To create a channel on YouTube video hosting, you need a Google account, if you have not registered with Google yet, then let's start with that.

Create a Google account

In any way (search in Yandex, typing in the address bar, etc.), go to the main page of the Google search engine and click the Login button. In my case, instead of clicking the next button, I'll choose "More options" - "Create an account".

Filling in personal information when registering with Google

Think up or enter a real username, enter and confirm a password, fill in the date, month and year of birth (maybe not your own), specify gender, country and mobile phone number, you can specify a spare email address (just in case), indicate the country again residence and click the "Next" button.

Completing the registration with Google

We agree to the privacy policy and Terms of Use by scrolling and clicking on the "Accept" button, if your browser prompts you to save your password, then save it if you are at your computer. You will be congratulated with a new email address, registration with Google, click the "Continue" button.

Create a YouTube channel

In the search bar, enter the name of YouTube or YouTube (as it is easier for anyone), by going to the site at the top right, click "Login" to YouTube. In the "Log in as..." pop-up window, click "Create Channel".

For the first time, we will simply add a description of the channel, we will deal with the rest of the settings and design in the following articles and videos. Do not miss!

This video shows registration on YouTube and how to create your own channel:

Watch the video: - Making a YouTube channel, change the description, add channel keywords and confirm the channel

Watch the video: - How to work with YouTube - the beginning, content, video editing

Watch the video: - A workbench for recording videos on your YouTube channel. Become a shooting pro at home

Watch video: - Record screen for video on YouTube channel. How to make videos for a channel

Everyone can create their own youtube channel and show their videos. With proper use of this service, you can promote your website or promote your business. YouTube is owned by Google. In order to create your own channel on youtube, you need to go to Google and register there.

Step by step account creation

To create your channel on a computer or phone, you need to follow the basic steps:

A new window will open and there will be written“create url”, click and proceed to change.

Channel technical setup

Quite difficult for beginners figure out the settings so it's easier to read the instructions.

Now you know the basic way to create your own channel on youtube and how to understand its internal settings.

How to stand out on youtube?

Before creating a channel on youtube, you should understand the topic of the channel and calculate the time you can spend on it. Ordinary videos with simple effects and template ideas are a dime a dozen, there are a lot of bloggers in general. Key points that will make your channel stand out:

  1. Beautiful design on youtube.
  2. An unusual and intriguing trailer.
  3. Submission of the necessary information through the account.
  4. Beautiful and correct video editing, people should be pleased to look at your work, and not listen to hiss or noise.
  5. Availability.


The youtube service is considered one of the best, because it opens the way for creative people and connects almost the whole world. After registration on this service you can watch videos from all over the world and share your opinion, as well as post your masterpieces for everyone to see. It is impossible to register and log in without e-mail.

YouTube video hosting has seriously settled in the life of every modern person. It's no secret that with his help and his talent, you can even earn money. What can I say, watching videos of people, you bring them not only fame, but also earnings. Nowadays, some channels earn more than some worker in the mine. But whatever one may say, just taking it and starting to get rich on YouTube will not work, at least you need to create this very channel.

The instruction that will be attached a little lower is not feasible if you are not registered on the YouTube service, so if you do not have your own account, then you need to create one.

For those who are already on YouTube and logged into their accounts, there are two ways to create. The first:

The second one is a little more complicated, but you need to know it, as it will come in handy in the future:

This could be the end of the article, because after completing all the above steps, you will create your new channel on YouTube, but it’s still worth giving advice on how to name it and for what purposes it should be done.

  • If you want to create it for personal use, that is, you don’t want to promote it and promote all the content that will be on it to the masses, you can leave the default name - your first and last name.
  • If in the future you plan to work hard on it, so to speak, to popularize it, then you should think about giving it the name of your project.
  • Also, special craftsmen give the name, taking into account popular search queries. This is done to make it easier for users to find them.

Although the naming options have now been considered, it’s still worth knowing that the name can be changed at any time, so if you later come up with some better one, then feel free to go to the settings and change it.

