Such a thing as a battery has become one of the main criteria for an iPhone and phones in general today. The battery sometimes becomes our headache.

This happens after several years of use, and so that there is no pain, we are immediately interested in what kind of battery capacity a particular iPhone model has.

It is clear that every year the number of mAh of smartphones is growing, but so are the characteristics of phones. Noticeably the number of hours of work unfortunately does not increase.

how much battery on iphone

To simplify the task of choosing a phone model for you, I have prepared for you the indicators of all modern models. In addition, I will remember interesting facts.

I want to start with model number 4, no one buys 3 or 3GS anymore. They'll be in the museum soon, if some of them aren't already there.

If you remember the characteristics of these phones and combine them with the number of mAh from modern smartphones, then the phone would probably work for a week.

The years of these smartphones were unforgettable and every owner of one of these devices remembers them only with a smile. And mind you, back then we didn't even think about the battery.

  • 4: 1420 mAh;
  • 4S: 1430 mAh.

As you can see, compared to today's figures, the numbers are incredibly small. But having bought this device, you don’t think too much about charging throughout the day.

Many consider the 4-inch generation to be the most successful. Apple also does not forget about this, and the result of this is the release of the iPhone SE.

Of course, many still use these devices, but when they start using a newer generation phone, the love for 4 inches slowly evaporates.

  • 5: 1440 mAh;
  • 5S: 1560 mAh;
  • 5C: 1520 mAh;
  • SE: 1642 mAh

The numbers compared to the old 4 and 4S have not grown significantly, because all the characteristics have not grown too globally. SE has already added, but given its filling from 6S, this is probably not enough.

As screens began to grow significantly in size, the iPhone battery found itself in exactly the same situation. Energy consumption has grown and big numbers are indispensable.

The big plus is the development of processors for the better. Indeed, in addition to increasing power, Apple is trying to reduce power consumption.

  • 6: 1810 mAh;
  • 6PLUS: 2915 mAh;
  • 6S: 1715 mAh;
  • 6S Plus: 2750 mAh.

This is clearly seen in this case, where the S versions have significantly better performance at the same time the battery capacity is reduced.

In this series, we see only significant improvements in the filling and the appearance of moisture protection, saying goodbye to the release of 3.5. Design-wise, they just took the 6S and made it what it should have been originally.

The camera now protrudes less roughly, and the antenna lines are neatly placed on the borders of smartphones. The PLUS version is still ahead of the dimensions of smartphones that are identical in screen.

  • 7: 1960 mAh;
  • 7PLUS: 2900 mAh

The phone has grown nicely in all its senses. Now the processor has 4 cores and the camera, both front and rear, has received many new features.

I will not write about each model separately. If you buy a new smartphone, then it will be enough for you exactly for a day of active use.

Just before going to bed, you will already think about putting on a charge. It’s just that some still have 30 or 40 percent left, but you still have to bet, because tomorrow you need to use it.

You will notice a significant increase in operating time only in the PLUS versions. They have a very good battery and will last noticeably longer than models with a smaller screen.

When you buy a used smartphone, you may be preparing that in the near future you will need to change the battery. Although this factor largely depends on the previous owner and his manner of using the smartphone.

The battery capacity is 1624 mAh, it is brand new and ready to install. Additionally, we recommend purchasing a battery sticker to stick the battery to the case on it.

Compared to the next 1715mAh iPhone 6s and the previous iPhone 5s c capacity 1560 mAh. SE lasts longer, so the small screen gives big opportunities. The hourly performance of the phone now looks like this Audio - 40 hours; Video - 10h; Wi-Fi browsing - 10h; LTE browsing - 10h; 3G browsing - 8h; 3G talk - 10h

Do not try to install iPhone 5s batteries in your phone, they are not interchangeable.

When is a replacement needed?

If there is no charge, if the operating time has been reduced to several hours a day, if the percentage of charge does not decrease smoothly, if the phone is turned off with a large charge, for example, 20% or 15%. If the smartphone does not turn on or is swollen, and this happens then - in all these cases, the battery needs to be replaced.

How to extend the service life?

You should not keep the iPhone in extreme cold, heat it up, put it in the microwave, trying to get rid of moisture that has got inside. If you dropped it in water, follow our drying instructions. Reduces battery life charging through a laptop, frequent discharge to 0. This can be done once every few months. It is better to recharge the battery more often, this will extend its life. Do not store the battery discharged, otherwise it may not turn on.

