With the release of a large number of Chinese low-cost tablet computers on the market, users are increasingly experiencing unforeseen problems with them. Moreover, the problems are more related to the software part, so questions are increasingly being raised on the forums on the topic: if the tablet freezes, what to do, how to restart it, or even turn it off without consequences for further work, and more.

But first of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the failure in the robot of the device.

What caused the gadget to freeze

Tablet frozen

In principle, the tablet could freeze for only two reasons, although many users, following the logic, can only come to one - a software error.

However, everything is far from what it seems at first glance. The cause of the freeze can also be a malfunction in the hardware of the device.

Software bugs

Errors in the tablet software can occur due to the instability of the operating system, as well as due to the installed virus or malware, even if it is not.

Operating system crashes are a fairly common problem on Android, especially in versions 4.0 and below, where the slightest app conflicts could be disastrous, but Google is moving in the right direction.

Built-in features

It should be noted that the resulting failures as a result of software errors are quickly and effectively corrected, without any consequences. Even the most inexperienced user, or just starting to learn the rich world of electronics, will be able to restore the device.

Hardware problems

And if you are faced with a situation where the tablet gadget is frozen due to a hardware malfunction, the only way out is an immediate trip to the service center. Moreover, the most common causes of freezing due to hardware failures are:

  • Dropping the device and hitting it on some surface;
  • Failure during charging and problems in the mains;
  • Overheating of the device during use;
  • Failure of a part.

If you still encounter this situation, you need to take all possible methods to return the tablet computer to normal operation.


Stuck due to hardware failure

If the tablet freezes, what to do first is to try to restart it, and only then take actions to eliminate the cause of the breakdown.

To get started, hold down the Power key and hold it for 10-15 seconds, and as soon as the screen goes blank, try turning it on. If for some reason this does not happen, then if it is possible to get to the battery of the device, pull it out and put it back, and also try to turn it on after that.

Reset button

In the event that you could not turn off or restart your gadget, then you will have to reset the settings to the factory settings - this can only be done through the Reset button, a hole that is located on the device case. If it is not signed, as shown in the image below, you need to read the instruction manual for the device that comes with the package in more detail.

Reset setting

Similarly, hold the button all the way for 15-20 seconds, while using a needle or other thin object that can easily fit into a small hole. The screen went out, which means congratulations, now you need to charge it without fail now or before all the steps discussed above.

It is important to know that a flash card or SIM cards can also cause the device to freeze - remove them and try turning it on / off again.

Reset via Recovery

This method is only suitable if you still managed to restart the tablet, or at least turn it off. But during boot, a cyclic reboot occurs, or the operating system does not work correctly. First of all, you need to launch the system loader or Recovery, for this you need to hold down one of the possible key combinations on the device:

  • Home button, volume down and Power button;
  • Volume up, on / off key and "Home";
  • Decrease / increase the volume and Power.

Bootloader Mode

Why is there no universal keyboard shortcut? Because each manufacturer of touch devices likes to bring something different to the operating system, and the version of Android can be different on each gadget.

Main menu

After you have chosen your combination, the main Recovery menu should load, where, again, depending on the version of the operating system, and the tablet itself, there may be other items. But in this particular case, you must select the item - “wipe data”, use the volume buttons to move between them, and use the on / off key to select.

After selecting the item, a message will appear with the need to confirm your intentions, again controlling the same keys. As soon as you select "Yes", the familiar boot menu will immediately open, in which you need to select the first item - "Reboot the system now".

It is important to know that resetting the device to the factory state assumes that all parameters and data will be deleted and set to default, pay attention to this.

Now it remains only to wait until the built-in tools perform all the service functions, and only then start working on the tablet, before that, do not touch it at all, but it is better to recharge it again.

Safe Boot Mode

This method also only works if the tablet was able to get out of a hung state using one of the above methods. This option involves a clean boot of the touch gadget, without launching installed applications by the user.

Shutdown menu

To put the tablet into safe mode, you must hold down the on / off button before an additional menu appears on the screen, as shown in the image above. Now we hold down the first menu item, namely "Power off".

Entering Safe Mode

After 3-5 seconds, a notification message will appear in the window, in which you need to click on the "OK" button and wait until the touch tablet reboots.

Eliminate conflict

You will notice that the gadget loaded much faster than before, and this suggests that the cause of the freeze, most likely, was a conflicting application, and maybe even malware.

