Site users are sometimes indignant - Odnoklassniki is blocked, what should I do? They can't open their profile. How to log into Odnoklassniki if you are blocked? This difficult question requires specific answers. Let's try to figure it out.

There may be several reasons why Odnoklassniki was blocked. If you work in an office on the Internet, the management is thinking about how to block the Odnoklassniki website and asks the administration to block access to popular sites. Also, this could happen if the account was hacked by hackers. The problem could have occurred due to the fact that you registered on a similar site that is not related to Odnoklassniki.

And lastly, the culprit of the incident is a virus that replaces the hosts file. You will be able to improve the situation by using an anonymizer - a special program that encrypts server addresses, allowing access to Internet resources. But there is a point: the anonymizer will help you if Odnoklassniki is blocked via the hosts file.

In other cases, you should contact the site’s technical support by clicking on “regulations”. To prevent critical moments from happening in the future, link your mobile phone number to your profile. Read also how to restore your page in the next article.

How to log into the Odnoklassniki website if you are blocked at work

Odnoklassniki blocked - what to do - the user is upset and does not know what to do. First, you need to check whether the address is entered correctly. If everything is fine, open the hosts file. Go to “my computer” and find “local drive C”. Then in the Windows folder select "System32", then find the "Drivers" folder and select "etc". Open this file in Notepad and check for the word "odnoklassniki". If you find it, delete it. You can also check out material on the topic: "Odnoklassniki": logging into the page from a computer.

You should also test your computer for viruses using the CureIT program, following the following scheme:

    › Press “start”;

    › Click on “execute”;

    › Enter the sign "cmd";

    › Press "Enter";

Enter “ipconfig /flushdns” into the panel that opens, click “Enter” again and reboot the laptop. You have another way to get to Odnoklassniki using intermediary servers. By entering your login and password on another site, you will be able to see your account. What should you do if it says - Odnoklassniki is blocked? Faced with a problem when you go to the site and it writes - Odnoklassniki is blocked, the user gives up. What to do? First, check if your computer contains viruses. If not, then find the host file in the Windows system and clean the folder.

If access to Odnoklassniki is closed by the administration, you probably performed prohibited actions: distributed spam or sent out advertisements. If your account is blocked for unknown reasons, contact the site moderators.

Is it possible to block the Odnoklassniki website yourself?

You will learn how to block the Odnoklassniki website from a special scheme. Go to “my computer”, type in the line C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and the hosts file will open. Without touching the entries in the file, below them type:

Odnoklassniki blocked - Your actions when bypassing the ban

If your account is closed and you have not committed any illegal acts, then the network administration is not involved in blocking your profile. Odnoklassniki are blocked, what should I do? The main thing is not to panic, but to check whether the attackers who hacked your page could have played a trick on you? In this case, you have the right to contact technical support or use your mobile phone to recover your password. You will be prompted to enter a new password, which would be more logical to complicate. If you have become a victim of malicious viruses, your action algorithm will be as follows: close the browser window and test your laptop for viruses. You will also have to find the hosts file and check its information in Notepad, or better yet, in Notepad++ - a special program.

Social networks have become a part of our lives. Many people can no longer imagine their day without watching the news on their feed or posting a new photo online. But sometimes access to the network is impossible, there are several reasons for this and, as a rule, a solution to the problem is found quickly.

Blocked by Odnoklassniki

There are several reasons why the Odnoklassniki social network may be unavailable. What to do if it becomes obvious that blocked by Odnoklassniki. Firstly, you need to be very careful and not fall for scammers. If, when entering the site, you are asked to enter a mobile phone number and then send an SMS, then this is a virus and in this case it is very easy to become a victim of attackers and lose a large sum of money. The problem in this case can be solved simply - the computer must be cured of the virus by running any anti-virus program. If you need to add participants to a group on Odnoklassniki, go to link .

If blocked by Odnoklassniki site administrators, then in this case, when entering the site, there should be a notification that the user has violated the rules. There can be two ways out of the situation: register a new page (how to create a new page on Odnoklassniki), indicating a new phone number, or write to the technical support of the social network that there were no violations of the rules of use and the account was hacked.

How to block the Odnoklassniki website?

Sometimes it happens the other way around, the opposite situation: ? Social networking sites are usually blocked in offices to prevent employees from wasting their working time surfing the Internet. In order to answer the question about how to block the Odnoklassniki website You don’t have to be a hacker, you just need to have administrator rights to work on the computer and slightly change the hosts file. If you need to cheat VKontakte, go to this page site.

Odnoklassniki are blocked, what should I do?

