Contract number" speaks for itself - enter the contract number. On the right, select the date on which the contract was concluded. The "Name" field is generated automatically based on the entered data. If necessary, you can correct and prescribe, as it will be convenient and understandable for us. Next, expand and consider the following tabs. "Calculations". Here we choose in what currency the settlements with our buyer will be made. In the "VAT" field, you must select the procedure for registering invoices specifically for this agreement.

If our buyer (organization) provided information about the leaders, then you can fill in the fields in the "Signatures" section. This will be displayed when printing documents. If this information is not available, then we skip it. In the "Additional Information" section, the term of the contract is entered, if it is indicated. You can leave the field blank. And you can choose "Type of calculations". We have completed this agreement. Click "Save and Close". Now we can see that our counterparty "STYLE" has a contract "With a buyer". Pay attention to the "Use as primary" function. If we mark it, then given type contracts will be affixed to the documents by default:

In addition to the agreement, there is a very important tab "Bank accounts":

Here we see the account we have already created, which was indicated on the main tab. And, as in the contract, we can check the "Use as primary" option to use this account by default.

Let's say there is a counterparty that has two contracts: "With a supplier" and "With a buyer". One is used more often, it is this contract that we can mark as the main one to simplify the input of information.

In the "Contacts" tab on home page these persons are registered on the part of the counterparty, to whom we can contact if necessary. It can be a director, accountant or manager:

Here, on the "Addresses" tab, we can indicate his phone numbers and address Email for communication. After entering, click "Save and close":

We return to the page with a new counterparty. If we click on the "More" link, "Settlement accounts with the counterparty" will be available:

This is a similar reference book “Accounts for item accounting”, only for the counterparty. 60 and 62 accounts are commonly used here.

Entering the buyer is over.

Similarly, we will create a supplier - Edelweiss LLC. We return to the "Suppliers" folder and click "Create". The whole process of filling in the data is the same as that of the Buyer. Only the type of contract will be indicated "With supplier":

We also mark the “Use as the main” setting in the “Agreements” and “Bank accounts” tabs. Dealt with the supplier.

Now let's go back to the "Other" folder. Banks, tax services, etc. are starting up here. Let's start a bank here in a similar way to display the receipt of bank commissions:

For such counterparties, the contract type must be “Other”:

Thus, the counterparty is entered in information base, an agreement is assigned to it and this data will be automatically used in settlements with this counterparty.

One of the main operations when working with the 1C 8.3 program is filling out the Counterparties Directory, which is a list of all suppliers, buyers, etc. who have assumed certain obligations under the contract with which the organization works.

Let's look at what the "Counterparties" Directory is in 1C 8.3 and how to work with it.

The "Counterparties" directory is located in the "Directories" - "Purchases and sales" - "Counterparties" block.

Before us opens a magazine with elements of the directory. For the convenience of work, we can group counterparties into folders, according to any affiliation, be it a supplier, buyer, bank, etc.

If we need to create new group for contractors, we select "Create a group", and the "Accounts (create a group)" window opens in front of us, where you need to fill in the "Name" field, and, if desired, the "Comment" field. Then click "Save and Close". A new group will appear in the directory.

Also, for the convenience and speed of work with the "Contractors" directory, you can use different modes viewing elements.

Click on the "More" value and select "View Mode" in the list that opens, where you can specify one of three options for the view mode:

  • Hierarchical - elements will be displayed in the selected group;
  • 5 List - all elements of the directory will be displayed without regard to grouping;
  • 6 Tree - all groups of the directory and selected elements in subordination will be displayed.

How to create a new element of the "Contractors" directory in 1C 8.3

A new counterparty is entered into the directory through the "Create" value.

Before us opens an empty counterparty card, which must be filled out.

In this case, the user has 2 options for filling out the Counterparty card:

Automatic filling works only when 1C Counterparty is connected. Wherein:

*If the TIN is highlighted in red, the Counterparty is not in the FTS database.

