Today in the video surveillance industry there is a trend of a gradual transition from analog cameras to modern digital IP video capture devices. This fact is quite natural, since analog devices do not keep pace with the development of modern technologies, when they offer the user much better image quality and ease of use of the video surveillance system as a whole for virtually the same amount. Plus, with the help of the latter, it is quite easy to organize remote control of an object, which in our time is also becoming an important point when creating a video surveillance system.

In connection with the widespread transition to IP cameras, more and more people began to be interested in the question of their correct connection and configuration. Of course, for a novice user, this may seem like a difficult and insoluble task, but for those who have been familiar with a computer for a long time, connecting and configuring IP cameras will not cause any particular difficulties. In this article, we tried to describe in as much detail as possible the process of connecting a digital IP camera to a computer, as well as setting the correct settings for the correct operation of the device.

Connecting an IP camera to a computer

Any IP camera connects to the computer's network card directly via . If there are several cameras, then to access the image viewing from each of them, you need to connect IP cameras through a router.

All IP cameras have their own address by default, and before we start configuring the IP camera, we need to know it. To do this, you can use specialized software, which usually comes with devices, or download the necessary utility on the manufacturer's website. In addition, the IP address of the camera is usually written in the user manual or on the attached label of the device.

If you try to enter the camera interface through a browser on the first connection, you will surely fail. This happens because the computer and the camera are configured to work on different subnets. After we know the IP address of the camera, you need to bring it in line with the one used in your local network.

Today, the creation of remote video surveillance is especially important. Surveillance via the Internet is quite easy to implement using a router with a dedicated IP address. Online video surveillance can be implemented in 4 ways, which you can read about.

Creating remote video surveillance is becoming more and more accessible with the help of special ones. Moreover, when implementing cloud video surveillance, you do not need a dedicated IP address, and equipment settings are reduced to a minimum.

For video surveillance at remote sites, you may need GSM cameras. They will be convenient to use in a country house, garage, or country house, as they can promptly warn you about the occurrence of various extraordinary events at the facility by sending a message to your mobile phone. You can read about GSM cameras for video surveillance at the link.

To find out the IP of the local network, you need to go to the "Sharing and Network Control Center", then in the "Connections" line, select the item "Ethernet" or "Via LAN". In the window that opens, click on the "Details" button, then a new tab opens for us, on which we find out the IP address of the local network - we look at the line "IPv4 default gateway", in our case the computer is on the network 192.168.99.*. Let's say the IP address of your camera was like this:, now our task is to replace it with - you can have any other numbers, but the principle remains the same.

Find out the IP address of the local network

You can change the IP address of the camera using the same program through which you recognized it. At Hikvision, for example, it is called SADP, other cameras come with their own programs. After the IP address of the camera is adjusted to the address of the local network, the image from it will become available at the new IP address, in our case it is

Changing the IP address of the camera through its web interface

There is another way to get into the web interface of the camera, which involves changing the IP address of the local network. For example, the IP address of our camera is, and the computer's local network is, and we need the computer and the camera to work on the same subnet (.99. or.0.). To do this, let's bring the subnet of the local network in accordance with the address of the camera, for example, change it to To do this, go to the "Sharing and Network Control Center", then in the "Connections" line, select the item "Ethernet" or "Via LAN". A window should appear, as in the screenshot below. In this window, click on the "Properties" button, then select "IP protocol version 4 IPv4", call its properties, and manually enter the IP address, and specify the address of our IP camera as the gateway. Don't forget to save your settings.

Specifying an IP address to access the camera. The picture is available for enlargement

Now, through any browser, we go to the web interface of the device - we drive in the camera address in the search bar. If you did everything correctly, a window should open for entering the username and password, which we take from the instructions for the camera. They usually default to admin/admin, admin/12345, admin/00000000, and other easy combinations. After entering the data, you will be able to view the image from the camera, as well as camera settings.

In the web interface of the camera, you need to match the IP address of the camera to the address of the local network. Usually these settings are on the tab called "Network". For example, your router is located at the local network address, which means that for the camera we need to set an IP like this: We put a tick in the IP settings on "Fixed IP address" - we will need it to configure it, and write down the data:

  • IP address:;
  • Subnet mask: standard;
  • Gateway (IP address where our router is located):;
  • DNS IP Address:

If you do not want to view your cameras via the Internet, then simply check the box next to Dynamic IP (DCHP).