Creating a second YouTube channel

You can have more than one channel on YouTube. This is very convenient, because you can start one for personal use, and the second one can already be promoted in all possible ways, while simultaneously uploading your material there. Moreover, the second one is created absolutely free of charge and in almost the same way as the first one.

That's all, you have successfully created your second channel. It will have the same name as the +page. In order to switch between two or more (depending on how many you have created), you need to click on the already familiar user icon, and select a user from the list. Then, on the left panel, enter the section My channel.

Creating a third YouTube channel

As mentioned above, you can create two or more channels on YouTube. However, the way to create the first three is slightly different, so it would be wise to describe the way to create the third separately so that no one has any unnecessary questions.

That's all. By following this instruction, you will get yourself a new channel - the third. If you want to get yourself a fourth in the future, then just repeat the instructions just given. Of course, all the methods are very similar to each other, but since they have slight differences, it was reasonable to clearly demonstrate step-by-step instructions so that each new user could understand the question posed.

account settings

Having talked about how to create new channels on YouTube, it would be foolish to keep silent about their settings, because if you decide to seriously engage in creative activities on video hosting, then you will need to contact them anyway. However, now it makes no sense to dwell on all the settings in detail, it would be more logical to briefly describe each configuration so that you know for the future in which section what can be changed.

So, you already know how to enter YouTube settings: click on the user icon and select the item of the same name in the drop-down menu.

On the page that opens, in the left panel, you can observe all categories of settings. They are the ones that will be taken apart.

general information

This section is already painfully familiar to you, it is in it that you can make a new channel, but besides this, there are many other useful things in it. For example, following the link Additionally, you'll be able to set your own address, delete your channel, link it to Google Plus, and see the sites that have access to the account you've created.

Linked accounts

In chapter Linked accounts everything is much easier. Here you can link your Twitter account to YouTube. This is necessary so that, when posting new work, a notification is posted on Twitter about the release of a new video. If you do not have a twitter, or if you are used to publishing news of this kind on your own, then this feature can be disabled.


This section is even easier. By setting checkboxes or, conversely, removing them from items, you can disable the display of various kinds of information. For example: information about subscribers, saved playlists, videos you liked and so on. Just read all the points and you will understand everything.


If you want to receive notifications to your mail that someone has subscribed to you, or commented on your video, then you are in this settings section. Here you can specify under what circumstances to send you notifications by mail.


There are two more items left in the settings: playback and connected TVs. It makes no sense to consider them, since the settings in them are rather meager and not very useful to anyone, but you, of course, can familiarize yourself with them.

As a result, it was sorted out how to create channels on YouTube. As many may point out, this is quite easy to do. Although the creation of the first three has some differences from each other, the instructions are very similar, and the simple interface of the video hosting itself makes it possible for every user, even the most “green”, to understand all the manipulations being done.

I, Natalya Krasnova, am glad to welcome you again on the pages of my blog and today we will create our own channel on YouTube. I already have a channel and subscribers, but I made a firm decision to create another one. Do you know why I needed another channel?

It's all about the comments on my blog. Yes, it was after reading the commentary on the article "" that I had a desire not only to find out what a doorway channel is, but also to create it.

If I have decided to create another YouTube channel, then it's time to show you the registration process, and we will only need to register once with Google in order to discover a lot of new opportunities. How to make your own channel on YouTube? - you ask. "Look at the example" - I will answer.

Shall we start?

1 step. I hope that your favorite browser is open and we just need to enter the following address in the address bar:

2 step. Click on the "Login" button.

4 step. Fill in the registration form fields.

a) Full name, if you are under 18 years old, you can register mom or dad, but only with their permission. Remember that you can register on YouTube from the age of 18!

b) Come up with a username - this name will be your google email address, so it should be easy to remember.

c) Think of a password and write it down in your notebook. Fill in the fields: password, date of birth, gender, mobile phone number, alternate email address.

At the last stage, enter the captcha, accept the terms of use and click on the "next" link.

After successful registration, Google congratulates and informs us that we have the opportunity to subscribe to YoutTube channels, hold video meetings, use the map and much more.

5 step. Click on the icon with squares and then on "YouTube".