When creating a counterparty and filling out the card manually, the user must fill in all the main fields ...

... specify the "Type of counterparty" and select one of the values ​​in the drop-down list:

  • Entity;
  • Individual;
  • Separate subdivision;
  • State body.

Depending on the selected type of counterparty, the tabular part of the document and the required fields will change.

The counterparty card contains the “1SPARK Risks Help” functionality, which helps to keep abreast of changes in your counterparties and clients: the service provides information on bankruptcy, liquidation, reorganization plans, change of legal address and head every day. The service helps to track changes, uses various sources of information, including the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified Federal Register of information about the facts of the activities of legal entities.

This option works only if 1SPARK Risky is connected.

We can create a bank account directly in the counterparty card. To do this, select "Bank accounts" - "Create".

In the card that opens, fill in such mandatory fields as bank, account number, currency. If payments are made through a correspondent account opened with another bank, you must specify the bank for settlements. If the current account is used for settlements with the counterparty of the state order, it is necessary to indicate the "Public Contract".

You can also configure the output of the necessary information in payment orders and requests. In this setting, you can write:

  • The name of the counterparty, which will be displayed in the "Recipient" field of the payment order or in the "Payer" field in the payment request;
  • Indicate where the counterparty's checkpoint will be indicated (only in payment orders to the budget or in all payment orders);
  • Write the text that will be automatically displayed in the payment details when creating a new payment order.

In the “Bank accounts” tab of the counterparty, you can create many current accounts, while you can specify one of several p / accounts “Use as the main one”. When generating a document, debiting from the current account in the payment order "Main current account" will be filled in by default.

In the counterparty card, you can immediately create the document "Agreements". To do this, select "Contracts" - "Create".

In the opened card, fill in the type of contract:

  • with a supplier;
  • with the buyer;
  • With a committent (principal) for sale;
  • With a committent (principal) for the purchase;
  • With a commission agent (agent) for the purchase;
  • With a factoring company;

Fill in the fields "Contract number" and "Date". In this case, the program fills in the name automatically, focusing on the information from these fields. We prescribe the organization with which this counterparty enters into an agreement.

The user can attach files in any format to the agreement.

Attached files can be viewed, edited (each version of the edited file is stored in 1C 8.3, where, if necessary, they can be viewed, when, at what time, and also which user edited the attached file), print the document.

It is important to remember that after the user has edited the attached file, the file must be released from editing through "More" - "Finish editing".

In the “Agreements” tab of the counterparty, you can create many elements of contracts, and you can specify one of several “Use as the main one”. When generating documents in the program, the contract will be filled in by default.

In the counterparty card, it is possible to save the history of changes in the "Full name" and "KPP" fields. If the “KPP” or “Full name” of the counterparty has changed, it is necessary to enter the date and the new value in the “History”. After making changes to the program, the data in all documents up to the specified date in the history will take the value of the initial attribute, and in documents, starting from the date of the new value, the new value of the attribute will be indicated.

In the “Counterparty” card, it is possible to view all documents that indicate the current counterparty, its settlement accounts, and agreements. To do this, select "Documents". The list that opens will display all documents of counterparties, which, if necessary, can be sorted by agreement or organization. The user has the opportunity to view the transactions for the document of interest by selecting the document of interest and clicking the "Show transactions and other document movements" (Dt / Kt) icon.

In conclusion, consider the functionality provided for the convenience of sending letters to counterparties.

In 1C 8.3 it is possible to set up and print an envelope filled with automatic address lines and index.

The user is prompted to select the option to fill in the address of the recipient counterparty:

  • Mail;
  • Legal;
  • Actual.

The address will be filled in automatically from the counterparty card.

You can also choose one of the three options for the envelope format and print the organization's logo (you can download the organization's logo in the organization's details in the "Logo and printing" section).

After the selected settings, a printable form of the document will be displayed, where the user can save it in any format, or immediately send it to print.