How to make a replacement yourself?

The repair is fairly easy. We unscrew the Pentalobe screws with an asterisk screwdriver, carefully remove the screen using a suction cup. Using a Phillips screwdriver from the set, remove the plate that presses the cables and prevents the screen from being completely removed. The battery is held in place with a sticker. It is not difficult to remove it, the main thing is accuracy and accuracy. Can be heated with a hair dryer for easier separation to melt the adhesive. A regular household hair dryer will do. Heating for more than a few minutes is not recommended.

Doubt your repair skills?

Contact Yodamobile Service Center for replacement or free diagnostics. Our experts will be happy to help you! We install only original components and give a guarantee of 90 days.

Do you have any questions?

Write to our mail [email protected] website, a chat consultant or call any of the indicated phone numbers.

Before we start discussing the distinctive version of the iPhone SE, a few words about the differences and features of this iPhone.

It would be enough to point out the diminutiveness of the “novice”, but there is something more serious in the brain center of this device. So, Apple has proposed an improved version of the iPhone SE, which is in no way inferior to the newer iPhone 6s gadget. This is due to its content and the presence of a processor similar to the iPhone 6s, although the main design elements in the case were borrowed from the iPhone 5s. All of the above points to its advantages and relevance. Thanks to the compact battery and low resolution display, its functionality has only improved. So let's talk about this rather striking difference.

So it turns out in our active user life, saturated with network “knitting” and constant connections with satellites, our iPhones endure no small load. This, and constant photos, video shooting, watching movies, downloading programs, applications, and even someone who has many hours of talking on the phone, all this requires a lot of energy. And its consumption increases with each innovation or development. Remember, our “grandfathers” devices, which, due to their small capabilities, had a fairly long battery life. Now, of course, we cannot imagine ourselves without high-quality color, sound, high RAM and internal memory, without everything that new iPhone developments at Apple give us. This means that the needs of users oblige manufacturers to improve more and more functionality by adding innovations to our favorite smartphones of this company. The battery is no exception in this chain of improvements and implementations. It is just the same link, which is one of the most important when comparing improvements in electronic devices.

As soon as this youngster, the iPhone, appeared at the beginning of 2016, the consumer appreciated all its advantages, in comparison with a similar model from which the appearance was borrowed. In general, the difference was felt in the battery and its size, and as a result, a temporary difference in functionality. The battery capacity of the SE is almost 100 mAh less than the iPhone 6s, but about the same amount more than the battery capacity of the iPhone 5s. Pay attention to the indicators of these capacities. Apple manufacturers have increased the life of the iPhone SE in all respects.

iPhone 5s (1560 mAh) iPhone 6s (1715 mAh) iPhone (1624 mAh)
Audio - 40 Audio - 50 Audio - 50
Video-10 Video-11 Video-13
WiFi browsing - 10 WiFi browsing - 11 WiFi browsing - 13
LTE browsing - 10 LTE browsing - 10 LTE browsing - 13
3G browsing - 8 3G browsing - 10 3G browsing - 12
3G talk - 10 3G talk - 14 3G talk - 14

So, comparing these performance indicators of the smartphones in question, we can safely say that despite the rather small size of the SE display, it is much more functional than its counterparts.

Analysis of the iPhone SE

With each new series, Apple smartphones are growing in terms of device life. They differ in innovations, sizes, design, processor performance, functionality in general. In this example under consideration, we see that a 4-inch display is by no means worse, but on the contrary, it is the right decision and affects the battery performance, only for the better.

Apple manufacturers have made sure that all versions of iPhones, with their normal use, can easily withstand a day of work. But with the most dense workload, they require additional charging time for the electronic device. The remaining percentage of twenty, thirty charges at the end of the day, Apple left, just for negligent users who, if necessary, can recharge their device in the morning without leaving the operating mode, if they forgot to do it the day before. Thus, the iPhone battery is constantly charged, and the lack of energy does not prevent the iPhone SE from fully functioning. Still, it is not the quantity, that is, the size of the display, that dictates the efficiency in this case, but the quality, the contents of the compact iPhone SE.

