This is a mode of operation of Windows, in which only the most necessary components of the OS are loaded. Loading only the most necessary allows you to exclude the influence of minor programs and the operation of the entire operating system. Safe Mode allows you to boot your computer in the event of a virus infection, driver conflict, or other software errors. In this article, you will learn how to enable safe mode on Windows 7.

Enabling safe mode on Windows 7 is quite simple. All you need to do is restart the computer (if the computer is turned off and does not turn on, then just press the power button) and at the moment the download starts, press the F8 button. You need to press the button repeatedly until a list of Windows 7 boot options appears on the screen.

Please note that you need to start pressing the F8 button immediately after the computer starts to boot, if you are late with pressing it, then Windows will boot in normal mode. If you see that Windows has started loading normally (a logo has appeared), it means that you did not have time to press the F8 button. In this case, you must restart your computer and try again.

If you press F8 in time, then you will see a menu of additional Windows boot options (see screenshot below).

The need to start the Windows 7 operating system in safe mode may be necessary for every user of a computer or laptop without exception. The thing is that safe mode is the first thing to try when a computer or laptop refuses to boot. This refers to a situation during which the operating system is not loaded. In this case, the BIOS and startup screensavers work as usual when turned on.

If your computer or laptop does not turn on, and nothing is displayed on the screen at all, or beeps are heard periodically, then we recommend that you read the following articles:

Since in most cases booting into Windows 7 safe mode is required when the computer or laptop no longer boots, we will describe a method that works even if the operating system on your device no longer boots.

Starting windows 7 in safe mode

Immediately after turning on the computer, you need to constantly and non-stop press the F8 button on the keyboard of a laptop or computer on which you want to start safe mode.

If you did everything correctly, then the following menu will be displayed on the screen:

Menu when starting safe mode windows 7

In it you need to select "Safe Mode".

File download process during windows 7 safe mode login

In the usual way, in its operation there were failures or certain errors, you can try to boot it using safe mode. In this option, the OS will use the standard settings, which will allow the technical device to turn on.

The concept and differences from the usual launch

Safe Mode in Windows 7 is a special diagnostic state of a personal computer that allows you to troubleshoot problems associated with incorrect operation or settings of a particular installed program or PC hardware. In this mode, the OS uses the minimum set of drivers that are needed for the normal launch of a technical device. These are monitor, mouse, disk, keyboard and standard service drivers. If the device does not start, for example, after installing new unknown software, then when you start the OS in safe mode with the indication of minimal services, you can delete it.

Safe Mode (Windows 7) is distinguished from normal boot according to the following basic parameters:

  • Most drivers won't load.
  • Instead of the usual video device drivers, standard VGA modes are launched.
  • The desktop has a resolution of 640x480 pixels and additional inscriptions "Safe Mode" in all corners of the monitor.

Launch methods

In Win 7, Safe Mode can be started in two main ways:

  • Login when directly starting the operating system before it loads.
  • Logging in from a running OS in run mode by changing the boot method in the System Configuration menu.

Login at OS startup

In order to install safe mode (Windows 7) in this way, you must turn on the computer and press the F8 key several times while it boots. If after that a welcome window of the operating system and the corresponding corporate logo appeared on the screen, it means that the moment for pressing the key was missed and you need to repeat the above steps from the beginning, that is, turn off the computer, turn it on again, while pressing the F8 button.

Launch Features

If you cannot enter safe mode in this way, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • On some keyboards, most commonly on laptops, the function keys labeled F may be disabled by default. Accordingly, by pressing the F8 button, you can not get any result. To change this situation, you must press a special button (usually Fn) and, while holding it, use the corresponding function key.
  • If more than one OS is installed on the device, then the desired option must be selected using the arrows on the keyboard, and then press Enter.
  • In order to use the arrow keys on the numeric part of the keyboard, you need to make sure that the Num Lock mode is off, as evidenced by the corresponding light indicator at the top or bottom of the keyboard.

