Laboratory work

Computer science, cybernetics and programming

Theoretical information for laboratory work Classification of programs according to their legal status Programs according to their legal status can be divided into three large groups: licensed shareware and freely distributed. Licensed programs. In accordance with the license agreement, program developers guarantee its normal functioning in a specific operating system and are responsible for this. Developers usually sell licensed programs in boxed distributions.

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Practical work No. 3

Subject: Licensed and freely distributed software products. Organization of the update

software using the InternetTarget: study licensed and freely distributed software products; learn how to organize software updates using the Internet.

Theoretical information about the work

Classification of programs according to their legal status Programs according to their legal status can be divided into three large groups: licensed, shareware and freely distributed.1. Licensed programs . In accordance with the license agreement, program developers guarantee its normal functioning in a specific operating system and are responsible for this.Developers usually sell licensed programs in boxed distributions.The box contains CDs from which the program is installed on users' computers, and a user manual for using the program.Quite often, developers provide significant discounts when purchasing licenses to use the program on a large number of computers or educational institutions.2. Shareware . Some software development companies offer shareware programs to users for advertising and market promotion purposes. The user is provided with a version of the program with a certain validity period (after the expiration of the specified validity period, the program stops working if payment has not been made for it) or a version of the program with limited functionality (in case of payment, the user is provided with a code that includes all the functions of the program).3. Free software . Many software and computer hardware manufacturers are interested in widespread free distribution of software. Such software tools include:
- New unfinished (beta) versions of software products (this allows them to be

extensive testing);
- Software products that are part of fundamentally new technologies (this

allows you to conquer the market);
- Additions to previously released programs that correct errors found or

- Drivers for new or improved drivers for existing devices.

But whatever software you choose, there aregeneral requirements for all software groups :
- Licensing purity (use of software is permissible only within the framework of

license agreement);
- Possibility of consultation and other forms of support;
- Compliance with the characteristics, configuration, class and type of computers, as well as

the architecture of the computer technology used;
- Reliability and performance in any of the provided operating modes, such as

at least in Russian-speaking environments;
- Availability of an interface that supports work using the Russian language. For

system and instrumental software may be available

interface in English;
- Availability of documentation necessary for practical application and development

software, in Russian;
- Ability to use fonts that support Cyrillic;
- Availability of specifications specifying all hardware and software requirements

means necessary for the operation of this software.

Advantages of licensed and disadvantages of unlicensed software Licensed software has a number of advantages.

    Technical support from the software manufacturer.

When using purchased licensed software, users may have various questions. Owners of licensed programs have the right to use technical support from the software manufacturer, which in most cases allows them to resolve problems that arise.

    Software updates.

Software manufacturers regularly release update packages for licensed programs (patch, service-pack). Their timely installation is one of the main means of protecting a personal computer (this is especially true for anti-virus programs). Legal users receive all available updates promptly and free of charge.

    Legitimacy and prestige.

By purchasing unlicensed software, you are breaking the law because you are purchasing “stolen” programs. You expose yourself and your business to the risk of legal sanctions from copyright holders. Organizations using illegal software have problems when checking the licensed purity of the software, which is periodically carried out by law enforcement agencies. In some cases, copyright infringement is subject to not only administrative, but also criminal liability. Violation of copyright laws can negatively impact a company's reputation. Unlicensed copies of software can cause incompatibility between programs that normally work well together.4. Keep up with technological progress

Software management can help you identify your company's software needs, avoid using outdated software, and help you select the right technology to help your company achieve its goals and compete.

5. Professional pre-sale consultation

Users feel the benefits of purchasing licensed software as soon as they purchase it. The sale of licensed products is carried out by employees of companies - authorized partners of the world's leading software manufacturers, qualified specialists. The buyer can count on professional advice on choosing the optimal solution for the tasks facing him.6. Increased functionality

If you have any suggestions regarding the functionality of the product, you have the opportunity to convey them to the developers; your wishes will be taken into account when releasing new versions of the product.By purchasing unlicensed software, you are at great risk.1. Administrative liability for copyright infringement. According to Article 7.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 1, the import, sale, rental or other illegal use of copies of works or phonograms for the purpose of generating income in cases where copies of works or phonograms are counterfeit: entails the imposition of an administrative fine: for legal entities - from 300 to 400 Minimum wage with confiscation of counterfeit copies, works and phonograms, as well as materials and equipment used for their reproduction, and other instruments for committing an administrative offense.2. Criminal liability for copyright infringement According to Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Part 2), illegal use of objects of copyright or related rights, as well as the acquisition, storage, transportation of counterfeit copies of works or phonograms for sales purposes, committed on a large scale, is punishable by a fine in the amount of 200 to 400 minimum wages or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to four months, or compulsory work for a period of 180 to 240 hours, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.When using an unlicensed , that is, a version of a software product modified by pirates, a number of problems may arise :
- Incorrect operation of the program. A hacked program is a modified program, after

changes that have not passed the testing cycle.

Unstable operation of the computer in general.

Problems connecting peripherals (incomplete set of device drivers).

Lack of help file, documentation, manual.

Inability to install updates.

Lack of technical support for the product from the developer.

The danger of infection by computer viruses (from partial loss of data to complete loss

hard drive contents) or other malicious programs.

The content of the work:

Task No. 1. Find on the Internet the law of the Russian Federation “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” and highlight the definitions of the concepts:



    At what address is the page with the Yandex user agreement located?

    In what cases does Yandex have the right to refuse a user to use its services?

    How does Yandex monitor user transactions?

    What is meant by the term “content” in the PS?

    What does the PS say about the ban on publishing materials related to:

    handling of animals;

    placement and promotion of pornography.

    What is the maximum size of files and archives hosted by users when using the free hosting service?

    Your Yandex Mail mailbox will be deleted if you no longer use it

Task 3 . After studying the presentation “Computer Software” (located on a network drive), fill out the table:

System software includes

    The operating system is designed for

    OS features:

    Application program packages (APPs) are

    Application packages include

Task 4 . After examining the software of the computer you are working on, fill out the list:List of Microsoft Office programs

List of standard programs

Task No. 5. Answer the questions:

Task No. 6. Draw a conclusion about the laboratory work done:

Classification of programs according to their legal status

Programs according to their legal status can be divided into three large groups: licensed, shareware and freely distributed.

Licensed programs. In accordance with the license agreement, program developers guarantee its normal functioning in a specific operating system and are responsible for this.

Developers usually sell licensed programs in boxed distributions. The box contains CDs from which the program is installed on users' computers, and a user manual for using the program.

Quite often, developers provide significant discounts when purchasing licenses to use the program on a large number of computers or educational institutions.

Shareware programs. Some software development companies offer shareware programs to users for advertising and market promotion purposes. The user is provided with a version of the program with a certain validity period (after the expiration of the specified validity period, the program stops working if payment has not been made for it) or a version of the program with limited functionality (in case of payment, the user is provided with a code that includes all the functions of the program).

Producers of free software are interested in its wide distribution. Such software tools include the following:

Free software. Many software and computer hardware manufacturers are interested in widespread free distribution of software. Such software tools include:

· New unfinished (beta) versions of software products (this allows them to be widely tested).

· Software products that are part of fundamentally new technologies (this allows you to conquer the market).

· Additions to previously released programs that correct errors found or expand capabilities.

· Drivers for new or improved drivers for existing devices.

But no matter what software you choose, there are general requirements for all software groups:

· Licensing purity (use of the software is permissible only within the framework of the license agreement).

· Possibility of consultation and other forms of support.

· Compliance with the characteristics, configuration, class and type of computers, as well as the architecture of the computer technology used.

· Reliability and performance in any of the provided operating modes, at least in a Russian-speaking environment.

· Availability of an interface that supports work using the Russian language. For system and instrumental software, it is acceptable to have an interface in English.

· Availability of documentation necessary for practical application and development of the software in Russian.

· Ability to use fonts that support Cyrillic.

The presence of a specification that specifies all the requirements for hardware and software necessary for the operation of this software.

