Previously, if we needed to have two numbers, for example, one private (home) and the other corporate (work), we used two phones. You can now use Dual SIM technology, which allows you to use two SIM cards on the same device at the same time.

Not all users know that there are several variants of this technology, and dual-SIM smartphones are cheaper than buying two phones. Many popular Xiaomi smartphones support 2 SIM cards. In this article, we will explain what is the difference between different Dual SIM standards and which one is better.

Dual SIM support is a feature that allows you to use two numbers on the same smartphone at the same time. This is the perfect solution to combine work and personal numbers on the same device.

SIM cards and numbers do not have to be from the same operator. It also doesn't matter if it's a standard SIM card, as you can cut it out or use an adapter.

The Dual SIM function is convenient to use abroad. To insert a local operator card into the second slot and be able to save on calls home.

Dual SIM is also a way to use the services of different operators: for example, the first with an attractive mobile internet offer, and the second with a low-cost unlimited package for calls and SMS. With such a smartphone, there is no need to seek a compromise - which tariff or operator to choose? We can choose mobile operator offers that suit our needs.

Types of support for two SIM cards (Dual SIM)

Passive mode

This is the oldest and easiest way to support two SIM cards in phones. The first models with this feature allowed the inclusion of two SIM cards, but only one of them could be active at the same time. The second was in passive mode.

When changing the map, most often you need to select the appropriate option in the settings and restart the device. This mode is rarely seen nowadays and is mostly known from old Nokia phones.

Standby mode (Dual SIM Standby - DSS)

In this mode, both cards use the same GSM antenna built into the smartphone. They remain idle and active until a voice call is made, an SMS is sent, or there is no Internet connection using one of them.

Standby mode is the most popular and is used even for the cheapest Chinese smartphones. The disadvantages of this solution are faster battery consumption.

Active mode (Dual SIM Active - DSA)

Currently, this is the most advanced and at the same time the least common mode. Smartphones with an active dual SIM have two separate GSM antennas, so that both cards in the device can be active at all times - the first one works even during an ongoing voice call.

This technology is used in flagship smartphones, where the price of the device justifies the quality of its work.

Which type of dual SIM support to choose?

Given all the features listed above, "Standby" or DSS (Dual SIM Standby) seems to be the best. It is available in most Xiaomi devices. Support for two SIM cards will not interfere with the daily use of the smartphone.

I think many people have a question - is it possible to make two SIM-cards and bind them to one number? Many spy and detective films created a duplicate tracking number. Yes, and the technology of linking a number to a SIM card has long been known, in case of loss or deformation of the chip, any operator will return your number to you. However, not everything is as simple as it looks in the movies.

Is it possible and how to make two SIM cards for one number

The official response to requests to telecom operators about duplicating a SIM card is the same: such a service is not provided on the territory of the Russian Federation. This is explained by the fact that the technologies of mobile operators simply technically cannot withstand the registration of two identical subscribers at the same time, which causes network failures and a variety of unpleasant problems. In addition, there is the threat of fraud, deception and a lot of room for various scams and unscrupulous combinations, and these moments are difficult to ignore.

If attackers can duplicate your SIM card, this can turn out to be deplorable for you.

But most experts think otherwise, supposedly such an opportunity will drastically reduce the income of mobile operators. And it’s true: if a duplicate of numbers starts on tariffs with unlimited Internet, then it’s quite possible to connect several SIM cards (family or friends) and pay only one bill together. At the same time, the service will be available to everyone, and given the technical characteristics and speed of the Internet, there will be no restriction on different devices.

However, not everything is as sad as it might seem. There are several ways to bypass the ban on duplicating SIM cards, two of them are the main ones: physical duplication of the chip through a special device and a virtual duplicate from a special application.

How to bypass the ban on connecting two SIMs to one number

The first option - the creation of a physical duplicate is not officially permitted, therefore its legality can be judged from different points of view. To create a TWIN card, you will need a special device - a duplicator, which, if desired, is easy to find on the Internet. There are different models, some of them are quite independent: it is enough to put your SIM into one cell, an empty card into another, and the device will do the rest. There are others who, using a USB interface, connect to a computer and use special programs to copy the credentials of the chips.

A duplicator is a semi-legal device for copying a SIM card

The second method is more “humane” and even somewhat official. The eMotion app allows you to make a virtual duplicate of your SIM card. This means that one number will be active simultaneously on two carriers, however, no additional chip is required for this, only Internet access is needed. In fact, eMotion is the same WhatsApp, only linked to a phone number, and not to the corresponding network on the Internet.

The program interface is simple and divided into three tabs:

The program works without a physical chip, but it needs the Internet, and 3G quality.