Now you need to assign a port to your camera. By default, port "80" is open, so if your camera does not have such settings, you must use it. If this line is available, we prescribe the values ​​​​manually for each camera. For the first, for example, we will set port 8081.

Scheme of connecting IP cameras to a computer through a router and creating access via the Internet

We save the settings, disconnect the network cable of the camera from the computer and insert it into a free port on the router. After that, we reset all manual IP address settings that we made earlier on the local network to connect to the web interface of the camera to automatic - just set the dots to receive the IP address and DNS addresses automatically, and connect the router to the computer network card. If necessary, we enter the web interface of the camera through the router at the IP address assigned to it (, and set up a wireless connection via Wi-Fi. We do the same settings for each camera, and do not forget to assign different IP addresses and ports to all other devices, if this is allowed (on some cameras there is no manual setting of ports, for them it will be standard - "80"). For example, assign IP to the second camera, and port 8082, third camera, fourth camera and so on.

For video surveillance using IP cameras through a computer, you may need special programs. They can be bundled with the equipment or downloaded separately from the Internet. You can read about them at.

Instead of IP cameras, in some cases it is more expedient to use. For example, when the video surveillance system consists of only one camera.

You can organize video surveillance in your country house using a regular 3G router and several IP cameras. At the same time, it is very important that there are no interruptions in the cellular network signal in your area. Read the article on how to implement country video surveillance in this way.

Setting up a router to view IP cameras via the Internet

After configuring the cameras, it's the turn of the router:

  1. We connect all configured cameras to the router via network LAN ports, or via Wi-Fi;
  2. We connect the router to the computer via Wi-Fi or a network cable;
  3. We go into its web interface, and proceed to port forwarding, so that the router, when accessing a certain address from the outside, knows which camera to issue from the internal network.

These settings can be found in sections called "Port Forwarding", "Routing", "WAN", in the "Virtual Server" or "Virtual Server" tab. First you need to check the box to activate the virtual server. Depending on the model of the router, you can stumble upon similar settings:

  • Service name - we prescribe manually, for example, "First camera";
  • Port range - the port that we assigned in the settings of the first camera (8081);
  • Local IP address (camera IP address) - for example, we have it;
  • The local port is 8081, or 80 if the camera has no port settings;
  • Protocol: TCP – IP camera works with this protocol;
  • Protocol number: leave the field empty, or write any number, for example, 1.

Connecting and configuring an IP camera through a router

We prescribe the settings for each camera according to the above described principle. Do not forget that each camera must have its own different IP address and port, if, of course, there is such an opportunity.

In order to be able to connect to the cameras from any device with Internet access, you will need a static IP address. You can order it from the provider for a fee, or use the DynDNS service. Using this service, you can assign any domain name to your dynamic IP address, such as http://your_unique_domain.ddns.en. But first you need to activate this function in the router settings. In some routers, these settings are located in the "WAN" section on the "DDNS" tab. There you can specify the server (DynDNS, ASUS, NO-IP, etc.), your 3rd level domain name, and other necessary settings. Next, we register a domain name on the service (by the way, ASUS routers have their own free service for these needs), and register it in the router settings.

Checking the functionality after configuring IP cameras

After configuring the IP cameras and the router, we will check their performance. To do this, you need to open a browser and write the IP address of the camera and its port in the address bar in a similar way:, or http://your_static_IP_address:8081. When accessing the camera from your computer located on the same local network as the cameras with a router, simply enter its unique IP address into the address bar.

If you configured everything correctly, the system should work, and when you write different ports in the address bar of the browser, you will see a picture from the corresponding camera.

So, we have sorted out the question of how to connect an IP camera to a computer and configure it to work on a local network, as well as organize access to it via the Internet from any device. Remember that some nuances on equipment from different manufacturers may vary, but the basic principle of setting will always be the same.


    Hello, thanks for reading the article.
    the question is, any, roughly speaking, not expensive ip-camera, can I connect to the laptop by “conjuring” with the ip-address?

    ps I need to shoot a video in the dark with an IR camera. For these purposes, it will be enough for me: camera-ip, software, laptop?

