In this article I will try to conduct a comparative analysis of kits for two-way satellite broadband access service or, in simple terms, satellite Internet, in order to try to answer the question: Which satellite Internet to choose?

I’ll make a reservation right away that this comparison is from the point of view of an installer and a private user, and not a technical specialist or an IT specialist. This material will be of interest to private users and small organizations (farmers, shops, small firms, etc.) located in the European part of the Russian Federation. For large companies with a large number of subscribers and huge traffic, completely different offers are provided, which we will not consider in this publication.

Who and how will we compare

To date, there are 3 main players in this field:

  • KiteNet (KiteNet).
  • Eutelsat Netvorks (Eutelsat Networks), which works for us under the Tricolor brand.
  • And, the so-called Ka-Sat (Ka-Sat) from Altegro Sky (AltegroSky), Raduga-Internet and several other operators.

You can also find Hughes Jupiter kits (Hughes JUPITER), but this is already a more expensive solution and it is more relevant for the eastern regions of the country, so we will not consider them in this review.

I will compare the proposals of the above-mentioned review participants according to 6 parameters, based on my own experience and recalling our customers:

  1. coverage area.
  2. Equipment set.
  3. Cost of equipment.
  4. Installation, configuration and registration.
  5. Rates and speed. For comparison, let's take 10GB of prepaid traffic.
  6. Ease of purchase and scope.

It is clear that any of these points can change at any time. For example, one of the operators can reduce the cost of traffic (dreams-dreams), and someone will offer more affordable equipment. So, I will make a reservation that the data below is relevant at the time of writing the review, and this is March 2017.

Overview of satellite internet Ka-Sat

Let's start with Ka-Sata, because. this proposal appeared on the domestic market earlier than the other two.

1. Tricolor Internet coverage area

The service is provided from the Express-AMU1 satellite (Eutelsat 36C) at the position of 36° East. Thanks to this, Tricolor satellite Internet covers the entire European part of Russia, as well as most of Eastern Siberia. In addition, this is the highest hanging satellite for us, and, therefore, the most convenient for reception (especially in the European part of the country).

Here five.

2. Set of equipment Tricolor Internet

The kit is the most compact of all and the most modern of all monitored. The equipment is manufactured by the well-known Israeli company Gilat Satellite Networks. For connection, a set of satellite equipment Gemini-i is used, consisting of:

  • Antennas with a diameter of 0.76 m with a mounting and guidance system
  • 2 Watt transceiver with built-in audible fine pointing indicator
  • satellite modem

Unfortunately, the bracket is not included. In general, a good quality kit, but still slightly inferior to the Ka-Sat.

Four due to the lack of a bracket.

3. The cost of Tricolor Internet equipment

The price for a set on the market is not small - from 24,000 to 27,000 rubles. The highest of all three operators. Someone, perhaps, here will draw an analogy with the Tricolor TV satellite television set, which has never been famous for its attractive cost. Well, what can I say: Tricolor is a brand, and you have to pay for the name.

Because price the cost of the kit is the highest of all, then we will supply top three.

4. Installation, configuration and registration Tricolor Internet

Installation is almost the same as Ka-Sat, but there are several technical aspects that make assembly and installation more complicated. Most likely, you will have to use the services of specialists.


5. Tariffs and speed of Tricolor Internet

As for the speed of work, Tricolor simply has no competitors here! 40 Mbps receive and 12 Mbps back. To date, no one works faster! Even the newfangled LTE mobile networks are far from being able to offer such speed everywhere.

Decided to take advantage of all the benefits of satellite Internet? Invisat is ready to offer various user service rates. Each tariff has its own characteristics. We tried to take into account the interests of various categories of users, so it will not be difficult for you to choose the optimal terms of service.

Choose the best rates and order the best modern Internet

Unlimited satellite Internet is not only a high-speed reliable connection to the network. With the help of a satellite, you can also enjoy low-cost telephony and many other features. The choice of satellite depends on the location of the client. All satellites are located in the equatorial zone and have a certain coverage area. For each customer, we individually select a satellite whose signal is of the highest quality. According to the satellite, we offer modem and transceiver equipment. Installation of the entire system does not take more than 2-4 hours. The company's specialists test and configure the equipment before starting the installation. Choose a reliable provider who is ready to guarantee:

  • individual approach;
  • efficiency of service;
  • affordable prices;
  • efficient technical support.

Contact us if you are interested in enjoying all the benefits of this Internet. Check out the features that are inherent in each tariff. If you have any questions, please contact the Invisat manager. We comprehensively advise clients and try to offer the most comfortable conditions for cooperation for everyone. With the help of our equipment, you will be able to access the network anywhere and anytime.


There are a lot of tariffs for satellite VSAT Internet in our line, as well as satellites from which you can get Internet. We will individually select a tariff plan for you according to your needs.

There are limit and unlimited tariff plans for Individuals:

Limit tariff plans start from just 20 kopecks to 1 ruble per 1 megabyte of traffic.
Unlimited tariff plans start from 1,500 to 20,000 rubles, depending on the speed of the Internet and the daily volume of traffic.

Two-way (synchronous) satellite Internet works both for receiving and transmitting information from a satellite. It looks like this: the user makes a request to the Internet, the receiving and transmitting station processes the request and sends it to the satellite, the request is redirected from the satellite to the provider, then to the Internet, when the response from the Internet is received, the incoming information from the provider's server is sent to satellite, and from the satellite to the user's computer (see diagram).

Scheme. Two way satellite internet.

Thus, to work with two-way satellite Internet, there is no need to connect an additional channel to outgoing communication, the function of receiving and transmitting information is performed by satellite Internet equipment - the user's receiving and transmitting antenna. This connection is more reliable and stable, in contrast to the one-way type of access, because the user does not depend on outgoing channel failures (GPRS on a mobile phone, Ethernet, ADSL, Dial up), the request is instantly processed and transmitted to the satellite. This is the main advantage of two-way access.

2. Equipment kits from the Ka Sat satellite

The ka sat satellite has a large bandwidth and can provide subscribers with higher speeds, lower tariffs and equipment costs.

Kit standard:

  • Satellite dish 0.75 Tooway
  • Modem SurfBeam2
  • Transceiver 3W
  • Cable 15 m
  • wall bracket
  • 2f connector

Q-band satellite connection kits

Kit standard:

  • Modem HughesNet 9200
  • Transceiver 2 W
  • Cable 2x10 m
  • wall support
  • 4f connector

Price without installation: 21,000 rubles.
Price with installation: 26,000 rubles.

Set standard 2:

  • Satellite dish 0.74 m Tooway
  • HughesNet 9400 modem with two independent ports
  • wall support
  • Transceiver 2 W
  • Cable 2x10 m
  • 4f connector

Price without installation: 26,000 rubles.
Price with installation: 31,000 rubles.

Business kit:

  • Transceiver 2 W
  • wall support
  • Modem HughesNet 9200
  • Cable 2x10
  • 4 f connectors

Price without installation: 42,000 rubles.
Price with installation: 52,000 rubles.

Business video set:

  • Satellite dish 1.2 m Tooway
  • Transceiver 2 W
  • wall support
  • Modem HughesNet 9400
  • Cable 2x10
  • 4f connector

Price without installation: 45,000 rubles.
Price with installation: 55,000 rubles.

3. Antenna diameter. Tariffs

The choice of antenna diameter depends on the geographic location of the subscriber and on the selected satellite. The following satellites of the ka range are used for the Internet: Ka-sat 9 degrees east longitude, covering the European part of the Russian Federation; and satellites of the ku range: Yamal 402 55 gr east. duty. (the entire territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the Far Eastern Federal District), Express AM 22 53gr. east duty. (European part of the Russian Federation), Yamal 200 90 gr. east duty. (the whole territory of the Russian Federation, except for Kamchatka and Chukotka), Express AM 140 gr. east duty. (Far Eastern part of the Russian Federation).

Who are the users of two-way satellite Internet? First of all, these are educational and medical institutions, hotel complexes, hunting and fishing clubs, owners of country houses and cottages and other structures located in areas with insufficiently developed communications for connecting wired Internet equipment. Two-way satellite Internet is also ideal for connecting remote company branches into a single network, for using video conferencing, monitoring remote objects ...

In addition to high-speed Internet services, subscribers using two-way satellite Internet can also use telephony services. What is important, especially when organizing a business outside the cities with their developed infrastructure. It is possible to organize dedicated satellite channels SCPC. The cost of projects for the organization of leased channels is calculated individually for each Customer according to specific tasks and requirements.

The speed of the incoming communication channel of two-way satellite Internet can reach up to 10 Mbps, the outgoing channel up to 819 kbps. Tariffs depend on the selected speed and on the included monthly traffic.

Two-way satellite Internet supports the speed of the Internet, depending on the tariff chosen by the user and on the amount of downloaded information. Speed ​​is calculated using FAP technology. .

The disadvantages of symmetrical access include the high cost of satellite Internet equipment and work to connect the system.

The level of Internet equipment in Russia reaches high levels, but huge sections of our country still do not have access to the World Wide Web. There is not enough infrastructure, but satellite Internet can solve the problem of its deficiency. It has a number of advantages over "cable" and mobile communications, it is becoming more affordable, and the equipment that provides access to it has only become cheaper and easier to install over the years.

