With the transition to Dota 2 Reborn, many players encountered a problem in which their FPS dropped significantly in Dota 2. This problem is really common and almost global, but it can have several reasons at once - and they are not always directly related to the power of your " gland".

Why does FPS sag in Dota 2

Let's start with the fact that the new engine on which Reborn is executed began to consume and allocate resources differently. So, a serious roll was made in favor of the processor when processing game data. This is to make it easier for laptop users to play with their weaker mobile graphics cards. In general, such a move worked - however, at first, people with ordinary system units experienced serious interruptions and FPS "drawdowns". This was quickly fixed with patches and fixes, but still periodically “crawls out” with the next update of the game. Quite recently, for example, after the next patch, some processors were deprived of a game card, which caused a panic in the world of the Dota2 community for two days, but this was quickly fixed.

An interesting point - now FPS drops in DotA 2 even if you open other processes in parallel with DotA. This is also a Reborn innovation and probably also has something to do with the distribution of game resources. Previously, for example, I could easily keep Chrome open and play Dota - now even Discord is able to periodically “sag” FPS to below 30 frames per second.

The saddest thing is if you really have a problem with the video card or other hardware. Perhaps you are experiencing a serious overheating or even breakdowns have occurred. We recommend replacing the thermal paste and cleaning the computer from dust. In some cases, it helps to put the laptop on a cooling pad.

Are you playing Dota 2 at 30 FPS? Are you often unable to load and thus keep nine players waiting? People with weak computers are constantly faced with lags and freezes, which reduces their effectiveness in fights. In this article we will tell you how to get the most out of your hardware and improve FPS.

Settings in the game menu

1. No matter how trite it may sound, but you need to set the video settings to a minimum.

2. Display mode - "Full screen". It is necessary. Windowed mode consumes a lot of hardware resources.

3. Set the frame limit to 120. For very old PCs, it's better to set it to 60.

Improving graphics card performance

For NVIDIA graphics cards

For Radeon graphics cards

Launch parameters

1. Click right click mice for Dota 2 in the library. Select "Properties".

2. Click the launch options and enter the following: -novid -console -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -useforcedmparms -nojoy -noipx -freq 60 +exec autoexec.cfg

Change config

In the launch options, we entered +exec autoexec.cfg. Now you need to create the config itself. (How to create a config?)

1. Follow the path...\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg (Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\cfg)

2. Enter the following:

cl_globallight_shadow_mode 0
r_deferred_height_fog 0
r_deferred_simple_light 1
r_deferrer 0
r_renderoverlayfragment 0
r_screenspace_aa 0
mat_picmip 2
mat_vsync 0
cl_showfps 1
net_graphpos 3
net_graphheight 64
rate 80000
cl_updaterate 40
cl_cmdrate 40
cl_interp 0.05
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_smoothtime 0
dota_force_right_click_attack 1
cl_globallight_shadow_mode 0
r_deferred_height_fog 0
r_deferred_simple_light 1
r_ssao 0
engine_no_focus_sleep 0

There are a lot of config options. You may have changed some for various interface or gameplay changes. Therefore, be careful not to erase the parameters you need.

Windows settings

1. Open the Start menu or press the Win+R keys and type "msconfig".

2. In the window that opens, go to the tab "Download" - " Extra options". Put a tick on the "Number of processors". Set the maximum value.

3. Open the "Startup" tab. Turn off extra programs and keep only what you need.

A little advice for those who have little random access memory. After a long time browsing the Internet and a heavy load on memory (I have 4 GB), a reboot helps me. Without it, FPS can drop to 50, which already makes the game uncomfortable.

Let's decide right away - if you have such a question, then you probably play Dota on weak hardware. It is worth mentioning here that, despite the general high level optimization, Dota 2 really "gets heavier" every year - the transition to a new engine did not give the necessary impetus to improve optimization, but only cut off even more audience with weak computers from the general pool of players. But over the years of playing Dota, people have found ways to increase the FPS in Dota 2, and today you can make one big universal guide out of them.

How to increase FPS in Dota 2 - settings in the game

First of all, we go into the game itself and go to the "video" tab in the "settings". Since we have weak computer, you have to unscrew everything here to the "minimum". In the "Use additional settings"We also need to uncheck everything from everything - even the most harmless items here can add 3-4 frames per second to you, which is important if you are not playing the maximum 30 FPS.

The "size" tab should properly be called "resolution". If you play on a Full-HD display, then 1920x1080 is acceptable for you, but if you play DotA from a laptop, it’s better to set the resolution to your matrix and diagonal - this will literally increase the number of frames per second by several times.

Two more important moments how to increase FPS in Dota 2 in the settings can be found in the lower right corner. There we have a FPS lock on the “Maximum Frames Per Second” tab and a certain “screen processing quality”.

With a weak level of iron, we set the “maximum number of frames per second” to 40-45 - this will “free up” our hardware a little. But it is better not to underestimate the quality of rendering or processing - the difference is too striking, although the performance increases decently, if you have a weak computer, this cannot be avoided.

How to increase FPS Dota 2 - shamanim in the console

An important point in this section talks about how to give everything for the sake of increasing frames per second. The game will seriously change graphically, some of the animations will be removed, and in general, what you do with DotA will take a little getting used to, but the number of frames will increase significantly.

So, the first thing to do is to right-click on Dota 2 in Steam Library. Then go to the "properties" and "launch options" tab. Here we write the following commands (you can just paste it from here):

novid -console -noforcemspd -noipx-nojoy -noforcemaccel -useforcedmparms -freq 60 +exec autoexec.cfg

Thus, we will unlock the config for Dota and open the console in the game. Now go to the folder where you have Dota 2 installed. There we find the following: common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg.