    1. Hello, of course, you can connect any even the cheapest IP camera to your laptop. Everything you described will be enough to connect one IP camera to a laptop.

      Are there ip cameras with wifi and the ability to connect directly to it without using a wifi router?
      Those. there is a phone with android and wifi, there is an ip-camera with wifi in an open field 😉 how to make them friends?

      1. Try using tinyCam Monitor to connect CCTV cameras to Android. With it, you can connect most IP cameras that have a WiFi access point to your Android gadget.

Is it really that easy to hack the camera on your laptop? The author of Medialeaks, after reading the latest news about millions of camcorders being hacked, hacking apps, and sites where live streams from hacked cameras from all over the world have become an analogue of reality shows, decided to study webcam hacking programs, and also tried to find ways in which you can protect yourself from anonymous peeps and other online voyeurs.

Troll. James Troll. Who is spying on webcam owners

Talk about hacking video cameras in our time has ceased to be something surprising. This has become so widespread that some hackers (crackers) maintain a website that shows broadcasts from password-free surveillance cameras and webcams from around the world, and others a program that allows you to remotely access various video cameras connected to the Internet.

In most cases, device hacking occurs due to the fact that their owners do not change the factory password of the cameras by connecting them to a public network, but ordinary webcams on laptops do not fall into this category. To gain access to them, hackers need something more serious than the “admin admin” password, and there is nowhere to drive it in.

Contrary to popular belief that webcams are hacked by intelligence agencies, it is much more common to stumble upon stories of hacks carried out not by people in uniform, but by ordinary mortals. Moreover, the comments on thematic sites are more often not even overly curious individuals trying to spy on their loved ones, but hacker trolls. For them, it doesn't make much difference who they watch, but they can do much more harm to their victims, because they can not be limited to observation. Sometimes they take control of someone else's computer, destroying or changing user data as a joke.

Even a pre-puberty student can hack into a laptop camera: there are tons of hacking videos on YouTube, the authors of which troll unsuspecting users by connecting to their webcams. There are many authors of such videos, but the essence of the videos is the same: to access the webcam, and then stream the expression on the victim’s face while she tries to figure out why the wallpaper suddenly changed on the desktop or porn with sound turned on. Most often, such videos are shot by teenagers, and the words “funny”, “troll”, “familiar”, etc. are found in the title.

Schoolchildren have become so familiar with hacking programs that they give full-fledged lessons on how to set up hacking programs on their channels, where between videos about hacking other people's computers they talk about their childhood hobbies a la “growing a cactus” and “here is my favorite doll.”

The webcam hacking trend has become very popular. Crackers (crackers) have created several specialized sites, where they talk about various methods of hacking computers, share their discoveries and successes in the trolling field in the relevant forum threads, and create their own assemblies of hackers that will allow those who wish to start mocking the unknown on the network without unnecessary troubles with installing programs.

Eyes are everywhere. Business for voyeurs

In addition to trolls, those who try to make real money on spying on strangers are also connected to the cameras. There are communities on VKontakte that sell access to various cameras. Most often, these are surveillance cameras installed in rented apartments and public places. Connecting to them is easy: the owners often do not change the factory passwords, including the camera on the network, and the only problem for the cracker is to find the device in the right location - and if he works as an installer or adjuster of such cameras, the task becomes even easier.

For example, the administration of the “IVMS give out sell change / IP Camera” community sells broadcasts from cameras from apartments in the built-in group store on VKontakte, ranking them by cost. The prettier the victim of the broadcast (in the vast majority of cases, these are women), the more expensive it is to spy on her. The price ceiling does not exceed 400 rubles - for this money, the admin offers anyone who wants to connect to the camera in the room of a young girl.

For starters, admins offer subscribers to watch life in some houses for free, where surveillance systems are installed in almost every room. Broadcasts are conducted around the clock, in some cases, admins sign them with comments in the style of “something good here”. The groups also offer the installation of pre-configured surveillance cameras and even service, replacement and product warranties.