What is satellite internet

Today, access to the Internet is possible through a satellite (satellite), the signal from which goes directly to the user's computer connected to the "dish". This access method, however, should not be identified with a wired connection to the provider, which itself takes data from the satellite - in this case, the main channel is leased, which has incomparably more powerful traffic than when using the "dish". Satellites, as a rule, are located on (less often - on medium and low).

Access to the World Wide Web from a “dish” is, as a rule, comparable in its speed characteristics to broadband lines and significantly exceeds 3G and GPRS connection methods. What the last two types of satellite Internet connection have in common is the technology-driven limitation in the amount of traffic. However, with such tasks as reading letters, sending documents, working with online banking, the “plate” copes well. It is indispensable outside the city - where there is no connection from cellular operators or its quality is not enough. Modern equipment for communication with satellites is becoming more and more easy to use, the average user does not experience problems with how to connect satellite Internet on their own.

History of satellite internet

The first experiments with Internet access via satellite began in the early 1990s. Various technologies were offered to the market, but in the end, access to the World Wide Web via geostationary satellites was chosen - the same class that is used for telephone and television communications. Gradually cheaper and smaller in size, terrestrial satellite networks ceased to be an expensive prerogative of the state, they began to be used by business.

As a result, the term "VSAT" (Very Small Aperture Terminal) arose, denoting a compact and mobile device for receiving a signal. With the improvement and further reduction in the cost of technologies, VSAT modules became available not only to businesses, but also to ordinary users, “home” antennas appeared at all - the very “dishes” on the windows, and satellite Internet, reviews of which began to be printed on the pages of the press about technologies.

Asymmetric access

Asymmetric access is one of the two main formats for using satellite Internet. It involves connecting to the World Wide Web through two channels that are different in speed and technology, and the “dish” can be only one of them. The second is, as a rule, a terrestrial connection (sometimes with a much lower one). 1 MB.

Incoming traffic, thanks to the satellite, is served at a very high speed. As a rule, from the same satellite, if you have configured equipment, you can also receive a television signal (some providers include both television and satellite Internet - Tricolor, for example) in the service package. The main drawback is the presence of a terrestrial channel, which simply may not be available. The outgoing speed depends on what type this connection will be. It may not be high enough to perform a number of tasks - sending large files, communicating via video calls.

Symmetric Access

There is also symmetrical ("two-way") satellite Internet. Reviews from users about it are the most positive. As part of it, the communication set is equipped not only with a receiving antenna, but also with a device (subscriber station) capable of transmitting a signal to a satellite. It has all the same advantages as the asymmetric version, but it does not have the disadvantages associated with the second channel. True, the speed of outgoing traffic, as a rule, is lower than that of incoming traffic (the subscriber station is not always powerful enough), but it is enough to comfortably use the basic Internet services.

Among the more significant drawbacks is a very high price, several times higher than that of sets with asymmetric access. But there is also an indisputable advantage: you can access the Internet from virtually anywhere on the planet. Fans of round-the-world expeditions sometimes have no alternatives but to connect satellite Internet with symmetrical access.

Satellite internet speed

As a rule, there are no standard speed indicators guaranteed by the satellite Internet provider - but the user has the right to expect "incoming" traffic at the level of 5-10 megabits / sec. One way or another, it all depends on the degree of congestion of the channel. At the same time, it is interesting that with a satellite connection, the download speed of different objects is “summed up”. For example, if a user simultaneously downloads 100 pictures, each of which has a volume of 1 MB, then he will spend the same amount of time as if he were downloading one "megabyte" picture. Unbelievable, but such is satellite Internet. By the way, providers' tariffs do not take into account this feature and are always charged upon the fact of downloaded data. However, this interesting property also depends on the capacity of the ground line, since the satellite will require a response from the computer for each of the received pictures: if this does not follow, then the image will not be transmitted. If the equipment supports two-way access, then the speed of satellite Internet on the outgoing channel, as a rule, is comparable to the indicated figures and can reach values ​​of 8 megabits / sec.

Market overview in Russia

Experts note that asymmetric Internet access via satellite has not received proper distribution in Russia. There are a number of reasons for this: firstly, the lack of the necessary technological infrastructure from providers, secondly, the difficulty of connecting devices, and thirdly, the underdevelopment of that very second in the country. At the same time, the market for two-way satellite access is growing very actively in Russia (although its figures, in comparison with those of the wired Internet, are still small).

There are forecasts that by the end of 2016 the number of Russian users will grow to 35 thousand people. In many ways, this trend is associated with cheaper equipment that requires satellite Internet. Feedback from consumers of this service allows many market experts to be optimistic about the development of the segment. Leading providers of this technology see owners of private houses in suburban settlements as their main target audience.

Why is satellite better than cable?

We have already spoken about the advantages associated with geographical coverage. Let's just note that, according to a number of experts, in many Russian regions, including those located in the European part of the country, there are problems with competing solutions - 3G, optical fiber.

