The simplest way Art Tracing - Open or place a file in Adobe Illustrator and automatically trace using the Image Trace command: Illustrator Help. Using the Image Trace Tool - CS6

*Even easier):
By software means, the image/picture/drawing/photo provided by you - into a vector for 1 (!) Euro -> Image to vector

=== Online services ===

  • The first one is paid, although two starter images can be made for free.

In English, although it is easy to understand. Two options for using - online or buy a program for a computer. The price for online use (unlimited) is $7.95, the desktop program costs $295.00. It is possible to order manual tracing.
Of course, you can find it cheaper on freelancer portals, well, the choice is up to everyone.


Above are some comparison images of Vector Magic, Adobe Live Trace (CS6) and Corel
Corel PowerTRACE (X6). Pay attention to the accuracy of handling the Shape Vector.

Ease of use

You do not need to install and know a great many options and settings to achieve an acceptable result.

You just need to answer a couple of simple questions and that's it. If the result is not satisfactory, then there is a "fault" guide, where you can easily find the answer and solve the problem.

You can try again and again until you get a satisfactory result.

In general, you can shift this work to Vector and do more creative tasks.

The translation is free, but the meaning is something like this.

Source images in JPG format, GIF , PNG , BMP and TIFF . The result is in three quality options and in three formats: EPS, SVG and PNG. Upon completion, repetition with a different desired quality and some editing is possible.

  • Next, complete FREE .

Completely in English, but with the use of everything is clear. A little more customization and manual work, but it's worth it.

Supported source formats:
  • network png
  • TGA Truevision Targa image
  • PBM Portable bitmap format
  • PNM Portable anymap format
  • PGM Portable graymap format
  • PPM Portable pixmap format
  • BMP Microsoft Windows bitmap image

Output formats:
  • svg Scalable Vector Graphics
  • eps Encapsulated PostScript
  • ai Adobe Illustrator
  • dxf DXF format (without splines)
  • p2e pstoedit frontend format
  • sk Sketch
  • fig XFIG 3.2
  • emf Enhanced Metafile format
  • mif Frame Maker MIF format
  • er Elastic Reality Shape file
  • epd EPD format
  • pdf PDF format
  • cgm Computer Graphics Metafile
  • dr2d IFF DR2D? format
  • allows you to convert images to . You can either upload a file or provide a link to an image. It is also possible to overlay digital effects.

In the case of converting bitmap images (PNG or JPG) to SVG format, shapes and objects will be converted to black and white vector graphics, which scales without any quality loss. Such images can be colored using free programs for working with vector images (etc.). Photographers in most cases will not achieve the desired result when converting a bitmap to SVG format.

If you are converting to SVG format any vector image(for example, eps or ai format), the converter will try to preserve all vector and color data, and also ensure that the two files are as similar as possible.

The Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Format Converter allows you to convert over 130 file formats. Conversion directions:

3FR to SVG , AFF to SVG , AI to SVG , ANI to SVG , ART to SVG , ARW to SVG , AVI to SVG , AVS to SVG , BMP to SVG , CDR to SVG , CGM to SVG , CIN to SVG , CMYK to SVG , CMYKA to SVG , CR2 to SVG , CRW to SVG , CUR to SVG , CUT to SVG , DCM to SVG , DCR to SVG , DCX to SVG , DDS to SVG , DFONT to SVG , DIA to SVG , DNG to SVG , DPX to SVG , DXF to SVG , EPDF to SVG , EPI to SVG , EPS to SVG , EPSF to SVG , EPSI to SVG , EPT to SVG , EPT2 to SVG , EPT3 to SVG , ERF to SVG , EXR to SVG , FAX to SVG , FIG to SVG , FITS to SVG , FPX to SVG , FRACTAL to SVG , FTS to SVG , G3 to SVG , GIF to SVG , GIF87 to SVG , GRAY to SVG , GRB to SVG , HDR to SVG , HRZ to SVG , ICB to SVG , ICO to SVG , ICON to SVG , IPL to SVG , JBG to SVG , JBIG to SVG , JNG to SVG , JP2 to SVG , JPC to SVG , JPE to SVG , JPEG to SVG , JPG to SVG , JPX to SVG , K25 to SVG , KDC to SVG , M2V to SVG , M4V to SVG , MAT to SVG , MIFF to SVG , MNG to SVG , MONO to SVG , MOV to SVG , MP4 to SVG , MPC to SVG , MPEG to SVG , MPG to SVG W to SVG , MSL to SVG , MSVG to SVG , MTV to SVG , MVG to SVG , NEF to SVG , NRW to SVG , ORF to SVG , OTB to SVG , OTF to SVG , PAL to SVG , PALM to SVG , PAM to SVG , PBM to SVG , PCD to SVG , PCDS to SVG , PCL to SVG , PCT to SVG , PCX to SVG , PDB to SVG , PDF to SVG , PDFA to SVG , PEF to SVG , PES to SVG , PFA to SVG , PFB to SVG , PFM to SVG , PGM to SVG , PICON to SVG , PICT to SVG , PIX to SVG , PJPEG to SVG , PLASMA to SVG , PNG to SVG , PNG24 to SVG , PNG32 to SVG , PNG8 to SVG , PNM to SVG , PPM to SVG , PS to SVG , PSD to SVG , PTIF to SVG , PWP to SVG , RAF to SVG , RAS to SVG , RGB to SVG , RGBA to SVG , RLA to SVG , RLE to SVG , SCT to SVG , SFW to SVG , SGI to SVG , SK to SVG , SK1 to SVG , SR2 to SVG , SRF to SVG , SUN to SVG , SVG to SVG , SVGZ to SVG , TGA to SVG , TIF to SVG , TIFF to SVG , TIM to SVG , TTC to SVG , TTF to SVG , TXT to SVG , VDA to SVG , VICAR to SVG , VID to SVG , VIFF to SVG , VST to SVG , WBMP to SVG , WEBP to SVG , WMF to SVG , WMZ to SVG , WPG to SVG , X to SVG , X3F to SVG , XAML to SVG , XBM to SVG , XC to SVG , XCF to SVG , XFIG to SVG , XPM to SVG , XV to SVG , XWD to SVG , YCBCR to SVG , YCBCRA to SVG , YUV in SVG

Built on open source solutions such as Autotrace, ImageMagick, and various linux graphics components.

Formats for conversion:

SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics files
AI - Adobe Illustrator files (postscript based)
CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile files
WMF - Windows Metafile files
SK - Sketch/Skencil files
PDF - Portable Document Format
PLT - HPGL for cutting plotter files

and also: P2E, FIG, EMF, MIF, ER, DXF, EPD, CGM, oDR2D

In one of the projects, small icons in svg format were displayed near the menu, and it is necessary that when you hover over a menu item, the text and icon change color. In order not to produce a large number of images, it was decided to translate svg into code and use it in CSS styles.

A short guide on how to use SVG in CSS

We use the resulting code in our css file.

For example, take the Facebook icon ( standard icon with a slight change).

On the site click Open SVG or just drag the icon to the viewport. In the left upper corner click CODE, highlight the code, and then click on copy icon, so we get the code of our svg-image into the buffer.

Something like this:

Then paste the resulting code into the window above, click Converte and get the finished background image:

Background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3csvg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"%3e%3cpath fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="%23FFF" d="M12.748 16v-1h6v1h-6zm0-3h6v1h-6v-1zm4 5h -4v-1h4v1zM13.748 9.975v-3h-4v-1c0-1.104.896-2 2-2h2v-2.95h-2c-2.8.256-5 2.583-5 5.45 -3v3h3v8h3v-8h4z"/%3e%3c/svg%3e");

Copy and use it in your css.

To change the color, we change fill="%23FFF" , but keep in mind that %23 is a regular # sign, that is, fill="%23000" is regular black (#000).

With adobe illustrator:

Open Adobe Illustrator. Click "File" and select "Open" to load the .PNG file into the program. Extract the image as needed before saving it as an .SVG file. Click "File" and select "Save As". Create a new filename or use an existing filename. Make sure the selected file type is SVG. Select a directory and click Save to save the file.

i prefer AI because you can make any changes

How to convert PNG image to SVG?

However, this is not ideal.

Png is bitmap style and SVG is vector graphic design which supports bitmaps so it won't convert the image to vectors but just the image embedded in vector format. You can do this using which is free. It will inject it, however it also has a Live Trace engine that will try to convert it to paths if you want (using potrace). See forward tracing in adobe illustrator (commericial) is an example:

There is a website where you can upload your image and see the result.

But if you want to download an svg image, you need to register. (If you sign up you will get 2 images for free)

If you are in some Linux system, imagemagick is perfect. Those.

Convert somefile.png somefile.svg

This works with a bunch of different formats.

