". Together with Maxim Katz, he is the author of the City Projects project, whose activities are aimed at studying the problems and improving the conditions of Russian cities. A cycling activist, since 2013 he has been a co-founder of Koleso-Kolyosiko, the official distributor of Peugeot, Gitane, Definitive and Puch bicycles in Russia.


In April 2013, Varlamov, in an interview with Lenta.ru, stated that he was no longer related to iCube:

As of May 2013, Lyubov Varlamova is listed as the head of iCube in her own Facebook profile.


As a blogger-photographer, Ilya Varlamov maintains a popular blog (formerly Zyalt) as well as a twitter account. During various political actions of the Russian opposition, the LiveJournal blog often becomes a popular source of information and illustrations of current events. In particular, Varlamov took photos and posted them to his blog online from the events on Manezhnaya Square, near the Evropeisky Shopping Center, from the Marches of Dissent, Days of Wrath in 2010-2011.

In March 2011, the government-owned Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported that information that appeared in Varlamov's LiveJournal that airlines had raised ticket prices to Tokyo caused widespread discussion among bloggers. During the protests in Kyiv, at the beginning of 2014, he actively covered what was happening.

On June 7, 2015, Ilya Varlamov announced the closure of the blog, which later turned out to be a move to the varlamov.ru domain.

Coverage of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin

March 19, 2011 Varlamov again goes on a trip with Putin to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. On August 1, 2011, Varlamov was invited to cover Putin's trip to the youth forum of the Nashi movement on Lake Seliger.

Awards, nominations


  • "About Moscow / About Moscow". 2012; Languages: Russian, English; circulation 3 thousand copies. - ISBN 978-5-88149-528-2


Married, has a daughter Elena.

Write a review on the article "Varlamov, Ilya Aleksandrovich"


  1. . odintsovo.info (May 20, 2011).
  2. Ilya Varlamov. LiveJournal (October 9, 2013).
  3. Ekaterina Drankina . № 10 (667) . Kommersant Money (March 17, 2008).
  4. Ilya Varlamov. LiveJournal (August 21, 2009).
  5. . Kommersant FM (September 1, 2011).
  6. . Gazeta.ru (April 18, 2012).
  7. Ilya Varlamov. LiveJournal (May 2, 2012).
  8. Ilya Varlamov. LiveJournal (June 26, 2012).
  9. Alice Poe. The Village (June 4, 2012).
  10. Ilya Shepelin. Lenta.ru (April 11, 2013). .
  11. . Retrieved May 15, 2013.
  12. . zyalt.livejournal.com (2014).
  13. . politonline.ru (December 22, 2010).
  14. Anton Blagoveshchensky. Russian newspaper (March 19, 2011).
  15. . NEWSru.com (June 8, 2015).
  16. Nikita Likhachev. TJornal (June 15, 2015).
  17. . lifenews
  18. . Lenta.ru (December 22, 2010). Retrieved May 31, 2015.
  19. . RIA Novosti (March 19, 2011). Retrieved May 31, 2015.
  20. Ilya Varlamov (unavailable link - story) . LiveJournal Digest (August 2, 2011). .
  21. . nashi.su (December 14, 2009).
  22. . nashi.su (December 17, 2009).
  23. . Union "Ezhe". Retrieved December 2, 2011. .
  24. . RIA Novosti (March 2, 2011).
  25. (unavailable link - story) . livejournal.ru (December 30, 2010). .
  26. (unavailable link - story) . The Best of Russia. .
  27. (unavailable link - story) . The Best of Russia. .
  28. . Kommersant FM (October 12, 2012).
  29. (unavailable link - story) . The Best of Russia. .

