I think it is useful for many users to know on what basis is the list of Vkontakte friends formed in 2019.

Once upon a time, everything was very simple: whoever has a higher rating, he was at the very beginning of the list. But times have changed, the rating has been canceled, and now friends sorting happens differently.

First of all, go to the "My Friends" section and deal with the list of friends on your page:

Who do we see first on our friends list? That's right, those with whom we communicate the most.

The principle of sorting the list of friends: the first will be those friends with whom you correspond most often, but also those whose pages you constantly view, put likes, comment on the posts.

Thus, the first friend may be the one with whom you might not communicate at all, but always follow his page and (or) be active on it.

But there is a small nuance: users whom you have recently added as friends are displayed above the rest for the first time (usually occupy 5-10 positions in the list). This is done so that you do not lose sight of them.

How is the list of friends formed by other Vkontakte users

Now consider the principle of sorting friends from other Vkontakte users. If they have a list of friends formed according to the above principle, then we see friends in a completely different way.

We open the user's friends list and see the following:

You are the first in the list if you have friends with this user. Next are the users who have with you: the more common friends, the higher they are in the list. Even lower are users sorted by registration date VKontakte: those who registered earlier are higher.

This is how the list of friends of other users is sorted.

How to change the sort order of the friends list

If you wish, you can promote in the list a certain friend. To do this, it is enough to communicate with him more often, visit his page, be active (put likes, make reposts, comment on posts / photos).

Thus, after a short period of time, the selected user will take first place in your friends list. In reverse way can .

Good day to all, my dear friends, and guests of my blog. Probably many of you know that in the list of your friends on VKontakte at the very top are the most important of them, those whose page you most often visit, communicate, etc. In this regard, many people are looking for how to remove a person from important friends in VK. I don’t know why this is so, but apparently they just don’t want to “burn out” in front of someone.

Actually much easier than to lower their positions. But in any case, today I will show you several ways how this can be done very easily.

The simplest and fast way there will be a banal removal. But don't worry, it's not forever. Just go to your friends and delete the one you want to drop below. After that, the "Cancel" button will appear, which you will immediately need to click on.

After that, refresh the page, and you will see that this friend has become much lower than he was originally. And most importantly, everything went painlessly. After this procedure, your friend may already be in 5th place, or maybe 12th, or even thirtieth.

But do not forget one BUT. After such manipulations, not only will your friend go down to the bottom positions, but you will also go down in his list. If that doesn't matter to you, then go for it!

Suppression by activity

As I said above, the top of your friends depends on your activity with him, i.e. visits to the page, likes, communication, etc. So, to lower the position of a person, you need to do two things:

  • Do not go to his page at all, do not like anything from him, do not communicate with him at all for some time.
  • Be hyperactive towards your other friends. Visit them several times a day, like them, comment on posts. Very well raises the entry into the dialogue in the list.

But the effect is unlikely to come immediately. In order for everything to work out, you just need to wait. But don't worry, you won't have to wait weeks or months.)

Hiding news

To downgrade your friend on your list, you can also use hiding his news. To do this, you need to go to his page, and then click on the ellipsis icon under his photo. Next, select an item "Hide the news".

If your buddy posts frequently, that's even better. We go to the "News" and find any of his publications. After that, click on the ellipsis icon and select "I'm not interested". This will also be a great call to lower positions.

But by default, you may not have the display of your friends' news. If so, then go to "News" and click on the plus sign on the right side, as shown in the screenshot. Ladies, select the "Friends" item, which will then appear in the sidebar. This is where you should click to get news from people, not communities.

But if you do not want to hide anyone from the news, then after a while return everything as it was. Your friend will appear in the news again, and his positions will not increase. In such simple ways, you can change the list of friends in VK.

So now you also know how to remove a person from important friends in VK. I hope that my article today was useful for you. And of course I hope you check out my blog again. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!


By the way, I almost forgot. January is over and I will announce the best commentators of the month who will receive additional points to participate in my "".