Almost legal. How webcams are hacked

Most often, computers are hacked using completely legal utilities, which are usually used as a means of optimizing the work of system administrators and other IT department employees in various large organizations - TeamViewer, RMS, LuminosityLink, Radmin and the like. The principle of their operation assumes that one of the computers on the network can be remotely controlled by another, and inside corporate networks this is unlikely to become a problem: each computer on the network is connected to the “leading” general settings, their connection is often password-protected.

Regular network users can also use such programs. It is only necessary to install equipment on two or more computers, interconnected by the same pre-designated settings - the "client" utilities on the computers under management, and the server utility on the device that will be the master.

It is unlikely that many victims of hacking deliberately install software clients that will allow them to be monitored. In most cases, the client is installed on the computer as a companion utility during the installation of some pre-modified program (most often it is something free and downloaded from an incomprehensible resource). With the help of such a Trojan, installed in the MediaGet torrent search engine, in April 2016, one of the users of "Dvacha" for several days in a row.

In addition to official programs designed to make life easier for system administrators, there are also utilities designed specifically for secret monitoring of computers. These include, for example, RemCam and DarkComet. The latter suddenly became linked to the Syrian conflict: According to Wired, the government used DarkComet to spy on opposition activists, sending them a hidden link to its installation, disguised as a pop-up message box. After information about the actions of the Syrian government appeared in the media, the developer of the application officially stopped supporting it, saying that he never wanted the authorities to use it.

It is ironic that the creators of hacking applications, who talk on their website about how to hack other people's computers, are at the same time connected with communities on VKontakte, in which they talk about information security and protecting a computer from various hacking methods.

Applications for Android work on the same principle, but mobile phone users are protected to some extent by a license. For example, the GPP Remote Viewer application allows you to receive data from a computer in the same way as TeamViewer, but as long as you download it from the Play Market, you can trust a little more that Trojans will not be installed with it.

With Apple products, the situation is easier to manage and more difficult at the moment of hacking: modern remote access utilities on iOS often require synchronization via Apple ID, and this leaves even fewer opportunities for quick hacking of computers or installing a harmful utility on them that will transfer control to a third party .

Medialeaks is watching you. Trying to hack each other's webcams

The Medialeaks editors tested two common programs for webcam surveillance and remote data management - legal RMS and "gray" RemCam2. The little table tried to hack into Tatyana's computer, throwing her personal in all sorts of incomprehensible files that were supposed to install the appropriate software on her computer. All on Windows, software was used for monitoring without user modifications.

RMS at startup asked for a lot of all sorts of different permissions, which should be ignored if you run a version preconfigured by someone (or by you, if you are a Hackerman). In addition, in order to connect to the victim's computer, the program asked for a password, which Tanya entered during installation. Silent hacking failed, besides, when we connected the remote control of the camera, a corresponding notification was displayed on the victim's screen. Mom's voyeur was defeated, but only because he used a legally downloaded and unmodified utility.

RemCam2 turned out to be much more useful in this regard - it is a full-fledged Trojan that even the user himself will not guess about installing: no screens, the application quietly installed when Tanya clicked on the file icon with a stupid name in the chat. Having learned her IP, the insidious Table began to observe the editor who was working at that time, instead of working on his own.

It was possible to completely remove the programs only after cleaning the registry. Do not repeat this at home.

Thin and sticky protection. How they try to fence themselves off from voyeurs

Unfortunately, if you actively use the Internet, then it is simply impossible to completely protect yourself from peeping through a webcam and remote access to data today. This does not mean that you have malware installed on your computer right now, but the more you download obscure applications from various dubious sources (or follow links in emails from strangers), the more likely you are to stumble upon one of these Trojans.

But even if the camera is disabled, some Trojans may try to turn it back on, so those who are worried about possible spies should check the computer with the banal Program Manager utility - it shows what processes are currently running, and this will allow you to notice if someone's video camera. It's not even worth writing about antiviruses.

It is precisely because of the impossibility of achieving 100% security among many PC users that the tradition of sticking up webcams is widespread - oddly enough, at the moment this is the most effective way to deal with peeping. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and former FBI director James Comey have both spoken about the benefits of taping video cameras, and according to antivirus makers ESET, about 17% of PC users tape video cameras.

