One blog is good, but many blogs are more profitable. Therefore, I began to actively lead others in order to maximize their profits. While I don’t have a large grid, it doesn’t even reach 10, but nevertheless, I don’t have time to write enough articles for all my blogs, so I recently started posting articles bought on copywriting and freelance exchanges. This does not apply to this blog, as it is personal, although there were a couple of purchased articles here as an experiment.

When I wondered " where to buy blog articles?“, I posted an ad in one of the posts, wrote there that copywriters were required, 3 people responded, I hired 2 of them. I liked working with them, but contact takes a long time, so I started buying articles on copywriting exchanges.

Exchanges of articles and freelance In the comments to the article about the PayText exchange, they advised to try Advego. I had an account there for a long time, so I tried it - I liked it. According to the criterion - price / quality, the exchange is the best so far. But there is a minus - there are articles that are clearly made with the help of a translator or a synonymizer and have not been edited, in general, articles that you cannot even place on satellites. I bought about 50 articles here, of which 2 such “curves” came across. Basically, I buy articles for $0.5, but if I come across an article with an intriguing title that interests me, I buy more expensive. I turned to this exchange in search of content that is not in Advego, now I am making a site about car repair, it was he who needed such rare content. The cost of articles here is more expensive, but there are articles on almost any topic, even for seo blogs.

In general, buying articles is great. You spend 3 minutes and 15 rubles on the purchase of 1 article, if you write an article of 1000 characters, you will obviously lose more, so at least for the sake of interest, try to buy several articles on exchanges - you will like it!

For a blog to be visited by thousands of people a day or a month, you need to write articles. Moreover, articles should be interesting and useful for users. The question always arises before a novice blogger, how to write articles for a blog that will be read by thousands of people?

Most bloggers write about the same topics and use the same styles, and they tend to blend into one another. If you want to be noticed, then you have to do not like everyone else.

You have to learn how to write blog articles correctly. Write interesting headlines, use attractive visual effects(photos, videos, tables, screenshots), master the art of promotion.

Who will you be writing blog posts for?

Before you start writing articles, you must understand who they will be intended for. You need to define your target audience and understand their intentions. If you don't know who the articles are for, then the blog will fail.

Search engine algorithms are very complex, gone are the days when it was enough to write a few keywords, and the text got to the first places of issue. Correct selection keywords remains an important factor, but not the only one.

Let's assume that you know your audience. Now you need to identify their pains and needs. When a person has a problem, he wants to solve it with a request to Yandex or Google.

Use words from a search engine

You have identified key phrases, now your task is to write such an article that it completely covers the needs of the visitor. This means that the visitor must find on your article all the answers to their questions.

If the visitor continued searching on other sites, then for search engines, this is a signal that your article does not fully solve the need and therefore it has no place in the first positions in the search results.

This means writing articles for people first! Do not try to fool the search engines, they are very smart and look at hundreds of factors, including behavioral.

  • Read also:

Create an attractive headline

To stand out from the crowd of other bloggers, learn how to create outstanding headlines! Before a visitor gets to an article on your blog, he has to make a choice among other blogs.

Do you want your blog but don't have the money? Grab a list of the best free blogging platforms today!

It may not be so fashionable to blog today (the popularity of social networks affects), but it can become yours personal diary, which you arrange as you like. And no status updates will distract you from the main one.

Well, get acquainted!

The very name of the site suggests that Blogger is a great free service for blogging.

Sign in with your Google ID and you can create a blog within minutes. A few more moments will take the choice of topic - and that's it, your cozy personal little world is ready!

Weebly is more of a website builder than a purely blogging platform. It allows you to create new pages very quickly. is considered by some to be the easiest way to get into blogging. This is a platform from the developers of Evernote, and, of course, is deeply integrated into their system.

Basically, you just connect your laptop to and then mark your notes as "published" to make them public.

You will be provided with a variety of themes, as well as tools to embed content from other sites, and the ability to use the platform instead of Dropbox to store content.'s approach to blogging is very different from its contemporaries. Unusually, it doesn't require a login - instead, you specify a URL for the mail and set a password.

Actually, can hardly be called a blog in the traditional sense, but it's a decent option for posting anonymously, especially if you don't want to save any personal information.


Unlike the others on this list, Ghost is only then free if you download and install it yourself.

However, this system excels in other important ways: it is completely open source, and at the time of publishing, you have the opportunity to see how your post will end up looking.

Choose the appropriate option, and go ahead, create your blog!

Hi all! Today I will tell you whether you need to buy articles for your blog and how to do it, as well as why you need it. In general, I will outline a small income scheme that can develop into the main source of income, with right approach. And you yourself decide whether this is your way or not, whether you are ready to buy articles. As always, I will wait for your comments, so read to the end and comment, ask questions, as always I will answer everyone.