An excerpt characterizing Varlamov, Ilya Aleksandrovich

- Disposition! - Kutuzov exclaimed bitterly, - and who told you this? ... If you please, do what you are ordered.
- I listen with.
- Mon cher, - Nesvitsky said in a whisper to Prince Andrei, - le vieux est d "une humeur de chien. [My dear, our old man is very out of sorts.]
An Austrian officer with a green plume on his hat, in a white uniform, galloped up to Kutuzov and asked on behalf of the emperor: did the fourth column come forward?
Kutuzov, without answering him, turned away, and his eyes accidentally fell on Prince Andrei, who was standing beside him. Seeing Bolkonsky, Kutuzov softened the angry and caustic expression of his gaze, as if realizing that his adjutant was not to blame for what was being done. And, without answering the Austrian adjutant, he turned to Bolkonsky:
- Allez voir, mon cher, si la troisieme division a depasse le village. Dites lui de s "arreter et d" attendre mes ordres. [Go, my dear, see if the third division has passed through the village. Tell her to stop and wait for my order.]
As soon as Prince Andrei drove off, he stopped him.
“Et demandez lui, si les tirailleurs sont postes,” he added. - Ce qu "ils font, ce qu" ils font! [And ask if the arrows are placed. – What are they doing, what are they doing!] – he said to himself, still not answering the Austrian.
Prince Andrei galloped off to fulfill the order.
Having overtaken all the battalions walking in front, he stopped the 3rd division and made sure that, indeed, there was no firing line in front of our columns. The regimental commander of the regiment in front was very surprised by the order given to him by the commander in chief to scatter the shooters. The regimental commander stood there in full confidence that there were still troops ahead of him, and that the enemy could not be closer than 10 versts. Indeed, there was nothing to be seen ahead, except for the desert area, leaning forward and covered with thick fog. Ordering on behalf of the commander-in-chief to fulfill the omission, Prince Andrei galloped back. Kutuzov stood still in the same place and, senilely lowering himself in the saddle with his fat body, yawned heavily, closing his eyes. The troops were no longer moving, but their guns were at their feet.
“Good, good,” he said to Prince Andrei and turned to the general, who, with a watch in his hands, said that it was time to move, since all the columns from the left flank had already descended.
“We’ll still have time, Your Excellency,” Kutuzov said through a yawn. - We'll make it! he repeated.
At this time, behind Kutuzov, the sounds of greeting regiments were heard in the distance, and these voices began to quickly approach along the entire length of the stretched line of advancing Russian columns. It was evident that the one with whom they greeted was driving quickly. When the soldiers of the regiment in front of which Kutuzov stood shouted, he drove a little to the side and looked around with a frown. On the road from Pracen, a squadron of multi-coloured riders galloped, as it were. Two of them galloped side by side ahead of the rest. One was in a black uniform with a white plume on a red english horse, the other in a white uniform on a black horse. These were two emperors with retinue. Kutuzov, with the affectation of a campaigner at the front, commanded the troops standing at attention and, saluting, rode up to the emperor. His whole figure and manner suddenly changed. He took on the appearance of a subordinate, unreasoning person. He, with an affectation of deference, which obviously struck the Emperor Alexander unpleasantly, rode up and saluted him.
An unpleasant impression, only like the remnants of fog in a clear sky, ran across the young and happy face of the emperor and disappeared. He was, after ill health, somewhat thinner that day than on the Olmutz field, where Bolkonsky had seen him for the first time abroad; but the same charming combination of majesty and meekness was in his beautiful gray eyes, and on his thin lips the same possibility of various expressions and the prevailing expression of complacent, innocent youth.
At the Olmyutsky review he was more majestic, here he was more cheerful and energetic. He flushed a little as he galloped those three versts, and, stopping his horse, sighed with relief and looked around at the faces of his retinue, just as young, just as animated as his own. Chartorizhsky and Novosiltsev, and Prince Bolkonsky, and Stroganov, and others, all richly dressed, cheerful, young people, on beautiful, well-groomed, fresh, just slightly sweaty horses, talking and smiling, stopped behind the sovereign. Emperor Franz, a ruddy, long-faced young man, sat extremely upright on a handsome black stallion and looked around him anxiously and unhurriedly. He called one of his white adjutants and asked something. "That's right, at what time they left," thought Prince Andrei, watching his old acquaintance, with a smile that he could not help remembering his audience. In the retinue of the emperors were selected fine fellow orderlies, Russian and Austrian, guards and army regiments. Between them, the beautiful spare royal horses were led by bereytors in embroidered blankets.