A corresponding inscription will appear in the lower left corner of the screen, after that you can go to the application settings and delete them, all or one at a time - it's up to you. To exit the mode, after the done manipulations, you just need to turn off the tablet and turn it on again.

Re-requesting the device

Also, one of the reasons for the freeze may be incorrectly installed updates or user re-requesting, when the operating system simply “became crooked”. In this case, the only way out is to reinstall the operating system. And it would be best if you use the factory version of the operating system, a file that can be downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer. But in this, no one limits you.

One of the methods

Unfortunately, there is no universal scheme for flashing all gadgets, and therefore you will have to search for a specific tablet yourself. To do this, you can use the search on our website, where you will find your gadget, and the installation instructions attached to it, in all details.

First steps after freezing the device

A tablet computer, or tablet, is a very popular new generation device that, in terms of performance and functions, can even compete with laptops. This gadget has a number of advantages, these are:

The tablet, like any computer, runs on an operating system, which, unfortunately, is not immune from failures. Alas, but it is inevitable. Sooner or later, any user finds himself in a situation where the tablet freezes and does not turn on. So let's find out all the reasons. Why is the tablet frozen? What should I do to get it back to working order? You will learn about this and much more now.

Tablet stuck. What to do

Let's imagine a situation: you were working on a tablet (playing, listening to music, using the Internet), when suddenly it freezes. Everything is clear with a computer / laptop, you just need to press a certain key combination to remove this unpleasant symptom. But what to do with your gadget? It doesn't have a keyboard! Most importantly, don't panic! First, try pressing and holding the on/off key. for 15-20 seconds until the tablet computer turns itself off. If this does not help, then carefully inspect the case of your device, there should be a small hole signed with the word Reset. Found? Excellent! Now take a needle, pin or straightened paper clip, stick it into this hole. After a few seconds, you will see that the screen has gone blank - this means that the tablet has turned off. So, we have solved one problem. But that's not all, now you need to find out the reason why the tablet hung. What to do for this, read on.

Possible reasons

In order to troubleshoot, you need to understand what caused the system to fail. Conditionally, the reasons can be divided into two types:

  • Software.
  • Hardware.

The first is usually the most common. A software failure can be caused by incorrect operation of one of the applications, the presence of viruses, corrupted system files of the operating system, etc. You can deal with such problems yourself. It is enough just to reset all the settings, as your tablet will begin to live a new life. But keep in mind, all installed applications, as well as all your accumulated information, can be permanently deleted! To avoid this, before resetting the settings, copy everything you need to a flash card and remove it from the device. So you protect yourself from data loss.

Hardware failure is less common, but it can no longer be eliminated without the help of specialists. The reason for this may be damage in the circuit board assemblies, as well as the connection of incompatible / damaged devices. A power failure can also affect the operation of your gadget in a bad way. Well, these were all the reasons why the tablet freezes.


So, if the reasons are still programmatic, then do the following:

  1. Turn on your tablet.
  2. Go to the "Settings" menu item, then "Privacy" (or "Reset and restore").
  3. Click Reset.

Important! Before doing a factory reset, connect the tablet to the network. Because rebooting requires a lot of energy and time, but you need to prevent the battery from completely discharging. Otherwise, your gadget will have to be reflashed!


Well, if your tablet freezes, you already know what to do to return it to normal operation. And in order to prevent this, be sure to install a good antivirus program on your gadget. Never download programs from unverified sources, and also protect your device from shock and water.

The tablet is an imperfect device. The fact that at the wrong moment it can freeze is very predictable. Most often this happens with devices from Chinese manufacturers, but sometimes models of such leaders in this field as Apple or Samsung also hang. So, the tablet is frozen - what to do? Before proceeding directly to the topic, you need to understand the very meaning of freezing, that is, the reason for this phenomenon.

The reasons themselves can be many, but they can be divided into two groups:

  • hardware;
  • software.

A software failure is the most common occurrence that can be fixed on your own. In case of hardware failures, it is impossible to fix the problem without the help of specialists.

Causes of hardware failures:

  • pairing, connecting incompatible or broken devices to the tablet;
  • damage in the nodes of the gadget's circuit board;
  • power supply failure (breakdown of the charger, failure of the transils in the tablet itself).

Causes of software failures:

  • a consequence of the activity of viruses or other malicious codes;
  • incorrect operation of one of the applications;
  • damage to system files of the operating system;

Problem Diagnosis

In order to answer the question - why the tablet freezes, it is necessary to establish the nature of the problem itself. To do this, you need to remember what events preceded the appearance of the problem:

  • application installation;
  • fall of the device;
  • other.