The use of duct tape as a means of protecting against voyeurs has reached a new level in recent years: enthusiasts are replacing it with special camera shutter devices, and some laptop manufacturers add camera shutters at the production stage. However, even in this case, hackers can monitor the victims - if not peeping, then at least eavesdropping using the built-in microphone. So when sealing the camera, think about that as well.

In fact, an unglued video camera also has its advantages: it can help a potential victim detect a hack, since the indicator of its operation on the laptop case will indicate that an outsider has connected to the computer. In this case, the only right decision is to turn off the Internet as soon as you see a video camera light flashing for an unknown reason for at least a second: this almost never happens by accident.

In many cases, when there is a video surveillance system or personal web cameras, it becomes necessary to view the image received from them remotely.

There may be several reasons for this. For example, the owner of a house wants to have access to monitor the building, or a manager decides to look after his employees.

To achieve this goal, you will need both the video cameras themselves and additional software. If everything is connected and configured, then the network administrator will be able to view the video stream anywhere that has an Internet connection.

It is also worth considering the fact that this access can be configured without obtaining permission from the system owner. This happens if an attacker infects a computer with a special virus program and gains access to the webcam of an unsuspecting subscriber.

What you need to organize remote access

Depending on the needs of someone who wants to set up remote access, you will need the following set of programs and devices:

  • Installed camera. It is designed to capture an image and transmit it in the desired direction.
  • Webcam control software package.
  • Auxiliary equipment, the composition and set of which depends on the type of local network.

In addition to these programs and devices, you will need a specialist who should be able to configure and make the necessary changes to it.

If you need to remotely access just one webcam from a personal computer, then in most cases almost any user can handle this matter. But if you need to link several cameras in the enterprise and provide them with remote access, then it will be difficult to do without a specialist.

This situation can occur when the cameras are connected via Wi-Fi and there are signal repeaters in the local network.

Webcam types

Since different users use cameras from different manufacturers, the corresponding settings will be different. The type of camera is also of great importance.

Depending on the purpose, there are several types of cameras.

USB webcam. It is used for the most basic needs. These may include Internet video calls and other multimedia uses. Sometimes such a camera is purchased with the aim of making it an observation device in the house for children, computer users, and for other simple applications.

IP camera with wireless signal transmission. Remote connection to this type of webcam is via Wi-Fi. It belongs to professional means of remote monitoring.

Such cameras are usually protected from moisture and can be used outdoors. In addition, they have their own personal IP address (hence their name), so they can independently transmit data directly to the Internet.

Cameras with PTZ control. In fact, these are the same IP cameras, but they additionally have the ability to control the angle of inclination and rotation. If desired, the image obtained from them is easily scaled. If you set a certain algorithm, then you can use one such camera to monitor a large area.

There are also analog cameras that are used for video surveillance, but they work with other devices. These are self-contained devices equipped with their own digital encoders and hard drives for storing captured video.

Control setting

To configure the first type, you will need to find out the IP of the computer to which it is connected. After that, to establish remote access, you will need to install a special program on the control device.

A lot of software has been developed for this purpose. You should choose it depending on the tasks and the necessary additional functions. Some of the most popular programs are: DigiCams, WebCam Spy, webcamXP PRO and others.

All of them are tools that allow you to view images on your computer and record from webcams remotely. There are also programs for remote connection on a smartphone. For example, it can be GPPRemoteViewer. It is easy to use and does not require complex settings.

To remotely control IP cameras connected to a local network, you will need special software. As a rule, it is not available for free, and a configuration specialist is needed to ensure its operation.

Basically, such systems are used for video monitoring in private homes, offices, apartments and other places. To save resources, a periodic mode of operation is used, in which the remote webcam is automatically turned on when a moving subject appears.

Alternative options for remote access

To provide access at a distance, special services on the Internet can be used. They allow you to connect to any camera on the network as long as it has an IP address. An example of such a service is

To start using it, you need to register and download the software. It is worth noting that knowing the IP address of the camera is not enough to view it. To gain full access, other additional information will be required.

When using the resource for free, only two cameras can be connected. To have more cameras, you need to upgrade to a paid plan. In addition, at a paid rate, it is possible to record and store on the Internet videos recorded on a schedule or when a moving object appears in the field of view of the lens.