It was as if through a dissolved window it suddenly smelled of fresh field air into a stuffy room, so the gloomy Kutuzov headquarters smelled of youth, energy and confidence in success from this brilliant youth that galloped up.
- Why don't you start, Mikhail Larionovich? - Emperor Alexander hastily turned to Kutuzov, at the same time looking politely at Emperor Franz.
“I am waiting, Your Majesty,” answered Kutuzov, leaning forward respectfully.
The Emperor ducked his ear, frowning slightly to show that he hadn't heard.
“I’m waiting, your Majesty,” Kutuzov repeated (Prince Andrey noticed that Kutuzov’s upper lip trembled unnaturally while he was waiting for this). “Not all the columns have gathered yet, Your Majesty.
The sovereign heard, but this answer, apparently, did not please him; he shrugged his stooped shoulders, glanced at Novosiltsev, who was standing beside him, as if complaining about Kutuzov with this look.
“After all, we are not in the Tsaritsyn Meadow, Mikhail Larionovich, where they don’t start the parade until all the regiments arrive,” said the sovereign, again looking into the eyes of Emperor Franz, as if inviting him, if not to take part, then listen to what he speaks; but Emperor Franz, continuing to look around, did not listen.
“That’s why I don’t start, sir,” said Kutuzov in a sonorous voice, as if warning the possibility of not being heard, and something trembled in his face again. “That’s why I don’t start, sir, because we are not at the parade and not on the Tsaritsy’s Meadow,” he said clearly and distinctly.
In the retinue of the sovereign, all the faces, instantly exchanging glances with each other, expressed murmuring and reproach. "No matter how old he is, he shouldn't, he shouldn't speak like that," these faces expressed.
The sovereign looked intently and attentively into Kutuzov's eyes, waiting for him to say something else. But Kutuzov, for his part, bowing his head respectfully, also seemed to be waiting. The silence lasted for about a minute.
“However, if you order, your Majesty,” said Kutuzov, raising his head and again changing his tone to the former tone of a stupid, unreasoning, but obedient general.
He touched the horse and, having called the head of the column Miloradovich to him, gave him the order to advance.
The army stirred again, and two battalions of the Novgorod regiment and a battalion of the Apsheron regiment moved forward past the sovereign.
While this Apsheron battalion, ruddy Miloradovich, without an overcoat, in a uniform and orders and with a hat with a huge sultan, put on sideways and from the field, was passing, the march galloped forward and, valiantly saluting, reined in the horse in front of the sovereign.
“God bless you, general,” the emperor told him.
- Ma foi, sire, nous ferons ce que qui sera dans notre possibilite, sire, [Really, your majesty, we will do what it will be possible for us to do, your majesty,] - he answered cheerfully, nevertheless causing a mocking smile from the gentlemen retinue of the sovereign with his bad French accent.
Miloradovich abruptly turned his horse and stood somewhat behind the sovereign. The Absheronians, excited by the presence of the sovereign, valiantly, briskly beating off their feet, passed by the emperors and their retinues.
- Guys! - Miloradovich shouted in a loud, self-confident and cheerful voice, apparently excited to such an extent by the sounds of shooting, the expectation of battle and the sight of the fine fellows of the Apsheron, still their Suvorov comrades, briskly passing by the emperors, that he forgot about the presence of the sovereign. - Guys, you do not take the first village! he shouted.
- Glad to try! the soldiers shouted.
The sovereign's horse shied away from an unexpected cry. This horse, which had carried the sovereign at reviews in Russia, here, on the Field of Austerlitz, carried its rider, withstanding his scattered blows with his left foot, alerted his ears to the sounds of shots, just as she did it on the Field of Mars, not understanding the meaning of any these heard shots, nor the neighborhood of the black stallion of Emperor Franz, nor everything that the one who rode it said, thought, felt that day.
The sovereign turned to one of his entourage with a smile, pointing to the fellow Absherons, and said something to him.

