Alexander Lukashenko held an informal meeting with famous American actor Steven Seagal. This was reported by the press service of the head of state.

Video and photo: press service of the President of Belarus:

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Steven Seagal, by his own admission, dreamed of getting to know Alexander Lukashenko for a long time and, going to Minsk, persistently asked for a meeting. The guest has a special attitude towards Belarus also because, as it turned out, he has roots in our country.

“Hi, dear,” the Belarusian president greeted the American actor.

Communication turned out to be lively and with an emphasis on agriculture. Steven Seagal was shown beets, cabbage, and carrots grown in the presidential residence. Here, in the field, he tasted the carrots that Alexander Lukashenko had cleaned for him.

Today the guest also observed the harvesting of potatoes, as well as melons - according to tradition, Lukashenka's close associates, for example, businessman Alexander Shakutin, were engaged in it.

“At a light dinner at the President's residence, the guests tasted dishes of Belarusian cuisine literally “from the garden”. Kholodnik, potatoes and, of course, Belarusian lard came to taste. Natural Belarusian products did not leave the American guests indifferent,” Natalia Eismont, press secretary of the president, told BelTA.

Lukashenka presented Seagal with Belarusian linen, a "male gift" - a dagger, and a book. Nikolai Lukashenko was also present during the meeting.

Steven Seagal also took a picture with Alexander and Nikolai Lukashenko.

As previously reported, on August 24, Steven Seagal visited the Minsk office of Wargaming. The famous actor and martial artist will join the World of Warships team as an expert and consultant on heroic battles.

Seagal also made a short tour of Minsk.

It should be reminded that the famous American actor, martial artist and musician Steven Seagal arrived in Minsk late in the evening. On Wednesday morning, he went to the Minsk district of Shabany - to the office of the developers of popular Games World of Tanks and World of Warships ("World of Tanks" and "World of Ships"). According to official version, the famous actor and martial artist will join the World of Warships team as an expert and consultant on heroic battles. But according to Komsomolskaya Pravda, this was not the main purpose of his visit. We were not mistaken - in the evening it became known that Steven Seagal met with Alexander Lukashenko - the meeting took place in the president's country residence.

The actor and two attendants were brought to the country residence in a black Mercedes Viano minivan - exactly the same, but most likely the same one that the president drives around the country. Steven Seagal met Alexander Lukashenko with his youngest son Nikolai. After exchanging greetings, everyone went to the table where there were gifts - and there were quite a few of them!

This is a man's gift for you,” Lukashenka comments, and gives Steven Seagal a wooden box, inside of which there is a dagger on a green cloth. Seagal carefully examines the blade - it is known that the American actor is a big fan of edged weapons. After accepting the gift, the actor brings the blade to his head - probably some kind of tradition.

And this is linen! - says Lukashenka and opens another box. Steven Seagal touched and even sniffed the fabric. - We have one of the largest production facilities in the world, - the President explains.

The president also presented Steven Seagal with a photo album about Belovezhskaya Pushcha with his own autograph. In the official video chronicle, the inscription that the president had put on the flyleaf of the book flashed for a second: “Dear Steve! If free time appears in your hectic life, take a rest in it. earthly paradise!..” - it is written there. And two signatures: one - Alexander Lukashenko, the second - Nikolai Lukashenko.

Then the owners lead everyone to a bench by the pond:

Sit down! It's good here, you can sit quietly, - says Lukashenka. - It is very useful to sit and look at the water, at the fire. This time of the year is the best in my opinion. I don't like heat, I'm a winter person.

It’s very relaxing,” Segal agreed. - Can we take a picture together with my phone? he asked the President. Having received consent, the translator takes pictures of three people on the bench on a smartphone - Steven Seagal, Alexander and Nikolai Lukashenko.

Then the American actor was shown how vegetables are harvested in the presidential garden - potatoes, beets, cabbage and carrots. It can be seen that a regular participant in the "presidential cleaning campaign" hockey coach Mikhail Zakharov joined the cleaning.

