The topic of today's article is recording a disk image. The topic is quite popular, but not every user has sufficient knowledge and skills to complete this simple procedure. As an example, I'll show you how to burn a disc image using the free ImgBurn program.

First, a few words about what a disk image is. A disk image is a file that contains a complete copy of the file system structure and data. It completely duplicates the structure in the original disk. This is not just a copy of the disk, copy - paste, this is a real file system in the form. iso file(nrg, mdf, img, ccd, cue, dmg and bin).

What is a disk image for and how to create it.

To explain what a disk image is for, I will give a specific example. Let's say we need to reinstall the Windows operating system, as I wrote, but first we need a disk with the operating system. Of course, you can buy it, but you can also make it yourself, so to speak. If you think that this is difficult, I will disappoint you again)).

Although I'm lying, there is a certain complexity - we will have to purchase a disk. Disk requirement: DVD-R disc, if we are talking about Windows XP, then a CD-R disc is enough. Disc manufacturers recommended by me: Verbatim, TDK. Recorded, re-recorded and checked many times.

Now we need the image of the Windows operating system itself, as you may have guessed, we are looking for it on any more or less decent one, as an example I can recommend (registration is required). For my laptop, I downloaded the 32-bit version of Windows 7, i.e. this file is win7_3in1_x86_SP1u_ie10_2013_05_dvd.iso

Lastly, the program itself. The choice of programs for burning a disk image is very large, but I settled on ImgBurn. Why? The program is free, intuitive, lightweight and was created specifically for burning disc images (unlike many all-in-one programs). You can download the program either from the official website The program itself is in English, but a Russifier is attached to it.

Russification procedure: Install the program - do not run it - now you need to copy russian.lng (crack file) to the address - C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\Languages. In the end it will look like this.

If everything is in English when you start the program, open the menu Tools - Settings - in the Language field, select Russian

How to burn a Windows image to disk

Now we pass to the most interesting. We place the purchased disc in the drive and run the ImgBurn program. We see two windows.

The first window is actually the program itself with an interface where we only need the first item "Write image to disk". The second window is the status window, the ImgBurn report when the image is written to disk.

It doesn't need to be closed. It reports possible errors during the capture of the image. As a rule, they should not be, this indicates that the final disk image was written correctly, without errors.

Click "Write image to disk" and see the following program window.

Here we need to select a file (an image of the Windows operating system downloaded in advance) - .iso

And press record (action 2 in the screenshot). In the settings it is possible to select the recording speed, for the first time leave it as it is, we leave all the settings by default.

The recording has begun. Pay attention to the window - Report ImgBurn. There should be no error messages (yellow exclamation points) here throughout the entire image capture procedure.

At the end of the recording, the drive will eject the disc, and the message “Please close it manually and then click OK to continue” will appear in the program window. We close the drive with the disk back, wait 30-40 seconds, and press ok. It will start checking the image of the burned disc with the source file. This is a significant plus of this program, since you do not have to do it manually.

You can burn files and images to discs, create an image from discs. Disk Cleanup is another feature of this program, however, this can only be done if the disk is in +RW or -RW (rewritable) format. In addition, ImgBurn is a completely free utility, and this is an indisputable advantage over the same “alcohol”.

So, let's look at the main features in detail, learn how to record and erase DVD+-RW discs.

ImgBurn | Erasing discs

You can erase a disk from past recordings using a variety of programs, but here we will consider only the ImgBurn utility. When opening the program, we see the following window:

Here we will learn about the main disadvantage of the program - the absence of a button to erase the disk on this panel. You have to click on "Burn image to disk."

We have a window like this:

And there is a very inconspicuous "Erase Disk" button - highlighted in red in the screenshot. We click on it, this is what appears in front of us:

Click the "Complete" button, which means the complete erasure of all data from the disk. The "Quick" button is not available in this case, but it's worth saying that it only clears the disk's table of contents, which means that some of the data remains, which is why overwriting problems occur. The only disadvantage of complete erasure is a rather long time for the continuation of the operation. So, we are waiting for the end of the operation, and before us appears a report on the work done. It is not particularly important if there were no errors during the destruction of the data.

ImgBurn | Burning the image to disk

Since the window is already open, we continue to work. If you need to burn files, you will have to restart the program, click the "Burn files / folders to disk" button in the main menu, but more on that later, since the process is slightly different.

Since the disk is detected automatically, we only need to select the image from which we will burn it. Click on the "Select file" button:

And we see this:

In this window, we need to select the path to the image file, and then click "open". The image will load, and we will click on the button to start recording, located in the lower left corner.