Kutuzov, accompanied by his adjutants, rode at a pace behind the carabinieri.
Having traveled half a verst at the tail of the column, he stopped at a lonely abandoned house (probably a former tavern) near the fork of two roads. Both roads descended downhill, and troops marched along both.
The fog began to disperse, and indefinitely, at a distance of two versts, enemy troops could already be seen on opposite hills. To the left below the shooting became more audible. Kutuzov stopped talking to the Austrian general. Prince Andrei, standing somewhat behind, peered at them and, wanting to ask the adjutant for a telescope, turned to him.
“Look, look,” this adjutant said, looking not at the distant army, but down the mountain in front of him. - They're French!
Two generals and adjutants began to grab the pipe, pulling it out one from the other. All the faces suddenly changed, and horror was expressed on everyone. The French were supposed to be two miles away from us, but they appeared suddenly, unexpectedly in front of us.
- Is this an enemy? ... No! ... Yes, look, he ... probably ... What is this? voices were heard.
Prince Andrey with a simple eye saw a dense column of French rising to the right towards the Apsheronians, no further than five hundred paces from the place where Kutuzov was standing.

You can organize your life so that you don’t spend all your time only on work and duties, but also have the opportunity to do what you love, develop personally and travel. It is these principles that Ilya Aleksandrovich Varlamov, a popular blogger, adheres to. He is an avid traveler and a talented photographer.

Biography of Ilya Varlamov

Ilya was born in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals on January 7, 1984. He had a childhood like all the kids of the Soviet era - a garden, school, friends, hobbies. From an early age, the boy was very fond of drawing, so after graduating from school, the family advised him to enter the architectural institute. Already in his 3rd year at the university, he became known to many people by the fact that, as a student, he organized an architectural studio with a friend, and he was called nothing more than Varlamov Ilya Aleksandrovich. The student's parents are educated and intelligent people. They graduated together at one time from the Moscow Aviation Institute and worked all their lives for the good of the country. My father worked in the field of logistics, and my mother even participated in large projects to develop spacecraft.

Blogger's personal life

Despite an active social life and entrepreneurial activity, since 2013 Varlamov Ilya Aleksandrovich has been the husband of a rather successful and beautiful woman and the father of a charming daughter. Usually, various gossip and rumors appear around famous and famous personalities on the Internet. This did not pass by and Ilya. In blogs and forums, the topic of non-traditional sexual orientation was actively discussed, with whom Ilya Alexandrovich Varlamov allegedly had a close relationship. The wife (photo below) of our hero, Love is a very beautiful young woman. In addition, Ilya is a wonderful husband and father who does not have a soul in his family. He is raising his daughter Elena and son Lyubov from his first marriage. Therefore, those who are familiar with marital status our hero, reacted with great doubt to such dirty gossip. Varlamov Ilya Alexandrovich, his wife and their children treat each other with respect and tenderness. They can be called the perfect family.

Lyubov Varlamova is from Izhevsk. But, having moved to the capital, she managed to build a career and become a successful woman. By education, she is an architect, she is engaged in projects and business in a company organized by her husband Ilya Aleksandrovich Varlamov.

Participation in the blogosphere

The blog that Ilya has been running on LiveJournal since July 2006 under the nickname varlamov.ru (Zyalt) is one of the first places in the user rating. It pleases readers with the freshest and most relevant information, flavored with illustrations and numerous photos of what is happening. Therefore, blog traffic reaches about several million a month, Ilya has a large army of subscribers.

