Now we simply cannot imagine our life without. Databases, computer games, operating systems, social networks and more.

We would not have all this if people had not developed special programming languages, with the help of which the most diverse computer software is now being created.

Programming languages ​​are no longer counted in tens, but in hundreds. There are languages ​​specifically for developing websites, games, animations.

What languages ​​are used to create common application programs (i.e., programs written directly for users)? There are countless of them, the most popular of them are C++ and Delphi. They provide the greatest number of opportunities for developing programs for all occasions. That's what professional programmers use.

However, both C++ and Delphi were based on simpler languages. For C++, this is the C language (called "C"). Delphi's predecessor is Pascal. Many of them are taught at school in computer science lessons. The Pascal language was created specifically for teaching programming, as it is very simple and understandable. Now it is used in almost all schools, colleges, universities and institutes.

After mastering Pascal, the study of Delphi passes, which is called "with a bang." Such a sequence of language acquisition, i.e. Pascal first, and then Delphi or C, C++ is highly desirable. The answer to the question “Which programming language is better” can be answered that Pascal is best suited for teaching beginners.

To develop cartoons and animation, a special program was created - Adobe (Macromedia) Flash. Flash is also used to develop websites and to create computer games. The language used in Flash is ActionScript. It has gained immense popularity these days as it is used in all modern internet projects.

HTML is short for English. HyperText Markup Language and translates as "Hypertext Markup Language". It is used to create most web pages. Knowledge of HTML greatly simplifies the work with your blog or website, but is not required.

More advanced and functional (but more complex) languages ​​than HTML are PHP, Ajax, SQL.

For the development of games and programs for phones, two languages ​​are mainly used - Java and C ++. We have already talked about C ++, and Java is a programming language created on the basis of C ++.

Python is used to create 3D games and movies. It gives a huge range of possibilities for managing 3D graphics.

The Fortran language was developed for complex mathematical calculations, created in 1954-1957. The word Fortran comes from the first letters: FORmula TRANslator, that is, formula translator. It performs mathematical, engineering and various scientific tasks and is used in very powerful computers.

As we can see, programmers have developed programming languages ​​for all occasions. Many programmers are fans of one programming language, but it depends on personal preference. New languages ​​are being created, old ones are being improved. The future of computer technology depends on the functionality of programming languages.

P.S. The article is over, but you can read more.

Programming is a whole science that allows you to create computer programs. It includes a huge number of different operations and algorithms that form a single programming language. So, what is it and what are the programming languages? The article provides answers, as well as an overview list of programming languages.

The history of the emergence and change of programming languages ​​should be studied along with the history of the development of computer technology, because these concepts are directly related. Without programming languages, it would be impossible to create any program for the operation of a computer, which means that the creation of computers would become a meaningless exercise.

The first machine language was invented in 1941 by Konrad Zuse, who is the inventor of the Analytical Engine. A little later, in 1943, Howard Aiken created the Mark-1 machine, capable of reading instructions at the level of machine code.

In the 1950s, there was an active demand for software development, and machine language could not withstand large amounts of code, so a new way of communicating with computers was created. "Assembler" is the first mnemonic language to replace machine instructions. Over the years, the list of programming languages ​​is only increasing, because the scope of computer technology is becoming more extensive.

Classification of programming languages

At the moment there are more than 300 programming languages. Each of them has its own characteristics and is suitable for one specific task. All programming languages ​​can be divided into several groups:

  • Aspect-oriented (the main idea is the separation of functionality to increase the efficiency of program modules).
  • Structural (based on the idea of ​​creating a hierarchical structure of individual blocks of the program).
  • Logical (based on the theory of the apparatus of mathematical logic and resolution rules).
  • Object-oriented (in such programming, algorithms are no longer used, but objects that belong to a certain class).
  • Multi-paradigm (combine several paradigms, and the programmer himself decides which language to use in this or that case).
  • Functional (the main elements are functions that change value depending on the results of the calculations of the initial data).

