To quickly manage the operating system and not get tired as you work with it, skills such as effective interaction with the keyboard help. Windows 10 hotkeys contribute well to this. Tuning for efficiency can make you learn certain button combinations, which will help greatly facilitate the work of a person working at a computer. There are already familiar combinations that are inherited from previous generation operating systems. It is not necessary to learn such combinations in one day, it is enough to first write out the most necessary ones, and then, as the learning progresses, gradually memorize new ones. All combinations are typed on the keyboard, where the Win button, or Win, or Start, or Start is the key with the image of the Windows logo. In the article, we call it differently for the convenience of those who are used to any one option. But in essence, they are one and the same.

Window management

This section describes keyboard shortcuts for working with windows in Windows 10.

  • Win + left arrow - this way you can attach the program window to the left side of the screen.
  • Win + right arrow - this way you can attach the program window to the right side of the screen.
  • Win + up arrow - this combination can expand the program window to full screen.
  • Win + Down Arrow - These keys minimize the window of a running application.
  • Win + D - These keys either show or hide the desktop.
  • Win + Shift + M - this way you can restore minimized windows.
  • Win + Home - this combination minimizes all windows, except for the one in which the user is working.
  • Alt + Tab - this combination switches running applications.
  • Alt + F4 - this combination closes the running window.
  • Win + Shift + Left (or Right) Arrow - Move windows to another monitor.
  • Win + T - using this combination, you can sort through the icons located on the taskbar one by one. The application is launched with the Enter button.
  • Win + 0 ... 9 - launches from the taskbar those applications that are assigned to a certain serial number.

Working with Explorer

  • Start + E - With this combination, you can start the file manager.
  • Ctrl + N - this combination opens a new window.
  • Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel - means changing the appearance of elements (tables, icons, and so on).
  • Alt + up arrow - go up one level.
  • Alt + left arrow - look at the previous folder in turn.
  • Alt + right arrow - look at the folder next in line.

Work tables

  • Start + Ctrl + D - add a new virtual desktop.
  • Start + Ctrl + Left Arrow - With this combination, switch between desktops from right to left.
  • Start + Ctrl + Right Arrow - use this combination to switch between desktops in the opposite direction.
  • Start + Ctrl + F4 - this closes the desktop that is currently in use.
  • Start + Tab - view all desktops and their applications.


Hotkeys significantly speed up the work at the computer. If you learn them, then the time will come when interaction with the computer will come to the subconscious. That is, you don’t have to think about how to call certain buttons or windows. Of course, everything does not happen at once, but the more you practice working with the keys, the faster they will be remembered. There will come a time when you don't need to look at the keyboard at all. In the age of information technology, this is a very useful skill. Only specialized programs help to set up your own hot keys, but is it really worth spending time like that if there are already ready-made solutions?

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So that you can work faster and more conveniently on a computer running Windows systems, Microsoft specialists have introduced many keyboard shortcuts into the system, by pressing which you can perform a specific task much faster than with a mouse. In this article, I tried to collect the most commonly used windows 10 hotkeys, but most of them will work in previous versions of windows.

For example, copying part of the text with the mouse and then pasting it takes a lot of time when compared with the key combinations ctrl + c - for copying text, and ctrl + v for pasting. These are fairly well-known keyboard shortcuts used by almost everyone. At the same time, there are many more hot keys on the keyboard of a computer and laptop. In our article, we will present all these combinations, including combinations with the special windows key.

First, I want to draw your attention to the 10 hotkeys that I use practically every day.

Keyboard shortcutWhat is he doing
ctrl+cCopy selected text, file, folder, etc.
ctrl+xCut selected text, file, folder, etc.
ctrl+vPaste selected text, file, folder, etc.
ctrl+fSearch on the page. Convenient to use in text editors, browsers, etc.
ctrl+zUndo previous action. For example, deleting part of the text in a text editor, the last action in a graphics editor, etc.
ctrl+pSend a document to print from the keyboard
ctrl+aSelect all. For example, all text on a word editor page or an entire table in Excel, all elements in a graphics editor, or all objects on the desktop
Win key + LComputer and screen lock
Win key + TABOpens the task view in Windows 10. A very handy thing for viewing current open windows, and the history of working on the computer
Win Key + DMinimize and maximize working windows. A very convenient combination when you need to quickly see the desktop
Ctrl+Alt+DeleteOpens the Windows Task Manager
Ctrl+Shift+NCreate a new folder in explorer

Basic combinations

Keyboard shortcuts for basic actions: copy, paste, etc.

Keyboard shortcutWhat is he doing
CTRL+XCut out the selected object
CTRL+C or CTRL+INSERTCopy the selected object
CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERTPaste the selected object
CTRL+ZUndo previous action
ALT+TABSwitch to the previous open app
ALT+F4Exit the active application
Windows key +LBlock device
Windows key +DMinimize all windows and maximize all windows
F2Rename the selected object
F3Find a file or folder in File Explorer
F4Switch to the address bar in File Explorer
F5 or CTRL+RUpdate active window
F6Selecting the next item on the screen in a window or desktop
F10Switching to the menu in the active application
ALT+F8Enables password display during login
ALT+ESCSwitch between items in the order they were opened
ALT+underlined letterThe command that matches the underlined letter is executed.
ALT+ENTERShows the properties of the selected object
ALT+SPACEOpens the menu of the selected window
ALT+LEFT ARROW"Back" command
ALT+PAGE UPMoves up a page
ALT+PAGE DOWNMoves down a page
CTRL+F4Closes the active document (in those applications where several documents are opened in the same working window)
CTRL+ASelect All or Select All
CTRL+D or DELETEDeletes the selected item or moves it to the trash
CTRL+YRepeat action
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMoves the cursor to the beginning of the next word
CTRL+LEFT ARROWMoves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
CTRL+DOWN ARROWMoves the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
CTRL+UP ARROWMoves the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
CTRL+ALT+TABWith this key combination, you can navigate between open applications using the keyboard arrows, the application is selected using the Enter key
CTRL+SHIFT+arrow keyHighlighting a piece of text
CTRL+ESCOpen start menu
CTRL+SHIFT+ESCLaunch Windows Task Manager
CTRL+SHIFTSwitch input language
SHIFT+F10Open menu for selected object
SHIFT+any arrow keyWe select elements in the window, on the desktop, as well as text in any document
SHIFT+DELETERemoving the selected object "past" the cart
ESCStop the current task, or exit it altogether

Windows key

First, let's answer the question where is the win key on the keyboard?
It's simple - the win key is called the logo key, most often it is in the last row, the second from the left is for computer keyboards, and the third for laptop keyboards.

See photos of its location:

Windows key combination table

Keyboard shortcutWhat is he doing
Windows keyOpen and close the start menu
Windows key +AOpens the Help Center
Windows key + BFocuses the notification area
Windows key +C
Opens the voice assistant Cortana.

  • This keyboard shortcut is disabled by default. To turn it on, click Start -> Settings -> Cortana and set the switch to position Included, In chapter Allow Cortana to listen for my commands when I press the Windows logo key.

  • The voice assistant is not available in all countries or regions, or some features may be limited. If you are facing this problem use Search.
Windows key +Shift+CCalling the charms menu
Windows key +DMinimize and maximize all windows
Windows Key+Alt+DOpen/close dialog box with date and time
Windows key + EOpen explorer
Windows key + FTakes a screenshot and opens the Feedback Hub
Windows key + GOpens the menu of the running game
Windows key + HStart Dictation
Windows Key + IOpens the Options section
Windows key + JSet focus to Windows tooltip, if available
Windows key +KCalls the "Connect" quick action
Windows key + LBlocking the computer or changing the account
Windows key +MMinimize all windows
Windows key +OWe fix the orientation of the device in space
Windows key +PSwitch between presentation display modes
Windows key +RExecutes the Run window
Windows key +SOpen search on device
Windows key +TSwitching between open applications
Windows key +UOpens the Ease of Access Center
Windows key +VSwitch between notifications
Windows key + SHIFT+VSwitching between notifications in the other direction
Windows key + XOpens a menu with quick links
Windows key + YSwitching Between Windows Mixed Reality Input and Desktop
Windows key + ZDisplays the commands available for the application in full screen mode
Windows key + period (.) or semicolon (;)Opens a panel with emoji (smilies)
Windows key + comma (,)Temporarily shows the desktop (Makes active windows transparent)
Windows key +PAUSEDisplays a window with system properties
Windows key +CTRL+FSearch for computers on the network (When connected)
Windows key +SHIFT+MRestores minimized windows (Only active on the desktop)
Windows key + numberLaunches the application assigned to the specified number on the taskbar (under the serial number). If the application is already running - switches to this application
Windows key +SHIFT+numberLaunches a new instance of the application assigned to the specified number on the taskbar (under the serial number)
Windows key + CTRL+numberSwitch to the last active application assigned to the specified number on the taskbar (under the serial number)
Windows key + Alt + numberOpens the jump list for the application assigned to the specified number on the taskbar (under the serial number)
Windows key + CTRL + SHIFT + numberLaunches the application assigned to the specified number on the taskbar (under the serial number), on behalf of the administrator
Windows key + TABShows thumbnails of currently open applications, as well as the history of open applications for the month.
Windows key + UP ARROWmaximize window
Windows key + DOWN ARROWMinimize a window
Windows key + LEFT ARROWMaximize the desktop window or application to the left edge of the screen
Windows key + RIGHT ARROWMaximize the desktop window or application to the right edge of the screen
Windows key + HOMEMinimize all windows except the active window, clicking again will maximize the windows
Windows key + SHIFT+UP ARROWStretches the active application window to the top and bottom edges of the screen
Windows key + SHIFT + DOWN ARROWRestores or minimizes all active desktop windows vertically while maintaining width
Windows key + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWMoves a desktop window or application from one monitor to another
Windows key + SPACEBARSwitches the language of the keyboard layout and its input (a dialog box appears with the choice of language by pressing the SPACEBAR)
Windows key + CTRL + SPACEBARRevert previous input language
Windows Key + CTRL + EnterLaunches Narrator
Windows key + plus sign (+)Launches Magnifier
Windows key + forward slash (/)Starts IME reconversion
Windows key + CTRL + VShows direct connections

Perhaps someone is looking for a key combination to lock the keyboard on a computer, but such a combination does not exist. You can block the touchpad on a laptop, usually this is done by a specialist. key fn+ F1-F12, while the second key will be one of F1-F12. It is different for different manufacturers, you can find it in the manual for your laptop.

Experienced users know keyboard shortcuts that help them in their work and save time. To help those who do not yet use, we offer this article. Many keyboard shortcuts work the same in 7, 8 and XP builds of Windows.

Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10

If it is impossible to use a computer mouse in your work, the ability to give commands on the keyboard will become a useful skill. Hotkeys have been successfully used in previous builds. But new combinations appeared, created only in this system. Popular keys are still: Winkey, Alt and Ctrl, Shift and Tab, arrows, numbers and letters in cross combinations.

Fig 1. Ctrl key combinations

New Windows 10 hotkeys

Among the useful and functional key combinations, experimental combinations stand out to increase the efficiency of your work at the computer.

Automatic window alignment

Can be done with the mouse or keyboard shortcuts in Windows and arrows. Depending on the direction of the arrows, the window used will move in the corresponding direction.

Fig 2. Windows icon button Fig 3. Arrow control

Virtual Desktop

A practical feature when creating multiple projects at once. It becomes even more convenient to use when combined with keyboard buttons:

#WINd+Ctrl+D creates another desktop

#WINd+Ctrl+← jumps to the desktop located on the left side

#WINd+Ctrl+→ jumps to the desktop located on the right side

#WINd+Ctrl+F4 ends the desktop

#WINd+Tab view actively used applications.

Fig 4. Location on the Windows or Win keyboard

Working with the command line

To work with this element in Windows 10, key combinations are used:

shift+← select text on the left side

shift +→ select text to the right of the cursor

shift +Ctrl+→(←) block selection

Ctrl+ C duplicating information to the clipboard

Ctrl+V paste saved information from clipboard

Ctrl+A select all text in a line.

Fig 5. Using Shift and Arrows

Screen, shooting photo and video materials

With the presence of the GameDVR program, it is possible to produce. To do this, use keyboard shortcuts

WIN+PrintScreen takes a screenshot and saves it to the Pictures folder

WIN+G launches GameDVR (if your graphics card has sufficient capabilities)

WIN+Alt+G records what is happening in the active window

WIN+Alt+R will stop the recording in progress

WIN + P when the second monitor is on, switches screen modes

WIN+Plus (Minus) zoom in or out using the Magnifier utility.

Other Useful Windows Hotkeys

Along with the new Windows 10 operating system, many people still use other, earlier versions of Windows. They have no less list of quick combinations. The most popular of them:

#WINd+ shows the desktop, temporarily hiding active applications

#WINd+D minimizes applications and opens the desktop

#WINd+Home leaves the actively used window, minimizes the others.

#WINd+L exit the operating system

#WINd+E starts Explorer (WindowsExplorer)

Alt+F4 ends the active window

Ctrl+Shift+M restore minimized apps

Alt+Ctrl+Del launches the Task Manager window.

Most often, in a combination of quick keyboard shortcuts, the WIN key is used.

Combining this key with the ones below, we get the following result:

A support center opens

S opens a search box

B focus is set in the notification area

I opens the "Options" window

K fast connection

o fix device orientation

U accessibility center

V toggle notifications

Z shows commands running in full screen mode

P ause displays the System Properties window

+ / IME reconversion.

Some keys in all versions of Windows are used as hot keys on their own:

SPACE - set or clear the active parameter

BACKSPACE - opening a file

END - Displays the bottom edge of the active window.


The number of possible hotkey combinations can be a little confusing for an inexperienced user. It seems that it is impossible to remember them all and use them effectively in working with a computer. But I can assure you, with a little practice and getting used to this method, you will be able to appreciate its functional advantages and time savings. Using this knowledge, you untie your hands. Now the lack of a mouse will not be able to prevent you from setting tasks for your computer.

In the list below, you can find keyboard shortcuts that are well known from previous versions, as well as those that appeared only in Windows 10. There is absolutely no need to learn them all at once, and this is impossible. Simply select 3-4 operations that you use most often, write down the corresponding keys on a sticker and stick it in a visible place. You yourself will not notice how very soon you will learn them by heart and you will not be able to do without them. And when this happens, it will be possible to move on to mastering the following combinations of hot keys.

Window and application management

Win + left arrow- Attach the application window to the left edge of the screen.

Win + right arrow- Attach the application window to the right edge of the screen.

Win + up arrow- expand the application window to full screen. Or, if the window was previously sticky to one of the edges, it will take up a quarter of the screen at the top.

Win + down arrow- Minimize the active window. Or, if the window was previously sticky to one of the edges, it will take up a quarter of the screen at the bottom.

Win+D- show and hide the desktop.

Win+Shift+M- restore minimized windows.

Windows + Home- minimize all windows except the active one (restore all windows on second click).

Alt + Tab- switch between running applications.

Alt+F4- close the active window.

Win + Shift + Left (or Right) Arrow- move the window to another monitor.

Win+T- Sequentially sort through the icons on the taskbar. Press "Enter" to launch the application.

Win + 0…9- launch an application from the taskbar, the icon of which is fixed to the position corresponding to the number.


Win+E- start the file manager.

Ctrl + N- open a new window.

Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel- change the representation of elements (icons, table, thumbnails, and so on).

Alt + up arrow- go up one level.

Alt + left arrow- view the previous folder.

Alt + right arrow- view the next folder.

Virtual desktops

Windows + Ctrl + D- add a virtual desktop.

Win + Ctrl + Left Arrow- switch between virtual desktops from right to left.

Win + Ctrl + Right Arrow- switch between virtual desktops from left to right.

Windows + Ctrl + F4- close the used virtual desktop.

Win+Tab- display all desktops and applications on them.


Ctrl + Shift + Esc- start the task manager.

Win+R- open the "Run" dialog box.

Shift+Delete- delete files bypassing the trash.

Alt+Enter- display the properties of the selected element.

win + space- switch input language and keyboard layout.

Win+A- open the Support Center.

Win+S- open the search window.

Win+I- open the "Parameters" window.

Screenshots and games

Windows + PrtScr- take a screenshot and save it in your images folder.

Win+Alt+PrtScr- take a screenshot of the game.

Win+G- open the game panel to record the progress of the passage.

Win+Alt+G- record the last 30 seconds in the active window.

Win+Alt+R- start or stop recording.

Win+P- switch between display modes (if a second display is available).

Do you use keyboard shortcuts in your work?

Hello our dear readers. Today I want to tell you about how you can significantly speed up your work at the computer. You just need to know the useful keyboard shortcuts and be able to use them.
And in order to be able to use the "hot" buttons, you need to know what they do when pressed. In this article (from the "Increasing the speed of working at the computer" series), I provide the most complete (without the keyboard shortcut with the win button, which will be dedicated to) list of useful keyboard shortcuts on windows 10.

There are quite a few keyboard shortcuts. At the same time, depending on the operating systems, they naturally differ. For the windows family OS, they are basically the same. Also, respectively, for different programs there are their own keyboard shortcuts. In addition, they can be divided into combinations of buttons for copy / paste, for working with text, etc. We will get acquainted with hot buttons on windows 10.

Basic keyboard shortcuts in windows 10

F2 - Rename the selected file, folder, item
F3 - Search for a file or folder in explorer
F4 - Display address bar list in explorer
F5 - Update active window
F6 - Cycle through screen elements in a window or desktop
F10 - Activate the menu bar in the active application
CTRL + X - Cut selected element
CTRL + C (or CTRL + INSERT) - Copy the selected item
CTRL + V (or SHIFT + INSERT) - Paste the selected item
CTRL + Z - Undo an action
ALT + TAB - Switch between open applications
ALT + F4 - Close the active element or exit the active application
Windows key + L - Lock the computer
Windows key + D - Show and hide the desktop
ALT + F8 - Show password on login screen
ALT + ESC - Cycle through items in the order they were opened
ALT + underlined letter Execute the command corresponding to that letter
ALT + SPACE - Open the context menu of the active window
ALT + ← - Back
ALT + → - Forward
ALT + PAGE UP - Move one page up
ALT + PAGE DOWN - Move one page down
CTRL + F4 - Close the active document (in applications that are maximized to full screen and allow multiple documents to be open at the same time)
CTRL + A - Select all items in a document or window
CTRL + D (or DELETE) - Delete the selected item and move it to the trash
CTRL + R (or F5) - Refresh the active window
CTRL + Y - Repeat action
CTRL + → - Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word
CTRL + ← - Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
CTRL + ↓ - Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
CTRL + - Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
CTRL + ALT + TAB - Use arrow keys to switch between open applications
CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + Arrow Keys - If a group or tile has focus on the Start menu, move it in the indicated direction
CTRL + arrow key (to move to an element) + SPACE - Select multiple individual elements in a window or on the desktop
CTRL + SHIFT + Arrow Key - Highlight text
CTRL + ESC - Open the start menu
CTRL + SHIFT + ESC - Launch Task Manager
CTRL + SHIFT - Switch keyboard layout if there is more than one
CTRL + SPACE - Toggle the input method editor for Chinese on and off
SHIFT + F10 - Open the context menu for the selected item
SHIFT + any arrow key - Select multiple items in a window or desktop, or select text in a document
SHIFT + DELETE - Delete the selected item without first placing it in the trash
→ - Open the next menu on the right or open a submenu
← - Opening the next menu on the left or closing a submenu
ESC - Stop or exit the current task

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Taskbar

Shift + click on the icon - Open a new application window
Ctrl + Shift + icon click - Open a new application window with administrator privileges
Shift + right click on icon - Show application menu
Shift + right click on a group of icons - Show menu, restore all / minimize all / close all
Ctrl + click on a group of icons - Maximize all windows of the group

Useful keyboard shortcuts for the command line

CTRL + M - Switch to mark mode
ALT+select key - Start selection in lock mode
Arrow keys Move the cursor in the specified direction
PAGE UP - Move cursor one page up
PAGE DOWN - Move cursor one page down
CTRL + - Move up one line in the output log
CTRL + ↓ - Move down one line in the output log
CTRL + HOME (in mark mode) - Moves the cursor to the beginning of the buffer
CTRL + END (in mark mode) - Move the cursor to the end of the buffer
CTRL + HOME (log navigation) - Moves the viewport to the top of the buffer (if the command line is empty). Otherwise, delete any characters to the left of the cursor on the command line.
CTRL + END (log navigation) - Moves the viewport to the command line if it is empty. Otherwise, delete any characters to the right of the cursor on the command line.

Useful button shortcuts in File Explorer

ALT + D - Select address bar
CTRL + E - Select search field
CTRL + F - Select search field
CTRL + N - Open a new window
CTRL + W - Close the active window
CTRL + mouse scroll wheel - Change the size and appearance of file and folder icons
CTRL + SHIFT +E - Display all folders in which the selected folder is nested
CTRL + SHIFT +N - Create a new folder
ALT + P - Display the view panel
ALT + ENTER - Opens the Properties dialog box for the selected element
ALT + → - View next folder
ALT + - View the folder in which this folder is nested
ALT + ← - View previous folder
NUM LOCK + asterisk (*) - Display all folders under the selected folder
NUM LOCK + plus sign (+) - Display the contents of the selected folder
NUM LOCK + minus sign (–) - Collapses the selected folder
RIGHT ARROW - Display the highlighted item (if it is collapsed) or select the first subfolder
LEFT ARROW - Collapse the selected item (if it is expanded) or select the folder in which this folder is nested
BACKSPACE - View previous folder
END - Display the bottom edge of the active window
Home Display the top edge of the active window
F11 - Maximize or minimize the active window

Keyboard shortcuts for windows

F4 - Display active list items
CTRL + TAB - Move forward through tabs
CTRL + SHIFT + TAB - Navigate back through tabs
CTRL + number (from 1 to 9) - Go to the nth tab
TAB - Navigate forward through options
SHIFT + TAB - Go back through the options
ALT + underlined letter - Execute a command (or select an option) that begins with that letter
SPACE - Check or uncheck if the active option is a checkbox
BACKSPACE - Opens a folder one level above the folder selected in the Save As or Open window
Arrow keys- Button selection if button group is active

Keyboard shortcuts for virtual desktops

Windows key + TAB - Open task view
Windows key + TRL + D - Adding a virtual desktop
Windows key + CTRL + → - Switch between created virtual desktops from left to right
Windows key + CTRL + ← - Switch between created virtual desktops from right to left
Windows key + CTRL + F4 - Close the virtual desktop in use

Windows key (win) located between the Ctrl and Alt keys on the left side (the Windows logo is drawn on it).
The Menu key is to the left of the right Ctrl .
The combination "key" + "key" means that you must first press the first key, and then, while holding it, the second.