Varlamov positions himself as a supporter of the liberal opposition, supports their movements and actions. Our hero actively and quite widely covers various political events in his blog, for example, the clashes on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow in 2010 or the riots on the Maidan in the center of Kyiv in 2014.

Ilya Alexandrovich Varlamov considers himself an urbanist, therefore he is very critical and active in the landscaping and improvement of Russian cities, which he often covers in his blog. In particular, the young architect touches upon the sore subject of parking, which is familiar to most residents of big cities, as well as the lack of landscaping and the widespread abundance of advertising, which spoils appearance megacities. He criticizes the construction of high-rise buildings even in small towns, believing that this will inevitably lead to crime in anthill areas. Ilya actively supports the development public transport and hates So the lion's share of the blog is devoted to the state of many Russian cities and the problems of their inhabitants.

Commercial activities and business projects

As mentioned above, Ilya, being a 3rd year student at the institute, founded, together with his friend Artem, an architectural design studio for visualizing objects in 3D. Young businessmen took large orders and developed projects in a very convenient visual format. This led to the successful development of the business. Subsequently, the studio grew into an advertising and development company, renamed iCube Creative Group, located in the center of Moscow and employing about 50 employees.

In 2009, Ilya, together with his partner Dmitry Chistoprudov, organized a photo agency. It was engaged in the sale of advertising photographs of excellent quality.

Public life

In 2012, Ilya Alexandrovich Varlamov submitted documents to the Omsk City Electoral Committee for the nomination of his candidacy for the post of mayor of the city of Omsk. Positioning himself as an independent candidate who does not support any political currents, he wanted to gather around him a close-knit team of like-minded people in order to change and improve the city. But he had to abandon this idea, since his candidacy received only 1,500 votes out of 10,000 required.

More than once he covered gay pride parades on his blog and lamented that they were forbidden in Russia.

Varlamov's trips with Putin

In 2010, a young blogger goes on a working trip to St. Petersburg with Russian President Putin to write a report. The following year, he again goes on a trip with the president, this time to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. There was a youth forum. He published impressions of the trip and details on his blog.

By the way, Ilya Varlamov has a negative attitude towards being called a blogger, since he considers himself a journalist.

Once Ilya banned me in his magazine promo so that I would not flash in front of his readers. It seems to me that it was the usual fleeting impulse of envy on his part), nothing more. On January 8, 2016, Varlamov released a short post "Young punks that will wipe us off the face of the earth", in the title of which he extremely accurately described our relationship with him. Many people asked me if I would answer him with something like that? But I preferred to stand my opinion about this man before publishing. Eight months have passed, and I am ready to reveal the accumulated thoughts about Ilya Varlamov.

Photo source www.vladtime.ru

As soon as they don’t call this person with a hairstyle that is very unusual for our latitudes: dandelion, shaggy, Kremlin sing-along and the like. As a rule, people cling to appearance when there is nothing else. But Varlamov has a very extensive assortment of skeletons in his closet: from working for the structures of Vladislav Surkov, the main Kremlin ideologist, to the recipient of money from the Moscow City Hall for praising the new sidewalks on Tverskaya. They even say that for 500,000 - 700,000 rubles Varlamov is ready to kill the reputation of some residential complex in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but I personally do not believe in this: the risk of losing reputation for such a symbolic amount is too great.

First of all, Ilya Varlamov is indeed the #1 blogger in Russia. No matter how regrettable it may sound, but it is Ilya who today has the well-deserved status of the most powerful blogger aimed at a mass audience. Someone will say that Navalny "brings down more powerfully"! Yes, but Navalny has much better funding and strictly limited topics - political investigations dearly loved by the Russian people. Varlamov, on the other hand, builds his relationship with the reader, which is described by the phrase "Light reading" about everything in the world "in exchange for your" quiet "loyalty." "Silent Loyalty" - this is when a fan does not tear a T-shirt with the inscription "Varlamov" on his chest - my idol", but just reads the materials of his favorite blogger every day.

