solar disk

(English sun disc), a decorative disc, which, according to some scholars, symbolizes the sun. Quite common in the European Bronze Age, made of gold, bronze, or both (photo 84).

Photo 84

Archaeological dictionary. - M.: Progress. Warwick Bray, David Trump. Translation from English by G.A. Nikolaev. 1990 .

See what the "Solar Disk" is in other dictionaries:

    Sun disk from Bank-Thindol- Solar disk from Tindola Bank ... Wikipedia

    SOLAR CYCLE- a periodic process of the appearance and development of active regions on the Sun, places where strong magnets come to the surface. fields... Physical Encyclopedia

    protoplanetary disk- or proplyd (English proplyd, protoplanetary disk) rotating circumstellar disk (English) Russian. dense gas around a young, newly formed star, protostar, T Taurus star or Herbig star (Ae / Be), from ... ... Wikipedia

    Hatti (Asia Minor)- Sun disk from Aladzha Huyuk of the early Bronze Age Hittite Empire (red color), which was a continuation of the state of Hatti, around 1290 BC. e. approached the borders of Ancient Egypt (green color) Hatti people who inhabited the country ... ... Wikipedia

    earth book- A scene from the first part of the book. Fresco from the tomb of Ramesses V (KV9). The Book of the Earth is an ancient Egyptian mortuary text that has been given many names, but ... Wikipedia

    ARCHEOASTRONOMY- Archaeologists have found numerous evidence that in prehistoric times, people showed great interest in the sky. The most impressive are the megalithic structures built in Europe and on other continents several thousand years ago. ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

    Sun- A symbol of higher cosmic power. The all-seeing deity and his power, theophrany, an immovable being, the heart of the cosmos, the center of being and intuitive knowledge, the mind of the world (macrobius), enlightenment, the eye of the world and the eye of the day, unconquered, glory, greatness, ... ... Symbol Dictionary

    ECLIPSES- occur when the light of one astronomical object is completely or partially blocked from us by another object. During a solar eclipse, the Moon blocks the light of the Sun, passing between it and the Earth. During lunar eclipses, the earth's shadow falls on the moon, not ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

    COMET- a small celestial body moving in interplanetary space and abundantly releasing gas when approaching the Sun. Various physical processes are associated with comets, from sublimation (dry evaporation) of ice to plasma phenomena. Comets are leftovers... Collier Encyclopedia

    RA- Pe (g), in Egyptian mythology, the god of the sun. The center of his cult is the city of Heliopolis (ancient Egyptian Iunu). Like many other solar deities, he was embodied in the form of a falcon (sometimes also a huge cat), portrayed by a man with a falcon's head, ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology


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magical imagination. Practical guide Superpower Development Nick Farrell

Winged solar disk

Winged solar disk

The purpose of this strategy is to rise above emotional problems and see life for what it really is. This technique, which is like a miniature version of the inner realm, can be used in the same way as the strategies we discussed in Chapter 2. Thanks to it, you will be able to see the people you communicate with, your colleagues and family from the height of a falcon's flight.

This strategy will allow you to see people operating within a symbolic structure, which, however, should not be taken too literally. This technique will help you understand where people come from, what they aspire to and how they affect your life. With the skills you have learned from this exercise, you will be able to rise above the situation and see what brought him or her here while talking to someone. With this strategy, you will also begin to see the upcoming events in your life and the most likely problems you will face.

Write down all your visions. Once you start getting confirmation that they are true, you can act on them.


1. Do the Middle Pillar exercise (see chapter 6).

2. Focus on the sphere of light above your head. Consider that it is filled with boundless Divine energy.

3. Imagine that the light is flowing down, as described in the Middle Pillar exercise, but stop it in the midbrain area.

4. Imagine this light spinning into a sphere that fills your brain with energy. Move your consciousness into it, imagining that you are sitting inside this sphere.

5. Visualize that you are raising your hands to your face and watch as they slowly turn into wings. These wings should be the color of the sunset - the colors of turquoise, carnelian and lapis lazuli with a golden sheen.

6. Spread your wings and start flapping them so that the fiery disk in which your consciousness is located begins to rise.