In total we have advantages:

  • a virtual duplicate of a SIM card for calls and SMS without any chips;
  • the application itself and its use is free;
  • a single account on all devices connected to the number.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • for the application to work, you need constant and high-quality access to the Internet;
  • taking into account the fact that the program was developed by Megafon, work with other operators sometimes temporarily fails, for the official reason "server overload".

Officially in Russia it is impossible to make two SIM-cards for one number. However, there are opportunities for duplication: some of them, which makes a virtual duplicate of the card, are completely legal, others, with physical copying of data, are in doubt.

Very often, in the process of buying a new mobile phone, many of us have a question that is related to the possibility of using 2 SIM cards simultaneously on one mobile device. Today, there is no need to purchase such devices, since now it is possible to connect 2 SIM cards to the same phone number. This service is called "TWIN card connection", which makes it possible to use the so-called double number, but at the same time fixed on one SIM card.

In the event that you have a card and you are an Internet user, you have the opportunity to connect several different mobile numbers for 1 SIM card. At the same time, such a service for numerous subscribers has its advantages:

  • the use of two numbers from the mts operator in one mobile device at once;
  • the ability to separate work and personal communication;
  • the ability to combine several completely different tariff plans;
  • despite the transition to the second number of the mts network, it is possible to completely save all incoming communications.

The peculiarity of this service allows you to connect two SIM cards to one number from the mts operator and at the same time receive and make calls, receive and send ordinary and multimedia messages from any number that is connected to this card.

How can I connect 2 numbers to one SIM card?

In the event that you have a question about how you can connect 2 different numbers to one SIM card, you should know that this service is currently only available for corporate clients. In the event that you wish to receive this service, you should only ask for help from the manager, who will offer you to purchase a card with such a service. For this you will need:

  • purchase a SIM card on which a similar service is preinstalled, allowing you to connect several numbers;
  • exchange an existing card for one that already has a pre-installed service that allows you to connect two numbers;
  • purchase two most ordinary SIM cards for one that has this service.

Therefore, if you need to use such a service, you can safely connect it using one of the proposed methods.

How can I disconnect such a service?

In the event that you have been a user of such a service for a certain period of time and now wish to refuse to use it, you can take the following steps:

  • to free number 111 send a message with the text 21962;
  • make a call to the help desk, in which they will explain in detail the algorithm for disconnecting such a service;
  • send a request in which to indicate the combination * 111 * 2196 * 2 # .

Using any of these actions, it will be quite simple and quick for you to unsubscribe from this service.

A duplicate of an MTS SIM card is a full-fledged working copy of a SIM card with the same information that is recorded on the original, the same billing and total balance. The peculiarity of using such cards is that each action on one card is instantly reflected in the state of the second. That is, changing the tariff plan on the original will necessarily lead to a change in the tariff on the clone, making a call or other paid actions will affect the overall balance or the rest of the service packages.

With that said, users should consider whether they really need a second card. Moreover, telephone operators registered in Russia do not provide services for copying SIM cards, preferring to leave customers with one copy. At the same time, they immediately carry out the procedure for replacing a SIM card with a new one with similar data if the old one is damaged. Theoretically, this approach is designed to increase the security of personal data and customer finances. In reality, it can bring some inconvenience to subscribers who need an additional card.

It has already been said above that mobile companies operating in the country are not ready to register two SIM cards at once for one MTS number. Instead, they offer combined tariffs that allow using communication services on several independent, but interconnected cards at once. True, connecting an additional SIM card turns out to be paid, and the total number of connected cards is limited.

But, if we return to the issue of using a clone, it should be noted that, theoretically, the use of a second card is possible. But not in terms of operators. For them, the question of whether it is possible to duplicate a SIM card has only 1 answer - negative. Therefore, if they find out about the appearance of a copy:

It will be extremely difficult to re-conclude an agreement and buy a new SIM card, even after preparing all the documents. The company will refuse to cooperate with a person who is ready to violate its rights and established rules for using the services.

Why duplicate a SIM card?

There are no universal reasons common to all people to create a duplicate SIM card. Usually, such a desire leads to:

  • the need to use one sim on several devices;
  • fear of losing the card and being left without a mobile connection;
  • moving to another region of the country, where it will be impossible to get a replacement for a damaged SIM card at the MTS office for free (the cost of an official replacement will be 400 rubles);
  • the desire to save money on mobile communications by using one tariff on several devices.

There are other answers to the question why people need a copy of their own SIM card. Each person who thought about creating a clone had his own reasons that made him start copying the card. What unites such people is the lack of a legal, official way to achieve the desired result. They will definitely have to use the help of private masters or order special equipment for cloning a card and transferring information.

How to order a duplicate MTS SIM card?

