The PC version of the remastered shooter Gears of War: Ultimate Edition for Windows 10 received an update today that will remove the lock maximum frequency frames.

Thanks to recent update Windows 10, games for the Universal Windows Platform using DirectX 12 gained the ability to disable vertical sync (V-Sync) and received support for Nvidia G-SYNC and AMD FreeSync technologies. Also, it will allow UWP game developers to remove "tearing" due to screen desync, reduce latency and increase frame rate, which will positively affect the visual smoothness of the game.

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition was the first game to receive this update, and Forza Motorsport 6: Apex and other UWP games will receive the update soon.

"The planet lies in ruins. A prisoner named Marcus Fenix, once doomed to die, is now humanity's only hope against the Locust. Gears of War: Ultimate Edition for Windows 10 is full of new content, including five campaign chapters in which the squad " Delta "will cut its way to the Timgad station"

Localization of Black Desert in the CIS is handled by GameNet. You can download Black Desert only after installing the launcher. With its help, the game client is launched. It is also possible to launch Black Desert from the game directory using the appropriate shortcut, however, in this case, user authorization is not performed, since the program cannot determine which server to connect to.
It is worth noting that when authorizing using the launcher, the user will play on the Russian server - F2P or Premium, depending on the acquisition of access rights. In order to play on the servers of other regions, you will need to use a VPN and other “dancing with a tambourine”. Pirate servers Black Desert, which have appeared recently, basically require you to install your own launcher.

Launcher issues

The Black Desert update is usually performed on Wednesdays from 8 to 12 Moscow time. The game is not available at this time. In the case of a regular patch that fixes minor bugs, the size of the update "weighs" from 200 to 500 MB. When installing a major update that adds, for example, new or territories, the update can take several gigabytes. As a rule, most users have no problems downloading updates.
The exception is subscribers of some providers that provide Internet access using ADSL technology.

Sometimes when downloading an update, the launcher “loses” the network, and only rebooting the modem or router helps. A similar problem can be observed when using new versions of the uTorrent program. In this case, you can download the update using this program or any other torrent client. It is recommended to use older versions of uTorrent - no newer than 2.0. The required torrent file is located in the game directory (BlackDesert\live) and is called 30000000000.torrent. For the game to work correctly, you must specify the same directory for downloading.

It may happen that after the update, and sometimes for completely incomprehensible reasons, the game client does not start, giving an error. To fix the problem, you need to check the game files using the launcher. To do this, in the Black Desert section, click on the "settings" button, and in the window that appears, select "Restore". The launcher will check all the files of the game client and restore the missing ones if they are damaged. As a rule, after that the game starts correctly.

Blue screen

Known issue - crash operating system in BSOD. Seen in all Windows versions that support the launch of the game - 7, 8 or 10. The problem is due to a security conflict with modified OS files. Simply put, most pirated builds of Windows that do not require hacking after installation crash into blue screen when launching Black Desert. To fix the problem, it is recommended to install a “clean” version of the OS, which can be downloaded from the Microsoft website, as well as from well-known torrent trackers. This version of the OS usually has a 30-day trial period. If you do not want to pay for a license, authentication can be hacked - for example, using a special activator. It should also be borne in mind that to run the game on the "seven" you need to have service pack 1.

Travel without lags

Although the world of Black Desert is vast and seamless, random access memory contains only an insignificant part of it - the location in which the character resides. When transitioning between such “pieces” of the map, lags can be observed - the hero freezes and does not move while the contents of the game world are being loaded. There is no problem when traveling on foot or mobs, but it is often present when driving fast with acceleration activated.

The download time depends on the PC settings: large files that are stored on the hard drive are processed by the video card. To avoid lags of this kind, it is recommended to use SSD drive and a powerful graphics card. Please note that when using graphics accelerators that meet the minimum system requirements(GTX 650 / GTX 550 Ti / Radeon HD 7770 / Radeon HD 6770), there will be lags. You should also be prepared for the fact that even at the minimum graphics settings when using such video cards, the FPS will rarely be more than 30. It helps to run the game in optimization mode, but the picture leaves much to be desired.
As for lags caused by large crowds of players - for example, during sieges, the appearance of raid bosses or in large cities, even using the powerful computer. The problems in this case are on the server side, so it remains only to wait for the appropriate fix.