7. Watch your emotions. The machine mind will begin to fade as you ascend.

8. Directly below you is your personal world. You see the people and beings in your inner world that are important to you. Further away are distant friends, colleagues, and acquaintances who are less important to you at the moment.

9. Watch how these people interact. What symbols are associated with them? What happens to them?

10. If you want to get a closer look at a person or situation, imagine that the eye of Horus appears in front of your face, and you look through it.

11. Look at your body. What is happening to you? What do you need to do?

12. When you're done, dive back into your body. Fold the wings over your face. Allow the light to rise to the crown center.

13. Do the Kabbalistic Cross exercise (see chapter 6).

The Winged Sun Disc exercise can be used for a variety of purposes, from long-distance communication and healing to self-knowledge and interpersonal exploration. My own experience with this technique has proven to me that it is very effective in neutralizing the emotional obscurations that hinder decision making at life's turning points.

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There are 27 Earths in our solar system (the word "planetos" in Greek "wandering star" was not used by our Ancestors). Modern science has discovered only a part of them and continues to open them, and our Ancestors knew all 27 Earths (many people remember far away from fairy tales, that is, three by nine = 27).

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I will allow myself some recommendations for the upcoming New Moon (at 13:14 Moscow time) on March 20, coinciding with a total solar eclipse (at 12:12 pm and will last 2 hours 14 minutes) and the spring equinox. This is a truly unique point where these three factors converge.

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The sun radiates warmth, light and vitality into the surrounding space. As a source of warmth, it gives us passion, courage and eternal youth. As a source of light, it personifies knowledge and wisdom. In most world cultures, the Sun is the main symbol of creative energy.

I managed to communicate with healers who observe the traditions of our ancestors. Many conspiracies are pronounced, as a rule, in the morning or evening dawn, turning in the morning to the east, and in the evening - to ...


Osiris is the god of the vital forces of nature and fertility, the lord of the underworld.

The respect and worship enjoyed by Osiris (Usir in Egyptian) can be judged from a hymn inscribed on a stela dating from around the 15th century. BC e. (since the name of Amon was destroyed on it - and this was done at the direction of Akhenaten).

As you can see, the Egyptians did not skimp on glorifying Osiris, endowing him with almost supreme power. True, Aton-Ra is also mentioned, but he is predestined ...

To obtain mystical visions and the necessary paranormal information, as well as reprogramming their own state, ancient yogis and mystics used an altered state of consciousness or trance ...

Imaging technique

Close your eyes and for a minute or two concentrate on the inner sensations. Take a break from daily activities, be completely passive.

Concentrate on your breath. It should be even and deep. Focus on exhaling.


Conventions superscript characters:
/*/ - links (at the end of the text),
[*] – sources (at the end of the text)

It would seem that there is nothing easier than to imagine the Sun. What you see and what you feel directly, is most quickly clothed with meaning and qualities, becomes metaphorical or symbolic, representing completely certain position material or material.

What is really present in our lives is easy to characterize and convenient, without fear of misunderstanding or ...

Understanding the fiery centers is the most essential task.

Oz., 2, IV, 6.… The serpent of the solar plexus helps to overcome the turmoil of the centers, because the serpent was a symbol of the king. When the coils of the snake begin to curl, the body becomes especially sensitive.

Flowers transmit their life emanation through the fibers of the fabric of white balls that protect the serpent's citadel. In nature, the serpent loves flowers, so the solar plexus serpent feeds on them.

Pigs also crush flowers, but to no avail. Because without...

How evil turns against its source. The tragic story of the last witch on Bald Mountain. (drafts for the book)

The old witch opened her eyes before the sunbeam, darkness reigned all around.

After waiting a few seconds, the solar disk, as if hesitantly, looked out from beyond the horizon and a sunbeam hit the unseeing eyes of the witch.

Unseeing eyes glared angrily at the sun, following it.

Like a prayer, he repeated for what. A lump came to his throat, spitting out a clot of blood with difficulty.


Each of the seven archangels carries a certain sphere of God's energies, a certain part of the beam on which he serves. Every day, kneeling in sacred ritual before the altar of the Lord in the Great Central Sun, he receives his sphere and the task to go through the entire cosmos, dispersing the seeds of the Christic light that break out from the ray and the sphere of the ray, which he carries into the heart as a great solar disk of manifesting Christ identity.

So Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and...