By itself, the Google browser does not have many useful features, but it allows you to install special add-ons and plug-ins that greatly expand the range of its capabilities. However, what to do if extensions are not installed in Google Chrome? Today we will try to answer this question.

Fixing the problem with installing Google Chrome add-ons

There can be quite a few reasons why the extension for Google Chrome does not install, from simple program malfunctions to malware infection on your device. Let's look at the most basic problems due to which Google Chrome plugins are not installed.

Browser cache is full

The problem may be that the chrome storage is clogged, it needs to be cleared. For this:

  • Open the application menu.
  • There, hover over the “More tools” item and select “Clear browsing data”.
  • Select the "All Time" period and click the "Clear" button.

Advice! You can simply press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Del.

Date and time set incorrectly

Why is the extension not installed in Google Chrome? The browser is very sensitive to date and time, if they are set incorrectly, the plugin may not be installed. To check:

  • Right click on the date and time block on the bottom panel of Windows.
  • A calendar will appear on the screen, you need to check the correctness of the specified data, correct if something is not correct.

Compatibility mode enabled

Activating it causes problems with installing extensions. To check:

  • LMB click on the Chrome icon on the desktop.
  • Select "Properties" from the menu that appears.

  • There, go to the "Compatibility" tab.

  • Uncheck the "Run this program in compatibility mode" box, if any.

  • Click the Apply button and then OK.

After that, the problem should be fixed.

Hosts file infected

If you get an "Installation Failed" error while installing a Chrome extension, it's possible that you have an infected hosts file, you can check it like this:

  • Open the PC management interface "This PC".

  • Type C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc in the address bar at the top and press Enter.
  • You will find yourself in a folder with the desired file.

  • Right-click on it and select "Open With".

  • Select Notepad from the suggested applications.

  • Check that the contents of the file are as shown in the screenshot.


Infecting your computer with viruses can lead to incorrect operation of Google Chrome. If you failed to install the extension, be sure to check your PC with the special utility Dr.Web CureIt, which can be downloaded from

It's easy to use:

  • Download the executable and run it.

  • Scan your computer and eliminate the identified threats.

  • After that, restart your computer.


We hope that everything worked out for you and you can install plugins for Chrome. If nothing helped, try reinstalling the browser, in some cases this method is like a lifeline.

Software maker Google constantly offers users new features for its browser through extensions downloaded from the Chrome Web Store.

However, sometimes problems arise when installing such plugins. One of the most common is the “Network failed” error that occurs during the download and warns of an allegedly missing network connection.

To eliminate it and be able to use the extensions again, you should find out the reason for the message.

Causes of the problem

  • Cessation of some extensions. You can determine that this particular reason caused the problem by successfully downloading another plugin;
  • An outdated version of the Google Chrome browser;
  • Remote folder Downloads;
  • Changing the system hosts file.

The first variant of the reason does not require any action on the part of the user. For the second, you need to update Google Chrome to the latest version. The deleted directory should be restored. And the hosts file is returned to its original state.

Browser update

The first step to take to fix the problem should be to try to update Chrome to the latest version. After all, if you leave an outdated version of the browser, the problem will be not only the inability to download plugins, but also other problems. For example, incorrect display of sites or a multimedia file that does not start. In most cases, the update occurs automatically, but if this does not happen, you will have to perform the necessary steps for this manually.

You can enable Google's browser update using the registry editor. To do this, perform the following steps:

After clicking the "OK" button, the changes in the registry will be saved. Restarting the browser will ensure that the new auto-update settings are applied and the problem message will stop appearing. Although the registry editor may not have the desired item at all. And, therefore, the issue will have to be solved in other ways.

Changing the hosts file

The next way to get rid of the error in Google Chrome is to restore the hosts file to a state that will allow plugins to run. At the same time, it is advisable to make a copy of it - if something goes wrong, the changes can be undone. To fix a file, you must first find it. One way to search (if you don’t want to do it in system folders) is to open the Run window and enter the notepad %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts command. The second is to enter the address C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc in the address bar of any open folder.