It is also necessary to clarify the moment when the problem occurs:

  • in progress;
  • when starting a certain application;
  • when using the internet.
  • It is possible that the tablet freezes and does not turn off, or vice versa. Then the reason is not so easy to identify. If the nature of the problem is understood, the rehabilitation process is much easier. In many cases, a banal reboot of the device helps, but if the problem repeats again, then you need to act by other methods. For example, download a program from the app store that analyzes the cause of freezes.

    Method one, with hung programs

    If you understand that all the problems are due to a specific program, then it should be disabled, followed by removal. In tablets on the Android operating system, this is done through the menu "Settings" ("Options") / "Applications" / "Running applications" ("Running applications"). Select the desired application and click on the "Stop" button. In the same menu, the application can be deleted. If you don't know which particular application is ruining your life, then you need to experiment a bit, turning off applications one by one until the result is achieved.

    On iOS systems, in order to turn off the application, you need to press the "HOME" button on the front panel twice, then, holding your finger on the desired application, press the minus button.

    Method two, with a non-reactive tablet

    It also happens that the device can freeze completely. What to do if the tablet freezes and does not respond? In this case, a reboot is indispensable. The easiest way is to turn off the device, remove SIM cards, flash drives from it, and then turn it back on idle. This is the second method, often just "disinhibiting" the tablet. Then all the cards can be inserted back.

    But how to turn off the tablet if it freezes and the shutdown button does not respond? To do this, you need to find a small hole, next to which it is written in most cases - "RESET". There is a reset button that you need to press using a toothpick or something like that.

    Method three, "HARD RESET"

    There are more serious problems with the device. For example, what to do if the tablet freezes so that it does not even turn on or turns on, but the display does not respond? In this case, a not very good, but valid option is used - "hard" reboot. In this case, all information on the tablet will be erased. Therefore, this method should only be used as a last resort. To save at least part of the information, you need to remove the memory drive from the device, which can also be accidentally damaged. For this method, each device has a special combination or sequence of keys that reboots the device or brings up a specific menu.


    With the device turned on, simultaneously hold down the "HOME" and "POWER" buttons. You need to wait from 5 to 10 seconds until the image of an apple appears.


    In ANDROID devices, a combination of holding the "POWER" button and the volume up button is used. Sometimes you also need to use the "HOME" button. In this case, the device will display a menu where you need to select "Settings" with the button or volume rocker, then "Format System". There is an item "Reset Android", after clicking on which the device will be rebooted, because of which you need to wait a bit and not panic.

    As a result of this procedure, the tablet returns to the factory devices and becomes pristine. You will need to re-enter your accounts, install applications and more.

    What to do if the tablet freezes: Video


    In order to avoid thoughts of what to do if the tablet is turned off and does not turn off, you need to follow a number of rules:

    • avoid using modified firmware;
    • never install programs from unknown sources;
    • Protect the device from shock and water.


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    A tablet is a very popular device that almost everyone has. It is convenient to surf the Internet, read books, watch movies, play games and much, much more. Periodically, of course, there are breakdowns and some minor troubles (program failure, system failure, etc.). Even if a quality device was purchased from a reputable manufacturer, sooner or later there will be problems. The most common is the freezing of the device. As soon as the display does not respond to touch, does not “want” to exit the program, users immediately begin to wonder: what to do if the tablet freezes at the most inopportune moment? All gadget users need to know what to do, because in the most difficult case, this slight freeze can lead to more serious problems. It is worth saying that, regardless of the chosen operating system, representatives of Android, Windows and even iOS can hang at the most inopportune moment.

    Why is the tablet frozen?

    At the moment, answering the question of why the tablet is frozen becomes very difficult due to the wide variety of different applications and games that can affect the OS of devices in different ways. Let's analyze the main points of operating systems:

    • Why is the tablet frozen and not responding to commands? Owners of Apple tablet devices most often encounter the following factors. In the case of using too powerful an application or right in the game, the RAM may simply run out. A variety of software failures, mechanical damage, failure of the coprocessor in the processor itself are also the causes of freezing iOS devices.
    • Devices with the Android operating system may freeze due to lack of hardware power. Also very common are such reasons as: factory defects (especially on budget models), mechanical damage, malfunctions in programs and games.
    • For Windows users, tablets freeze and do not turn off for reasons such as: lack of power, operating system failure, update errors, and the like.

