So, I think I will not surprise anyone by saying that the more external links to your site, the more its TCI and the more TCI of the referring site, the more "weight" of this link. There are many ways to increase the link mass to your site, but today I will talk about only one of them - getting inbound links from trusted sites.
In this article, I will not give all links to trust sites, which I know, but I will tell you only about one of them - the forums.
By registering on forums where you can specify a site (As a rule, they are made on the same engine), you will receive an external link.
To make it clear what I'm talking about, see the screenshot below:

That is, you should simply register on such a forum, specifying the site. And that's it. (Well, the maximum is to confirm the registration, so indicate the real e-mail). Typically, a page with a link to your site will look something like this:

Now let's talk about the disadvantages of this method, in my opinion there are two of them:
1) I think sooner or later you will be removed from the forum for inactivity (But in principle, it will not be difficult to register again).
2) Accordingly, you can not set the anchor of the link. (This is probably not even a minus, but a fact, but still).
Well now list of fat forums. For convenience, in descending order of TIC:
Link (TIC) (1700) [Register, then specify the site in the profile, save] (1500) (1100) (1000) (700) (400) (300) [Enter website in profile] (230) (170) (150) (130) (130) (130) (120) (100) (60) (50) (50) (40) (30) (30) (30) (30) (20) (20) (20) (10) (500) (350) (300) (240) (220) (190) (150) (120) (100) (80) (80) [Profile] (70) (70) (60) (40) [Profile] (30) (30) (0

The last database update was 06/16/11(Cleaned the list of broken links + added a few more sites that are under the line)

Also, thanks to the trust site, you can not only increase the TIC, but also increase site traffic! But this requires a lot of good trust sites, and they, as a rule, are already sold for money. Well, it's up to you whether to buy them or not...

In conclusion, I can say that do not register at once, on all forums at once, otherwise your site may fall under some kind of filter. 5-8 per day is enough in my opinion. All. Good luck. 😉

I am writing this note in 2015 and I want to say that now, in my opinion, leaving links to your blog (website) on these or other newer trust sites, you are just wasting your time. Therefore, in order to avoid repeated questions in the comments, I will write here - there will be no updates to this list.
I recommend you check out my list. Of course, posting messages in such blogs is also not as effective as before, but, again, in my subjective opinion, many times more.

FirePHP is an extension for firebug, which, in conjunction with its small php class, allows you to broadcast data from php to the firebug console, for example, all sorts of var_dump and other debug information. The main advantage of this extension is that all debug information is broadcast through headers and does not litter the pages and generally does not break the logic of the application.Official site: .

Main idea.

The general profiling algorithm is as follows:
  1. At the top of the page, enable profiling with xhprof_enable()
  2. At the end of the page, turn off profiling with xhprof_disable() and save the collected data with save_run()
  3. Next, using the firephp php class, we pass a link to the profiling data to the client side
  4. In the firebug console "and open the information we need
  5. We rejoice :)
I also want to say that, of course, manually adding these functions to your php scripts is great. But I want this information to always be at hand during development, and at the same time not get to the combat servers. We solve this problem in the following way:

In our projects, in almost all scripts, a working file with a class loader, function connection and other necessary things is connected at the beginning. Therefore, we moved the inclusion of profiling into this file. And in order to be able to turn on / off the debug mode at will, we added a check for the configuration constant, plus we wrapped these checks in some meta tags that are automatically deleted when the project is built. The same applies to turning off profiling and writing information to headers using firephp - these tasks are solved by one function that is called at the end of each php script and is also wrapped in meta tags. It looks something like this:

// The following constants are written in the application config file

/** Environment mode * */
define("APPLICATION_ENV" , "dev" ); // dev - debug | pro - production
/** Path to profiler */
define("XHPROF_ROOT" , __DIR__ . "/ExtProcs/debug/xhprof-0.9.2");

* Next, in the file that is loaded at the beginning of each script, we start profiling
* DEV_START and DEV_END are our meta tags, everything between them is cut out during build

//-- In debug mode, connect the debug libraries

// Load firephp
require_once(__DIR__ . "/includes/ExtProcs/debug/firephp/FirePHP.class.php");
//-- load the profiler
require_once(XHPROF_ROOT . "/xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_runs.php");
// Initialize profiling with the required flags. Detailed description flags
// can be found at
//-- DEV_END

// Well, this function is called at the end of each script
// Its call is also wrapped in DEV_START and DEV_END

* Create a link to the profiling result and output it to the console
function dev_boot_down() (
if (APPLICATION_ENV === "dev" ) (
// Initialize the firephp instance
$firephp = FirePHP::getInstance(true );
// Turn off profiling and save data
$xhprof_data = xhprof_disable();
$xhprof_runs = new XHProfRuns_Default();
$run_id = $xhprof_runs->save_run($xhprof_data, "xhprof_testing" );
// Form a link to the profiling data and write it to the console
$link = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST" ] . "/includes/ExtProcs/debug/xhprof-0.9.2/xhprof_html/index.php?run=($run_id)&source=xhprof_testing\n";
$firephp->info($link, "profiling data" );

* This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter .

I will not go into the details of installing these extensions, because everything is simple here. I'll just talk about some of the settings. xhproof has only one configuration variable - xhprof.output_dir, which points to the folder where the profiling data will be saved. Therefore, make sure that the user under which the php scripts are executed has write permissions to the specified directory. So put in your php.ini something like this:

It's also not bad to put something like dot or Graphviz to draw call graphs. I have Graphviz under MacOS X.

Having done the above procedures, we were able to open and look at the profiling of any of our scripts at any time directly in the browser.

In this note, I am considering the book by A.A. Zaliznyak "The Tale of Igor's Campaign": the view of a linguist", on the pages of which there is a dispute between linguists about the time of writing the text of the "Words": A.A. Zaliznyak criticizes the erroneous, from his point of view , moments in the constructions of M. Handler, but he does it, in my opinion, to put it mildly, in a very peculiar way ...

The essence of Handler’s constructions in Zaliznyak’s presentation is as follows: Handler analyzes the statistics of the presence of imperfects in the text “Words” (an imperfect is such a verbal word form), and the relatively large number of imperfects found in the “Word” alarms Handler: such a phenomenon is not observed in secular manuscripts of the XII-XV centuries; the abundance of the imperfect makes the "Word" related to hagiographic texts (texts describing someone's life), which are church texts and written by monks in Church Slavonic; and Hendler concludes that the Lay was written later than the 12th century, "when the stylistic meaning of the imperfect was perceived differently than in the period from the 11th to the 12th century."
The conclusion that the “Word” belonged to a later time, made by Handler on the basis of an analysis of only the language of the work, was a psychological challenge for Zaliznyak, for whom linguistics, as well as for Handler, is the only and highest argument in proof, but already in proof of antiquity " Words, ”and Zaliznyak undertakes to refute Handler.
At the same time, Zaliznyak makes a certain “knight’s move”, the essence of which I will now briefly talk about, without going into either linguistics or the statistical methods of Handler and Zaliznyak.

Zaliznyak draws the reader's attention to the fact that Hendler excluded the texts of ancient Russian chronicles from the field of scientific research (remember Yu.M. Lotman, who did the same, but for other reasons). Handler justified this step by the fact that the Old Russian chronicles have not one author, but many: the texts of the chronicles were repeatedly rewritten, corrected, updated, truncated, added ... And in contrast to Handler, Zaliznyak offers the reader his experience of counting imperfects in Old Russian chronicles, specifically - in the Ipatiev Chronicle.
Zaliznyak takes for analysis the place of the Ipatiev Chronicle, where there is a story about the campaign of Prince Igor - however, it is not clear exactly what volume of the story Zaliznyak analyzes: whether the entire text of the story or some part of it - at the same time, the whole scientific world is known for certain that it was this story of the chronicle that at one time interested church ideologists, and they edited this story as a whole and, moreover, inserted into the chronicle a large later piece of text with a scene of repentant speeches by Prince Igor on the battlefield against the Polovtsy, when it was already going to the shameful defeat.
The reader cannot but be bribed by the fact noted by Zaliznyak that the text of the “Word” and the text (edited, I emphasize, by church writers) of the story about the campaign of Prince Igor in the Ipatiev Chronicle are close and interconnected, and, probably, therefore, Zaliznyak’s method (which I do not analyze) , and his conclusion: "Handler's statement that SPI<«Слово о полку Игореве»>comes close only to hagiographic works completely failed” are perceived psychologically convincing.

That is, a fragment of the text of a secular manuscript was taken, about which it is known that this fragment was edited and added to by the church; in the fragment edited and completed by the church, imperfections were found in the quantity characteristic of church literature, and on the basis of this it was concluded that Handler was wrong.

The question arises: why in a scientific work that claims to be solid and authoritative of the study, only one example was chosen for statistical calculations? And why this particular example?
And what will happen if we analyze the statistics of imperfects not even in other chronicles, but in the same Ipatiev Chronicle, but in some other (previous or subsequent) fragment of the text? Will the results then just as convincingly refute Hendler?

By the way, it is curious that this whole example with the number of imperfects in the Ipatiev Chronicle can be regarded as A.A. Zaliznyak’s objection to Yu.M. the very case of later processing of the original text of the Ipatiev manuscript and inserting into it a scene with the prayer of Prince Igor.
But the whole point is that all these later additions can be identified (and, if necessary, detached from the general chronicle material) with the help of linguistic and literary analysis, and not semiotic, according to Lotman.

So, in one step, methodological problems were exposed in the analysis of the “antiquities” of the text of the Lay, both by A.A. Zaliznyak and Yu.M. Lotman.
But the erroneousness of their constructions, of course, is not yet proof of the late origin of the Lay...

© A.N. Lavrukhin.

1. Yu.M. Lotman. About Russian culture. Articles and research. St. Petersburg, 2005, pp. 84-106.
2. A.A. Zaliznyak. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign": a linguist's point of view. M., 2004, pp. 238-240.