State budgetary professional educational institution

"Lukoyanovsky Pedagogical College named after. A.M. Gorky"


Licensed and freely distributed software products. Legal norms related to information, offenses in the information sphere, measures to prevent them. Software installation.


Kostin A.V.

  • Licensed programs. In accordance with the license agreement, program developers guarantee its normal functioning in a specific operating system and are responsible for this.
  • Shareware programs. The user is provided with a version of the program with a certain validity period (after the expiration of the specified validity period, the program stops working if payment has not been made for it) or a version of the program with limited functionality (in case of payment, the user is provided with a code that includes all the functions of the program).
  • Free software.

Classification of programs according to their legal status

New unfinished (beta) versions of software products

Software products that are part of fundamentally new technologies

Free software

Additions to previously released programs that correct bugs or expand capabilities

Drivers for new or improved drivers for existing devices

Benefits of licensed software

  • Software manufacturer technical support
  • Software updates
  • Legitimacy and prestige
  • "Keeping pace with technical progress"
  • Professional pre-sales consultations
  • Increased functionality

Problems when using unlicensed (pirated) software

  • Incorrect operation of the program
  • Unstable operation of the computer in general
  • Problems connecting peripherals (incomplete set of device drivers)
  • Lack of help file, documentation, manual.
  • Inability to install updates
  • Lack of technical support for the product from the developer

Administrative liability for copyright infringement

According to Article 7.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Import, sale, rental or other illegal use of copies of works or phonograms for the purpose of generating income in cases where copies of works or phonograms are counterfeit: entails the imposition of an administrative fine: for legal entities - from 300 to 400 minimum wages with the confiscation of counterfeit copies, works and phonograms, as well as materials and equipment used for their reproduction, and other instruments for committing an administrative offense.”

Criminal liability for copyright infringement

According to Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Part 2), illegal use of objects of copyright or related rights, as well as the acquisition, storage, transportation of counterfeit copies of works or phonograms for sales purposes, committed on a large scale, is punishable by a fine in the amount of 200 to 400 minimum wages or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to four months, or compulsory work for a period of 180 to 240 hours, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.

Installation or Installation- the process of installing software on the end user's computer.

Distribution(English distribute - distribute) is a form of software distribution.

Distribution (software) is a set (usually a set of files) adapted for software distribution.

Types of distributions

  • Archive(.zip, .rar, .tar.gz, etc.) - manual distribution
  • Executable file- distribution kit with an automated installer, allows the user to specify the necessary parameters during installation.
  • Set on CD/DVD- such a distribution usually consists of several files and is accompanied by an automated installer. Used for large software packages and system software (Windows OS distributions, various Linux distributions)

Installer is a computer program that installs files, such as applications, drivers, or other software, on a computer.

It is launched from the SETUP.EXE or INSTALL.EXE file

The distribution may also contain a README file (from the English read me - “read me”), a text file containing information about other files.


Prepare a report on the topic:

“Legal protection of programs and data. Information culture"

Free software

Free software is a free program that provides the end user with greater freedom of action. Also called open source software.

You can distribute, use and modify them absolutely free. The biggest advantage of these programs is that they can be used free of charge in organizations, schools, universities, including at home. Most of the programs presented are distributed under licenses GNU GPL v2, GNU GPL v3, GNU LGPL, BSD and MIT.

Why should you switch to free software?

Some people think that free software cannot be a worthy replacement for a paid analogue. In fact, there are software categories in which there are simply no paid applications left, for example, Internet browsers. Today, the average user does not even know that browsers can be paid, but such were once upon a time. The direction of open source programs, that is, free ones, is moving and developing, and perhaps over time will displace paid programs.

There are free analogues of programs for virtually any paid program, they’re just not always known about them. In some cases, the free analogue has a smaller set of functionality, and in some cases it has much more than in the paid application.

The “Continent of Freedom” website offers to your attention free software, and not just free programs. This is due to the fact that most free programs are prohibited from being used in an office, that is, in an organization or company. You can find out whether use in the office is prohibited or permitted by reading the license agreement for this software. It will state that it can only be used for home or home office use, or it will say that it cannot be used for commercial gain. A home office is when you come to work with your personal laptop, and you have this program on it. This laptop should not be registered with the organization. This should not be confused with your personal computer, which is stationary in the office - this will not be considered a home office.