However, for other media such as video and audio (ffmpeg), i know you have clearly marked png to svg; It's still connected to the media.

ffmpeg -i somefile.mp3 somefile.ogg

Just prompt if you want to go through many files; loop using basic shell tricks.

For f in *.jpg; do convert $f $(f%jpg)png; done

This removes the jpg and adds a png which tells you to convert what you want.

Depending on whether why if you want to convert from .png to .svg, you might not have to worry. Converting from .png (bitmap) to .svg (vector) can be a pain if you're not very familiar with the tools available or if you're not a graphic designer by profession.

If someone sends you big file With high resolution(e.g. 1024x1024) you can resize it to pretty much any size you want to use in GIMP. Often there are problems with resizing an image if the resolution (number of pixels per inch) is too low. To fix this in GIMP you can:

  1. File -> Open: your .png file
  2. Image -> Image Properties: check resolution and color space. You want a resolution around 300 ppi. In most cases, you want the color space to be RGB.
  3. Image -> Mode: set RGB value
  4. Image -> Scale Image: Leave the size alone, and set the Y resolution to 300 or more. Hit scale.
  5. Image -> Scale Image: The resolution should now be 300 and you can now resize the image to almost any size.

Not as easy as resizing the .svg file, but certainly easier and faster than trying to convert the .png to .svg if you already have one big picture high resolution.

When you convert from raster images like PNG to SVG or JPG to SVG, it will convert your forms and objects in black-and-white images in vector graphics that can be enlarged without loss of quality. Then you can paint them in any vector graphics editor such as Inkscape .

Conversion of ordinary pictures, most likely, won't have the desired result.

For best results in convert to SVG, use image with solid background.

  • To convert to SVG, select the file, wait for it to download on our server.
  • Supports almost all image formats (PNG, JPG, BMP and other). File size is not limited, but the larger the file, the more time it will take to convert.
  • After the conversion, you will see your original file and the result under it.
  • Download the result via the link.

Why do you need the SVG format and how to use it? After convert PNG to SVG or JPG to SVG

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an XML-based vector graphics format
The advantage is that you can change the image size without losing the quality and details. When you increase the size, the vector image preserves the shape of the curves, so the image can be displayed at any resolution.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to save svg to png using the browser. Unfortunately, the browser does not have a magic api that would allow you to do this without various hacks. What to do if you still want to achieve what you want?

The first idea that came to my mind was to do this via canvas, which has a toDataURL("image/png");
So, I wrote a simple script: jsfiddle , github :

Var html = document.querySelector("svg").parentNode.innerHTML; var imgsrc = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(html); var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas"), context = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.setAttribute("width", 526); canvas.setAttribute("height", 233); var image = new Image; image.src = imgsrc; image.onload = function () ( context.drawImage(image, 0, 0); var canvasdata = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); var a = document.createElement("a"); a.textContent = " save"; = "export_" + + ".png"; a.href = canvasdata; document.body.appendChild(a); canvas.parentNode.removeChild(canvas); );

The essence of the script is simple: I converted svg to dataUri, loaded it through image, drew a picture on canvas and turned it into png. It seemed that the goal was achieved, and you can relax. This approach worked in Firefox and Chrome, but when I opened it in our favorite browser, IE, I got a wonderful error:

The matter is that IE considers that the picture is loaded from other host. Unfortunately, setting origin for dataUri will not work. Actually, the description of the rules can be found here: . It was possible, of course, to proxy svg through the server, and then everything would work, but I wanted a purely client-side solution.

And then I remembered the wonderful canvg library. With the help of this library, I draw svg on canvas, and then I do as in the first option: I take toDataURL("image/png") . It turned out such a simple code: github :

var svg = document.querySelector("svg"); var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.height = svg.getAttribute("height"); canvas.width = svg.getAttribute("width"); canvg(canvas, svg.parentNode.innerHTML.trim()); var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); var data = atob(dataURL.substring("data:image/png;base64,".length)), asArray = new Uint8Array(data.length); for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i< len; ++i) { asArray[i] = data.charCodeAt(i); } var blob = new Blob(, {type: "image/png"}); saveAs(blob, "export_" + + ".png");

Here it is worth saying that I also used the FileSaver library to call the save dialog box.
That's all, we have achieved the desired result.

It is worth noting one nuance - I wondered about saving svg to png when I was writing a plugin for exporting tauCharts . Since the styles in the svg are set from an external file, in order to achieve the maximum similarity with the original svg, I insert an inline style into the svg. And we get this result.

I hope the article will be useful for you and save your time.