Programming for beginners

Many people ask what is programming? Basically, it is a way to communicate with a computer. Thanks to programming languages, we can set certain tasks for various devices by creating special applications or programs. When studying this science at the initial stage, the most important thing is to choose suitable (interesting for you) programming languages. The list for beginners is below:

  • Basic was invented in 1964, belongs to the family of high-level languages ​​and is used to write application programs.
  • Python ("Python") is quite easy to learn due to its simple, readable syntax, but the advantage is that it can be used to create both ordinary desktop programs and web applications.
  • Pascal ("Pascal") - one of the oldest languages ​​(1969) created for teaching students. Its modern modification has strict typing and structure, but "Pascal" is a completely logical language that is understandable on an intuitive level.

This is not a complete list of programming languages ​​for beginners. There are a huge number of syntaxes that are easy to understand and will definitely be in demand in the coming years. Everyone has the right to independently choose the direction that will be interesting for him.

Beginners have the opportunity to accelerate the learning of programming and its basics thanks to special tools. The main assistant is the Visual Basic integrated development environment for programs and applications (“Visual Basic” is also a programming language that inherited the style of the Basic language of the 1970s).

Programming language levels

All formalized languages ​​designed to create, describe programs and algorithms for solving problems on computers are divided into two main categories: low-level programming languages ​​(the list is given below) and high-level ones. Let's talk about each of them separately.

Low-level languages ​​are designed to create machine instructions for processors. Their main advantage is that they use mnemonic notation, that is, instead of a sequence of zeros and ones (from the binary number system), the computer remembers a meaningful abbreviated word from the English language. The most famous low-level languages ​​are "Assembler" (there are several subspecies of this language, each of which has much in common, but differs only in a set of additional directives and macros), CIL (available in the .Net platform) and JAVA Bytecode.

High-level programming languages: list

High-level languages ​​are designed for convenience and efficiency of applications, they are the exact opposite of low-level languages. Their distinguishing feature is the presence of semantic constructions that concisely and briefly describe the structures and algorithms of the programs. In low-level languages, their description in machine code would be too long and incomprehensible. High-level languages, on the other hand, are platform independent. Instead, compilers perform the translator function: they translate the program text into elementary machine instructions.

The following list of programming languages: C ("C"), C # ("C-sharp"), "Fortran", "Pascal", Java ("Java") - is among the most used high-level syntaxes. It has the following properties: these languages ​​work with complex structures, support string data types and file I/O operations, and also have the advantage of being much easier to work with due to readability and understandable syntax.

Most used programming languages

In principle, you can write a program in any language. The question is, will it work efficiently and without fail? That is why the most suitable programming languages ​​should be chosen for solving various problems. The popularity list can be summarized as follows:

  • OOP languages: Java, C++, Python, PHP, VisualBasic and JavaScript;
  • group of structural languages: Basic, Fortran and Pascal;
  • multi-paradigm: C#, Delphi, Curry and Scala.

Scope of programs and applications

The choice of the language in which this or that program is written depends largely on the area of ​​its application. So, for example, to work with the computer hardware itself (writing drivers and supporting programs), the best option would be C ("C") or C ++, which are included in the main programming languages ​​(see the list above). And for the development of mobile applications, including games, you should choose Java or C # ("C-sharp").

If you have not yet decided which direction to work in, we recommend that you start learning with C or C ++. They have a very clear syntax, a clear structural division into classes and functions. In addition, knowing C or C ++, you can easily learn any other programming language.

Programming is a whole science that allows you to create computer programs. It includes a huge number of different operations and algorithms that form a single programming language. So, what is it and what are the programming languages? The article provides answers, as well as an overview list of programming languages.

The history of the emergence and change of programming languages ​​should be studied along with the history of the development of computer technology, because these concepts are directly related. Without programming languages, it would be impossible to create any program for the operation of a computer, which means that the creation of computers would become a meaningless exercise.

The first machine language was invented in 1941 by Konrad Zuse, who is the inventor of the Analytical Engine. A little later, in 1943, Howard Aiken created the Mark-1 machine, capable of reading instructions at the level of machine code.

In the 1950s, there was an active demand for software development, and machine language could not withstand large amounts of code, so a new way of communicating with computers was created. "Assembler" is the first mnemonic language to replace machine instructions. Over the years, the list of programming languages ​​is only increasing, because the scope of computer technology is becoming more extensive.