After clicking this button, a window will appear in front of us, in which we need to click on the “done” button. Burning a disc is a rather lengthy process, so you have to wait. Again, at the end we will get a report of all actions. So, the image is written, and you can use this disk.

ImgBurn | Writing files to disk

Writing files is very similar to writing images, however, the interface of the working window is slightly different. By clicking on the "Burn files / folders to disk" button, we will see something like this:

Here everything is done by analogy, but instead of choosing an image, you need to drag and drop all the files you need with the left mouse button into the box highlighted in red in the screenshot.

ImgBurn | Creating an image from disk

To start it, you need to click the "Burn image from disk" button in the main program window. Everything is very simple here. To start the process, you do not need to make any settings, click on the "read" button, and the image creation has begun.

You probably noticed that there are a few more buttons in the main window of the ImgBurn utility that we didn't use. They are not mentioned because they are required in very rare cases. If you wish, you can experiment with these buttons yourself and learn about their capabilities.

To greatly simplify the next step, the DVD Video files must be sensibly arranged. We assume that all movies are located on the Z: drive. Each movie should have its own folder named according to the movie, say 'SUMMER_HOLIDAYS_2007'. Inside this folder, create a folder VIDEO_TS. Inside it we put DVD Video files (IFO/BUP/VOB). In our example, IFO/BUP/VOB end up in Z:\SUMMER_HOLIDAYS_2007\VIDEO_TS

Everything has a beginning...

Launch ImgBurn and select "Burn files/folders to disk". Don't be embarrassed by the strange saying at the very bottom of the window - this is one of the author's hundreds of favorite phrases, they appear randomly.

Now in vogue - Build.

Switch to the 'Build' mod (starting from version 2.4, you can skip this step, the 'Build' mod is already selected for you):

We don't need an image...

Now we need to tell ImgBurn that we are going to write to disk, not create an image. In the 'Output' menu, switch from 'Image' to 'Device' (starting from version 2.4, this step can be skipped, the 'Device' option is already selected for you):

I note that ImgBurn remembers all settings, so next time you won't need this and the previous steps (starting from version 2.4, these two steps are simply not needed).
Your screen should now look like this:

Looking for a DVD movie.

We inform the location of the VIDEO_TS folder (it is the presence of this folder that tells ImgBurn that we are burning DVD-Video; if it is not there, then the files will be written simply as data, which can be done with any other program). Click on the ‘Browse for folder…’ button:

In fact, vob/ifo/bup files can be anywhere. Even if we were too lazy to put them in the VIDEO_TS folder, ImgBurn is smart enough to suspect our true intentions - to burn DVD-Video. What he will ask for confirmation: do we want to write these files as DVD-Video (and then he will put them inside the VIDEO_TS folder and do all the other magic), or burn them as they are, just files.
However, I always create the VIDEO_TS folder myself. This organizes, and then ImgBurn does not ask unnecessary questions. And most importantly: many soft players require this folder to play correctly. And I never write to a disc without first watching the movie selectively and making sure there are no unpleasant surprises and proper menu navigation..

select a folder and click 'OK':

the full path to the folder appeared in the 'Source' window:

Alternatively, we can drag the VIDEO_TS folder from Explorer (Commander, Opus, etc.) directly into the 'Source' window.

Check for lice.

Make sure all settings are correct. Actually, by default they are all correct, so this step is needed only if you have changed something for some reason. Plus, ImgBurn will let you know if something is seriously wrong. Switch to the 'Options' tab - all settings should be as in the picture:

If something is wrong (or too lazy to look), click on 'Reset Settings'.

Do not exceed!

If the disc is still not inserted, insert it now. Switch to the 'Device' tab and set the write speed (for dual-layer DVD+R DL, I recommend no more than 4x, 2.4x is best, for DVD+/-R - half the nominal speed, i.e., no more than 8x)):

I note that if you set up automatic speed selection (see instructions below), this step is not needed.

Key to start!

Now we are almost ready to start recording. Joyfully click on the big 'Write' button:

Forgot to name the baby...

Instead of starting recording, the program will ask us for a Volume Label for the disk. This is what we will see later in Explorer (Commander, Opus,…) when we insert the burnt disc into the drive. We could have specified it even earlier, in the 'Labels' tab. But if you listened to the advice and arranged the files as I recommended at the beginning of the instructions, then now it's much easier to do it - you don't need to print anything.
ImgBurn will automatically generate a disc name in one of the following ways (and in that order, using the following method if the previous one didn't give a name):

Change the name if you like. You can use the green arrow buttons to copy text between boxes.
Satisfied with the title? Click on 'Yes'.

