Daria Golovanova

Reading time: 14 min.

Perhaps the fastest growing profession on the Internet in recent years is an SMM manager. She has already managed to acquire various stories, misunderstandings and myths, such as the fact that this is a job for schoolchildren, etc. It seems to us that it is time to start debunking them. Let's figure out what is meant in job descriptions, why an SMM manager is really needed, and how it should work.

What can be the duties of an ideal SMM manager?

The main responsibilities of the social media manager in the company may include:

  • building a common strategy for brand presence in social networks;
  • turning this strategy into reality;
  • the ability to feel and understand the brand, to focus all actions on its target audience and communicate in its language
  • reasonable budget management, management and analysis of advertising campaigns;
  • the ability to take beautiful pictures. Even on the phone. A small business can no longer be imagined without a beautiful Instagram profile anywhere else, and ordering a lot of filming is not always the most budget option. That is why photo content often has to be implemented by the SMM manager;
  • have a sense of beauty and be able to catch trends.
  • competent written language, ability to write and correct text content;
  • knowledge of at least the basics of layout and understanding of usability to optimize the site for social networks is very welcome;
  • and, of course, the ability to work with people and the skills of a psychologist are very important;
  • and etc.

Ksenia Prokina, Editorial Group Head Sociorama by iConGroup:

“Today, often, different employers determine in their own way who an SMM manager is in his company, and what exactly he should do. At interviews, the conversation often begins like this: "Let's decide what we mean by this word." So, one employer sees an employee in this place, who, having decided on the goal, splits it into tasks, selects tools, briefs, controls, reports to the SMM director or head of the marketing department. And the other will indicate tasks such as: writing content, moderating communities, working in tandem with a designer, reporting. But he will not, for example, control the budget, select promotion tools, etc.

The fact is that it is unrealistic to cover the entire pool of tasks and do it by hand. We are now talking, of course, about real professionals, and not about schoolchildren or mothers on maternity leave, who were inspired by the opportunity to make money on the Internet. Therefore, ideally, tasks are divided into several employees by specialization, for example, I am responsible for content, moderation and design.

As you can see, the hands of a good CMM worker must grow bushy: he must be diversified and be ready to perform a wide range of work.

And now let's start debunking the myths that have taken root in our heads.

Myth 1. Work in social networks - for interns and students

Social media marketing is one of the necessary tasks for the development of a business of any scale. If you think that this is some kind of childish task that any student can perform, then you can put an end to your reputation. Incorrect positioning, low-quality content, misunderstanding of strategy and goals - all this will at best lead to a decrease in the number of subscribers, and at worst, it will negatively affect the attitude towards the brand and sales.

Myth 2. Social networks are the same job for 8 hours 5 days a week

Here is another common stereotype. Social media marketing is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day. In order for SMM marketing to have significant authority in social networks, you need to be online all the time. This means that you should be able to use various planning tools, ideally - be able to answer questions from potential buyers at any time of the day or night (after all, if the Internet never sleeps).

Myth 3. You will not achieve effective and measurable results from an SMM marketer.

Today it is also not impossible to measure the result and effectiveness of work in SMM. There are several options to track the result of the work of the SMM manager:

  • Pay attention to reach, user engagement, conversion of paid traffic to social. And don't forget to track ROI - an indicator of return on investment for SMM.
  • Track the growth of ER - the engagement index.
  • Analyze the place of SMM in assisted conversions. Thus, you can evaluate the payback of the employee.

Myth 4. All work is just asking friends and acquaintances to like posts to increase the level of social presence.

Experienced social media people won't ask friends and family to like their posts all the time. They know full well that they will not be able to fool the program that calculates the activity coefficient. It is a little more complicated than users are used to thinking. That is why it is so important to work out the creative of posts and interact with a large number of audiences.

Myth 5: We don't need

Social media is not suitable for our industry.” A lot of people talk like that. In our courses, one of the most common questions is what should we write about, because we are from B2B. Especially B2B manufacturing companies such as construction, industry, etc.

However, while they and their B2B partners do not understand how to implement social media, their employees are still socially active people, and they also love to surf the net, watch news on interesting topics, including their professional orientation. Look around: from kids to grandparents, everyone is on social media these days.

A common mistake B2B companies make is to treat their customers as just other companies and not as the people who work for them, who are just as socially accessible as everyone else.

In principle, this is possible. But only if there is a unique product and with initially perfectly designed marketing.

Myth 6. The demand for SMM specialists has already formed

As we can see on the graph, the demand for SMM specialists began to increase significantly since January 2016, and the number of vacancies has almost doubled, as a result of which competition is also intensifying.

Myth 7. SMM should be cheap

Today there is a generally accepted opinion that it is quite possible to get by with small budgets at the initial stage of SMM promotion. Of course, SMM services today do not have any fixed cost, and each company can put its own “price tag”.

But, when starting to work with SMM, it is extremely important to understand that a one-time action will give absolutely nothing to the business. SMM must be integrated into the marketing communications system for any type of business, and it is advisable to wait for the result only with regular work.

Of course, you can pay a specialist less, but in this case, you should not expect a predicted result, it can turn out to be zero. Many employers continue to turn to freelancers who are ready to “make SMM for $200”, but after 1-2 months of wasted time, money and nerves, they turn to professionals for help.

Therefore, if you are really ready to spend some money one-time, it’s better to go through a good SMM intensive in order to understand the big picture, and what your SMM manager should be directly involved in. Such a course will give you a clear understanding of where, for what and with what efficiency your budgets and paid "man-hours" will go.

Myth 8. It is not necessary for an SMM manager to have a lot of subscribers himself?

Maybe yes. But not just bots. Agree, it’s very undignified when a person has 4,000 friends, and on his wall there are cats slammed by his mother.

If you decide to communicate through the personal page of the manager, then it can become another channel of communication with clients. In addition to posting, he can ideally become an opinion leader, able to tell your customers everything about the company, products, and in a friendly way. After all, if you love your project, you will not be ashamed to tell your friends about it, otherwise, you should not take it on.