Classification of programming languages

At the moment there are more than 300 programming languages. Each of them has its own characteristics and is suitable for one specific task. All programming languages ​​can be divided into several groups:

  • Aspect-oriented (the main idea is the separation of functionality to increase the efficiency of program modules).
  • Structural (based on the idea of ​​creating a hierarchical structure of individual blocks of the program).
  • Logical (based on the theory of the apparatus of mathematical logic and resolution rules).
  • Object-oriented (in such programming, algorithms are no longer used, but objects that belong to a certain class).
  • Multi-paradigm (combine several paradigms, and the programmer himself decides which language to use in this or that case).
  • Functional (the main elements are functions that change value depending on the results of the calculations of the initial data).

Programming for beginners

Many people ask what is programming? Basically, it is a way to communicate with a computer. Thanks to programming languages, we can set certain tasks for various devices by creating special applications or programs. When studying this science at the initial stage, the most important thing is to choose suitable (interesting for you) programming languages. The list for beginners is below:

  • Basic was invented in 1964, belongs to the family of high-level languages ​​and is used to write application programs.
  • Python ("Python") is quite easy to learn due to its simple, readable syntax, but the advantage is that it can be used to create both ordinary desktop programs and web applications.
  • Pascal ("Pascal") - one of the oldest languages ​​(1969) created for teaching students. Its modern modification has strict typing and structure, but "Pascal" is a completely logical language that is understandable on an intuitive level.

This is not a complete list of programming languages ​​for beginners. There are a huge number of syntaxes that are easy to understand and will definitely be in demand in the coming years. Everyone has the right to independently choose the direction that will be interesting for him.

Beginners have the opportunity to accelerate the learning of programming and its basics thanks to special tools. The main assistant is the Visual Basic integrated development environment for programs and applications (“Visual Basic” is also a programming language that inherited the style of the Basic language of the 1970s).

Programming language levels

All formalized languages ​​designed to create, describe programs and algorithms for solving problems on computers are divided into two main categories: low-level programming languages ​​(the list is given below) and high-level ones. Let's talk about each of them separately.

Low-level languages ​​are designed to create machine instructions for processors. Their main advantage is that they use mnemonic notation, that is, instead of a sequence of zeros and ones (from the binary number system), the computer remembers a meaningful abbreviated word from the English language. The most famous low-level languages ​​are "Assembler" (there are several subspecies of this language, each of which has much in common, but differs only in a set of additional directives and macros), CIL (available in the .Net platform) and JAVA Bytecode.

High-level programming languages: list

High-level languages ​​are designed for convenience and efficiency of applications, they are the exact opposite of low-level languages. Their distinguishing feature is the presence of semantic constructions that concisely and briefly describe the structures and algorithms of the programs. In low-level languages, their description in machine code would be too long and incomprehensible. High-level languages, on the other hand, are platform independent. Instead, compilers perform the translator function: they translate the program text into elementary machine instructions.

The following list of programming languages: C ("C"), C # ("C-sharp"), "Fortran", "Pascal", Java ("Java") - is among the most used high-level syntaxes. It has the following properties: these languages ​​work with complex structures, support string data types and file I/O operations, and also have the advantage of being much easier to work with due to readability and understandable syntax.

Most used programming languages

In principle, you can write a program in any language. The question is, will it work efficiently and without fail? That is why the most suitable programming languages ​​should be chosen for solving various problems. The popularity list can be summarized as follows:

  • OOP languages: Java, C++, Python, PHP, VisualBasic and JavaScript;
  • group of structural languages: Basic, Fortran and Pascal;
  • multi-paradigm: C#, Delphi, Curry and Scala.

Scope of programs and applications

The choice of the language in which this or that program is written depends largely on the area of ​​its application. So, for example, to work with the computer hardware itself (writing drivers and supporting programs), the best option would be C ("C") or C ++, which are included in the main programming languages ​​(see the list above). And for the development of mobile applications, including games, you should choose Java or C # ("C-sharp").