Bulba! - Segal, under the guidance of Lukashenka, learned to speak Belarusian. The first tasting took place here in the field. Lukashenka took a carrot out of the garden, immediately cleaned it with a knife and gave Seagal a taste. He nodded approvingly.


Steven Seagal may be from Belarus?

The official chronicle of the meeting says that Steven Seagal is our fellow countryman, he also has roots in Belarus. It is known that he was born in the USA, but information about the origin of Segal is contradictory. His Jewish paternal grandparents - Nathan Siegelman Dora Goldstein came to America as children from St. Petersburg, subsequently shortened and Americanized the surname from Siegelman to Sigal. According to Seagal himself, his paternal grandfather came from one of the Buddhist regions of Russia, and then, in the first half of the 20th century, he moved to the United States. In addition, according to Seagal himself, his grandmother is from Vladivostok, he also has roots in St. Petersburg and Ukraine. Not a word about Belarus. True, the fact that Seagal may have relatives in Belarus was told to Komsomolskaya Pravda the day before by the accompanying actor. However, the details are not yet known.

Alexander Lukashenko met with Steven Seagal at his residence. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko held today an informal meeting with famous American actor Steven Seagal. Read in full: http://www.b...


Steven Seagal came to Belarus to resolve the issue of employment at Wargaming, a manufacturer of online games, and to meet the country's president, Alexander Lukashenko. The visit of the Hollywood actor fell on the period of the harvesting campaign, so Seagal managed to taste carrots and watermelons right from the garden.

"An informal meeting with the President of Belarus took place today. Steven Seagal, by his own admission, dreamed of meeting Alexander Lukashenko for a long time and, going to Minsk, persistently asked for a meeting. The guest has a special attitude towards Belarus, also because, as it turned out today, , Steven Seagal is our fellow countryman, he has roots in Belarus," Natalya Eismont, press secretary of the Belarusian president, told BelTA.

Communication turned out to be extremely informative for the guest, the media say. The emphasis was on agriculture. "The question is really relevant, because the harvesting in the country is in full swing. Steven Seagal was shown something that no Belarusian farm can do without, the most popular crops - beets, cabbage, carrots. The first tasting took place here in the field," the report says. message.

Impressive carrots for the star guest were personally peeled by the head of state, and Nikolai, the youngest son of the Belarusian president, assisted Seagal and Alexander Lukashenko in determining the ripeness of watermelons.

"During a light dinner at the President's residence, the guests tasted dishes of Belarusian cuisine literally "from the garden". They liked the cold beer, potatoes and, of course, Belarusian lard. Natural Belarusian products did not leave American guests indifferent," the press service of the President of the Republic noted.

As a gift, Steven Seagal was presented with items made of Belarusian linen, a dagger and a book.

And during a visit to the office of the largest Belarusian developer of online games, Steven Seagal decided to recall the role of his most famous character - chef Casey Ryback. He stood behind the distribution line in the Wargaming canteen to pour cabbage soup with sorrel to the company's employees, Komsomolskaya Pravda writes.

Judging by the message on the official website of Wargaming, the main task of Seagal in the framework of cooperation is still somewhat different. The famous actor and martial artist was invited to join the World of Warships team as an expert and consultant on heroic battles.

"Stephen's goal, which has a huge record of bright victories behind him, is to help the World of Warships project, where the most large-scale battles take place, achieve even greater epicness and heroism. During the probationary period, the star will have to explore the entire in-game fleet and check each ship for compliance with the status of a hero naval battles. The development team will listen carefully to the opinion of Mr. Segal and make the project better every day," the press release says.

Recall that last year Alexander Lukashenko hosted another legend of the world of cinema - Gerard Depardieu. The Belarusian president personally taught the actor how to mow grass, feed a horse and drive a tractor. Depardieu admitted that Belarus reminded him of little Switzerland.