Open the file and add there:

cl_globallight_shadow_mode 0
r_deferred_height_fog 0
r_deferred_simple_light 1
r_deferrer 0
r_renderoverlayfragment 0
r_screenspace_aa 0
mat_picmip 2
mat_vsync 0
cl_showFPS 1
net_graphpos 3
net_graphheight 64
rate 80000
cl_updaterate 40
cl_cmdrate 40
cl_interp 0.05
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_smoothtime 0
dota_force_right_click_attack 1
cl_globallight_shadow_mode 0
r_deferred_height_fog 0
r_deferred_simple_light 1
r_ssao 0
engine_no_focus_sleep 0

What have we done? In fact, everything superfluous was turned off - animation in the interface, shadows, various things invisible to the eye. The number of frames after that will grow enormously.

It is important that you do not need much time to "rollback" back - just remove these parameters as from given file, and from the "launch options", after which the game will return to normal.

How to increase FPS in Dota 2 - computer settings

Here we will not describe the computer settings for a long time - in my opinion only the person who really understands the hardware settings should climb here, which is beyond the power of most gamers. So here are just a few tips.

  • In the lower right corner of the screen, you probably have the graphics card settings, where you can twist the slider to "maximum performance". Before starting the game, you should do this, after which you can return it back.
  • If you are using Chrome browser, be sure to restart your computer before playing Dota 2. Chrome seriously "loads" the memory and after a reboot and a "clean" entry into Dota, you will find a difference of 10-15 FPS.

Turn everything off of course. additional programs if DotA slows down. You shouldn't download a torrent and play a game at the same time - it can cash out the brakes even if everything is fine with your computer - Steam is designed in such a way that it gives priority to other tasks.

Quite often, players suddenly lose FPS in DotA 2, although for a long time up to this point it worked perfectly. This is especially infuriating during ranked games or any small competitions, and it’s quite difficult to explain what is happening to teammates who have no problems, because they are sure that mistakes made during FPS drops in DotA are nothing more than a lack of skill.

There can be quite a few reasons for such a problem, and not all of them are on the user's side - Valve themselves can also be the culprits for the fact that FPS began to sag in DotA 2.

Having made a fairly simple diagnosis and elementary actions, you can identify the source of the breakdown and fix it, or you can find out for sure that the developers are to blame.

Reasons for freezing

In general, the main reasons why FPS sags in Dota 2 can be grouped into the following broad categories:

  1. Problem from the Valve servers. This happens after updates or patches, but it quickly passes, because programmers fix everything as bug reports come in.
  2. shoals with Windows settings and computers in general. Here, an elementary check of the correctness of the work is necessary in order to identify the incorrectly working part.
  3. Incorrect Dota 2 settings. By setting the graphics to the maximum to “be like everyone else”, you risk not only not getting the desired juicy picture, but also getting a bunch of lags, as well as harming your own hardware.
  4. Equipment breakdown. If any part of your gaming device out of order, it is not surprising that FPS sags in DotA 2, because all parts of the computer must work smoothly, like clockwork.

Valve culprit

When installing major updates on the servers, as well as when bugs are fixed, the performance of the servers decreases, because it is simply impossible to install an update and process matches with old data. Do not be surprised by the lags after the announcement of the patch, because the developers are doing everything for your comfort and approval.

Some lags are also normal when major updates are released (like ultraHD shadows and new card), because it is unrealistic to test the performance of the introductions in advance on all known assemblies. It is much easier to slightly edit and optimize the existing data.

In a word, if everything is OK with your computer, and delays are still observed - just wait for the mini-patch and everything will be fine.

We analyze the device

Depending on where exactly the reason lies low fps, your actions may vary greatly. Before digging into the game configs, make sure that your operating system by itself works correctly (for example, in another game like CS:GO you always have stable performance).

The survey algorithm is as follows:

  1. Make sure your computer or laptop meets at least the minimum system requirements.
  2. Check the correct operation of the Internet channel, because when data is lost, FPS sags corny due to the fact that there was information about what was happening in the unreceived pieces of data, and if the game did not receive it, the game simply remains in the position in which it was at the last working moment.
  3. Install all drivers for devices, as well as update them to current version from manufacturer's websites.
  4. Check which jack your monitor is connected to. Believe me, if you accidentally connected a screen to a standard board connector instead of a video card, then the difference will become noticeable immediately - FPS in DotA 2 sags and becomes several times lower.
  5. Clean the insides of dust and foreign objects, because an overheated video card starts to work worse, as well as the processor.
  6. Change the thermal paste on the processor and video card (if you don’t know how to do this, use the help of friends).
  7. Disable unnecessary programs, especially those requiring video memory (such as Skype with video calling).

Setting up Dota 2

If suddenly you decide to "tweak" the parameters to an indicator close to the maximum, but instead of charming pictures of battles you admire the slide show, then your parameters are incorrect for this device.

Usually Defense of the Ancient 2 automatically sets the optimal settings at the first start, but they can be raised a little. The main thing is not to overdo it. For those with medium or old devices, launch options and autoexec.cfg files, which are abundant on the Internet, will help. Depending on how old your computer is, the parameter sets may change.

The most correct solution when FPS sags in DotA 2 is to reduce graphics settings, as well as search for launch configurations specifically for your computer. In many large forums like dota2.ru, people who have an idea about the meaning of all parameters will be happy to help you.

If everything is broken

If the video card, processor or HDD broken due to age or mishandling, the easiest way is to buy a new, similar or more powerful hardware, because repairs will not exclude the possibility of problems in the future.

However, it is the suspecting part that should be established by a competent master, even if you more or less understand computers.