    The main causes of freezing tablets

    The reasons why the tablet does not respond to commands are very important. For example, if the device was doused with water and simply “became”, not reacting to any touch, then it should be immediately turned off and, if possible, the battery removed. If the battery cannot be removed, then many advise one simple way - to put the gadget in rice (pull out water). Naturally, after that it is recommended to immediately contact qualified service centers until the filling of the gadget has oxidized. The reason when the tablet freezes can be a video accelerator and a processor chip. This most often happens on budget gadgets. The fact is that when a powerful game or application is turned on, the hardware simply does not have time to perform the necessary calculations and the device “decides” to freeze indefinitely. The reasons can be attributed to the factory marriage. If the RAM or internal memory is full, then there may also be freezes.

    Common reasons why tablets freeze:

    • Lack of power;
    • Software failure;
    • Mechanical damage;
    • Problems with the operating system.

    What to do if the tablet freezes?

    Let's figure out what to do if the tablet freezes and what actions should be taken so as not to harm your device. The main thing is not to rush, to perform all the actions according to the instructions and descriptions below, in case it was not possible to fix the problem, it is better to contact the right specialists.

    Force Quit Applications

    Regardless of the selected OS installed on the gadget, if the tablet freezes and does not turn off, then the first step is to force the application to shut down if it does not turn off in standard mode. How to do this for a specific operating system, you can find out a little below.

    On Android devices press the center button (Home). The hung application should minimize and the main desktop screen will appear. After that, you need to go to the settings menu, select "Applications" - "All". A list of all applications will be presented here, where you need to find the desired program / game and click on "Force Stop".

    If the iPad freezes, what to do? The first thing to do is do nothing. It's not a joke. Users simply have to put the device down for it to do everything on its own and return to normal operation. If this procedure did not help, then you should press the Home button (twice), after which all applications that are currently running will appear. By making a swipe, you can close the program. By the way, the last operation will help to avoid unnecessary waste of electricity and extend the battery life of the tablet. If this did not give the desired effect, then you need to hold down the on / off button of the device (a menu will be displayed where you will be prompted to turn off the device), release it, hold down the "Home" button and forcibly close this or that application. It happens that the Home button for some reason does not work. Then you should enable the Assistive Touch function in the settings (a virtual key will appear with which you can control the gadget).

    On Windows tablets You can perform a forced shutdown of applications as follows. The first step is to swipe down from the top of the screen. In this way, you can close one application or all at once. The second way is to launch the Task Manager. If there is a keyboard, then this can be done by pressing "Ctrl + Alt + Del" - "Task Manager". If there is no keyboard, then you can enter "Task Manager" in the search bar and click on the corresponding icon in the search results column. Here, select the application whose work you want to stop, click on "End task" or end the corresponding process in the menu. These steps should resolve the stuck apps issue.

    If the steps that were performed above still did not bring the desired effect, you must restart the tablet.

    To reboot your device android, you need to hold down the on / off button and select the desired item in the menu. If the menu does not appear, then you should hold the power button a little longer - when you reboot, the gadget will begin to vibrate and turn off.

    How to turn off the tablet from the company Apple? You should hold down the Home button and the power key. The screen should flash and the device should start rebooting. It is worth noting that if the battery is low, then the iPad may not turn back on, since this procedure is quite energy-intensive.
    Reboot tablet to Windows You can do this by pressing the volume down and power buttons at the same time. Other combinations are possible on some models. You can do it easier by simply selecting "Reboot" from the power off menu.

    If it was not possible to reboot the device in the usual way, then it is recommended to use HARD RESET. The next steps depend on the operating system.

    To reset the tablet settings on Android, you need to go into Recovery mode. To do this, you need to hold down a certain key combination for a few seconds:

    • Volume down and "On" button;
    • Volume up and "On" button;
    • Volume rocker and "On" button;
    • Volume rocker, "On" and Home button.

    In the menu that opens, select the item "factory reset" - "reboot system".

    You can perform a HARD RESET on an iOS tablet using iTunes. After connecting the device to the computer, and running the program, you should click on "Restore". You can also hold down the two buttons "Lock" and Home.