The most important advantage of satellite communications is the cheaper infrastructure that may be needed to distribute channel resources to other users. Satellite Internet is able to "diversify" access to the World Wide Web, and this property is indispensable, first of all, for businesses. Including those who work in cities: it often happens that the provider refuses to work, and the ability to receive or send the most important documents on time can be much more important than the cost of installing satellite equipment.

And what, accordingly, is worse

Firstly, purely physically, the antenna only works when it “looks” at the satellite. If, say, the user's office or home is located on the wall opposite the "flight" of the satellite, then communication cannot be established. Secondly, when exchanging data with the participation of a satellite, there is usually a rather large “ping” (signal delay between sending and receiving). This property can bring discomfort, for example, when making audio and video calls, as well as when using entertainment services, for which many people go online: a network of game “polygons” for fans of multiplayer action games can, for example, freeze with a long response. Thirdly, the IP address of the user who "caught" the satellite does not always correspond to the country and city where the connection is established. This may prevent you from working with Internet services that require precise geolocation (for example, search engines, social networks). Fourthly, many experts speak unflatteringly about security - it is not always high when satellite Internet is used. Feedback from experts indicates potential vulnerabilities in terms of intercepting traffic from satellites.

Innovative look

Systems for accessing the World Wide Web through satellites, as mentioned above, are constantly getting cheaper and improved. A few years ago, Russian providers set themselves the task of creating satellite Internet, the tariffs for which would be comparable to those offered by "wire" operators. The government has allocated several billion rubles for these purposes. These funds were used to create projects of innovative communication satellites (in total, four of them are planned to be introduced). It is also assumed that the infrastructure on the ground, which will include a control center and several communication stations with satellites.

The project will be managed by the largest state-owned telecommunications companies. With the help of cheap satellite equipment, the government hopes to create a "people's Internet" accessible throughout Russia. The client audience of such a service is estimated at 2 million subscribers. People, according to experts, need satellite Internet, the prices for which will be below current market rates.

Personal access to the “world” from a personal computer, communication with company employees at any time during working hours, increasing the efficiency of their work due to the ability to quickly respond to the information provided are the factors that form the requirements for modern communication technologies.

Therefore, satellite Internet from the AltegroSky operator is more than just access to content - it is aimed at ensuring reliable operation with IP services, including the transmission of voice, data, video, audio and video conferences, which allow organizing operational management and interaction of specialists from remote divisions of large companies.

An individual VSAT for private users is an ideal solution for a modern and comfortable country life: satellite Internet will allow you not to interrupt communication, study and work, providing access to popular Internet services, social networks, games, news and entertainment content in a country house, in the country house, in a cottage - like in a city apartment!

Benefits of satellite internet

  1. Independence from ground infrastructure.
  2. High speed characteristics.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Variability of satellite solutions.
  5. A wide range of tariffs, including unlimited access.

Scheme of organization of satellite Internet based on VSAT-technologies

The principle of organizing the service is very simple. The user only needs electricity to operate. All processing of Internet traffic is performed in the NCC and depends on the VSAT platform used by the operator.

In our network, we use technologies that ensure the correct processing of any IP protocols, which allows the user to work with the necessary Internet applications:

  • high-speed access to the resources of the global Internet;
  • Email;
  • messaging services (ICQ);
  • voice and video communication applications (Skype);
  • electronic payment services for goods and services (hotels, taxis, air and railway tickets, etc.);
  • exchange on-line services;
  • banking on-line services;
  • remote access to corporate applications with the construction of a VPN.

Therefore, it is worth buying satellite Internet for anyone who would like to have maximum opportunities for online communication - regardless of their location, both in Russia and abroad.


All rates

Subscriber VSAT-terminal for two-way Internet

Two-way satellite Internet works through the VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) terminal - a satellite ground station with a small antenna (from 0.6 to 2.4 m) in diameter. In modern satellite networks of this size, it is quite enough to organize a symmetrical Internet. Assembling the terminal does not require special skills, and taking into account the low weight, the solution provides high mobility and ease of networking. To connect to bi-directional satellite Internet, you need a small VSAT satellite earth station.

The standard subscriber set consists of:

  1. Antennas;
  2. Modem (channel-forming equipment);
  3. Transceiver (2 W);
  4. Rod for fastening the receiving-transmitting device;
  5. RF cable with connectors;
  6. Antenna mounts;
  7. Ground cable.

The most popular kits for two-way satellite Internet are terminals with 0.74m, 0.98m and 1.2m antennas.

VSAT kits

You can independently determine the parameters necessary for connecting and configuring satellite Internet using the Satellite Finder.

With us - you choose reliable and affordable two-way satellite Internet! We will be glad to see you among our clients.