However, there are many professional SMM people who, on the contrary, appear minimally on social networks. Maybe it's a social media addiction.

The most correct way to communicate with the client in this case is the formation of a separate working page. After all, many people want to tell everything honestly on their page, for example, about a brand. But in this case, the manager has no right to represent his company with such messages on the wall.

Myth 9. An SMM manager can do everything.

Very often, anything can be demanded from a smm manager - to count budgets and engage in promotion, and draw, and dance, etc. But as a rule, people who claim that they can do all this are definitely sagging in something.

It is important to decide what work can be done inhouse, and what can be entrusted simply to the control of the SMM manager. For example, write content within the brand, and promote with the help of a contractor. Or vice versa.

Of course, SMM is a complex topic. There are really big budgets here, something changes every day and something new is invented.

SMM managers, and not only - write your comments and additions in the comments, what stereotypes do you encounter in your work?

Hello dear readers!

The life of a modern person is extremely closely connected with the Internet.

The advent of the World Wide Web has revolutionized communications.

Thanks to the web, we can:

  • at any time to talk with your friends and family,
  • to meet new people,
  • buy any goods we need without leaving home.

All kinds of communities are especially popular: social networks, forums, blogs. The high level of user activity has led to the emergence of new professions designed to ensure the development and promotion of web resources.

Today, one of the most sought-after professions on the Web is an SMM specialist. Who is this, what is he doing? Why is this profession popular and how to become a professional? Let's talk about all this today.

SMM promotion

Social Medial Marketing (SMM) involves the use of social networking opportunities to attract users to certain Internet resources.

The main tasks of SMM specialists are:

  • Neutralization of "black PR" (actions aimed at worsening the image);
  • Dealing with negative reviews;
  • Increasing the number of potential customers;
  • Strengthening the client's image;
  • Promotion of the website, brand in social networks.

To duties NOT include direct sales.

the main task- ensure the growth of the client's profit.

The client independently chooses the social network in which he wants to promote his product: Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Vkontakte and others. Or he can leave the right of choice to a professional who is obliged to know in which social. network promotion of the project will be the most effective.

Do you want to become an SMM specialist?

So, how to become an smm specialist? Four important components will help you achieve this goal:

  1. study of thematic web resources,
  2. blog tracking,
  3. reading specialized literature,
  4. practice.

You must have the following skills:

  1. Respond quickly to the slightest change in user mood;
  2. Interesting and competent presentation of the material;
  3. Know all the features of social channels;
  4. Collect, structure various information;
  5. Having communication skills.

A big role in your professional development can be played by:

  1. having connections with the owners of large communities,
  2. experience in creating a group in social networks,
  3. relevant education.

What do we have to do?

To start providing services for promoting websites and brands in social media, you should first learn the basics of social psychology. You must learn how to create and lead groups in order to understand the peculiarities of attracting an audience. You also need to be well aware of the features of creating viral content and be very active.

Knowledge of the basic principles of behavioral psychology is a key condition for success in this profession. Another important element is the basics of marketing. With these two components of success, you can safely start experimenting in social networks.

As in any other business, you should first study the theory. It is worth reading materials that reveal the essence of SMM. From books on promotion in social networks, I advise you to read the book by Damir Khalilov “ Social media marketing».

  1. « Vkontakte group administrator»
  2. « Facebook administrator».

In addition to theory and practice, pay attention to all kinds of training. Take part in them and you can learn a bunch of useful things that even books won't tell you about.

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Good day, colleagues!

With you Alexander K., the creator of the project "Out-of-system arbitrageur". Today we will talk about SMM marketing and how to use it wisely.

SMMmarketing, heSocial media Marketing- This is one of the varieties of advertising in which various social media are involved. In particular, it can be social networks, blogs or other resources used by a large number of people.

It should be understood that SMM marketing is an extremely broad concept, but this article will focus on its practical use to promote various products on the Internet. In particular, you will learn on which social platforms and how you can place ads, how to effectively run a public on a social network or a YouTube channel, what word of mouth is and how to use it, how to blog and much more.

First of all, I would like to note that Social Media Marketing differs from other types of advertising not only in the formal divisions by the platforms used, but also in the approaches that should be used. This is primarily SOCIAL marketing, and you need to take into account how society will react to it, how a specific proposal will be discussed, whether it will be shared with friends, etc.

What platforms can be used for SMM marketing?

Social platforms are any resources where people have the opportunity to communicate, share various content, etc.

The most popular of them:

  • In contact with;
  • Facebook;
  • Twitter;
  • Instagram;
  • YouTube;
  • Classmates;
  • And others…

2 ways to make money on social advertising!

If you decide to promote the project in social media, you have two ways of development. Each of them is good in some way, and it is impossible to say which is better. It all depends on your preferences. So here are the options:

  1. Information project. This includes individual blogs or information thematic publics. They are created and advertised in order to subsequently earn on the sale of all the same advertising. For example, they first spend 10,000 rubles to attract subscribers to a group, after which they start selling ads in it for 200 rubles per post (the numbers are taken as an example).
  1. Direct promotion of the product. To do this, you don’t even have to create a public, you just need to buy ads in an existing one. You directly promote any product, in most cases through an affiliate program. It can be a product, financial services, etc. Read more about making money on affiliate programs in the article.

The first option of SMM marketing is more stable. You should invest once in the promotion of your group, page or channel, after which it will bring a stable income that does not require constant investments (in addition to the salary of the admin).

The second one is more promising in terms of quick profit, because if you find a profitable model for draining traffic, you can buy it in almost unlimited quantities. The article at the link above describes this in detail, I recommend reading it.

Thus, the SMM marketing market can be conditionally divided into 2 categories: owners of information publics and advertisers.

Advertising group: what is it and how to conduct it?

If we talk about publics in social networks, they can be divided into 2 categories, by analogy with how the ways of earning were divided above: advertising and information publics. The latter are created solely in order to sell advertising and make money on it. The first ones aim at the direct promotion of a particular product, and as a rule they do not sell at home, they only buy.

  • Trader's public where you can promote brokers through an affiliate program
  • Loan Group (Also advertises PB banks)
  • Public - online store;
  • The official group of any company;
  • A public dedicated to a specific brand, product or several products (it can belong to both a store and a webmaster working with an affiliate program).

Advertising publics can be used both by the companies themselves and by webmasters working on an affiliate program. For the most part, the rules for their promotion are similar, but further work with PP will be taken as the basis, because. Most of our readers are affiliates.

How to work with advertising publics?

So, here are the basic rules for working with such publics:

  1. When promoting, pay close attention to the target audience(age of your customers, gender, geography). For example, if you work in the direction of trading, you don’t need to buy in groups where more than 30-40% are people under 18 years old. The same applies to predominantly male or female products. Target audience is extremely important in any business!
  1. Create unique content for people regularly in a group (there should be at least 4 posts a day), otherwise subscribers will quickly unsubscribe from you, they will not be interested in your public.
  1. The content in your group should be: motivating and also interesting for users. The more competently you combine this, the more effective advertising will be. It is not recommended to use the so-called "Advertising" in advertising groups, i.e. marketing that does not interest people. Make the group interesting - and then the level of customer loyalty will increase.
  1. Make it possible to leave a question to the representatives of the group, personal communication raises the loyalty of the audience and creates an additional link to your project.
  1. If you are working on an affiliate program, it is recommended to use several brands for promotion, and not just one. People like to choose, and they are much more willing to buy if they have at least the illusion of choice. Just find a few similar products and let people choose one of them. In any case, you will receive a partner reward, not from one company, but from another.
  1. Open the comment box, and encourage people to discuss a particular product or issue. SMM marketing is not just standard advertising, but working with a wide audience, directing their thoughts in the right direction. A group in which there is good activity always looks an order of magnitude more interesting than the rest.
  1. No need to chase additional profit and place third-party advertising in an advertising project especially from competitors. By doing this, you will only make yourself a big minus, because. customers will go to others.
  1. In addition to text and pictures, use video content people respond very well to it. So, you can post various themed videos or GIF animations.
  1. Be sure to create a corporate identity for the group, i.e. templates for all pictures, as well as a public profile picture. This will make the public more official in the eyes of visitors and increase the degree of trust.
  1. Use all possible promotion tools offered by a particular social network. For example, if we talk about VKontakte, then there are a number of things that not everyone uses: the “Products” block, the ability to leave a message to the community or post an entry through “Offer news”. All this, although not by much, will increase the efficiency of the project, and hence the potential income.

An advertising public is a great addition to the site, or an independent resource. In social networks, it is much more efficient to promote the group, and not directly the site, because. she looks much more natural. In addition, people are much more willing to communicate and share news on social networks than on websites, and this can also be used.

Viral Marketing or Word of Mouth: Free Advertising!

The word of mouth effect is one of the key advantages of smm marketing, one might even say its distinguishing feature. So, for example, if you buy a banner placement on the site, you get only clicks on it, and nothing more. If you run an advertising campaign on social networks, you can count on people to discuss it, increase efficiency and distribute it to the masses.

Thus, word of mouth is a way of disseminating information from person to person, without the direct participation of the advertiser. This concept existed even before the advent of the Internet, when people simply discussed this or that event with each other. Now it has become even more pronounced, because. social networks have all the possibilities for transmitting any kind of information:

  • Reposts of records;
  • Discussing them through private messages;
  • Comments on entries;
  • etc.

But you should immediately understand: not every advertising campaign causes the effect of word of mouth. People won't discuss any post they see, they won't repost it. Information is disseminated only if it is interesting in the eyes of people, or motivating to transfer in other ways.

So, now I will list the key options for how you can use word of mouth (viral marketing) in social networks:

  1. Promotions with draws. An extremely popular trend now is to hold drawings of various prizes among those who have reposted a certain post. It looks something like this:

“5000 rubles will be received by a random subscriber of our community who reposts this post…”

Prizes can be both small and quite significant, depending on the number of participants.

and the duration of the action. As a result, you get a lot of reposts of an advertising post that spreads spontaneously across the social network. It works like this:

The subscriber makes a repost - the subscriber's friend reads the first post on the wall, subscribes and also reposts - the subscriber's friend does the same - etc.

Although objectively speaking, it is worth noting that this method is already beginning to become obsolete. Of course, it can, and even needs to be used, but it no longer causes such a “bomb” reaction as at first. This is because there are quite a lot of such posts, and they continue to be distributed mainly by those who have won such a contest at least once.

  1. A promotion with a guaranteed prize or bonus. It's not that common, but it does exist. This is still the same call to repost for a certain "bun", only this time the drawing is not held, everyone receives prizes. As a rule, this is some kind of discount on the services of the company that organizes the action, or some interesting addition.

For example:

  • 10% discount on masseur services;
  • Additional 10 min. to pass the quest room;
  • Opportunity for 2 tickets to get 3 seats;
  • Addition to the trading strategy.
  1. Viral non-advertising post. There is a category of social media posts that generates a huge number of likes and reposts. Of course, these records are not advertising, at best they indirectly promote something. Nevertheless, the very fact of such a large number of reposts will favorably affect the group, interested users will move into it. Also keep in mind that this method, unlike the previous ones, does not require costs, as is the case with draws.

What are these viral records? As a rule, they call for putting at least a "Like" mark, putting pressure on something psychologically important for a person. For example:

  • Like if you respect veterans (together with a photo of a war veteran);
  • How many likes does it deserve ... (some famous person);
  • Which is better: "white" or "red" (any 2 comparisons, football teams, cars, etc.). 1 - like, 2 - repost.
  • Any other posts tied to likes and reposts.

It is better, of course, not to use the standard schemes described above, but to come up with something new, new. Then it will collect more reposts.

  1. Prophecy records. Something like "Repost, or you won't be happy for 10 years." The method, as for me, is not very successful, and does not cause a positive reaction in people. In addition, a public with such posts will look extremely frivolous. Some use this approach, but I wouldn't recommend it.
  1. Funny catchy photos. People love humor, especially if some unusual photo is involved. You won't garner a lot of reposts using standard jokes or "memes", but if you come up with something new, it can generate a good reaction. Again, as with non-promotional viral posts, you will not be able to place direct ads, but using this method regularly will give you an additional stream of visitors.
  1. Useful information. Creating such posts will not only give you additional subscribers, but also emphasize the seriousness of the project. So, you can create really useful content for the masses.

Something like:

  • How to get tax benefits from the state?
  • 10 useful life hacks;
  • A selection of psychological methods for communicating with superiors.

This information should be, firstly, useful, and secondly, difficult to remember in its entirety. After or even at the beginning of the text, you suggest saving it to your wall so as not to lose it. Such posts will attract attention both in your group and on the walls of subscribers.

  1. Political news. People love to discuss politics, and often repost various political news written in interesting language. In addition, they willingly discuss them in the comments. If the subject of your public allows you to publish political news, do it regularly.
  1. Creative ideas. The list of possible viral content is not exhaustive, you can always come up with something of your own, and "collect the cream" on this method before it is used everywhere. After all, in the end, someone came up with everything that was described above. Constantly talk about this topic, think about what approach can bring a large number of shares, and test the ideas you have.

Essentially, viral marketing is an inexpensive, and sometimes even free, way to drive an unlimited amount of traffic. The main thing is for the idea to spread across the social network, and the post is reposted not only by your subscribers, but also by the friends of the subscribers, their friends, etc. Of course, sooner or later someone will simply copy the text of your post and post it to your public, but before this happens, you will attract people to you as a discoverer.

How to grow your own YouTube channel?

YouTube is also a good platform for SMM marketing and should not be ignored at all. Today, she is actively gaining popularity, both among bloggers and viewers. This is because YouTube is gradually replacing television. Now only the elderly remain more conservative and watch TV, while the majority of young people go online. Hence the huge number of new channels of various directions, appearing literally every day.

You can use YouTube in terms of SMM marketing in two ways:

  • Purchasing advertising through this platform (banners popping up while watching a video, promotional videos with/without skipping, etc.);
  • Creation and development of own channel.

With the first method, everything should be more or less clear: you create advertising content, and through the YouTube service you pay for its placement. You can pay for impressions, clicks, views, etc.

In the second case, everything is much more complicated. It is not enough to create ordinary advertising material and place it, no one will look at it just like that. It is necessary to create content that is really interesting for the user, and subsequently try to “close” the viewer to the necessary actions.

Of course, as in the case of groups in social networks, the YouTube channel can be used in 2 ways in SMM marketing: to make money on advertising, or to promote any product, either your own or through an affiliate program. In what follows, we will mainly focus on the second method.

Possible formats for commercial channels:

  • Trading channel (strategies, video tutorials, online trading, etc., with the promotion of any brokers, signal services, etc.);
  • Channel with product reviews (put affiliate links to the store in the description);
  • Information channel on the topic of loans, with links to relevant organizations.

How to work with YouTube channel?

In general, there may be more formats, depending on the field of activity you choose. Our team began to actively explore YouTube in terms of SMM marketing relatively recently, about a year ago, so much is still not known even to us. However, something has already been found out, and then there will be a number of tips for promoting a commercial channel:

  1. Optimize your video title and description for search queries to drive search traffic. Many vloggers do not do this, which means that your video can rank well just because it is well-optimized.
  1. Be sure to include tags when uploading videos. This will allow you to find the video in the "related videos" section. At the same time, potential traffic is no less than search traffic; on YouTube, people often after watching one video start watching another one from “Similar”.
  1. Make sure that the title image (splash screen) is bright and eye-catching. The screensaver is what the user sees until he opens the video for viewing, which means that it determines how often the video will be clicked on.
  1. To emphasize the seriousness of your project - order a high-quality video preview, and paste it into all videos at the very beginning. The preview should not be too long, 2-3 seconds will be enough.
  1. The number of views received in the first days after the publication of the video directly affects the position of the video in the search results, as well as the frequency of its appearance in "Related Videos". Therefore, if you have other visited resources, or, for example, a mailing list database, be sure to announce the video. This will immediately give you a certain number of views, and increase the position of the video on YouTube.
  1. YouTube is a social platform, which means that no one has canceled the word-of-mouth effect. The main principle here, so that your video will scatter around the Web, is its unusualness, non-standard. Surprise people with your creativity and you'll get views exponentially!
  1. Use all the possibilities of YouTube to promote your product: video annotations, hints, voice or text must necessarily announce that the link to the product of interest is in the description. People for the most part will not pay attention to a small link under the video, unless they are directly told about it.
  1. Encourage people to subscribe to the channel and put "Like" even if you do not plan to earn on it. This increases the position of the video on YouTube, and all the videos on your channel as a whole.
  1. If you have a website, be sure to link to it in every video., and you can also post these videos on the site. This will increase the degree of loyalty to the resource of search engines, because. they will see that unique video content is being created for the site. It is also possible to link the channel to a specific resource directly on YouTube, then it will be possible to put links to it in the video itself, and not just in the description.
  1. Order ads for your channel from popular bloggers, many of them take a "commercial break" before the start of each of their videos.
  1. Pay attention to the appearance of your channel. Avatar, design, video blocks - this is very important. The more colorful the channel looks, the more people will subscribe to it and visit it regularly.
  1. I recommend posting new videos regularly. at least once a week. Then subscribers will receive notifications about new videos, visit your channel more often and watch videos.
  1. A good addition to the YouTube channel will be a public one, or even a few on social networks. In it, you can publish all the same videos, as well as other advertising content. So at the same time 2 or more resources will develop.
  1. Before creating a channel, study the creativity of competitors. Everyone has their own “chips”, and it would be useful for you to learn about them. Of course, you should not 100% copy the concept of someone else's project, you need to study several of the most successful competitors, understand their strengths, add something of your own and start developing your own channel.
  1. If you want to live "happily ever after" on YouTube, pay attention to copyright. You should not post videos that you do not own the rights to, this will lead to warnings, restrictions, and then a complete blocking of your channel.

So, these were the main recommendations for the development of a commercial channel on YouTube in SMM marketing. Also, if you are seriously considering doing this, I recommend that you study the information on YouTube itself, there is a lot of interesting information about various services, opportunities, promotion strategies, etc. You will learn everything else in practice!

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SMM marketing for blogging!

Although the topic of our portal is traffic arbitrage, within the framework of this topic, you cannot skip the rules for maintaining your own blog. For the most part, the ultimate goal is to sell advertising, but sometimes blogs are also used to work with affiliate programs. For example, a trader's blog, where his results, strategies, signals, etc. are published, with affiliate links to brokers. This is a very effective strategy for promoting Forex offers.

So, a blog is a specific resource (website, public, page, channel), which represents a specific person or a specific team of people. The publication of the material comes directly from a specific person, and not from the mysterious "we". A blogger expresses his personal opinion on a particular issue, and is also a brand himself. There is a difference between promoting a blog and promoting a regular information site. So, bloggers mostly use SMM marketing, communicate more closely with the audience, and often cause the effect of "word of mouth".

  1. Post new content regularly. In principle, this can be said about any information resource involved in SMM marketing, but for a blog it is of paramount importance. If you stop publishing new content for at least a week, subscribers will simply stop reading you, and it will take you a long time to attract them back. The more often new author's content from you appears, the better.
  1. Don't go overboard with ads. Advertising, of course, is the goal of any blog, but it should not be abused. If half of all posts are advertising, no one will read such a blog. I can’t give an exact figure, it is individual for each blog. Imagine yourself in the place of readers, and think about what saturation will be optimal.
  1. Keep in mind that bloggers often get criticized for the ads they post. So, for example, if you started to actively promote any financial pyramid, then when it falls apart, you will lose the loyalty of the audience. Think about this when choosing a product to promote.
  1. Communicate with people not only through articles and videos, but also directly, through personal messages, through comments. People love attention, and if you give it to them, the blog will gain additional loyalty.
  1. Run contests regularly related to reposts of your posts, likes, comments, and other activity indicators. This was already mentioned earlier in the "Word of mouth" section.
  1. Try not to copy other people's content. An exception may be various news, otherwise all material must be unique, this is the main principle of any blog.
  1. You can negotiate with other bloggers working in your or another niche about mutual PR. Those. you publish an announcement of their activities, and your partner publishes yours. This way you can get additional subscribers without spending money on advertising.
  1. Post interesting, viral content so that it is not only watched, but also shared with friends. This is how blogs develop for the most part, spread all over the Web.
  1. Despite the word of mouth, don't forget about standard advertising. It is necessary for any project, at least at the initial stages. You must be ready to invest in development, otherwise the process will be extremely slow.
  1. Analyze competitors what they do on their blogs, and also try to come up with something new, a unique approach that no one else is using. The main principle of any business is “Look like others, do better!”

As I mentioned a little earlier, a blog can be run for two purposes: for the subsequent sale of advertising or for work on an affiliate program. The first option is more calm and stable, the second is more promising in terms of income.

Cases for smm marketing!

Next, there will be several links to the best cases from our subscribers who use smm marketing. The case is a specific experience of a person who worked according to this scheme. In each post you will find:

  • Cost and income statistics;
  • Description of the used SMM marketing scheme;
  • Examples of advertisements;
  • Some recommendations for use.

I do not recommend copying the case 100%, because there are many unaccounted factors, including the time that has passed since the case was written. But you can take it as a basis, then add your ideas, test it and put it to work.

We regularly publish new cases, with different traffic sources and for different offers. You can follow the updates in

With the help of an affiliate network, you can choose a product for promotion.

Why is company image important?

The image of the project in the eyes of the consumer is always important, but it gets the greatest effect when using SMM marketing. In social networks, information spreads very quickly, you just need to start a wave ... and negative information - even faster.

In other words, if a company discredits itself in any way, it will quickly lose people's trust. If its creators buy standard advertising (through banners, for example, or Yandex.Direct), the reputation will certainly decrease, but not as much and not so quickly.

At the same time, if the company deserves positive customer ratings, this information also spreads quite quickly, and you get increased work efficiency.

Thus, the following important rules should be noted:

  • Try not to do something that can cause a negative reaction among the general public of the consumer.
  • Respectfully communicate with people so that after cooperation they have only pleasant impressions.
  • Encourage those who support you the most to leave reviews and share information about your company with friends.

A well-executed policy of working with clients can cause a good reaction in social networks, and in personal communication with people, which means you will emphasize your high image and attract additional clients.

TOP 8 SMM Marketing Secrets!

At the end, some of the secrets of promoting the project by social methods or SMMmarketing. All this is the personal experience of our team of affiliates. So here are the details:

  1. Combination with mailing. Having your own site, you can easily start building a mailing list base by simply placing the appropriate page, or better, a sliding banner on the side. Subsequently, you will be able to send promotional letters, announcements of new material, videos, etc. to the received e-mail addresses. The mailing list will be a great addition to the main resource, as well as another deterrent for readers to tie them to your project.
  1. Bomb scheme for promoting videos using mailing. Continuing the theme of the mailing list, it is impossible not to touch on the excellent scheme for promoting videos. As many people know, you cannot insert a video into an email, but you can do the following:
  • Take a screen saver of the video so that the video icon is displayed in the center;
  • Upload this screen in a letter;
  • Put a link to the photo leading to the video viewing page.

Thus, for the reader of your letter, this screen looks like a full-fledged video, and he will click on it with a good probability, after which he will go to your site, group or channel. Click statistics with this approach are sometimes 10-15 times higher than with standard emails. You get a large number of clicks to the site, as well as additional video views.

  1. If your group on social networks has ceased to give the same results, and is barely going to “zero”, try changing the design. Sometimes it helps to regain some of the former popularity for a while. Although this method is not a panacea. If the public "burned out" - it's time to think about creating another project or about a radical change in the format of the old one.
  1. Do polls regularly, something like “What is missing in our group?”, What would you like to see on our project? Firstly, it raises the loyalty of the audience, because. people like it when their opinion is listened to. Secondly, sometimes better ideas come in that you can try to implement.
  1. Give people the opportunity to independently participate in the life of the project. So, for example, you can make it possible to leave posts in the group through “Suggest news”, and if the post is worthwhile, without third-party advertising and interesting, publish it. Again, this will increase audience loyalty + diversify your content.
  1. Organize feedback. If readers have the opportunity to write you a message, ask a question and get an answer, this will increase the effectiveness of promotion (if you work with affiliate programs), as well as the degree of loyalty to the project. Personal communication always works only as a plus in SMM marketing. Even if a person writes to you once a month, the very fact of the existence of such an opportunity raises your project in his eyes compared to the rest.
  1. Use cross promotion. For example, combinations like "Group + site", or even "Site + group + channel" perform well. It is more convenient for someone to study the information on the site, someone in the public, someone to watch the video. If you make all this possible, you will have an order of magnitude more readers. In addition, you will receive several visited resources at once at no additional cost, instead of one.
  1. If you have several projects, blogs or websites - try to find common ground for them, and promote jointly. Those. in one publish announcements of the second, in the second - the third, etc. Again, as in the case of the previous point, this will add traffic to you at no additional cost.


So, today you have learned about smm marketing and its varieties. As you can see, this concept is extremely broad, and includes many areas. If you learn how to effectively use at least one of its sides, you can make good money on it.

Let's sum up the final results:

  1. SMM marketing is a set of advertising methods using social media and everything connected with them.
  2. The platform for placing social advertising is mostly social networks, including YouTube.
  3. One of the key features of SMM marketing is the “word of mouth” effect, in which information is distributed by itself, without your participation. It is difficult to achieve, but still quite possible.
  4. When working with social advertising, you need to pay more attention to your readers, communicate with them, create activity, encourage them to share information.
  5. You can use SMM marketing both for the subsequent sale of advertising on your resource, and for promoting a specific product through an affiliate program.

Successful arbitrage and more profitable links!

Sincerely, Alexander K.

The 21st century is the era of computer technology... It must be admitted that the Internet has completely swallowed up the life of a modern person. I caught the time when, in order to get into the world wide web, it was necessary to connect the modem to the telephone cable, then listen to the hiss for a long time, and then the coveted signal appeared! Then just reading the news on the Internet was for happiness!

Now it is difficult to imagine life without the Internet. Therefore, it is not surprising that the 21st century is also the era of Internet professions. You can list them endlessly, but, as you guessed from the title of the article, we will talk about SMM. And no, I'm not going to list the books you need to read or tell you where to go to study. Let's talk about the most important: motivation, principles, trends.

How can you characterize the specialty of an SMM manager?

First of all, it is creativity, love for writing, the ability to analyze and think strategically, a developed sense of aesthetics and a thirst for knowledge.

About motivation

In general, I think the golden rule for any profession is to LOVE what you do. It is a disastrous thing to put at the forefront as a motivation - profit or career growth, the desire to prove to someone your importance or get a fashionable profession.

If you are unable to have a passionate love affair with your job, quit it!? Mountains of books, years of studying at steep courses will not help if you work from 9 to 18, counting every minute. You have probably noticed how time flies when you are doing what you love and vice versa - how long does it last when the activity is not fun? You need to put your soul into SMM. Therefore, without love for this business in any way!

Please do not go to SMM if: "My husband advised", "Friends told me how much they pay there" or "You heard somewhere that it is fashionable." Make your choice consciously!

Do you want to be a cool SMM?

Get ready to improve yourself! And no, you don’t have to pay big money for prestigious courses in your city or buy a new book every week. But to be aware of new trends is the sacred duty of the sms manager. Therefore, thematic blogs, news sites, professional groups in social networks - this is what you should read with pleasure and in any free minute.

Do you ride in transport, sticking into the phone? Get out of instagram and better read Rumyantsev's group "Internet marketing from A to Z". Do you watch TV shows tonight? Pause, read the news on Likeney! Just one week without Digital news is enough to get lost in the world of SMM.

On trends and innovation

If you are by no means an innovator and not at all a fan of experiments, it is better not to meddle in SMM. Social networks are a unique platform where you can constantly experiment with content and strategy, introduce cool features, and test new services.

The competition in the Internet market is colossal, so it is increasingly difficult to stay one step ahead. In 2016, copy-paste and google images are no longer enough to make a cool post. Only unique and engaging text, only high-quality images. And even better - cool videos!

Be a little psychologist

Social networks are social for that, so that people interact in them. SMM is an understanding of human psychology. If you do not intuitively understand how a person makes a choice of a particular product or cannot evaluate his social profile, do not rush to go to SMM.

You will also have to be a strategist and analyst. And a little designer! A kind of man-orchestra. Although in fact, it's unrealistically cool - to try yourself in different guises, to lead the project completely "from and to", and then proudly watch its success!

And once again about love

Only already not to work, but to projects. Each person is unique, and each customer is special, as is his project. No one says that all topics should be liked, and all clients must be made friends. But turning away from the project without good reason is stupid. What to do in this case? Abstract! Or find for yourself undeniable advantages in working with a specific project. Remember - any experience is equally unique and useful, whether it is positive or negative.

Do not be afraid to defend your position, if there are sober arguments. The man who I consider my first marketing mentor taught me the most important thing - to express my opinion in work matters. But only if you have something to support your point of view in facts and figures.

Respect yourself and value your time- Another important postulate that applies to any profession. I have met people more than once who sacrifice their time and health for the sake of their superiors, for the sake of an additional bonus, or for even more banal reasons. Work overtime solely for your own pleasure. And success will come to you as a result.

As Evgeny Leonov said: “Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening!”. And if in the evening, over a cup of tea, you complain to your relatives: “How did this job get you?” Think about it, isn’t it time to change something in your life?

Well, now let's talk about specific facts, without which it is impossible toSMM!

As they say, it hurts. I conducted interviews and listened with a smile as one of the candidates said: “I have a friend leading a group, but what can I do. Now I work in a factory. I have nothing against factory workers, but the lack of a burning interest in social networks and in development in general, the desire for easy money and just sitting on Vkontakte and posting cats is killing me.

If you are seriously thinking about becoming an SMM specialist and are thinking where to start, what you need, what to read and where to learn- this article is for you.

First of all, I want to dedicate you to the duties of an SMM manager and the skills that will be useful to you.


  • Analysis of SMM activities of competitors.
  • Development and implementation of SMM strategy.
  • Community management.
  • Writing a content plan for the month ahead.
  • Scheduling publications (via auto-posting services).
  • Content branding (make a picture for a contest/promotion, develop templates for headings, or at least stick a logo on a picture).
  • Setting up targeted advertising.
  • Search communities for advertising.
  • Holding contests and promotions: mechanics, picture + text, attracting people, summing up.
  • Search for opinion leaders.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of SMM events and development of recommendations for improvement.

SKILLS that will help you:

Literacy. Agree, it’s disgusting to read the posts of a cool brand with errors? Trust goes to zero.

Marketing knowledge. Yes, this is the case when economic education will help you, or rather the thinking that you learned at the institute.

Copywriting. There are certain formulas and nuances of writing texts and you need to know them. This skill is necessary for writing posts and advertising texts.

Analytic skills. Calculation of the cost and effectiveness of campaigns, analysis of results.

Logics. It will help to put forward hypotheses on the target audience and divide it into segments.

Creativity– come up with activities, catchy chips and interesting ideas to promote the client’s business.

Knowledge of graphic editors. Corel Draw, Photoshop, Illustrator, online editors for creating pictures for posts, advertisements, promotions, contests.

Sales– communication with the client, create spectacular presentations, be able to convince.

Knowledge of trends and technologies— keep track of the latest tools, updates, solutions, follow trends.

Needless to say, an SMM must love social networks and actively use them? 🙂


There are a lot of books on the Internet, the SMM sphere is rapidly developing, so books quickly become outdated. Here I am attaching a list of books for reading for a minimum base that I have read myself.

Important: despite the fact that you plan to work in SMM, you need to understand the basics of Internet marketing as well. all channels - SEO, web analytics, copywriting, email - are closely interconnected.

1. “Business promotion on VKontakte. New practices and technologies”, Dmitry Rumyantsev

2. "100+ Practical Hacks for Internet Marketers", Evgenia Kryukova

3. "", Damir Khalilov

5. "Facebook - an effect for business and self-PR", Filina Olga

6. "Content, marketing and rock and roll", Denis Kaplunov

7. "", Denis Kaplunov

9. " . We create texts that sell”, Dmitry Kot


In contact with

  1. Internet marketing from A to Z - https://new.vk.com/bizness_online
  1. SMM 3.0 practice - https://new.vk.com/praktikasmm
  1. SMM promotion and sales! — https://new.vk.com/smmprosales
  1. SMMs - https://new.vk.com/smm_pub
  1. Marketing. Advertising. SMM - https://new.vk.com/marketing_reklama_smm
  1. Cerebro Target (public service for targeted advertising specialists) - https://new.vk.com/cerebro_vk
  1. Lazy SMM blog - https://new.vk.com/lazyness_smm
  1. SMM|Targeting — https://new.vk.com/target_smm
  1. SMM planner (public auto-posting service) — https://new.vk.com/smmplanner


  1. Content Marketing - https://www.facebook.com/groups/235160016573323/
  2. SMM Party - https://www.facebook.com/groups/smmrussia/
  3. Smoking room of Internet marketers. Articles, cases, tools, chips — https://www.facebook.com/ikurilka


Like books, blogs are dedicated not only to SMM, but to various areas of Internet marketing. Subscribe to newsletters!

Russian-language sources:

  • https://netology.ru/marketing/programs
  • Internet Marketing Academy Web promo expert – https://webpromoexperts.com.ua
  • The first Internet marketing school of one day "I-marketing" - https://i-marketing.ua
  • GeniusMarketing (facebook, email, business development) - https://geniusmarketing.me/trainings/
  • Almost everywhere there are free webinars, stay tuned or subscribe to mailing lists)

    Separately, I would like to highlight the courses that I took:

  1. A unique practical course "Targeting from A to Z live".
  1. School of Internet Marketing "I-marketingschool" in Kharkiv - https://i-marketingschool.com.ua

All success! I believe you.

Who is an SMM specialist from a business point of view?

Benefits of social media for businesses- this is a very wide coverage, "word of mouth"; precise audience targeting, tk. on social networks, people share very detailed information about themselves; interactive interaction and prompt response to the negative.

What do customers want fromSMM-specialists?

1. Sales, more sales)))

LinkedIn works great in b2b, especially in the Western segment. Companies even have special managers who work exclusively with this professional social network and bring leads or potential Clients with transfer to the sales department.

Facebook works great in b2c (for some topics even better than Google AdWords contextual advertising, as stated in Perry Marshall's book "Contextual advertising that works") and VKontakte.

2. Branding

3. Traffic(especially relevant for news resources)

Common and distinctive features of SMM and SEO

Who is an SMM specialist?

Over time, this specialty turns from unknown to very popular and in demand. It is intended for those who are not afraid to experiment, look for new approaches to solving problems and always be open to communication.

An SMM specialist manages the presence and promotion of the brand in social networks or the “promotion” of the site in social channels. It solves a number of tasks related to attracting customers from social networks, improving the company's image, as well as the recognition and popularity of a product or service. Not directly, but still, an SMM specialist has an impact on increasing sales.

Prospects and wages. Due to the high demand for these specialists in the market and relatively low competition, the salary of a representative of this profession is about $300 per month.

As for the prospects, according to most experts, this area will develop rapidly, and with its help more and more opportunities will open up.

The development of social networks has given rise to a new huge business industry - SMM marketing. This is when we come with our product to some social network, find our target audience there, and offer our product to them in different ways.

Sounds easy. But there are a number of pitfalls in SMM (Social Media Marketing). They often prevent the gurus of "traditional" sales from using new opportunities.

And let's first analyze how this "new marketing" differs from the old ways of promotion.