6 step. We went to the YouTube channel, and now we click on the "Login" link, the transition is carried out automatically.

7 step. In the upper right corner you will see a blue icon resembling a picture of a person, click on the icon and go to the "Creator Studio" tab.

8 step. As you might guess, at this stage you need to create your own channel, so follow the link "Create a channel".

9 step. Look at your channel from the side. It needs tweaking! Upload a photo, think of some text to describe the channel.

We will talk about how to properly design and set up your channel, so I suggest subscribing to the blog update and following the release of new articles.

Until we meet again, until new lessons, .

Own YouTube channel today has become one of the opportunities to earn money in your favorite pastime. That is why the question "how to make a channel" is increasingly heard. However, not everything is so simple: before you reap the benefits of popularity, you have to go through a long and difficult path of promoting the channel. Much depends on a successful topic, as well as on the quality of the content.

How to decide on a topic?

Even before asking the question “how to make a channel on the most popular video hosting” and proceeding with the instructions, you should decide on the future topic and goals of creation. Not only the name, but also the design of the video channel, development and promotion strategy depend on these plans.

If further monetization of the video is expected, it is advisable to stick to a single topic. How to make a channel is not so important if it will host “motley” videos or just a collection of liked and viewed content - such channels do not need a special design or a good name. It is enough to register on the Google+ social network or set up an email on the site of the same name, and the YouTube channel will be a “free application” to other services of the information giant.

The situation is completely different when the future owner of the channel is going to seriously engage in its promotion, and subsequently monetization, i.e., earn money on the YouTube channel. Popular topics: humor, let’s play (game walkthrough), educational videos (step-by-step instructions, complex scientific phenomena and concepts in an interesting presentation, life hacks), politics and society. Any video can become popular, so it’s better to choose a topic that is close to the creator of the channel - so the lesson will not get bored quickly, and the videos will turn out interesting and “juicy”.

Why do you need your own channel?

You can really make money on YouTube, and a lot of it. However, no one promises mountains of gold to a beginner - popularity is preceded by a long development, improving the quality of content and guessing the wishes of the audience. Even having got to the first lines of the rating in a certain category, it is not so easy to stay in the lead.


How to create your channel? Actually, this is the simplest thing to do, hoping for an interesting and at first glance easy way to make money. You need to create a Google account and go to the notorious video hosting. A user icon will appear in the upper left corner, in the same place or on the right side there is a link to your own channel. The first step in the instruction “how to make a channel and make money on it” has been completed, then you should design a page, shoot a video and start promoting.

Channel design

The design should be in the style of the channel theme. You can not create a “corporate style” and stick to one color scheme and design, but you should not go too far with variegation. It is important to find a middle ground in everything, and then it will be possible to satisfy the needs of the majority of viewers, but it is definitely impossible to seem good to everyone (this is not worth striving for - a waste of time and effort), because, as you know, they don’t argue about tastes.

How to make a channel header? The easiest way is to make a stylish header for your own channel in Photoshop. Those who do not own the program can get by with ready-made images at first. The image size for the header, according to the recommendations of YouTube itself, should be 2560 x 1440 pixels. Such a huge resolution is desirable for the correct display of all design elements on widescreen TVs, but no one forbids using a smaller image.

There are also online services that will help you make a hat using drag-and-drop technology (literally “drag and drop”, i.e. dragging objects). In the same place, as a rule, you can find ready-made caps for the channel with the right resolution, but even a large assortment may not satisfy the needs of a highly specialized channel. Among these "helpers",, or services can be listed. The services are in English, but the intuitive interface will allow you to quickly understand all the details.

YouTube channel promotion

Creation and business, of course, does not end there. To achieve popularity and begin to receive any significant income, you will have to make a lot of effort. To interest the audience, the videos should be of high quality, bright, specific and informative, it is desirable to upload new releases regularly at the same time. It is important to always “feel the wave” – to know current trends and big news. An interesting video released on time can bring unprecedented popularity to the channel, but sometimes videos become hits that, it would seem, did not claim to be at the top of the ratings at all.

Channel promotion is a huge job, and one of the keys to success in this field is quality content.