If you have not yet decided which direction to work in, we recommend that you start learning with C or C ++. They have a very clear syntax, a clear structural division into classes and functions. In addition, knowing C or C ++, you can easily learn any other programming language.

If you want to learn computer programming and are looking for a short guide explaining how to learn this art, this article is for you.

Here I will provide you with tips on how to learn how to write computer programs on your own.

Computer programming is one of the most exciting and highly paid areas to work in. Millions of lines of code are written every day, all over the world, resulting in new applications and software. If you like to think analytically and solve puzzles and problems of all kinds, programming is your thing. The key to learning programming is to master programming languages ​​and learn how to apply them to solve complex problems.

The standard way to learn to code is to go to college and get a degree in computer science. However, there are many people who have never studied at the institutes, but despite this, have the skills and talent for analytical thinking. I wrote this article for those of you who have not studied to be a programmer, but have already discovered the beauty of programming and would like to master this science. The Internet has created a programming culture that can guide you through this process. With self-discipline and perseverance, you can learn to code and write your own software. It's not only a method to exercise your wits, but also a great way to make money selling your own software, or get a job with a specialist firm if you're really good at it.

How to learn to program?

Computer science is the main field to master, it will give you minimal knowledge and experience in programming. Here are some tips on how to become a programmer.

Learn programming languages

First, you need a desktop or laptop computer that allows you to read and run your programs. Programming is the ability to communicate with the hardware configuration of a computer to perform various computational tasks. The computer understands only machine language written in 1's and 0's. For us humans, to communicate with computers, programming languages ​​have been created whose code can be converted into a machine-readable form by compilers. There are a number of programming languages ​​that change in their applications. You will have to learn at least a dozen major programming languages ​​which includes C, C++, Java, Perl, Lisp and Python.

To learn the basics of programming, start learning C or Python at the beginning. Use online resources and programming books to get the basics. Install coding programs and run them on your computer. Work from the examples and tasks provided in books and e-tutorials to write your own code. One of the best books to start learning "C" is "". Another good book "".

Get a "C" skill and then get into object-oriented programming, made possible by C++. Then get the skills of Java, Perl and , which are widely used for web development. Learn HTML if you plan to work in the field of web development. As you can see, there is a lot of material to learn and it will take at least 5 - 6 years to become proficient in most languages.

Start writing code

This is the best way to practice what you have learned. Write your own code, make mistakes, learn, debug code. Take part in online coding competitions and test your programming skills. Get hold of open source software, read the code, and understand how good programs are written. Learn how master programmers achieve code economy and logical clarity. Get to know your computer and basic hardware. Learn how a computer works at basic levels with memory and processors.

Learn to run Linux or Unix

You cannot call yourself a programmer until you have mastered the Linux and Unix operating systems. Install the Ubuntu distribution on your computer and get familiar with it. This will give you all the programming tools you need, along with compilers.

Compiler - a program that performs compilation (translation of a program compiled on source code).

Student - Expert - Programmer

Find a good mentor to guide you on the path to becoming a master programmer. Listen to advice and learn from it.

Read the coding rules and keep improving

Keep writing your own computer code and think about how you could improve it. Join the open source movement and analyze the anatomy of good software. Create your own website and constantly deepen your knowledge. Remember that there is always room for improvement!

Let there be no illusion that programming is not an easy task. It will take ten to fifteen years at least to get to the point where you can start calling yourself a full time programmer. Your success in programming is directly proportional to the dedication and perseverance with which you conduct your studies.

The purpose of this article is to give you a push in the right direction. I hope that this goal has been achieved to some extent. Free your mind and enter the world of programming with pleasure!

More recently, during the Soviet Union, computer science was considered a pseudoscience. To date, governments in certain countries have complained about attacks coming from Russian hackers. It is worth noting that at the moment Russia produces few high-tech devices, but there are enough smart programmers. This article will focus on computer languages, their classification, essence, possibilities and prospects for future use.

What are computer languages?

In fact, this is a system of signs and symbols created for communication between a person and a computer. It is impossible to just take and approach the device and start explaining something to it. For this purpose, special words-codes and vocabulary have been created, which form the basis of computer languages. They reach the device in a form that it understands. Today you can find more than 8 thousand different languages ​​​​designed for communication between a person and a computer. True, it is impossible to know all of them. Some create a language for themselves, others do it on a commercial basis. However, an experienced user knows a few basic ones to perfection.