Now you need to make changes to the file:

If the browser has been updated and the hosts file has been restored, but the extensions are still not installed, it is worth trying another way to solve the problem. It occurs because of the remote Downloads folder located in the My Documents directory. By returning the folder back, naming it with the same name and selecting it as the download location, you can restore the path for moving data from the network to the computer. Sometimes it also helps to sign in to your Google account and install plugins on behalf of an already authorized user.

After using all the options to resolve the error with the network in the browser, you can restore the plug-ins and continue to improve the functionality of Chrome with their help. If these steps did not help, the program is not just updated, but removed and reinstalled (by downloading the latest version from the official website of the developer). After that, the browser can work normally again. And the message stops appearing when you try to load the plugin.

Probably, many users of the Google Chrome browser have already encountered one common problem when, when you went to the Web Store online store, you could not get a single application.

And it usually looks like this: the user clicks on the “Add to Chrome” button, after which a dialog box pops up in which you need to put your consent to download the extension, and after that ... no download occurs. Downloading will not be carried out, and, of course, installation, too.

A few basic ways to solve the problem with installing extensions in Google Chrome

Faced with an identical problem, we decided to follow the same procedure on other devices (the download was originally done on a personal computer), and noticed that the result came out the same.

From this we concluded that the problem is not in the Internet connection, not in the devices themselves, but in the operation of Google servers. In principle, many holders of online sites suffer from such a misfortune, so we decided to just wait a bit until the system was put in order.

After a week of tedious waiting, the problem remained in place. They did not write to the technical support service, because it was already clear that the administration knew about the error. We engaged in an independent search, and finally found the “root of evil” - the whole trouble was not in the server, but in the Google Chrome browser.

What to do if you receive an error "Internet connection is not established" (Network failed) in Google Chrome

From time to time, the Google Chrome browser may give a Network Failed error when you want to install Adblock or some other extension or add-on.

What measures to take if the installation of extensions in Chrome does not occur

In most cases, this error disappears immediately after the user reinstalls Google Chrome or installs an update for it. Google Chrome usually always updates without your participation, however, if automatic download does not occur, then you will have to activate this function manually.

Google Chrome browser update is usually enabled using the registry editor. To open it, you just need to hold down the Win and R key combination.

A command will appear in front of you, in the field you must enter the word “regedit”, and then click on the OK button.

Your attention will be presented to the editor window.

Errors when installing extensions for Google Chrome from the app and app store are not uncommon. Many users are notified of similar errors in their browser windows.

In the latest versions of Chrome, they are much less common than before. However, users continue to complain about such problems and cannot properly install any. Therefore, we offer you options for solving such a problem.

Problem 1– Wrong date and time on the computer. This can cause errors when installing extensions from the store. Check if the date and time on your computer is correct. If not, then correct these data to the current ones, restart the computer and try installing the extension again.

Problem 2– Compatibility mode enabled. To disable it, right-click on the browser icon on the desktop, open Properties and go to the Compatibility tab.

And there if near the item “ run the program in compatibility mode for:” is checked, just uncheck it and click OK to save the settings.

Problem 3- Blocked by antivirus. It is also possible that the antivirus on your computer perceives the extension as potentially unwanted. In this case, just turn off the antivirus while installing the extension in Chrome, and then turn it back on. But be careful, because by turning off protection, you expose your PC or laptop to the danger of catching some kind of virus.

Problem 4– Long uncleaned browser cache and cookies. In this case, everything is simple. Clear all cache and cookies in your Chrome browser, restart and retry the installation. To clear browsing data, press Ctrl+Shift+Delete.

Problem 5- extra data in the Hosts file. This file is quite often affected by malware that prevents access to the Internet, certain sites, including the installation of applications for Chrome. Therefore, you need to check if there is extra information in this file. See below for how to do this.

How to clear a fileHOSTS:

  1. Go to drive C à Windows folder à System32 à drivers àetc à Hosts file.
  2. Opens this file with notepad.
  3. And remove everything after:

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.

# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.

# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.