What are the benefits for free software developers?

WITH 1980 years, software developers began to actively resort to licensing their products. A license is a contract between the developer and the buyer that provides various restrictions on the use of the software. The use of such licensing agreements has made it possible to adopt legal tools that regulate the relationship between copyright holders and copyright users. National copyright laws have barely kept pace with the new economic relationships that are emerging today between developers and users. As a result, license agreements play a decisive role in the rules for using intellectual property in software.

A logical question may arise in your mind: since the program is free for everyone, and even more so, it can be modified, then what benefit can there be for its developer? Indeed, at first glance this may seem at least strange. First, let's list the types of developers:

  • Enthusiasts;
  • Commercial companies;
  • Students.

Now let's look at each type of developer. Enthusiasts They develop such free programs as long as they are interested in it, but here is the point that since the source code is open, then one enthusiast will definitely be replaced by another. Freely distributed programs usually do not contain advertising, such as the free version of Avast antivirus, where at every corner it offers to buy a paid version. Although we must admit that there are rare exceptions. Commercial organizations can write programs under free licenses so as not to maintain it. This is one of the options. They can also distribute the program itself freely, as well as offer services for its installation, configuration, maintenance, or simply ask for money for recording it on disk for you, but not for the program itself! Sometimes companies develop two products in parallel. One product is a minimal version of the second. And they distribute this minimal product under a free license. This is usually done to attract attention to the second product. Students- Linux was originally born as a course project for one student.

Free software There can be three main types: publicly available, freely distributed (freeware) and open source software.

Publicly available software is not protected by copyright and can therefore be used, distributed and modified without restrictions. However, it cannot be used by anyone to create a new software product, which, being subsequently protected by copyright, will thereby change the social status of such software. Since copyright is an integral attribute of any distributed software, it is necessary to directly indicate to the author that his program belongs to the public domain, that is, that it is alienated from the rights of the author and is common property. Many of the Internet standards, including TCP/IP and HTML, are public domain software. When distributed, it may or may not be accompanied by source codes.

Freeware is a type of software whose creator retains his copyright. These programs can be copied and used free of charge, but cannot be modified. It is also necessary to obtain the prior consent of the author to use the code. As a rule, authors release computer programs in freeware format with limited functions in order to assess how popular they will be, and if successful, change its status to commercial. Sometimes the developers of such programs do not want to spend money on technical support in the future. Some types of freeware can only be used for personal use - their use for commercial purposes is not allowed; others require pre-registration. In this case, the user must send his data to the author in order to gain access to the computer program. Often freeware (and sometimes even shareware) is mistakenly classified as public domain software. In fact, only a small portion of these programs are classified as publicly available. There is no need to pay for such programs, but the copyright for them remains with the author. It follows from this that the author continues to monitor the fate of the program and may even transfer it to the status of shareware or commercial software.

Open source software characterized primarily by free access to source texts. Its users have the right to freely perform the following operations:

  • run the program for any purpose;
  • study how the program works and modify it;
  • distribute copies of the program;
  • modify the program and transfer its improved version to third parties.

Combining the benefits of free access to source code with fundamental rights gives the user of such software a significantly higher level of freedom compared to those who deal with other types of computer programs. Open source software (OSS) gives the user the ability to manage, copy, distribute, study and change software without any restrictions. The intellectual property model for such software is different from that on which most commercial software products are built. The commercial model in most cases assumes only the right to run the program and the user's right to make a backup copy for himself.

When it comes to free software, what we primarily mean is the freedom to use it, not the price. The General Public License was designed to guarantee the user:

  • the right to distribute copies of free software (and the ability to charge for this service if desired);
  • the ability to obtain software source code;
  • the right to modify the software or use its components in new free programs.

Regardless of the type of developer, they can make money from their program through donations. In some countries, the state provides financial support for such projects. And some organizations may need to expand the functionality of the program. Who will they turn to first in such cases? Of course to the author.