If there is a ready-made video surveillance system, controlled from one device, then often it has a socket for connecting an Internet cable. Thus, you can access the entire local network. But when using such a connection, you should set a complex login and password to prevent unauthorized access.

Sometimes attackers can gain access to a USB camera connected to a computer with Internet access. To do this, the PC is infected with a virus, which is a program to allow remote access.

This often happens when opening emails from unknown senders that have some attachments. During its operation, the virus program sends attackers the information necessary to connect. This allows you to use the camera without the knowledge of its owner.

Setting up remote access

In order for remote access to work and be stable, it is necessary to make the correct settings in the program, as well as configure access to the Internet. In the case of home use, a router can become a problem when connecting to a webcam.

To prevent this from happening, it should open access to those ports on which webcams are connected.

To configure the storage of finished files and the ability to work with them, you must specify the time period for recording them and the folder for archiving. Some programs allow you to use cloud hard drives hosted on servers on the Internet for storage. For such convenience, as a rule, you have to pay.

If you need to create a remote access system, then first of all you need to find out the number of webcams. The choice of program will depend on this. Next, you need to find out which mode of observation is more preferable. If you need to review several periods of recording throughout the day, then programs with automatic recording of what is happening are suitable.

To control objects that use cameras with PTZ control, you will need specialized software. It will allow you to control the camera well.

If the observation will take place in a private house, then it is better to use automated control programs for configuration. For example, the ContaCam application is able to scan webcam addresses on its own, thereby saving the user from unnecessary steps to configure access.

Remote viewing of surveillance cameras via the Internet.

Modern communication technologies allow a lot and bring into our lives such pleasant and useful features as remote viewing of video cameras via the Internet. As a result of installing the system or a slight modification of the existing video surveillance system, you can view the image from video cameras mounted at work, at home or in the country in real time from almost anywhere in the world where the Internet is available - via a laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Simply put, the internet is used instead of the wire that connects you to your system.

In this article r Let's see how it works and how to independently organize remote viewing of your video cameras.

What is needed for this.

1. First of all, you need yourself.

The system must have a LAN port and/or a USB port that supports USB modems.

If the system is assembled on a video server (computer), then, as a rule, the software (software) supports remote viewing, but it all depends on the specific software.

2. Need to organize Internet access where a video surveillance system is installed and preferably at a good speed. We recommend the bandwidth of the Internet channel for video surveillance of at least 1 Mbps. It is also desirable that the Internet service provider organization (provider) provides you with a fixed (static) IP address. Typically, this is an additionalservice, but it simplifies device setup and connection reliability.

About IP address:

If the subscriber's IP address is not fixed, but floating (dynamic), then configure the program for viewing and managing video surveillance, incl. and transferring pictures to the owner is very, very problematic, even if the server (DVR) of the system has the DDNS function (which is commonly called the "web muzzle").

Finding out if your IP address is fixed is not difficult: in the browser search bar, type - "find out the IP address" and go to the site based on the search results. You will be shown your current IP address, for example: - write it down. Then you need to turn off the Internet, reconnect it (you can turn off and turn on the router) and determine your IP address again. If the address remains the same, then it is fixed.

If you plan to use a USB modem that looks like a flash drive, then the default IP address for such a connection will be floating (dynamic). In this case, providers (mobile operators) can provide a fixed IP address as an additional service, but you need to find out about this in advance, because. modems are sold stitched for a specific mobile network and then changing the operator without replacing the modem will be problematic. Besides,

3. When working with most DVRs, as well as for using the Internet, not only for the purpose of remote viewing, but also directly for its intended purpose, it is necessary the presence of a router.

The router is a device that organizes a local (local) network at your site and is configured in such a way that when requested from the Internet using certain (configured) parameters and a password, it connects the remote device to the DVR.

4. On the device from which you are going to view video cameras, you need to install the appropriate software. It usually comes on a CD with the DVR. It can also be downloaded from the internet.

In a city, organizing remote access via the Internet is relatively simple: as a rule, there is already access to it. But it is rather problematic to stretch the cable to the dacha, and it is elementary easy to damage the wires. In fact, the only way to organize video surveillance over the Internet for a summer residence is a 3G / 4G modem or other mobile (terrestrial) Internet. However, such systems, to put it mildly, do not suffer from excess bandwidth for any declared characteristics. And no provider will guarantee it: the ether is the weather, interference, the conditions for the passage of radio waves. However, such systems are also operational, although less reliable.