I have said more than once that the quality of Varlamov's materials in his blog is the highest in Russia. There is no domestic blogger now who is able to give out posts as many and as often as Ilya does. Yes, there are Lena Miro, there is a brilliant Lebedev, but their content is either unstable in quality (like Lebedev's questions, which finger to pick in the nose), or in quantity. Of course, Ilya has assistants, there are editors, and in general, there is a department of those who "bring shells", but I personally am convinced that the lion's share of Varlamov's success belongs to Varlamov himself.

Relevance. Anyway, blog - this is a diary. It must be up to date. Varlamov and his team manages to be relevant almost always. If any event of a federal or global scale has happened, with a probability of 90% or more, it has already been described in the blog. Or live information broadcast. It is very convenient and very difficult to implement. Ilya calls his blog author's media: the statement is absolutely objective.

Topic disclosure. The same Subject Lebedev can comment on some world-scale event with one or two phrases. Yes, brevity - the sister of talent, but in LiveJournal, brevity is not always synonymous with quality content. For short, there is Twitter. And Varlamov understands this. The materials being prepared are quite extensive, with many photographs, the text often has a background for those who are "not yet in the know", there are also private conclusions of Varlamov himself.

Blog personality. I like it when a blogger has some unshakable rules in life that he follows without being embarrassed by them. Varlamov likes beautiful and convenient cities - he writes about this: they say, how long will Russia live in barracks? Or bicycles. Yes, whatever. Blogger principles - always an interesting spice to his work. Texts without personality - some kind of indistinct parody of blogging (look how "gray" the authors have become on the main "LJ", where personalities have long been squeezed out to the sidelines of history).

Commercially successful blogger. I think the most commercially successful. The very fact of having a blogger who is much more successful than 90% of the country's journalists makes one wonder: is a professional blogger really poor, stupid and unworthy of money? Rave. Especially if you approach the issue professionally. Varlamov skillfully uses the possibilities of "LJ" (with the consent of the owner of the site, I believe), but even this fact does not make his success on the reader's front less noticeable. Many bloggers in the top 20 rankings have a good readership, but their money is much worse.

Ilya Varlamov - this is a precedent when 1 person is able to create an author's media for relatively modest means that influences public opinion. Perhaps, at some points, Ilya allows himself too much (hard to emphasize his unshakable leader status), but, in general, he can afford it. The gap between #1 blogger and #2 bloggers is all too obvious.

How do you like this narcissistic type with stupid hair?

Ilya Aleksandrovich Varlamov
Occupation: businessman, UHFA photo, blogger
Date of birth: January 7, 1984
Place of birth: Moscow, USSR
Citizenship: Russia
Father: Alexander Varlamov
Children: Elena Varlamova

Ilya Aleksandrovich Varlamov(January 7, 1984, Moscow) - Russian businessman - head of advertising - development agency iCube. Better known as a blogger-amateur photographer - the author of a blog in LiveJournal called "Phototravels and more", where he performs under the nickname zyalt. Conducts human rights public activities, being one of the organizers of the project "Country without stupidity." In 2011 established anti-prize "Glass Bolt".

According to LiveJournal, as of December 2, 2011 Ilya Varlamov's blog has 40 943 subscribers and is in the LiveJournal rating in terms of the number of subscribers in 6th place. In September 2011 Mr. Varlamov launched online media "Reedus".

Born and raised Ilya Varlamov in Moscow. He studied at the Moscow Architectural Institute, during his studies at the university he organized a company, which later became the ICube group of companies with an annual turnover of $3,000,000.

According to the Vedomosti newspaper, his company D. V. A. cubed, which became a pioneer in the field of 3D visualization, Ilya Varlamov created in 2002 together with Artyom Gorbachev. In the same year, its turnover amounted to $ 50,000, and the largest order was the visualization of the residential complex of skyscrapers "Scarlet Sails" of the company Don-Story.
In 2006 it was renamed to iCube. In 2008 Varlamov's firm occupied an office in the center of Moscow with a total area of ​​500 m², and its staff consisted of 50 people. The firm does not take orders worth less than $10,000 and is a full cycle advertising and development agency.