# # source server

# # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.


In addition to these lines, this file should not contain anything else.

Problem 6- no downloads folder in My Documents. If it is not there, then just create and specify the path to download files there.

If none of the above helped you and the extensions are not installed in the Google Chrome browser, then we recommend downloading the Chrome cleanup program from Google from the official website - Download. This program will remove all programs and applications on your computer that interfere with the normal operation of the Chrome browser.

A complete uninstall and reinstall of Chrome may also help.

Sometimes users do not install extensions in Google Chrome. After clicking the "Install" button in the extension store, instead of confirming the connection operation, they see an installation error called "network failed". And, accordingly, any selected add-ons are not downloaded from them.

For a detailed answer to the question of why this problem occurred in Google Chrome and how to remove it, read this article in detail.

Troubleshooting Add-on Installations

Method number 1: setting the date and time

On the right side of the tray, check if the day, month, and time are set correctly in the system. Due to the fact that they do not correspond to reality, extensions for Google are also not installed.

To configure the calendar and clock, left-click on the electronic dial in the tray and make all the necessary settings.

Method number 2: cleaning Chrome

1.Click the "Menu" button.

2.In the settings list, go to: Additional tools → Data deletion….

Or press the key combination - Ctrl + Shift + Del.

3. In the "Clear history" window, specify the "All time" period, and also check the boxes next to all available elements.

4.Press "Clear ...".

5.Close the web browser window.

6.Click the "Start" button on the taskbar.

7.Open the "Shut down" menu and select the "Restart" option.

8.After restarting the PC, try installing the add-on.

Method #3: Disable Compatibility Mode

Check the status of the add-in compatibility of the application with previous distributions of Windows OS. When enabled, it may prevent booting.

1. Right-click on the Chrome shortcut.

2. In the context list, click "Properties".

3. In the properties panel, open the "Compatibility" section.

Check the option "Run the program in mode ...": there should not be a checkmark ("tick") in its window.

Method number 4: disable antivirus and firewall

Try temporarily disabling the virus scanner and firewall. And then try to download the addon without their participation. If this can be done, then the problem is in the antivirus software. Check in it all the settings and rules for connecting to the network.

Disabling is usually done through the control panel in the tray. To open it, click on the antivirus icon. Then select the required option. Also note that in some security programs, the scanner and firewall are disabled separately (a separate option is provided for each module).

Method #5: Checking the HOSTS File

Many viruses are aimed at modifying the HOSTS system file. They add malicious settings to it that redirect from trusted sites to virus ones, and also block access to web resources.

To eliminate virus entries from HOSTS, do the following:

1. Open the directory on the C drive:
Windows → System32 → drivers → etc → hosts

2. Right click on the hosts file.

3. Select the "Open" command.

4. In the "Select program" panel, select a notepad (select by clicking), click "OK".

5. Review the contents of the file: there should be no entries after the line "# :: 1 localhost".

If third-party entries are found, they must be deleted without fail:

  • holding the left button, highlight the line of the virus entry;
  • right-click on the selected fragment;
  • in the context menu, click "Delete".

Method number 6: cleaning with the Cleanup Tool

Cleanup Tool is a tool for cleaning and fixing problems, software conflicts in Google Chrome. It is created by the developers of this web browser.

To use it, you need to follow these steps:

1. Open -

2. Click the "Download" button.

3. In the installer, click "Accept and download".

4. When the download is complete, double-click on the name of the utility at the bottom right.

5. Allow launch: At the system prompt, select "Start".

6. Follow the instructions in the utility.

7. In the "Reset Settings" panel, click "Reset" to return the browser to its default settings.

8. After cleaning, proceed to connect extensions.

Method number 7: checking a PC with an antivirus

It is possible that the main antivirus installed on your computer "missed" malware into the system that blocked the installation of add-ons. To fix it, use alternative antivirus software (of your choice):

Attention! Download these scanners only from official sites!

After removing the malware, you can start installing extensions. Good luck setting up Google Chrome! If you want to learn more about choosing and installing Chrome addons, .