3 differences between SMM and other types of marketing

#1 - Communication and entertainment

SMM primarily means "social". That is, all marketing through SMM is built on communication. Social networks are generally a very interesting medium. People come to social networks for only two purposes:

  • Communicate
  • have fun

If you give them some content that is not aimed at communication or entertainment, they will “scroll through” you and not notice you. That is, all your actions related to attracting the target audience should somehow engage in communication or entertain.

I can give you a simple example. Vkontakte on the left you are shown various advertisements. It's called "targeted advertising". Do you know which targeted ads work best? The one where the picture has some funny or curious image. Which ad would you most like to click on?

#2 - The role of personality in SMM marketing

Another feature of social networks is that all your “underground” is put on public display. Previously, of course, they also tried to create a business “with a human face”, realizing that people prefer to buy from people, and not from faceless companies.

For these purposes, they hired special people who were most suitable for what the target audience loves. Further, a special image was created for these people, and they were put as "puppets" at the head of the company. And the true owners and leaders never shone anywhere.

But only social networks made it possible to develop a personal brand so quickly and in this way. Again, we’ll talk about this a little lower, but one of the main goals of promotion through SMM is to make sure that they start recognizing you “by sight”. This is trust. And where there is trust, there are sales.

And if you are promoting your face, then make sure that it is at least visible. And even better - so that it can be seen that you are a real person, and not a mannequin. Which of the two personal brand ads do you trust more?

#3 - A virus is such a form of life

The main engine of SMM is a virus. New people come to your groups, and then non-selling pages after they see the repost of your post on their friend's wall. They come and also make some kind of repost or leave a comment.

And already his friends see it in their news feed, and they also come to you. On regular sites, free traffic was (and is) delivered through search engines. This is the so-called SEO promotion. And here is the virus.

However, SEO works “always”, and a new virus must be constantly launched. That is, if you wrote one good article, and it went to the TOP of search engines, then most likely it will remain there for a very long time, and will bring you traffic every day.

And social media is more difficult. If you once made a cool viral post, then it will work for you for 2-3 days maximum, and then everyone will forget about it. Because during this time there will be another hundred thousand cool new posts. By the way, this is one of the main reasons why I don't like doing SMM. I love it when the result "accumulates". But of course, I have my own VKontakte group. Join.

In the meantime, let's look at the stages of promotion through social networks and SMM.

4 stages of promotion through SMM

#1 - Choosing a social network

It would seem - why do people need so many different social networks? This is VKontakte, and Facebook, and Instagram, and classmates, and Twitter, and much more. Why not all be in one network. And the point is that they are different. And the people who are there are also different.

For example, it is considered that facebook audience- more intellectually developed and serious than VKontakte (on the Russian-language Facebook, of course). And so it really is. People there prefer to discuss complex issues of world politics and economics, and all that kind of stuff. It is these people, by the way, who more often use Google as a search engine, and not Yandex.

Vkontakte audience- lighter and more fun. She prefers to like cats and funny pictures, without deep social overtones. This does not mean that "only schoolchildren are in VKontakte." You just need to approach them the same way - easy and fun.

Instagram audience- these are mostly girls who post their pictures and discuss pictures of other girls. And if your product is for a female audience, you will find it in abundance on Instagram. Sellers of courses and trainings on women's topics feel especially at ease there.

Classmates audience- this is what is usually called the "average resident of Russia" - with an average salary, pension and life expectancy.

Residents of urban-type settlements and factory outskirts of large cities for some reason prefer to communicate there. And from all this network it blows with very simple folk humor in the spirit of Petrosyan. I would come there with “novelties” (which have long been known on the Internet to everyone except the inhabitants of classmates).

All other social networks are not very common with us, so they can be omitted in this review. Your task is to choose the social network where exactly your target audience lives. Even if you yourself prefer to communicate with other people, nothing can be done. Mohammed must come to the mountain.

And after choosing a network, we need to make a "collection point" for our audience.

#2 - Create a platform for communication

Vkontakte, for example, is forbidden to conduct any commercial activity through its personal page. But I know people who are not at all embarrassed by this ban. They post content in their account and make sales there.

Another important point - do not spread yourself between several social networks. You need to choose only one site, and pay all attention to it. So you will have more chances of success.

#3 - Create Viral Content

At the first stage, you need to make a lot of interesting posts so that people share them and attract a new audience. In total, I highlight 4 types of viral content that people are most willing to share:

  • Content is provocative
  • Content - instructions
  • Content is a medal
  • Content is bullshit

You can read more about all these content types and how they work in the article.

You will also likely need to invest money if you want your community to grow faster. Almost all social networks have built-in advertising mechanisms. If you prefer "slowly but surely", then you can not pay. The main thing is that the content is really viral.

#4 - Monetization

Here it is immediately very important to understand that attracting an audience and making money from this audience are completely different, unrelated things. You can have a group of 100 thousand people, and you will earn a penny.

And vice versa, a group of 2-3 thousand active participants will give you huge profits. It all depends on what monetization methods you use. There are only three main options for making money on the Internet on your content sites:

  • Advertising (the most common and unprofitable occupation)
  • Affiliate programs (here as lucky)
  • Selling your goods and services (a gold mine, but you have to plow a lot).

Think in advance how you are going to make money on your site, and based on this, prescribe a strategy. Free social media content plan templates will help you a lot with this.


  • SMM marketing is the promotion of goods and services through social networks.
  • SMM differs from other types of marketing in three ways: the emphasis in content is on entertainment and communication, a huge role is played by a personal brand, and promotion is based on the virality of content.
  • All social networks are different, and you need to find the one in which your target audience lives.
  • In the selected social network, you need to create a platform where your audience will come for new content every day. It can be a group, community or your personal page.
  • To promote, try to make each of your posts as viral as possible. You can read more about this in the book Contactless Sales.
  • If funds allow, pay for advertising in social networks to move faster.
  • Think in advance how you are going to earn from your audience. Otherwise, you risk sharing the fate of those who spent two years gathering a huge group, and then could not earn anything from it.

Hope. the article was helpful. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience over 10 years =)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novoselov