Those who want to figure out how to make a duplicate of an MTS SIM card should take into account that they will need a special device (duplicator). It can be bought in specialized stores, although it is not very common, or ordered from foreign online stores. When the device is in the hands of the user, he can make a copy himself. This will require:

After that, it remains to pull out the finished copy and check the result. It usually fully meets expectations, so users get the opportunity to use the clone and the original at the same time on different devices.

Is it possible to have two SIM cards for one number? The information from this article will help you, here you will find answers to all your questions about this. All options and methods have been tested by many people, and each of them is convenient and effective in its own way. For example, two SIM cards for one Tele2 number - is this possible? Of course yes. Just like on MTS, Megafon and other operators.


Let's start with the fact that the mobile operator does not give its subscribers such an opportunity at all. Even if you try to scam by purchasing a duplicate of your SIM card and inserting it into another phone. In this case, the SIM card will simply be non-working. In general, this whole procedure will be completely ineffective.

What to do?

In any case, your mobile operator will not give an answer to this question. Nobody does this, and usually companies do not provide such services to their customers. Therefore, the only way to install two SIM cards on one number is to invent your own way. Of course, there are ready-made solutions for such actions, and they will be discussed in this article. To do this, you need to download a special application from the App Store or Google Play. It will allow you to use two SIM cards on one or two phones at the same time.


A client who has installed this application can not only communicate through it with any person of interest to him, but also make calls and send various text messages to other users. And it is worth emphasizing that all users of this application can easily carry out such operations, even if the subscriber to whom the call is made is not registered in the eMotion system. And here we can say an even more wonderful thing: the call will be made even if a SIM card is not inserted into your phone.

The most important thing that makes the application work so efficiently and smoothly is the use of binding to a phone number. You link them as much as you want, and they work entirely over the Internet. Therefore, when you make a call to another person, he will definitely display your phone number and all other information. However, this only happens if the person you are calling or texting is in your phone book. And it is worth mentioning once again the most important advantage of this application: calls are made even when the SIM card is not inserted into your mobile device. This cannot be repeated if you own a regular cell phone that does not have such an application.

Have one MTS number for two SIM cards - is it possible? Of course yes. And what is the principle of work? All action takes place through one application, it is called eMotion. The first action is as follows: you need to take your main, first SIM card. Next, you just have to download and install this utility on your mobile phone. In it, you can easily and free of charge install a second SIM card that you insert into your mobile phone. And you have to "fill" the second slot not with an ordinary SIM card with a phone number, but with a SIM card with the Internet. It is worth noting that this only works if your cell phone has two slots for such cards. If not, nothing will work.

Having two SIM cards for one number is not so convenient and efficient. Yes, you can independently make calls and write text messages to other users without the Internet and delay. However, it will be much more difficult for you to carry out the same actions. Call notifications will be sent to your phone in text messages. And if the calls you receive are very important, it can be difficult to call back the person who called you. Or perhaps you will not be able to contact at all and will constantly call each other back in the hope of still talking.


The payment for a typical installation of the eMotion application is exactly zero Russian rubles. There is also no subscription fee for all services. Everything that happens in the application: calls, text messages and so on - also happens completely free of charge. The entire fee is taken from incoming calls. If you somehow manage to pick up the phone and completely notice this call, then you will be charged 80 kopecks per minute of conversation. However, this is a fee only for talking with those people who have the same mobile operator as yours.

If the subscriber with whom you are talking uses the services of another operator, then they will take twice as much - one ruble 60 kopecks. It is worth emphasizing right away that if you take a package for free minutes of calls, then such a bonus will not apply to this application. And all payments will continue to be made. There is no charge for sending SMS messages to other users. The only requirement for users of this app is internet access. It is, of course, paid. Everything else is almost free.


This service has been running since 2008. At the time of 2019, it has already been greatly improved and redesigned. Now eMotion exists not only for individuals, but also for entrepreneurs. The latter option differs in that it has more functions, there is a fee for some services, and the application is really created for legal entities that are engaged in any kind of entrepreneurial activity.

The service provides an opportunity to create such a telephone connection in a couple of hours, which was not even dreamed of 15-20 years ago. After all, then there were no smartphones and new applications that would allow people to receive calls very quickly and, of course, have two SIM cards for one number. Then entrepreneurs did not even dream of making their business easier and independent. They hired hundreds of people who took calls and answered them. It is worth emphasizing that this application is famous for the fact that it almost does not charge for telephone calls.

Only small money for the fact that other subscribers call you. The main difference between this application and its competitors is a single balance, which is installed on one SIM card. There will be no confusion and no problems. How to make two SIM cards for one number? Just download the eMotion app.


You can independently carry out office telephone communication. Then you can set up communication equipment, after which you can make calls both independently and for free, or by forwarding them to your number for a small fee. You can also use two SIM cards for one number, and this is called multi-channel. Very convenient, isn't it? In general, this service is really needed by any entrepreneurs and businessmen whose business is based on calls and applications.