It needs to be known

Did you know that the iPhone, which we all love, can read battery charging indicators and analyze its capacity. You can explore this feature only by going to the settings using iBackupBot for Windows or Mac. When connected, this application will be able to provide information in detail: the number of charge cycles, the initial capacity and the current fullness of the battery. And if there is a significant difference between the initial capacity indicators and the last ones, then most likely it is time to change the battery of your device.

The iPhone uses batteries (Li-ion), a feature of which is the possibility of a relatively long operating time and a fairly fast charging function. They have absolutely no "memory effect" and vice versa there is an increased specific capacity. But the fragility of all this lies in the sensitivity of iPhones to full discharge and strong heating of the device during operation. It is these two factors that often cause a lot of trouble for ignorant iPhone owners.

Batteries are indispensable components of iPhones and often they are the reason for the expiration of the life of the device itself. And such a seemingly trifle as the temperature regime of the battery charge can drastically reduce the energy resources of the battery of your gadget. Remember, the optimum air temperature for charging is + 20 degrees C, and the critical point below which you should not fall will be + 5 degrees C.

Battery specifications for all iPhone models.

Not everyone has the same criteria for choosing smartphones. Someone needs a high-quality camera, someone cares more about the power of the processor, but for the third, if only the battery life of the device was on top. We decided to put together information about the battery capacities of all iPhone models so that potential buyers of a smartphone would have no questions when choosing.

iPhone 2G

Released back in 2007, the original iPhone 2G is unlikely to appeal to anyone as the main smartphone, however, for the sake of completeness, we still indicate the capacity of its battery.

Battery: built-in 1400mAh lithium polymer battery


It is becoming more and more difficult to meet the owner of the iPhone 3G, but the smartphone, judging by the statistics published on the Web, is still actively used. And why should people who are inexperienced with the latest technologies refuse it?

Battery: built-in 1150mAh lithium polymer battery

iPhone 3GS

iPhone 3GS is an improved version of the "troika", which at one time was considered the standard among smartphones. And a capacious battery played an important role in this.

Battery: built-in 1219mAh lithium polymer battery

iPhone 4

The "four" is still used everywhere - the smartphone, although it does not support iOS 8, does its job perfectly.

Battery: built-in 1420mAh lithium polymer battery

iPhone 4s

Starting with the iPhone 4s, Apple began packaging smartphones with lithium-ion batteries. And although many users, especially smartphones running Android, criticized the battery life of the iPhone, with each new model it only increased.

Battery: Built-in 1430mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 5

The iPhone 5, although it rose above the “fours” in its time, flaunting amazing technical characteristics, its battery was not much better than its predecessors.

Battery: Built-in 1440mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 5c

The plastic and multi-colored iPhone 5c has not left the iPhone 5 either in terms of processor power or battery capacity.

Battery: Built-in 1510mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 5s

The recently flagship Apple iPhone 5s includes a very capacious battery. Add to this the excellent work of Apple engineers in optimizing the use of resources by the mobile operating system iOS, and we get from 8 to 250 hours of battery life.

Battery: Built-in 1560mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 6

Finally, we got to the “large” Apple smartphones, which have everything in perfect order with batteries. Users, even those who are not fans of the iPhone, note on the Web how long the “sixes” work without recharging. Blame it on:

Battery: Built-in 1810mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 6 Plus

Battery: Built-in 2915mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 6s

Apple's flagships have become thinner, and along with this, their batteries have also “lost weight”. However, despite the fact that the battery capacity of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus is smaller than that of its predecessors, they can still work for a long time. The salt lies in the stand-alone M9 co-processor and even more advanced iOS optimizations.

Battery: Built-in 1715mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 6s Plus

Battery: Built-in 2750mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone SE

iPhone SE is a perfect copy of the iPhone 5s in appearance. But the battery of the iPhone SE has a larger capacity than that of the "big brother". The difference isn't significant, but the battery life of the iPhone SE is still better than the iPhone 5s.

Battery: Built-in 1624mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 7

Unlike the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6 Plus, whose batteries have decreased compared to the previous generation of iPhone, the batteries in the “sevens” have received an increased volume. Thanks to this, the battery life of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus has increased. Smartphones last longer than the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus by 1 and 2 hours, respectively. The increase can be called insignificant, however, with daily use it is felt quite strongly.