Game client settings

The game has a lot of settings, which are often difficult for beginners to deal with. Correct settings help clear everything extra elements, which are present by default, making the game more comfortable. You can find the settings icon by calling the main game menu by pressing the Esc button. The following points deserve special mention:


Allows you to disable the display of "unnecessary" windows - for example, the keystroke indicator, which is activated by default. As you can see in the picture below, only those elements are displayed, the button with the image of the eye on which is pressed.


The All Effects slider controls camera shake. If you don't like this effect, you can set the parameter to 0.


Staring at other people's pets is sometimes interesting, but their rendering consumes computer resources. By checking the appropriate box, you can disable both the display of other people's pets and your own. Similarly, you can hide your own and other people's workers.

Video Contrast

Changing this setting helps at night when you can't see anything without using a flashlight, especially at high graphics settings. It is enough to set this parameter to -20 to perfectly distinguish the elements of the game world.


You may not be interested in knowing which player successfully buffed equipment and which one, or which guild declared war on the other. Such messages pop up regularly, which eventually becomes annoying. You can turn off uninteresting moments by unchecking the appropriate checkboxes in the settings.
Interfaces-UI. Allows you to override the default control key actions.

Of course, there are many more settings in the game. However, the elements mentioned above will help to remove all unnecessary, annoying beginners at the very start and spoiling the impression from the beginning of the adventure.

Very often, in many games there are jerks during gameplay. This is due to the fact that when you play, especially in moments of intense battles, your frames per second (FPS) drops. The reason for this is that the video card can not cope with the processing and display of the information received. There are two ways to fix this, that is, increase the number of FPS: set the video card to higher performance and lower some game settings.

Increasing the FPS of NVIDIA video cards

Increasing the FPS of Radeon video cards

  1. We update the drivers for your video card to the latest, stable version.
  2. We set the value of the paging file necessary for a comfortable game.
  3. We increase the performance of the video card. To do this, go to AMD Catalyst Control Center on the "Games" tab and select the "3D Application Settings" item. Click on the add button and find Black Desert.
  4. Set the filtering quality to performance, turn off triple buffering. After all the settings, click the save button.

Video about setting up a Radeon graphics card:

Increasing FPS by lowering graphics settings in Black Desert

  • Disable smoothing. This parameter is needed so that the picture is not so sharp, without aliasing and texture highlighting. The parameter itself is not very noticeable, but the increase in frames per second from it can be felt.

  • SSAO- a parameter that is responsible for the additional volume. It adds some shadows which makes our textures look more voluminous. Very blue affects the FPS, so it should be turned off if you do not have enough frames per second. In addition, for the overall quality of the graphics, disabling SSAO will not be noticeable.

  • tessellation- drawing distant objects. There is practically no difference between the enabled parameter and the disabled one, but you can add a couple of FPS.

  • Shutdown filter won't give you a huge FPS boost, but if you don't want distant objects to blur, you can turn it off.

  • Maximum settings- the most FPS dependent setting, which must be turned off if you lack additional frames per second. It loads the system quite significantly, and at the same time does not greatly affect the picture.

  • Textures and graphic arts- one of the most coordinating settings that can raise your FPS. Moreover, the graph parameter also affects the textures, and when it is lowered, some other graphic functions are automatically turned off and become unavailable.

  • Change screen resolution is also a powerful tool for raising frames per second, only when it is reduced, the picture becomes less pleasing to the eye and can be stretched in width or height.
These are not all graphics settings that can be manipulated to increase FPS, but they are the most basic and provide the greatest effect.

Video guide for setting up graphics in Black Desert: