Archived files take up much less space on your computer's hard drive, and "eat up" less traffic when transferred over the Internet. But, unfortunately, not all programs can read files from archives. Therefore, to work with files, they must first be unzipped. Let's learn how to unpack an archive with WinRAR.

There are two options for extracting archives: without confirmation and to a specified folder.

Unpacking an archive without confirmation involves extracting the files to the same directory as the archive itself.

First of all, we need to select the archive, the files from which we are going to unpack. After that, we call the context menu by clicking the right mouse button, and select the "Extract without confirmation" item.

The unpacking process is in progress, after which we can observe the files extracted from the archive in the same folder where it is located.

Unpacking to the specified folder

The process of extracting the archive to the specified folder is more complicated. It involves unzipping files to a location on your hard drive, or removable media, which is specified by the user.

For this type of unzipping, we call the context menu in the same way as in the first case, only select the “Extract to the specified folder” item.

After that, a window appears in front of us, where we have the opportunity to manually specify the directory where the unpacked files will be stored. Here we can additionally specify some other settings. For example, set a renaming rule in case of a name match. But, most often, these parameters are left by default.

After all the settings are done, click on the "OK" button. The files are unpacked to the folder that we specified.

As you can see, there are two ways to unzip files using the WinRAR program. One of them is absolutely elementary. Another option is more complex, but still, even when using it, users should not have any particular difficulties.

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Hello to all readers of my blog, in touch with you as always Yuri Vatsenko and today I will have a post for newbies, namely how to unzip a rar file. It only seems that this is a simple task, but, believe me, there are many subtleties and nuances here.

Agree that we are constantly faced with ordinary archives, in which, as a rule, files are packed so that they weigh little. Such files are very easy to transfer, so if you are wondering how to make an archive or how to unzip such an archiver, then read this post, I'm sure you will like it.

Well, since you are reading these lines, then for sure, this topic is very interesting to you, and it is not very surprising, because every person who plans to conduct their activities on the Internet should have basic knowledge.

In my earlier posts, I told you about how you can clear the cache on your computer, but today the topic will be a little different, but still useful. Of course, many bloggers and webmasters will say that this topic is too simple, but I'm sure that many people read me, some of which are complete beginners.

Well, I hope you will not be picky, so let's figure out why we need archives and why we need them at all. Look, files that have the extension: rar and Zip these are archives that have one a simple function, namely to reduce the size of the file.

For example, you need to transfer a file that occupies 2.5 gigabytes. How to write it to a flash drive when its capacity is only 2 Gigabytes? Very simple, it can be compressed in Rar or Zip format. This is one example, the second is that if you need to send photos to your friend by mail and not to add them one by one, you can add them to a folder. Then, make this folder an archive and only then, in one file, send everything.

First of all, let's figure out how to make such an archive, although this is done very simply. We take any file, for example, I will take the Word document of this post and place it in a special folder, which I will call " blogger».

Go ahead, click on the folder with my file, right-click and select: " win rar" – « add to archive".

After that, a new window opens and there we just need to confirm by clicking on the "OK" button.

Now, let's figure out how to do the opposite when we have an archive and how to open it correctly. Everything, in fact, is simpler than simple, but you still need to make an effort.
We take our archive, click on it with the right button of our mouse, then Win rarextract filesextract to current folder. Look at the picture, which is indicated a little below, and everything will become clear to you.

If there are many files in the archive, it will take some time, but since I have only one document, everything happens in seconds. As you can see, everything is very simple, understandable and accessible, but what was my surprise that some of my friends do not know this. But, now they will certainly know, and I am pleased that they will read my post, in which I tried to put my little knowledge.
True, there is another way to unzip, which I will also tell you. Look, for example, a friend sent you an archive by mail with important documents. For example, I will show everything in my archive, but everything will be very clear to you anyway.
We double-click on this archive to open it, and we see the following window.

Next, at the top we see the button: extract files, click on it and see the following window.

In this window, we can unzip the files to any location, to any folder on our computer.