There may be several reasons for restricting access to a social networking site:

  • Blocking by the system administrator by decision of the company management;
  • Blocking by the site administration for violating the rules of the user agreement;
  • Replacing the hosts file. In this case, there is a virus on the computer and to get rid of it, you need to run an anti-virus program.

What if this is the case? First, select the reason for blocking from those listed above, and then either go to the Odnoklassniki website through an anonymizer site, or treat your computer for a virus. If Odnoklassniki blocked, what to do If it’s not clear, and all the methods have already been tried, then you need to contact a specialist. Find out also how to close your profile on Odnoklassniki in the next article .

How to log into Odnoklassniki if blocked?

Blocking an account on a social network is an unpleasant thing, but quite easy to fix. If it's not clear, how to log into Odnoklassniki if blocked, then you need to decide on the reason for the blocking: a virus, a page being hacked, access being denied by the site administration or the management of the employing company, and after identifying the reason, start eliminating it. Sometimes it happens that when you log into a social network, writes “Odnoklassniki blocked”. If it is not possible to open the site due to blocking, then you first need to check your computer for viruses and treat it by running an anti-virus program. The most important thing is not to fall for scammers’ tricks and not to send SMS from your phone, which could result in loss of money. How to log into Odnoklassniki if you are blocked, it says “Odnoklassniki blocked”, all these phrases should not frighten the user, one should not panic and try to restore the ability to log in, but if you can’t do it on your own, then you need to seek advice from a specialist.

Social networks have entered our lives relatively recently. Having learned about new opportunities, you could “thoughtlessly” create a profile in several of them at once, and having finally decided on your choice, you are now trying to delete your pages from sites you don’t like.

The administration has prudently introduced special functionality that allows users to delete a page permanently.

It is important to understand that all data will be deleted along with your page, including correspondence, saved photos and video materials. You will no longer be able to restore them in full. Removal occurs permanently – you cannot temporarily delete your account.

How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from your computer

Have you finally decided to sever all ties with Odnoklassniki? Great, let's get started, but remember - there is no turning back.

Deleting old pages, as well as contacting the site’s support service, is done through the “Regulations” functionality, available to authorized users.

1. Go to the website and log in using your username and password.

If access to your account has been lost, use our password recovery instructions -.

2. Under the menu on the left of the page, find links to the mobile version, help, etc. Among them there is an inscription - “More”. Hover your mouse cursor and select “Regulations” from the drop-down list.

3. You will see the user agreement that you agreed to upon registration. Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the “Cancel services” option.

4. In a new window, you will be asked to indicate the reason for deletion (specified as desired) and re-enter your account password.

Before deleting, carefully review your profile, save the necessary photos and videos, and do not forget to inform your friends about your intention.

After pressing the “fatal” button, your profile will no longer be viewable by other members of the social network and will be completely deleted within 90 days.

While studying instructions posted on third-party sites, I often noticed a method involving substituting additional code into the profile url address - “?amp;st.layer.cmd=PopLayerDeleteUserProfile”. I hasten to assure you that if this method worked, it was only a few years ago, it is not relevant at the moment.

Uninstall process on mobile phones

Deleting an account from a mobile phone is complicated by the fact that many users access the site through the official application of the social network. If you open the “Regulations” in this application, you will not find the “Refuse services” item.

What should I do? In addition to the application, there is a mobile version of the site with a reduced number of graphics and scripts - this reduces the amount of traffic consumed and loading speed. You can access the mobile version through any installed browser on your phone. As paradoxical as it may sound, in the mobile version there is also no way to erase the profile, but from it you can get to the “Full version” and finally implement your plans.

1. Go to Odnoklassniki from your smartphone and log in. I immediately opened the version for phones -

3. Once on the full version of the site, you can delete Odnoklassniki by repeating the steps described for personal computers.

The account is blocked or access to it is lost

In difficult situations, when your account was blocked by the administration for violations or was simply hacked and there is no way to restore access, there is the same option to delete it. This process will take more time and will require evidence of your involvement in the account - from your old login and password to photographs.

1. Open the main, in the upper right corner find the “Help” section.

2. Go to “Regulations” available at the end of the page.

4. Select the subject of the message “Deleting profile” and click “I have another question.” Enter the required information one by one and describe the situation in detail in the “Message text” section.

It is important to indicate a valid e-mail, a solution or possibly additional questions and instructions will be sent to it.

It takes about two weeks to process messages - please be patient and wait for a response.