    On gadgets with Windows OS, this procedure is carried out as follows:

    • Click on the device reboot button;
    • When turned on, press the volume down button - an exclamation mark will appear;
    • Press the following buttons during the power-on phase: volume up, volume down, power, volume down;
    • The HARD RESET process is running, it may take a long time.

    Most tablets, regardless of the supported operating system, have a factory reset feature available. It can be found in the tablet settings. There is no specific instruction, but the most important thing is to find the reset section among the settings. The function name may differ depending on the specific device model. It is noteworthy that using this reset method, there is a possibility of returning to the previous parameters. In the case of HARD RESET, this possibility will no longer be for sure.

    It is also possible that the reset function is not provided in the settings. Then it is recommended to use one of the methods described above, depending on the operating system.

    What to do so that the tablet does not freeze

    Prevention of the fact that the tablet does not freeze is determined primarily by the reason for which there are problems with the gadget. If it's all about weak hardware stuffing, then you should not load the device with resource-intensive applications. If the device is poorly assembled or there are any shortcomings in it from the moment of purchase, it is most rational to replace the gadget using the warranty, or simply purchase another device and do nothing yourself. The same applies to an inoperable microcircuit, cooling system, etc.

    What to do if it's an overloaded RAM? In this case, you can recommend installing special applications. Their use provides an opportunity to free up the tablet's RAM from unnecessary programs running in the background. Thus, the speed of the tablet will noticeably increase. Rarely or generally unused programs are best removed immediately, without clogging up the device's memory. Safe Internet surfing is essential, but the rest of the time there is no need for an antivirus program.


    We hope that now you will know what to do in a situation when the tablet freezes and will be able to eliminate on your own an unpleasant phenomenon that significantly spoils the impression of working with the device. Hanging can greatly interfere with the full operation of the device, and simply incredibly annoying. However, thanks to the above tips and instructions, even an inexperienced user will be able to independently determine the cause of the freeze and solve this problem once and for all.

    A tablet, like any computer, can sometimes behave unpredictably. For example, it may freeze while performing a completely undemanding task, or simply run twice as slow as usual.

    With Android tablets, this happens quite often, and this does not indicate any serious problems with the device, but is most likely the result of a program or process failure. In such cases, looking for the cause of the problem is absolutely meaningless (unless, of course, such failures are systematic), and the most reasonable solution in this case is a banal reboot. There are only a few ways to restart the tablet:

    Method number 1

    If the tablet freezes and does not respond to touching the screen and pressing buttons, try holding down the power button and hold it until the device turns off. This usually takes ten to twenty seconds. After the tablet turns off, wait a few seconds and hold down the power button again - the tablet should turn on.

    Method number 2

    If the tablet does not freeze, but is slow or unstable, it is also advisable to restart it. To do this, hold down the power button, and hold until a special window appears, in which select the "Reboot" item.

    One more piece of advice. In some tablets, you can find a built-in utility for clearing RAM. Since the reason for the “brakes” of the tablet often lies precisely in the lack of RAM, before rebooting the device, try clearing the memory. If this does not help, then feel free to proceed with the reboot.
    If none of the above methods helped, then you need to do a Hard Reset (Full reset). Read more about what it is and how to do it.

    No one is immune from failures in the operation of a device. They also happen with tablets, which are firmly established in the everyday life of many users. One of the common problems is their freezing when the device stops responding to user commands - what to do in this case? This article is dedicated to this.

    The reasons

    There can be many reasons for this problem.

    Conventionally, they can be divided into two main groups:

    • mechanical;
    • software.

    Let's consider each of these groups separately.

    • pressing the power key and holding it until the gadget turns off completely;
    • turning on the tablet with the same button.

    If the tablet slowed down, then it is worth resetting the factory settings, not forgetting that all information will be deleted and therefore it is advisable to make a backup in advance.

    Option number 2

    Usually, on inexpensive or outdated devices, a small reset button is used to reboot, which most manufacturers equip their gadgets with and are intended for use in the most extreme cases. This is the most extreme reboot method, which is used if the tablet is frozen. So it is advisable to first save all the data on the memory card before resetting the settings.

    It is necessary to hold down the button for 5-10 seconds, as a result of which you will get a completely clean gadget, as if it had just come off the assembly line. The device will start and be completely ready for work.

    Option number 3

    Also, most often in tablets, freezes and the need to restart the device occur due to software failures, and therefore it is worth knowing the simplest ways to revive the system.