Battery: Built-in 1960mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 7 Plus

Battery: Built-in 2900mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 8

In case of iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus the situation is the opposite of the previous one. Smartphones have become thicker than the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, but their batteries have been reduced in size. However, the battery life of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus has not changed compared to its predecessors. This made it possible to make the energy-efficient Apple A11 Bionic processor.

Battery: Built-in 1821mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 8 Plus

Battery: Built-in 2675mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone X

Apple's 2017 flagship received the largest display in the history of the iPhone for its time - 5.8 inches, but its battery capacity is not a record. However, Apple did not have a serious need to seriously increase the battery capacity. iPhone X has an OLED display and an energy-efficient A11 Bionic processor, making it last longer on a single charge than any other iPhone. In particular, the battery life of the iPhone X is two hours longer than that of the iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 8 Plus.

Battery: Built-in 2716mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone XS

Direct successor to iPhone X, 5.8-inch iPhone XS, surprised by the volume of its battery, which turned out to be smaller than that of its predecessor. However, it is important to note here that the battery life of the iPhone XS has increased. The smartphone lasts up to 30 minutes longer than the iPhone X. All thanks to the more energy-efficient A12 Bionic processor.

Battery: Built-in 2658mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone XS Max

Huge 6.5 inch iPhone XS Max set several records. The smartphone not only received the largest display in the history of Apple smartphones, but also the most capacious battery. With noticeably increased battery capacity, iPhone XS Max can last up to 1.5 hours longer than iPhone X or 25 hours of talk time.

Battery: Built-in 3174mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone XR

Less expensive than flagships 6.1-inch iPhone XR equipped with a battery whose capacity is between the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. Despite the fact that the battery capacity of the iPhone XR is noticeably less than that of the iPhone XS Max, the battery life of smartphones is identical. The iPhone XR also lasts 1.5 hours longer than the iPhone X or 25 hours of talk time. Moreover, smartphone tests have already proven that in real conditions, the iPhone XR is the record holder for battery life.

Battery: Built-in 2942mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 11

The 6.1-inch 2019 iPhone received a slightly larger battery than its direct predecessor. However, the battery life of the smartphone has increased due to the more energy efficient A13 Bionic processor. iPhone 11 works an hour longer than the iPhone XR - up to 25 hours of talk time.

Battery:built-in 3110 mAh lithium-ion battery.

iPhone 11 Pro

Battery capacity iPhone 11 Pro significantly increased compared to the previous 5.8-inch iPhone X and iPhone XS models. The increase in capacity directly affected the operating time of the smartphone without recharging. It increased immediately by four (!) Hours compared to the iPhone XS. A powerful improvement that has made the iPhone 11 Pro one of the longest-lived flagship smartphones.

Battery:built-in 3046 mAh lithium-ion battery.

iPhone 11 Pro Max

6.5 inch iPhone 11 Pro Max received a battery with a record capacity for Apple smartphones. The double L-shaped battery has 800 mAh more capacity than the iPhone XS Max. Thanks to this, the battery life of the smartphone has increased by as much as five (!) Hours compared to its predecessors. iPhone 11 Pro Max can work up to 30 hours of talk time!

Battery:built-in 3969 mAh lithium-ion battery.

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As iPhone fans have noted, when releasing a new model of a device, Apple always maintains stubborn silence in the specifications of the item on battery capacity. Usually, everything is limited to general phrases that the battery capacity has been increased, and what it is is not reported.

Meanwhile, how long the iPhone battery holds charge is one of the most important characteristics of the gadget, based on the indicators of which many users make a choice in favor of a specific model of an “apple” phone. Of course, other parameters are also important - processor power, camera quality, design, and many others. However, saying that everyone is concerned about the question of how long the charge lasts, we will not be mistaken.

What is the battery capacity of the iPhone 5S - one of the most popular smartphone models from Apple, and how much does the iPhone 5 hold without additional recharging, as well as much more - you will learn from this article.

According to the FCC resource, the fifth iPhone S version has larger batteries than Apple's previous version of the phone. In addition, the same can be said about the 5C model, although it is the youngest in the line.

Note that a public review of the characteristics of new devices is a prerequisite for their appearance on sale in America. The iPhone 5S, according to the information that was presented on the website of the organization mentioned above, is 1570 mAh, and the charge level of the iPhone 5C is 1507 mAh.