But, I want to notice you right away, so that you do not big mistake. If you have a lot of files in the archive, then before unzipping it, you will need to place this archive in desired folder. Why is that? Look, for example, you (like me now) have an archive on your desktop. Now, if you unzip a file that contains 30-100 photos, what happens? It's simple, on your desktop it will not be clear what, so I tell you to unzip the files only in those folders that are intended for this.
Well, friends, is this knowledge useful? I think that they are useful, because we are all busy people and we constantly need to send something, edit, correct, and so on.

In this post, we have covered an interesting topic on how to unzip a rar file on your computer. If you have any thoughts on this matter or I missed something, then please write it in the comments, I will be very pleased. In the meantime, I have everything, I hope that I could help you in something, we will meet soon.
And do not forget about the competition, which will be announced at the end of the month, namely on the 30th. There I will write a post about how much I could earn, what I managed to do, and so on, and I will also announce the names of the winners of the competition for the best commentators.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

The WinRar archiver is one of the most convenient and easy to use among all existing ones. It comes in handy when you need to send a large folder or a capacious video that you created, but there is a size limit. The principle of operation of the archiver is simple: it compresses the file, thereby reducing its size.

And sometimes the situation is the opposite: you downloaded a file from the Internet, but it turned out to be archived. In this case, you can’t do without an archiver either, you just need to run it, and it will unpack everything you need. I propose to discuss all issues related to unpacking in this article.

How to unpack a file using WinRar

So, before you start the unpacking process, you need to download the archiver if you have not already done so. After you have downloaded and installed it, follow my prompts. Select the archive with the mouse and click on it with the right mouse button. In the dropped context menu there are three lines that relate to the unpacking process, namely: "extract files", "extract to current folder" and "extract to (archive name)".

Ways to unpack the archive

If we click the first line, a window will open, after which we need to specify the path to the folder into which the file will be unpacked, and then click "OK". You can change the extraction parameters if you wish, but there is no particular need for this.

If you select the "extract to current folder" option, the file will be unpacked to the same location as the archive. For example, if you wondered how to unpack the winrar archive, which is located on the desktop, then after clicking this line, the unpacked file will be right there.

And finally, the last, perhaps the most mysterious way to unpack, it is also the easiest. If you select the third line, it means that the program will automatically create a folder with the same name as the archive and extract the contents there.

By the way, if you want to check what it contains before unpacking the file, double-click on the archive. A window will open in front of you where you can check the contents.

If you wish, you can unzip the files directly from here. To do this, click the "Extract" or "Wizard" button and the unpacking process will automatically begin.

Also, don't forget that WinRar is perfect for Reserve copy information from your computer.

As you can see, in order to understand how to unpack a winrar file, it is not necessary to be a guru in this matter. It is very simple to do this, the main thing is to choose the right action from the ones offered in the context menu.

Video to help

It often happens that the downloaded files are packed into an archive of Rar, Zip or some other format. And the beginner has a question how to unpack such an archive, and the WinRAR program will help us. Also, in this article we will analyze how to create an archive using WinRAR.

ProgramWinRAR, is one of the most popular archivers. Using Win Rar, you can pack a large number of files into one archive, while significantly reducing their weight. This is very convenient when downloading, because the downloaded files are often in the archive.

Download WinRAR program you can from the official website by following this link. Below you will find the version in Russian. Please note that the program WinRAR is of two types, for 32 and 64 bit operating system windows.

How to unpack an archive using WinRAR

You need to hover over the archive, then click right click mice. In the drop-down menu, there are three items with the WinRAR icon.

1. If you select "Extract Files", a window will open. Here you need to specify the folder into which the files will be unpacked, and click OK. You can also change the extraction options, but if the archive is not damaged, this is not necessary.

2. By selecting the "Extract to current folder" item, the files will be unpacked to the same folder where the archive is located. If the archive is on the desktop, the files will also be extracted to the desktop.

3. The third item "Extract to wont", means that the program will create a folder with the exact same name as the archive, and unpack all files into it. For you it will not be "wont", but the name of your archive. By the way, a very convenient way, the files will be in a separate folder.

If you want to preview the contents of the archive, double-click on it.

How to create an archive with WinRAR

In order to create an archive using the winrar program, we need the files that we will pack. No matter what, folders, music or something else. I will show on the example of mp3 tracks.

1. The first thing to do is select our files.

2. Next, you need to right-click on them. In the window that opens, select "Add to archive".