Steps to take after entering Safe Mode

After the device has booted up and entered safe mode after pressing the F8 button, you can proceed to the following steps:

  • Go to the system menu “Advanced Boot Options” and select “Safe Mode”.
  • After that, the OS will boot in a new mode, which will be indicated by a non-standard desktop design, its extension and the corresponding inscription at the corners of the screen.

Logging in from the OS in run mode using additional configurations

In order to start safe mode (Windows 7) in the second way, you must perform the following manipulations:

  • Using the Start menu, type msconfig in the search box. If the system requires administrator rights and asks for a password, then you will need to enter all the data and wait for confirmation.
  • This will automatically open the System Setup window. In it you need to find the “Download” tab and check the box “Safe Mode” indicating the minimum requirements and click OK.
  • After that, the OS will prompt you to restart the computer, which will happen already in safe mode.
  • After fixing all the problems, you will need to re-enter the “System Settings” window and uncheck the checkbox set in advance.

Failed to start the computer in safe mode

If the PC booted up in safe mode without any action on the part of the user, then, first of all, you need to determine the possible cause of this result. This could be recently installed programs or new hardware. If we are talking about new software, most often games, then you can solve the situation using the “Add / Remove Programs” tab in the “Control Panel”. All new applications should be uninstalled, and then restart the computer. The chance that the operating system will boot in the usual way without the consequences of a previous failure is quite high. If safe mode started after installing new hardware, then you must again go to the Control Panel and remove either the device itself or its drivers. After that, you should restart your computer. If, after performing these manipulations, the OS booted normally, then the error was associated with a certain hardware conflict. If the problem of starting safe mode is not related to either new hardware or recently installed software, then the registry has most likely been corrupted. This means in most cases that you will have to reinstall the entire operating system.

What can be done in this mode?

After entering the operating system in safe mode, you can take a number of actions that allow you to fix some errors and other OS problems:

  • Check your device for viruses. Quite often, those viruses that the antivirus program cannot remove in standard mode can be easily and simply destroyed in safe mode. In addition, the antivirus can be installed while directly in security mode.
  • Start System Restore. If, due to some user actions, the computer stopped working stably, then by launching the system recovery function, the PC can be returned to the state and to the parameters that were before the failures in its operation.
  • Update hardware drivers. If the unstable operation of the computer is recognized by the system drivers, they can be updated. You can download the latest versions of programs from the official websites of hardware developers.
  • Remove previously installed software. If problems arise in the operation of the OS after installing certain software, then you can remove the corresponding programs in safe mode.
  • Remove desktop banner. Safe Mode (Windows 7) is the most reliable way to get rid of the ad banner.
  • Check if the OS crashes during normal boot. If there is no blue screen of death in safe mode, automatic reboot, etc., then most likely the problem is in the program. If the opposite is true, then there is a high probability that the failures are caused by hardware problems.


Safe Mode is a special state of the computer that allows you to correct a number of operating system errors or the consequences of incorrectly installed software and accessories. You can boot the device in safe mode in different ways, each of which has its own characteristics.

The operating system is a complex set of software and is not 100% secure against failures. Although Windows operating systems starting with the seventh version are considered highly reliable, problems also arise with them.

During computer startup, the following happens:

  1. The PC BIOS SETUP test is essentially a hardware test, the computer tests itself.
  2. Upon successful completion of the test, the MBR is read - the master boot record on the hard disk. There is information on what to do next (the executable file of the winload.exe loader). If there is MBR corruption, the message "MBR is missing" will appear. No further download will occur.
  3. Winload.exe loads the kernel (the main module of Windows) into RAM - the zero ring of the system.

The kernel proceeds to load the rest of the components:

  1. The main drivers that ensure the operation of the system (the first and second rings) are initiated.
  2. Starting auxiliary drivers and services, autoloading user programs is the third ring.

After that, the login takes place. As you can see from the figure, each group of drivers, applications, or services resides in separate areas of memory. This ensures the security and stability of the OS, reduces the likelihood of hardware and software conflicts.

As a result, if a malicious code (virus program) is downloaded by a user, it will not be able to severely damage the system (it is almost impossible to get to the zero ring).