He himself spoke about some of the circumstances of the organization and formation of his business in an interview. Ilya Varlamov:
“At first I was too lazy to do a diploma. And I put together an architectural studio to make it. It seems that I have organizational skills (...) in 2000, another company appeared that took up computer visualization. And it became the largest in Russia. And then I became too lazy to work. And I built such a vertical of power in order to spend no more than 20% of the time on work. This is how I live now. Travel, sports are mostly, work is minimal.”

He also owns a computer graphics company.

In April 2012, having won the "Citizen Mayor" primaries, organized by the publication "Omsk political", Ilya Varlamov submitted documents to the Omsk City Electoral Committee to participate in the election of the mayor of Omsk, which should be held on June 17. On May 2, he announced the termination of the election campaign due to problems with the collection of signatures of voters in support of the candidate; according to his information, his election headquarters managed to collect about 1,500 authentic signatures out of the required 10,000 signatures.
June 4, 2012 Ilya Varlamov together with Maxim Katz announced the launch of "City projects".

Blog Ilya Varlamov Zyalt

As a blogger-photographer, Ilya Varlamov runs the popular blog Zyalt, as well as the varlamov twitter. During various political actions of the Russian opposition, the LiveJournal blog often becomes a popular source of information and illustrations of ongoing events. In particular, Varlamov took photographs and posted them on-line to his blog from the events on Manezhnaya Square, near the European Trade Center, from the Marches of Dissent, Days of Wrath in 2010-2011.

In March 2011, the government-owned Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported that the information that appeared in Varlamov's LiveJournal that airlines had raised ticket prices to Tokyo caused widespread discussion among bloggers.

Coverage of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin

On December 22, 2010, the media reported that Vladimir Putin had "his own personal blogger." One of the first tasks of Ilya was a report on the work of journalists covering the activities of the chairman of the Russian government - he flew with them on the same plane to St. Petersburg. Varlamov told Life News that his current work is part of one big project. In another interview, he called the invitation of the government press service to the pool "in a certain sense, an experiment." However, the blogger did not disclose the details, hinting that he could not openly answer all questions. A day earlier, Varlamov made a post in his LiveJournal, posting photographs of the grave of Yegor Sviridov, a football fan killed in the winter of 2010, near which Putin visited.
March 19, 2011 Ilya Varlamov again goes on a trip with Putin to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
On August 1, 2011, Varlamov was invited to cover Putin's trip to the youth forum of the Nashi movement on Lake Seliger.

Lyovushka works at Google, and in his spare time he travels a lot and writes interesting things about the places he has visited. Or not. Not this way. Leo travels a lot and writes about it in his LiveJournal, and in his spare time he works at Google. So: once, when Lyova was in Japan, in Tokyo, Varlamov also ended up there. He wrote about this in his LiveJournal and Lyova offered to give him a tour of Google's Tokyo office. That's how they met. And then we met again by chance walking in the morning along the streets somewhere in New Zealand. – Yes, people living on different continents constantly bump into each other by chance somewhere in New Zealand. This is a well-known incident to science.

All in all. Varlamov was going to New York. And he asks who can show him something interesting. I wrote to him, offered to introduce him to a guy who has his own airplane - to fly him over New York. But my friend, as it turned out, recently moved to live in Hawaii (people live!!!) and then I suggested that Ilya just ride him around the city and show how the paparazzi work in one. I wake up one morning, I see an e-mail from Varlamov: "Hello! Thanks for the recommendations. What is the job of the paparazzi?". Since I was running to work, I didn’t have much time to colorfully paint what was happening - I admit, my response e-mail probably turned out to be not very interesting. But I didn't receive any response at all. Neither "thanks, but I'm not interested", nor "sorry, but I already have other plans", nor "thanks, I'll think about it and if anything, I'll let you know." I didn't get an answer at all.