Why Buy Articles

So, let's first understand why buy articles and what it is for. For example, if the site generates income from the sale of links, then the purchase of articles is mandatory, since writing everything yourself, and even if there are a lot of orders, is very, very difficult, and why not. It’s easier to buy an article for 30-40 rubles and sell a couple of links from it for 150-200 rubles, here’s your profit, of course, in order to sell links at that price, you need to slightly increase PR and TIC for your site, but all this can be done , especially if the site is made specifically for making money on the sale of links, then promotion and increasing indicators is a primary action. You can also buy a domain that already has metrics.

Another option in which you need to buy articles for your site is quick launch. For example, you do new project, the purpose of which is targeted at the target audience. By the way, if you need high-quality manual website development, you can follow the link, I recommend it as an excellent service. You already have projects, blogs, and so on, you just don’t have time to write articles, but a quick start is desirable, and besides, there is a certain budget, so why not immediately buy 40-50, and maybe even 100 high-quality, thematic articles that will already be sharpened under search terms. Further, it will be possible to gradually develop and fill the site. How do you like the idea? By the way, this feature works very, very well, I always do this with custom blogs their optimization. But this is a separate issue.

You can post purchased articles in closed sections, I personally closed the News Feed section, of course there are not purchased articles, but those that I write myself, but the fact is that there can be a lot of news and main page can change very, very quickly, so the latest posts can fly past the user. You can read about how to close rubrics in my article "".

I think now you understand why buying articles for the site, there are a lot of options here. Of course, if this is your personal blog, like mine, then I think you should not buy articles for it, although here everyone must decide for himself.

Where to buy articles

Now let's see where buy articles for a blog. For this, there are many special services, the so-called content exchanges. For third-party projects, I always order content on the exchange. An excellent exchange, you can find a good author who will write for you according to your requests, excellent articles, and even at a very attractive price, from 15 rubles per 1000 characters. There is also an excellent program for checking uniqueness, I wrote about it, be sure to read it.

In order to buy articles on this service, it is enough to register as a customer, find a contractor, agree and place an order. Of course, finding an artist will take time, but then, it will be enough for you to simply place orders. I think you will figure it out, there is nothing complicated there 🙂

You can also buy articles on the service and others like it. You can both place orders and buy ready-made articles in the exchange store. Choose a category, subject and choose what you need.

I hope that I was able to tell you the main points, why and why it is needed, now you know where buy articles and how to do it. I also gave you a quick start idea that works, and besides, you can find a lot of ways what to do with purchased articles and how to make money on it 🙂 The main thing is that you yourself must decide for yourself whether it suits you this species earnings or not. That's all I have for today, I hope the article will be useful to you. As always, I look forward to your comments and questions.

So, you have LiveJournal. If you have started it for a long time, actively write and communicate, and generally feel like a fish in water here, you are unlikely to find something new in this lesson. But if your magazine recently celebrated its zero birthday, you should read it.

Of course, your "behavior strategy" in LiveJournal depends on your goals (are you talking about anything at all?). But in any case, there are a number of actions that will make your LiveJournal life easier and more enjoyable and allow you to get the most out of LiveJournal.

The steps below are not a guide to action, but only recommendations. We tried to collect in one place links to all our lessons that will be useful for beginners, and it's up to you to follow them or not (and in what sequence to follow) :)

Step 1. Set up appearance your magazine.

To begin with, start to get used to and settle down. You already have your own magazine, your LiveJournal page - . Come up with a title for your magazine, choose a design, and dig through the design options. It's worth it - after all, your readers and friends, and you yourself, will regularly visit this page.

Step 2. Create the first entry.

Now you can write to LiveJournal! Do you know that you can add pictures, links, format text to a post? .. Read about how this is done in ours.
There you can also read about (not everyone gets it the first time).

Step 3. Add information about yourself and your journal to your profile.

The first entry is made, the magazine is designed the way you like it. It's time to tell something about yourself. The most convenient way to do this is in the profile (how to do it).

Step 4. Loading the userpic.

Well, now you have a magazine with the selected design and layout and a completed profile. Something is missing? It seems to me that it would be nice to upload a userpic - a picture that will be displayed in LiveJournal next to your username. You can read about what a userpic is and how to download it.

Step 5. Add friends and set up a friend feed.

Everything is ready, you can go out into the world, I mean, to other magazines, and get to know people. Perhaps you already have friends in LiveJournal? Or you know a few magazines that you would like to read, how to add them to your friends feed!
If there are no friends on LiveJournal yet, this is not a reason to despair: just.

Step 6. Learning to add comments.

LJ is good because here you can not only read all the interesting magazines on one page (in your friend feed), but also comment on what you read and engage in discussions with other people. That's what comments are for. How to use them that lesson