But sometimes there are critical errors:

  • the virus has been modified and introduced itself into ring 3 (or 2.1), disrupting Windows;
  • there was a failure in one of the important drivers;
  • the new device conflicts with other components or services;
  • one of the sectors of the hard disk or the system data written to it is damaged.

Then the OS freezes or the Blue Screen of Death appears with an error code.

Reference! The system may boot but is unstable. In this case, it is also recommended to try to return to normal.

Video - Windows Safe Mode. Why is it needed and how to start?

How to boot Windows 7 in Safe Mode

First way

Step 1. We restart the computer using the button on the front panel of the system unit (or use the corresponding laptop key).

Step 2 As soon as the image appears on the screen, press and hold the "F8" key.

Reference! If several operating systems are installed on the PC, then you must first select the one you need, and then press "F8".

Select the desired system, press "F8"

Sometimes "F8" is needed to select the physical device from which the boot will occur. You should start the appropriate disk and press "F8" again.

Step 3 The boot menu should appear on the screen. Select the appropriate item using the arrow keys and press enter.

Second way

Menu items

The choice of option depends on what actions you need to perform:

  • safe mode is the standard option for starting with minimal loading of only the necessary OS components. It is recommended to choose it for a start. But the Internet will not be available;

  • with loading network drivers - you need to choose if you need support for an Internet connection. For example, when downloading anti-virus programs or accessing online support services;

  • with command line support - this item is used by people who know how to work in the terminal and know the appropriate commands;

  • with boot logging - needed to analyze the list of drivers that start with the system. At startup, the “ntbtlog.txt” file is created, which is located in the “Windows” folder. There will be information about the download steps and some errors. Then it will be possible to open it in a text editor and find out what exactly is causing the failure;

  • VGA mode - this mode is used to attempt to boot the system if it is suspected that the video card or monitor is not configured correctly. The launch is made with a reset of the screen parameters and the simplest drivers;

  • debug mode - needed, if necessary, to transfer information about the boot steps to another PC connected to the faulty one. Used by system administrators and IT engineers;

  • Loading Last Known Good Configuration will help if you have system restore points. The configuration that was working before the crash will be loaded.

Most often, the first option is chosen. After booting into Safe Mode, you will need (as usual) to enter a password to enter the system, and if it has not been defined, an automatic login will occur and the user will see the desktop.

What can be done in Safe Mode

You should start with the following steps:

  1. If you have recently installed any programs or other software, it is better to uninstall it.
  2. Check your PC with an antivirus.
  3. Test all disks for errors.
  4. If any driver updates were installed, download older versions.
  5. View the "Windows Error Log", you can copy the data to consult with specialists later.
  6. Copy important files to a portable drive. If you need to reinstall Windows, the data can easily be returned back.

Reference! Safe mode may not help solve the problem, then you will have to look for other ways: call a consultant at home or simply reinstall the system.

Problems with safe mode

If it is not possible to start Windows in Safe Mode, then this is most likely due to the following reasons:

  • the registry key responsible for starting this mode is damaged;
  • the file system is damaged;
  • hardware problems.

If you have an installation disk, it is recommended that you try to start Widows from it. There are special "rescue" images of DVDs or CDs, they can be downloaded on another PC and burned to "blanks". Often they help solve the problem, in addition to the boot image, they have auxiliary software.


Modern operating systems are considered quite reliable, but no one is immune from failures. Safe Mode will in many cases help solve problems with starting and debugging Windows.

Video - How to enter Windows 7 Safe Mode

Users often write: I can’t start the computer, the PC boots up with numerous errors, a blue screen appears during its startup and Windows restarts, what should I do? In most of these cases, in addition to rolling back the system and reinstalling it, starting the computer in one of the diagnostic modes will help. Consider how to enter safe mode on Windows 7 in various ways, what it is and when it can help out.