What are the most famous programming languages?

In the world of computer technology, something is always developing and improving. Thus, new developments appear, and the past ones are modernized. Computer programming languages ​​are no exception. The most popular are the following:

Visual Basic;

This is not the whole list, in fact there are many more. Here are the most basic ones, which are used to write more than 90% of computer applications. It is worth considering them in more detail.

Procedural C/C++

C and C++ languages ​​are called two brothers by users. There is a version that these are two different programming languages, but this is not true. C++ acts as some kind of improvement of the previous language, which makes it easier to write programs and retains the old syntax. The development of C was started back in the seventies of the last century. Approximately ten years later, the creation of C ++ began. At the moment, the latter is one of the most famous. It contains many functions, allows you to create an operating system, as well as drivers designed for devices, games, and more.

If we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this language, it is difficult to draw unambiguous conclusions. There are its adherents, as well as merciless critics. The main subject of controversy is that it lacks something of its own. It combines the features and capabilities of several programming languages. Thus, we have a complex tool. If we start to consider it in terms of individual functions, it is inferior to the languages ​​of narrow specializations.

Independent and secure Java

This English programming language was developed by Sun Microsystems. Due to the fact that the written program is able to translate into a special bytecode, it can function regardless of the type of operating system or computer architecture. Thanks to this, the Java language has become the most famous. It is found in the following devices:

household appliances;
city ​​machines, as well as in everything that has a connection with computer technology.

Java is used to write many famous applications for smart phones as well as phones. In addition, this programming language has a fairly high level of security. The program's use of actions within its own authority is controlled by a virtual machine that transmits commands to devices.

Thus, when an attempt is made to perform another task, the program immediately stops its work. When considering the simplicity of the language, it is necessary to indicate studies showing that the same operations are written 1.2-2 times longer than in the C ++ language. In addition, much more resources are needed to implement commands. However, the development team regularly releases many updates that minimize all the disadvantages of this programming language.

If you create your own site or capable of making dynamic pages. It acts as one of the most famous languages ​​when it comes to building websites and writing web applications. Due to the fact that this programming language was developed with open source, it turned out to be brought to perfection. Thus, he gained enviable popularity. PHP easily interacts with various databases, ranging from MySQL to Access. The most famous Internet sites, such as Facebook or Wikipedia, are created using this particular language. It is quite simple to use. There are even statistics, the results of which show that more than 60% of programmers from all over the world working on PHP code have a somewhat limited knowledge of the English language. Computer literacy in this case is limited only by knowledge of the required functions and procedures.

It is also worth pointing out the shortcomings of this language. Considering that it took 6th place in the ratings of the most popular languages ​​in 2015, negative reviews are still present. It should be noted that it was created by more than one group of programmers. Therefore, the syntax of the language is not unified, it lacks a single architecture. There are various procedures that need to be described in a special way, not sticking to the standard template. In addition, there is one very significant problem, which is the lack of compatibility between different versions of languages. Versions related to earlier ones refuse to work with updates at all. This is often a problem when porting code from one version to another.

The modernity of knowledge and understanding of programming languages

Recently, human-computer communication is gaining popularity. This is not surprising, since information technology is developing at a rapid pace. The code must be programmed and the devices must be serviced by a qualified person. Thus, the demand for competent programmers always exists. Another reason for the popularity can be attributed to the recession of the country's economy. A user who knows how to work with Java at a professional level is able to work remotely for a foreign application development company.

As a result, he will be able to earn a large amount per month, which he will never be paid in his own country if he is engaged in a similar type of activity. Although, if you think about it, it's hard enough to start successfully doing programming, as well as writing computer programs. English The main obstacle for beginners is English. As you know, many programs and languages ​​​​are written with its vocabulary in mind.

Learn languages ​​online Thus, it is necessary to learn a foreign language and know it at least at a basic level. Today it can be done online. To do this, it is enough to have a computer connected to the Internet.