    Not all manufacturers have equipped their devices with an emergency reset button. But for almost every device running on the Android operating system, there are ways to update when the smartphone freezes:

    1. Simultaneous pressing of the volume (to increase) and power buttons.
    2. Simultaneously press the Home key volume to + or -.
    3. Using special programs, if the simplest methods did not help. In this case, it is worth considering that all drivers must be installed in the device and administrator rights must be present.

    Useful advice! There is nothing to worry about when the device freezes. The most important thing is that in the future this situation does not repeat itself, you should monitor the state of the device’s RAM and turn off applications that are not used by the tablet in a timely manner.

    From time to time, all mobile device owners face the problem of freezing. If on a stationary computer or laptop this problem is solved by calling the task manager, then the tablet does not have such an opportunity.

    Causes of tablet freezing

    The problem that caused the hang could come from:

    • from a hardware failure;
    • from a software failure;
    • due to lack of RAM.

    The problem may also be related to the slowdown of the Internet.

    Hanging the tablet in case of mechanical damage is best "treated" in a service center. Doing it yourself is not recommended. Since the device will spend considerable time in the workshop, you can try to exclude the presence of a software failure by fixing it yourself. In case of failure and repeated freezing, it can be argued that the problem most likely lies in the mechanical damage to the components.

    There are several tips on how to restart a frozen tablet in different situations:

    1. The tablet responds to touch, but is slower than usual. Press the power button and hold for a couple of seconds. A reboot window will appear. Confirm it is necessary. After 20-30 seconds, the tablet will reboot.
    2. Some models have a reset button. Most often, it is recessed and located next to the power off button. In case of a complete freeze, you can use it. To reboot, press it with a stylus or a toothpick.
    3. If there is no such button, or it does not work, hold down the power button for five seconds - the tablet will turn off. Keep it turned off for at least a minute and then turn it back on.
    4. The device does not turn off any of the buttons. Carefully disconnect all accessories, open the case and remove the battery, memory card and SIM card. After five minutes, install them back and turn on the tablet.

    How to avoid freezing the tablet?

    Hanging the tablet can fail at the most inopportune moment. But you can avoid this if you follow the following recommendations:

    • To prevent your tablet from freezing, do not download multiple applications at the same time by starting a new process before the previous task is finished.
    • Adjust updates so that they do not interfere with work. For example, by setting a schedule at night.
    • Delete unnecessary applications.
    • Remove infrequently used programs from startup.
    • If you want to watch movies, play games, listen to music with your tablet while multitasking, choose devices that meet these system requirements.

    Reset your tablet

    Modern tablets are in no way inferior in performance to desktop computers. But crashes still happen. Sometimes we ourselves are not able to estimate the number of installed applications and their need. The failure may be caused by a conflict between programs. Hanging is often caused by lack of memory due to a large number of applications running at the same time. There are several ways to get the device working on your own, other than rebooting.

    If a simple reboot did not help and the tablet continues to freeze periodically, working more slowly, then you can restore the operating system. How to reboot the tablet on "Android"? The procedure will roll back to the factory settings of the tablet with the preservation of all data: contacts, photos, music and videos. This will clear it of unnecessary applications.

    A quick way is to go to the settings menu, find "Reset and restore" or "Privacy" in systems before 3.2. After making sure that your actions are correct, click "Reset". This must be done by connecting the charger to the tablet. After the reset, recovery will automatically start, if it is interrupted due to a lack of battery power, it will not start again. Since it will not be possible to restart the tablet, it will be possible to restore it only in the service.

    For Apple devices, there is a special service for restoring settings. According to the manufacturer, software failures are not typical for an iOS device, and the appearance of a flashing apple on the screen indicates mechanical damage.

    Hard reboot

    For a problem, you can use the Hard Reset function, which many tablets have. will erase all information from your tablet. For some devices, this procedure may differ, therefore, before restarting the tablet completely, it is advisable to copy all data to removable media or a computer hard drive. In order to avoid loss of information, it is necessary to clarify all points of the instructions for the tablet. Also remove the memory card before resetting the settings.

    To save data, you can use cloud services. In most devices, the procedure starts at the same time as the power button and volume control are pressed. After a few seconds, a sign asking for the Hard Reset procedure should appear. Confirm its start, then go to "Settings", open "Formatting the system" (Settings - Format System). Click "Reset Android" or "Reset Android".

    Navigation in the menu is carried out with the volume control button. Up - louder, down - quieter. The task is confirmed by pressing the power button. Read the menu carefully before restarting the tablet to avoid mistakes. After the reset, we install applications in stages to determine which one is causing the software failure.