In Windows 7, there are diagnostic modes for starting the operating system to solve certain problems. One of them - safe or Safe mode (also called troubleshooting mode) is designed to identify and troubleshoot problems in Win 7, the operation of drivers and computer hardware components. Safe mode starts the minimum possible list of processes, services and drivers necessary to ensure the operation of the operating system and major hardware components. Disabled operation allows problems to be identified more quickly because the application software is not active.

F8 key

The simplest and most popular way to invoke safe mode on a Windows 7 computer is the F8 key pressed while it is turned on.

  1. The first step is to restart or turn on the computer.
  2. After the laptop or motherboard developer logo appears and the hardware self-tests, press F8.

It is best to press this button about once per second, or a little more often, so as not to miss the right moment.

If the F8 button does not work on the laptop, then the Fn key located near the left Ctrl should be pressed along with it (on most devices, this combination disables the Wi-Fi wireless network module).

  1. If additional ways to start Windows 7 appear using the cursor block of keys, you must go to the desired item and press Enter to enter Safe Mode.

  1. As a result, a black screen will appear, where the progress of loading system files is displayed, and after a couple of tens of seconds, the familiar desktop will appear.

Most likely (for owners of large monitors), the screen resolution will be lower than in normal mode, and themes with visual effects will not be involved. The usual colorful screensaver will be replaced by a black background, and this is normal.

Launch via GUI

We looked at how to run the msconfig utility. Now we will use it to boot into safe mode next time.

  1. Open the command interpreter through the "Start" or by means of Win + R.

  1. We write the string "msconfig" into the text form and execute the command.

The System Configuration window opens.

  1. In the first tab, move the trigger switch to the second item - "Diagnostic Start" - and save the new configuration.

  1. However, if the proposed diagnostic launch modes do not satisfy, after the second step, go to the "Download" tab.

  • The other shell will be command line capable, and File Explorer and network will be inactive;

Registry Editor

  1. Go to the section where the global settings for all users are stored - HKLM.

Video instruction

"Diagnostic run" and save the new configuration.

  1. If you need to enable Safe Mode now, in the next window, click "Reboot". Otherwise, you will be able to enter the diagnostic mode after the next turn on/restart of the PC.

  1. However, if the proposed diagnostic launch modes do not satisfy, after the second step, go to the "Download" tab.

  1. In the first field, select the operating system that should be loaded in diagnostic mode if there are several of them installed on the PC.

  1. In the download options, check the box that is highlighted in the screenshot.

  1. Choose the appropriate option from the options:

  • Minimal - launching a graphical interface with a minimum set of services and drivers;
  • Another shell - with command line support, "Explorer" and the network will be inactive;
  • Active Directory Recovery - similar to the minimum, but with the activation of the Active Directory service;
  • Network - launch network drivers.

You can also activate one or more of the following options:

  • Without GUI - start the PC bypassing the welcome screen;
  • Boot log - all information about the startup process will be written to the Ntbtlog.txt file located on the system volume;
  • Basic video - the basic video driver will be loaded to use the minimum capabilities of the video card (working with video and animation will become possible).
  • OS information - the boot screen will display the names of the drivers being launched.
  1. Check the box "Make these settings permanent" if you are sure that you will turn on a PC with this configuration several times in a row.

In this case, do not forget to return everything back when the computer needs to be started in normal mode.

  1. We click "OK" to exit the configuration window, and restart the PC, completing all applications while saving the progress of work in them.

Registry Editor

One of the registry keys is responsible for starting safe mode, so you can also control the computer's startup modes through the registry editor, but for this you need to work from an administrator account.

  1. We execute "regedit" in the search bar.

  1. Go to the section where the global settings for all users are stored - HKLM.

  1. We follow down the hierarchy, as shown in the screenshot.

  1. We create the section "25000080" through the context menu of the "Elements" directory.

  1. Similarly, we add a binary parameter and name it "Element" in the same way as creating new files and renaming them in the "Explorer".

  1. Through the context menu, open the dialog for changing the key value.

  1. We enter it as shown in the screenshot, and save the new settings.

We have considered all the options for calling the safe mode offered by Microsoft.

Video instruction

You can watch a video showing how to start Windows 7 in safe mode via GUI in 20 seconds.