  • from the disc name listed in the 'DVD-TEXT' table in the IFO file (it doesn't matter what it is; most likely nothing is listed there);
  • from the name of the folder in which the VIDEO_TS folder is stored - the option in the picture. If you followed my advice about organizing file storage, ImgBurn will probably use this method and choose the name that you yourself gave the folder (most correctly when you torrented it); from the drive name if the VIDEO_TS folder is right at the root.

Double bottom.

If the movie fits on DVD-5, you won't see the following dialog and this step is not needed. However it is the work with dual-layer DVD-9 discs that raises ImgBurn to a height unattainable for other programs..
We must select a transition point between layers - Layer Break. At this point, the laser refocuses from one layer to another. When playing, there may be a delay in this place, up to 1.5 - 2 seconds, but decent players do it instantly.
Few other programs (RecordNow) that correctly set the transition point make this choice for us, but perhaps not in the best way. RecordNow either starts recording immediately, or refuses altogether if it cannot find a suitable point (this is a fair approach; Nero will never refuse, even if you obviously cannot write). ImgBurn provides a choice, but keeps it as simple as possible. We just have to choose from several possibilities. Let me emphasize right away that any choice is legal and will lead to the creation of a conformal DVD-Video. At the same time, ImgBurn has the most flexible algorithm for setting the transition point: it manages to do this in most situations in which RecordNow throws a white flag.
The possibilities for a transition point that are listed here are Cells within a movie. Blocks correspond more or less to chapters (something we can choose from when browsing): a chapter can contain multiple blocks, but the border between chapters is always a block border. If you are curious what the column names mean

A note for the especially picky:
The picture above is the most typical: several gray stars and one yellow or blue one. The color of the asterisks suggests the best, from a technical point of view, choice of transition point. Please note: in the line with a blue star, in the last column (SPLIP) - 'No'. This means that on the original disk, there is no 'seamless' flag in this place. A sure sign of a transition point in the original. We choose without hesitation.
A situation with one or more green stars is possible. The green star is ideal: the transition is absolutely invisible, since it corresponds to the beginning of a new series / part.
A harsh choice: only gray stars. The SPLIP column is all ‘Yes’. Some anomaly of the original disc (or re-authoring), this should not be by the standard. It's OK! Remember that the block we choose will be the first one on the 2nd layer; this is what we will see immediately after the transition from layer to layer (and a possible pause). Of course, we should try to avoid the transition inside the fast scene. ImgBurn allows us to quickly review what we choose, block by block!
Select any line and click on ‘Preview Selected Cell’. Now we will see what happens in the movie at this moment:

In the viewport, Cell 1 is what will play just before the transition point; Cell 2 - immediately after. You can view step by step, frame by frame (buttons ‘<‘ и ‘>'). Or use the slider. Viewed, closed (‘Close Preview’). Let's look at the next block.
Can't make a choice? A few green stars or a few grey, all with static scenes? Okay, choose a star with a little padding in the second column. This is probably the transition point in the original. And there are several of them, all have padding less than 100? Choose the one with the layering distribution (3rd column) closest to 50/50. The recording will be made farther from the edge - the most vulnerable spot on the disk (and constantly captured by fingers).

I emphasize once again - the choice is not critical, there is no bad: we choose between normal, slightly better and good.
Have you chosen? They breathed a sigh of relief and clicked ‘OK’ (until one of the lines is selected, clicking ‘OK’ will fail). Don't touch any options, especially 'Don't update IFO/BUP files'!

As I have already explained, the pointers in the IFO/BUP files must be changed. Of course, ImgBurn will not touch the files on the hard drive, but will change the files on the disc being burned. As a result, these service files on the disk will differ from what is on the screw. Do you want to remove the movie from the screw after burning the disc, but be able to return to the distribution? Save the IFO/BUP files on the screw, they are only a few kilobytes

What will ImgBurn do with the transition point? White magic!

ImgBurn will do the arithmetic. The jump point address must fall on the selected block boundary, but be divisible by 16. Padding will be created on both sides of the disk to achieve this. Gaps will be created between the IFO and BUP files, at least 32 kB (16 sectors, i.e. one ECC block) - so that one bad sector does not immediately kill both the IFO and its backup BUP. The pointers in IFO and BUP will be changed according to the created location of all files. IFOs and BUPs will have the 'non-seamless' flag set for the transition point.
In general, if you already know what and how ImgBurn does, then there is nothing super complicated in this arithmetic and manipulations. However, here's what is curious: professional programs like Gear, designed to create images for stamped factory disks, for some reason are not able to do this. A pro, with his know-how, must calculate everything himself, on a piece of paper.