In comparison, the five was equipped with a 1440 mAh battery. Thus, the capacity of newer iPhone models was increased by the manufacturer by 5 and 10%, respectively.

According to public data provided by the manufacturer before the release of new products to the market, the charge of these devices can last the following time:

  • Both models (5S and 5C - up to ten hours while talking on a 3G network).
  • While working in wireless networks - also up to ten hours (the same figure for both gadgets).
  • Up to ten hours while listening to audio files and watching videos - the same for 5S and 5C.
  • In standby mode, the period of operation of gadgets when they do not need to be charged additionally is 250 hours (25 hours more than a simple five). Isn't it a very significant improvement?

The start of sales of the five S and five C, as usual, caused a stir among those who wanted to buy a new product from Apple. And, as always, residents of America and Europe were the first to pick up, evaluate the appearance and test the device, including for battery power. And only after a long 3 months, the devices of these models appeared in our citizens. In the first weeks of testing new devices, most buyers noted that the batteries of these devices met their expectations, and the charge level is enough for a whole day of active use of the device.

But there are times when the battery built into the body of the gadget is indispensable, and you need to purchase an external battery. How to do it right, and what criteria to consider when choosing, we will tell further.

Choosing an external battery for iPhone: capacity

  • Capacities.
  • Dimensions (weight).
  • charging current.

Other non-essential characteristics - brand, design, shape, etc. is a matter of personal preference.

Capacity is the property of a battery to collect and deliver electricity. The higher this indicator, the more charges the user can make. But this property is also relative.

Still, the choice of battery should be based on the capacity of the built-in battery. A similar external element must have a capacity of at least 50% or more higher than the built-in one. For example, if the capacity of the internal battery of a mobile device is 1500 mAh, then the external element must be selected with an indicator of at least 2200-2300 mAh. But even in this case, the owner of the iPhone will be able to charge his gadget only 1 time. If you need a double charge, respectively, you need to buy a battery with a capacity of approximately 5000 mAh and so on.

And, in fact, why do we need this stock of 50%? The answer is logical - to compensate for the natural discharge of the battery, which will only grow over time, since the energy-saving parts inside it do not last forever, and gradually wear out.

And, of course, when choosing an external element for charging an "apple" phone, you need to take into account the degree of wear of the built-in battery. The higher it is, of course, the more capacity you will need an external battery.

Dimensions of the external element: what is better to choose

Unfortunately, the more powerful the battery, the larger it has dimensions. Surely, every iPhone user, when buying an external element, wants him to be able to charge the gadget at least 5 times or more. It is rare that anyone seeks to buy a battery for a single charge of the device.

But, alas, the law of increasing the size of the battery in proportion to its capacity will be preserved until innovative technologies for storing electrical energy are invented.

Thus, when choosing an external charge element, it is better for the user to focus on personal needs. If you need to charge the device in order to take it on long trips, hikes, etc., it is certainly better to give preference to elements with a high capacity, even if they are not very attractive in design and have large dimensions. However, there are also lightweight batteries with decent power, such as the Zeus YB-666, which can easily fit in a small purse or trouser pocket. True, their price is much higher than for other battery models.

External battery: charging current

Along with the criterion discussed above, such a characteristic of an external charging element for an iPhone as the charging current (or discharging current) is of no less importance. You can meet either the first or the second name, but the essence remains the same. This indicator indicates the strength of the current that the element can provide a mobile gadget.

The most common values ​​\u200b\u200bof this indicator are from 0.5 to 2 amperes. How to choose a battery, taking into account this characteristic, so that the charging current indicator is maximum? And you just need to look at the marking of the charging that comes with the "apple" phone.

Suppose, if this indicator is equal to 1 Ampere, then the external element must be purchased with an equal indicator, or even a little more. But even if you buy an item with a lower indicator. This will not lead to any critical consequences - just the gadget will charge a little longer than usual.

A number of models of external batteries of maximum capacity are equipped with connectors with different current strength. These are universal elements that will help out in any situation and will fit not one, but several iPhones with different initial characteristics.

Finally, I would like to remind you that you need to pay attention to the indicator of the charging current and the external element itself. The higher this characteristic, the faster your iPhone will charge from the network.