Router setup.

So, first of all, in order for you to have access to the video surveillance system through remote access, you need to correctly configure the router. Consider the most common connection method: Internet - router - video recorder.

To provide network access to your registrar, you need to correctly forward the ports from the router to the registrar. Only one IP address is visible on the Internet - this is the external IP address of the router, which does not depend on the number of devices connected to it. And since the request from the external network goes first to the router, and then to the registrar, you need to tell the router which internal (local) IP address and which port (HTTP port number) to redirect the request to.

Of all the actions, the most difficult for the uninitiated in the intricacies of computer networks is just setting up the router. Moreover, the actions for routers of different manufacturers may differ. Below are examples for common routers:

The articles referenced above describe the general process of port forwarding. When configuring the router yourself, you will need to specify the IP address of your DVR in the local network and the corresponding port number on which the DVR will transmit the video stream (usually, this is port 34599). This data can be obtained from the settings of the DVR, or you can set the values ​​​​you need yourself.

Smartphone or tablet setup

The final stage is to install the program on the device from which you are going to view the cameras.

To do this, you need to download one of the many free applications from the AppStore or Google Play, for example: vMEye, vMEyePro, vMEyeSuper and others. They are all set up in roughly the same way. Let's consider the setup using an example program vMEye.

After downloading and running the application, you will see this window.

To configure the application, you must click the icon circled in red.

By clicking on the Add button, you open a window for adding your registrar to the program, for which you need to fill in the fields:

device name- device name (arbitrary);

Address- IP address of your internet connection;

port- port specified in your DVR settings for Mobile Monitoring (34599 by default);

user name- account to log in to the DVR (default admin)

Password- a password to log into your DVR under an account (for the admin user, there is no password by default or also admin);

Max Channel- number of channels (cameras);

After setting all parameters, click " OK"

After that, you will return to the device selection menu. When you click on the device name, you will see the following tab.

When you click on a channel, the video from this channel (camera) will be displayed on the screen of the mobile device.

You can switch cameras by pressing the button with a number (the number corresponds to the camera number), or you can return to the device selection menu and select a channel there.

The program allows you to take photos from cameras, to do this, click on the button with the image of the camera.

With remote viewing function.

If you have difficulties with self-configuration, please contactcontact our specialists!

The first video surveillance cameras were connected to a computer monitor using wires. This limited the ability to use video devices. But today the signal from the camera is transmitted wirelessly, which makes it possible to view images anywhere in the world using the Internet.

You can order a ready-made video surveillance system on the website Specialists will mount the equipment, connect it and set it up.

Camera connection

Modern cameras can be used without a router. They transmit a digital signal that can be monitored from a computer if connected to this video device. First of all, it should be noted that access to the camera is carried out by entering a password and login. Without this information, the image cannot be viewed.

The connection method depends on the number of devices:

  1. The easiest way is to connect one camera. To do this, you need to enter the IP address of the camera in the address bar of your browser. Usually it is indicated on the device itself. The port number does not need to be changed unless it is blocked by the ISP.
  2. When connecting two or more cameras, you need to use a router. All devices connect to it via cable or wireless network. In the settings of the web interface of the cameras, you will need to change the port numbers, since each camera must have a special one. The value can be from 1000 to 65000.

If the connection was made correctly, then by entering the IP address in the address bar, you can connect to the cameras from any remote location.

You can view the image not only on a desktop computer or laptop. Special applications allow you to connect to your video surveillance networks using a smartphone or tablet.

How to find out the IP address of the camera

To start working with a video camera, you need to enter the value of its IP address in the address bar of your browser. You can find the value in the instructions for the camera. If the address has been changed, then you can reset the settings.

All cameras from the same manufacturer have the same default IP address. If you plan to connect several cameras to the network, you will need to change from the address. Otherwise, a network conflict may occur.

The software disc that comes with the camera will help you find out all the necessary values. If it has been lost, then on the Internet you can find programs that will allow you to find out the addresses when scanning devices.