Point of no return.

The final dialogue, after which the recording will begin. Pay attention to a curious detail: we have specified only a folder (VIDEO_TS), and ImgBurn is going to write two. Don't worry - it automatically adds an empty AUDIO_TS folder. Bukvoed, complies with the standard to the last detail.
If you did not save on blanks and a two-layer blank from Verbatim (or DVD-5 from Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim, Maxell, Sony, TDK) is inserted into a good cutter, feel free to click the 'Yes' button:

If you have any other blank, or an ancient cutter of an unknown manufacturer, then it is recommended to knock on a tree (head?), or perform other magical rites in the performance of an almost hopeless cause. The Ministry of Health warns...

The office writes...

Burning and verifying a disc will take a lot of time. Do something useful, get away from the computer. In any case, do not try to do things that will almost completely take away access to the hard (such as unpacking a huge archive or urgently checking for harmful byaks).
Before the advent of computers, a person could look at three things indefinitely - water, fire and another person working. Computers have added a progress indicator to this list. If you are already following the indicator and ‘Time Remaining’, pay attention to the indicators of the buffers. The top one shows the buffer in the computer's memory. It should normally be at 100%, unless you have a bunch of hard drive intensive programs running. The lower one shows the drive buffer and usually does not go below 80%. If one or both buffers are sometimes emptied, you should not worry too much, the disc should still burn normally - the Burn Proof technology (under various names) is responsible for this in the drive. Does the drive have Burn Proof enabled? However, if the buffers are emptied frequently, the computer is worth taking care of, but that's another story.

Attention! After the recording is finished, ImgBurn will open the drive, and immediately close it again, after which verification will begin. If you are writing on the laptop's built-in drive, then you will have to close the drive manually. Suppress the urge to turn off verification - a little inconvenience is better than a big upset later. Bad pigs meet ...

Good news!

Horror without end threatens us. With good discs, a decent cutter and a reasonable quality computer, ImgBurn will play a cheerful tune and deliver good news. You just have to click 'OK':

The end is the crown!

It turned out to be quite a long instruction. In fact, after one time, you will realize that all the preparatory procedures take 3 clicks, 10 seconds. 1) Select, 2) Burn, 3) Confirm intention. For dual-layer DVDs, two more checkboxes are added - Select and Confirm Breakpoint.

Important note:
There are quite a few good DVD-5 (+R) brands: Taiyo Yuden (media id usually starting with TYG or YUDEN), Verbatim/Mitsubishi (media id starting with MCC), TDK (media id starting with TDK), Maxell/ Hitachi (media id starting with MXLR or MAXELL) and some others.
Good DVD-9 (+R DL) are only Verbatim (Mitsubishi-Kagaku Media), media id starting with MKM.
Nothing else in this topic will be taken seriously. 90% of all the errors discussed in this topic are the result of the use of blanks not from Verbatim. Even from Verbatim, not all blanks are equal: if possible, buy only MKM-001 (Singapore, nominally 2.4x). MKM-003 already has enough problems.
Typical examples of bad but widespread blanks are Ricoh, Ritek and CMC (media id starting with RICOHJPN, RITEK, CMC, PHILIPS, FUJIFILM and others) under a variety of packages of well-known brands (including TDK).

ImgBurn is a program that contains everything you need to burn CDs, DVDs, HD DVDs and Blu-ray discs with high quality. Works with all versions of the Windows operating system, starting with the 95th, including all 64-bit ones.

Let's analyze the question of how to record through imgburn.

How to download imgburn for free?

Before you start burning through imgburn, you need to download ImgBurn for free at: or on the official website of the program.

How to Russify the ImgBurn program?

To Russify ImgBurn, download the archive from the link: and unpack it into the "Languages" folder in the program installation directory (C: Program FilesImgBurnLanguages ​​by default). Then go to the ImgBurn settings (Tools - Settings...) and select the desired language from the drop-down list.

How to burn a disc from an image file using ImgBurn?

1. Run ImgBurn

2. As shown in the figure, to start recording in the main menu, select Mode(Mode) and turn on the mode Recording(write)

3. Depending on the size of the image, select a blank CD or DVD disc and place it in the drive for burning.

4. As shown in the figure, select the image file for recording and by pressing the button Browse Files(Browse for file)

Important: On panel Settings for better reading of the recorded disc, set the write speed Write Speed. Select MAX values ​​for DVD discs 1x, 2x, 2.4x, 4x. Value for CD discs 4x, 8x, 10x. To make the disc read better, select the value below.