A couple of days later, sitting with Lyovushka in a Turkish cafe, I expressed my “fe” to him about Varlamov:
- "Your Varlamov goon. Could have answered"
- "But he does not answer at all," Lyovushka retorted
- "well, someone wrote me" hello! thanks for the advice. And what is your job. "I could send an answer a second time - so that I know to wait for it or not"
"Don't wait for him. He'll go to Google with me. I'll show him around the New York office."
- "I wouldn't show him. I didn't deserve it"

But Lyova did not listen to me and on the agreed day took Ilya on a tour of his office. And after the tour, at dinner, Ilya told Lyova what he would like (carefully, the link is a good essay and disgusting comments).
- "Damn it! But I have a friend who could show you all this perfectly!", exclaimed Lyovushka.
- "Yes? And who is it?" Varlamov asked
- "Remember, one dude wrote to you, paparazzi? You haven't answered him yet"
- "Ah, yes! I remember! I can rummage through the basket and find his letter!" (behind the scenes my snorting and obscenity sounds)
- "Don't bother, I'll give you his phone number"

In short, I arranged to meet with Varlamov on the coming Friday. On Thursday I received a text from him:
- "Dude, my lens is broken, do you know where it can be fixed?"
- "Do you have a Canon?"
– "Nikon"
- "I don't know anything about Nikon, but I'll ask my friends"
I wrote to friends, asked, found out, unsubscribed to Varlamov. And that's it. Neither you "thank you", nor you "please" - just stupidly silent.

Well, fuck your mother! Well, what kind of incivility is this?! I won’t take him anywhere - what for do I need this? I'm not for self-interest - I was just curious to get acquainted with an interesting, as it seemed to me, person. And to carry around the city of Moscow a smart guy who doesn't even know the word "thank you"? - let him look for fools. Well, or those who need it for business. And I feel good too. I already have one blogger friend - levik - it's enough for me :) And then, after some time, he sends me an SMS: "call me." Do you understand the tone? - "call me". Yes, go to hell!
I call, in general, Leva and say:
- "Lev. I'll take his bortan. Let him go to see the Hasidim himself. I'm not interested anymore."
- "You like to be offended, Moishenka ... Don't play the fool, meet a man, he's not as bad as it seems, honestly. And in general - I bothered for you, arranged a meeting for you. Don't be a pig."
- "Okay, Lyova. Only for you, I will meet with this Moscow Futsin. But if anything, then you will owe me a lost day."

In general, at the end of the day, when we had already said goodbye to Ilya and Lyuba, I realized that I had been telling Varlamov about myself all evening, answering his questions, and did not learn anything about him at all! Either I am such a narcissistic talker, or Varlamov is such a skilled interviewer and knows how not to talk too much to himself. Now I don’t even know if I can say that I really got to know him - I know about him no more than any other reader of his LiveJournal.
But the acquaintance was very pleasant. I really liked Luba. And I don't think such a nice girl would live with an asshole. So I willingly believe that Varlamov is good too :)

update: A! I forgot to mention one more thing))) Varlamov photographed mainly with my camera (because I had a 70-200mm lens, and it was much more convenient for them to photograph Hasidim) and, accordingly, with my card. And then I just transferred all the photos from the card to my computer. The only ficus is that from time to time I took my camera into my own hands, where Varlamov, for example, was embarrassed to take pictures, or where I saw an interesting shot. And, of course, these photos also ended up on his computer interspersed with his frames. And then I saw those and other photos in his essay, all signed as "Ilya Varlamov | varlamov.ru". Including, for example, a capital letter)))) I didn’t say anything, especially since there were no masterpieces among my photos :) but - really, dude? - you are a blogger - you know what is good and what is bad. OK;)