    For most devices, the procedure is similar. Before restarting your Samsung tablet, read the instructions. For different models of this manufacturer, the way to reset the settings is significantly different. If you follow all the points of the instructions, you may not need to contact the service.

    A tablet is the same computer as a laptop, only its dimensions are smaller and it has a different system on board. In it, as well as in a laptop, there is a processor, which is responsible for the entire performance of the tablet.

    If on CPU a command arrives, he begins to think more actively for its implementation and consumes more battery power. In the case when a lot of applications are open on the tablet, the processor needs to consume a lot of energy for smooth operation, and if it is not enough, the tablet freezes. This problem happens quite often when working with modern tablets, especially if Chinese-made tablets have a weak battery.

    Therefore, before looking for ways to restart a tablet that is frozen when working with the Internet or during the game, first connect it to the mains and wait until it is charged up to 30-40 percent. Then try to turn on the tablet if it, as before, does not respond to commands, then it will not be possible to solve the problem without rebooting. In some cases, this method helps to solve the problem - leave the frozen tablet alone until its battery is completely discharged and it does not will turn off. Then connect the tablet to the mains, wait until it recharge, and turn it on.

    Many users, faced with the problem of a frozen tablet, immediately begin to look for ways to pull out the tablet battery to restart it, just like a mobile phone. However, we do not recommend removing the battery and inserting it back, as they do to restart the phone. To remove the tablet battery, you must remove the back panel and disassemble the parts holding the battery, which can cause the entire device to malfunction. Reboot tablet with keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+DEL, as is done when the laptop freezes, is also impossible.

    There are three ways to restart a tablet that is frozen and unresponsive to touch screen touches: . On most modern tablets, they can be implemented by simply pressing the on / off button. and hold your finger on it for a few seconds.

    2. Using the reset button. As a rule, low-cost Chinese-made tablets and old-style mobile devices have a special reset button hidden inside the case to prevent accidental pressing. For Chinese tablets, as a rule, this button is hidden under the cover for installing a memory card, while its presence is not mentioned in the instructions. In some devices, the reset button is located next to the power button and is signed with the word " reset".

    In order to reload frozen tablet using the reset button, you need to press it with an unfolded paper clip or rod. When pressed, a characteristic click will be heard, and then the device should turn off. Then it remains only to turn on the tablet using the power button, keeping it pressed until vibration appears.

    After the tablet turns on, wait until it fully boots up, copy important information to a flash card and remove it. Then go to "Settings" and select " Recovery and reset". Sometimes it is called "Privacy". After clicking on it, the tablet will start to reboot, and all its settings will return to the factory settings. In this case, it is better to reboot the tablet by connecting it to the network. It is impossible to allow the battery to completely discharge before a full system recovery is completed, Otherwise, you will have to do a flashing!

    In modern models of tablets from well-known manufacturers, there is no reset button. They have it replaced with a key combination, by typing which you can restart the computer.

    You can reboot in hard mode by selecting the "Reset settings" item in the settings or using the recovery mode. To enter this mode on Android tablets, you need to dial a combination of the volume up or down button, depending on the model, and the power button. On iPad tablets from Apple, you need to press the "Home" and "Power" buttons at the same time. For different tablet models, other additional keys can be added. For example, for tablets, in addition to pressing the "volume up" + "power" keys, you must also press the " Home".

    Release the buttons only after the logo appears on the screen. Then in the menu that appears, use the volume button to select " Settings"and in it "Format System". Next, you need to click on the "Reset" item and the tablet should start rebooting. If you have a tablet Texet, then in order to restart it, in the menu that appears, first select the item " Wipe data" and then " factory reset", and then click also on the item" Reboot".

    After rebooting the device, all your personal data, programs and settings will disappear. Therefore, the hard way to reboot the tablet is resort only in the case when it is impossible to "revive" it in the previous two ways. Before proceeding with it, you must definitely remove the SIM and flash card from the tablet in order to save at least the information on them. However, Hard Reset should not be confused with flashing the device. If your tablet has "custom" firmware installed or "made by Root", then after Hard Reset they will be saved.

    Of course, these three methods will help restart the tablet only if it freezes due to the occurrence software problems. If you failed to turn on the tablet in any of these ways, then this indicates that the tablet needs repair and it is advisable to do it at a service center.