How to restore a deleted page

In Odnoklassniki, although it is possible to delete an account immediately, in order to avoid mistakes, all data is completely erased only after 90 days - this is the time the user needs to “come to his senses”. Accordingly, page restoration is possible subject to the following conditions:

  • No more than 90 days have passed since deletion;
  • Do you remember your profile login and password?

Is everything complied with? We begin restoration.

2. After the transition, you will be taken to the standard registration page, where you will provide your login information.

If everything goes well, you will be taken to your old page; if not, don’t hesitate to write a letter to support to solve the problem.

In the article, I provided comprehensive information about ways to delete pages in Odnoklassniki. Before you begin, don’t forget to thank me by giving me a “Thumbs Up.” 🙂

Many users create their personal pages on social friends only to communicate with their friends and do not want anyone else to see their personal data. Sites of this kind take care of their users and try to make their time on the social network as comfortable as possible. That is why, if desired, any user can restrict access to their page.

In the Odnoklassniki social network, a user can use the basic settings to restrict access to the list of communities, applications and achievements. In Odnoklassniki, closing a page from strangers is quite simple and can be done in just a few seconds.

Quick navigation through the article


In order to limit user access to certain sections in the profile, you need to:

  • Go to the official Odnoklassniki website at
  • Log in to your personal page using your username and password.
  • Click on the “Change settings” button.
  • Go to the “Publicity” section.
  • Select the necessary sections that you want to hide from strangers. For example, a user can hide their age by selecting the "Only Me" or "Only Friends" option. You can also restrict access to games, communities, achievements and prohibit tagging in photos, notes, and invitations to applications and groups.

In the event that the user again wants to open all of his data, he must again go to the main settings, select the “Publicity” section and change the checkboxes to “Generally all”.

Closed profile

On the Odnoklassniki social network, users can, if necessary, use the special “Closed Profile” function, which allows you to completely restrict access to your personal page. In order to enable this feature, you need to go to the official website of the social network and log in to your personal profile using your username and password. Next, you need to click on the “Close Profile” button, which is located on the left side of the page under the main profile photo. In the window that opens, click on the “Close profile” button again. Then you need to click on the green “Proceed to payment” button and select the most convenient method, for example, a bank card, mobile phone or electronic money. The cost of this function is 39 rubles or 20 OK. It should be noted that the service is provided for an unlimited amount of time; in order to make the profile open again, the service will need to be disabled. This can also be done through the main menu.

Black list

In the event that a personal page needs to be closed from only one specific user, you can use the “Black List” function. Once a user is blocked, he will not be able to view the profile, leave comments or write private messages. In order to add a person to the blacklist on the Odnoklassniki social network, you first need to go to the user’s page. On the left side of the screen, click on the “Other actions” button, and then “Complain”. Select the reason for the complaint or simply check the box next to “Add this person to the blacklist,” and then click “Complain.”

Unfortunately, on such a popular social network as, there are a huge number of scammers. But besides them, there are also users who hide behind the name and photographs of a completely different person. Most often, pretty girls who have more than one clone on the site encounter this. Naturally, there is a completely logical desire to block the page of a false user. But how to do that?

It turns out to be very simple. All we need to do is contact Odnoklassniki user support. How to do it? Yes, very simple.

On the right side of the screen in the browser you can see a button labeled “Help”, and it is also available at the bottom of the screen:

You press the button. The “Help” section opens before you, where you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions. At the bottom of the screen, find the “Useful Information” subsection. Click on it.

Now click again under the link of the same name:

A window will appear in front of you. Select the “Violations” item in the “Purpose of the appeal” subsection, and in the “Subject of the appeal” - the reason why you are writing a complaint. This could be, for example, the use of someone else's data (someone else's page). Fill out all the fields, including your own e-mail, to which a response will be sent, and click on the large “Send message” button. That's it, now all you have to do is wait for the application to be reviewed.

You can contact support using almost any other item described on the “Help” page, but we offer you the fastest method.

Second way

There is also a less categorical option. If you don’t like the fact that someone visits your page or constantly writes messages, you can simply add him to the blacklist. To do this, go to the user’s page, using his avatar, click “Other actions” - “Complain”. After this, a window will appear in front of you. Check the box next to “Add this person to the blacklist” and click the “Complain” button. The user has been added to the blacklist. Now he will not be able to view your profile, send you messages, leave comments in the forum, view, rate and comment on photos.

How to block a page on Odnoklassniki from strangers?

If you want to block your page from outsiders, but at the same time want to leave it open only to friends, use the “Private Profile” service. To do this, under your avatar, click “Close profile”.

Then pay for the service. It costs 20 OK (at the time of writing). You can use the service forever.

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