A collection of three modifications - multizoom, disable stabilization and an unusual first-person view. There were no analogues yet, the game with this collection looks completely different!

The main idea of ​​the first person view in World of Tanks is to make it look like a modern shooter like Call of Duty or Battlefield. The mod is especially pleasing when playing tanks with a rear turret - you can see most of the tank from the front. It is unusual to play on fast machines, but very cool. Although, probably, you won’t get much. However, you can entertain yourself;).

Arcade camera features:

  • zoom mod
  • disabling the transition to sniper mode using the scroll. By default, this feature is disabled, you can activate it by editing the avatar_input_handler, which is located in res_mods/0.8.8/gui. Just enter the section word true.
  • Disabled arcade camera jumps.
  • Now you can move the camera relative to the axis of the tower. This is done using a digital block, and the possibility itself is turned on with the F9 key.
  • Camera jumps no longer occur due to tower antennas.

Sniper camera features:

  • Now you will see in sniper mode tank hull and cannon! Using the Num Lock key, the gun can be removed if it bothers you.
  • Removed darkness around the edges of the screen.

Installing the modification

  1. Copy the configs folder to \World_of_Tanks\mods\. Copy the remaining files to World of Tanks\mods\
  2. Press in game F11.

5 years and 6 months ago Comments: 0

Very interesting mod. It's like you're looking straight out of a tank!

Suitable not only for rides, but also for shooting dynamic videos.

This mod has the following functionality:

Arcade Camera:

  • Move the camera high up - commander's camera
  • NoScroll. You can switch the sight only by pressing the switch sights button. Shift by default. This option is disabled by default, to enable it you need to edit the avatarjnput.handler file. located in the res_mods/0.8.6/gui folder. You need to carefully enter the word true in the section.
  • Removed arcade camera twitching when moving a tank.
  • Added the ability to set a small camera shift relative to the axis of the tower. The feature is turned on and off by pressing the F9 button. This is done with buttons. digital block a, 4-6 - left/right. 8-2 - top / bottom. 9-3 forward/backward. 5 reset to 0.
  • Tower antennas no longer cause the camera to bounce.
  • This option disables remembering the last zoom position of the arcade camera. In other words, if it is activated, then when entering the arcade mode, the zoom is always set to the minimum position (the minimum specified in the section).

Sniper camera:

  • Corpus display and. optionally, tank guns (switching on and off is done by pressing the F9 button). This gives a greater sense of realism to what is happening. The camera is shifted relative to the tank body using the Num 1оК buttons (additional digital block). 4-6 - left/right. 8-2 - up / down, 9-3 forward / backward. 5 reset to default position. The offset position is remembered for each vehicle separately, this allows you to conveniently customize the view for each combat unit.
  • Turning on the binding of the turret position to the hull - "disabling horizontal stabilization". You can switch this option in battle by pressing the Caps Lock button
  • NoScroli You can switch the trailer only by pressing the switch sights button. Shift by default. This option is disabled by default, to enable it you need to edit the avatar_input_handler file located in the res_mods/0.8.6/gul folder. You need to carefully enter the word true in the section.
  • Smooth zoom. This option allows you to specify an arbitrary number of steps (zooms away) of the camera in sniper mode. Specific values ​​are set in the avatarjnput_handler file located in the res_mods/0.8.6/gui folder. You need to carefully enter the camera zoom steps into the section, separating the numbers with spaces, for example: 12 4 816 20 26 32, values ​​can be set fractional, for example 1.5 2.55, etc. The number of values ​​is not limited, I think several thousand or more is quite possible.
  • Removed the effect of triplex and blackout at the edges, is configured in the section
  • This option disables remembering the last zoom position of the sniper scope. In other words, if it is activated, then when entering the sniper scope, the zoom is always set to the minimum position (the minimum specified in the section).
  • Switching dynamic effects is done with the F10 button.

This mod has the following functionality:

Arcade Camera:

Move the camera high up - commander's camera

Removed arcade camera twitching when moving a tank.

Added the ability to set a small camera shift relative to the axis of the tower. The feature is turned on and off by pressing the F9 button. This is done with buttons. digital block, 4-6 - left / right, 8-2 - top / bottom, 9-3 forward / backward. 5 reset to 0, num 7 invert x offset.

Tower antennas no longer cause the camera to bounce.

Option disables remembering the last zoom position of the arcade camera. In other words, if it is activated, then when entering the arcade mode, the zoom is always set to the minimum position (the minimum specified in the section ).

Sniper camera:

The display of the hull and, optionally, the cannon of the tank is enabled (switching on and off is done by pressing the F9 button). This gives a greater sense of realism to what is happening. The camera is shifted relative to the tank body using the Num lock buttons (additional digital block), 4-6 - left / right, 8-2 - top / bottom, 9-3 forward / backward, 5 reset to the default position, 7 invert the offset to X-axis. The offset position is remembered for each vehicle separately, this allows you to conveniently adjust the view for each combat unit.

Turning on the binding of the turret position to the hull - "disabling horizontal stabilization". You can switch this option in battle by pressing the Caps Lock button

NoScroll. You can switch the sight only by pressing the switch sights button. Shift by default. This option is disabled by default, to enable it you need to edit the avatar_input_handler file located in the res_mods/0.8.6/gui folder. To the section you need to carefully enter the word true.

Smooth zoom. This option allows you to specify an arbitrary number of steps for approaching (or moving away) the camera in sniper mode. Specific values ​​are set in the avatar_input_handler file located in the res_mods/0.8.6/gui folder. To the section you need to carefully enter the camera zoom steps, separating the numbers with spaces, for example: 1 2 4 8 16 20 26 32 , you can set fractional values, for example 1.5 2.55, etc. The number of values ​​is not limited, I believe several thousand or more is quite possible.

Removed the effect of triplex and blackout at the edges, is configured in the section

Option disables remembering the last zoom position of the sniper scope. In other words, if it is activated, then when entering the sniper scope, the zoom is always set to the minimum position (the minimum specified in the section ).

Switching dynamic effects is done with the F10 button.

Damage visualization settings such as blinking and camera shake. ( false- Disable red blinking when receiving damage, 8.0 - reducing the intensity of camera shake, 1.5 - Decreased jitter duration)

Fast zoom. You don't need to move your mouse anymore! This function turns on the sniper mode and sets the specified zoom level from any camera, whether arcade or sniper. When you release the Quick Zoom button, the camera will automatically return to its previous mode.

To configure this function, you need to set the same activation buttons in the avatar_input_handler file, in the sections of the arcade and sniper cameras. The arcade camera only lists the buttons, the sniper camera lists the buttons and their corresponding zoom value. an example is as follows:



General dynamic effects have been reduced. They can be adjusted all in the same XML file.

This mod creates a camera_shift.xml file, this file stores shift bindings for specific turrets and guns. They can be shared with others, in manual mode.

I draw your attention, the display of the gun in sniper mode is switched by pressing F9.