  • Anna Gilyanova (12 comments) — 20 points
  • Tatyana Sukhikh (10 comments) - 18 points
  • Nadezhda Suptelya (8 comments) - 16 points
  • Vladimir Raichev (6 comments) - 14 points
  • Lara (unfortunately I don’t know the last name) (5 comments) - 12 points
  • Anna Tikhomirova (3 comments) - 10 points

Take part and then at the end of the year you will have the opportunity to receive Cool prizes! Good luck!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Let's see why they are needed at all. Important friends are the people you are most active towards. compared to the rest. Maybe you don't even chat, but like or visit the page often, and therefore the page of this user will start to rise in your important friends. Also, the person whom you recently added as a friend can get there. It's made for you could find those friends faster which you most important. It is worth noting that only your friends can get into the list of important ones. Other users will not be able to get there.

How to find out important Vkontakte friends from a friend

So, you are interested in a person and want to know what his important friends. Maybe you need this only for interest, or maybe for personal purposes. One of the ways is checking the user's photos and viewing his other social networks. For example, sometimes people post photos with statistics - who likes them more often. It can be assumed that those who like more often are important friends, or simply pay a lot of attention to this user. And in other social networks, for example, ask, people themselves throw a list of their "important".

The second way - it's a friend's new friends check. It is new friends that most often end up in important ones. You can find out who your friend added as a friend in the updates. This method, of course, less useful than the first, since it is not a fact that new friend is important - maybe this is just an old acquaintance with whom we have not communicated for a long time.

The third way. If you are dating a person live, then the list of important friends can be viewed when this person scrolls through his VK or gives you the phone for a while, the most dishonest way is to just take the phone when the owner does not see it.

Sometimes the social network Vkontakte incorrectly arranges the order of friends on the profile page and because of this it becomes inconvenient to communicate with your friends. So that you can yourself set up a list of important friends, let's figure out how to raise a friend in the VK list to the top, what are the ways to do this.

Method number 1 how to raise a friend VK

This is a long term method. It may take more than 1 day to raise a VK friend by 1 place in this way. You don’t have to constantly sit on the social network - it’s enough to go to your page every hour and go to the profile of the person you want to put in first place in the Vkontakte friends list.

It is better to go to a person’s personal page through the “Friends” tab. Gradually, click by click (provided that you visit his profile more often than the pages of other people), this friend rises to the list of important friends and takes the top position.

Method number 2 how to raise a friend in the Vk friends list

The second method is similar, but requires a little more effort and is faster. You will have to not only go to the profile of the person you want to raise as friends, but also be active on his page:

  • like his posts;
  • comment on photos and posts;
  • send messages;
  • write on the wall;
  • repost his notes.

Method number 3 how to move a VK friend to the list of important friends

This is the most easy method how to reorder important friends. To implement it, you need to take a person from friends, and then add again. Then it will automatically move to the top. And if this does not happen, it is enough to write a few messages to the person, like the entry and he will rise up in the list.

The fact is that Vkontakte works on the principle that important friends are new people and those with whom you most often contact. So if you want your friend to go up and not find out that you did it on purpose, then go to his page more often, less often - to the pages of other profiles. If you do this together, then remove it from friends, and then add it again - and the Vk algorithm will work in the direction you need.

Earlier since social network A rating system was introduced on VKontakte and users with a high rating indicator were in the first places in the list of your friends. Today, sorting friends happens in a completely different way. At the very top, the users with whom you exchange messages the most leave comments, that is, people in relation to whom you are showing some activity. More activity, higher in the friends list.

New friends, after being added, are also in the top ten users, as if reminding of their existence and move down over time.

How is the list of friends of other users formed?

If the user is your friend, then you are in the first place. Then the vacancies are filled by people who have mutual friends with you. Next are all the other pages, sorted by date of registration.

How to promote a specific friend in the list of friends

To raise a friend in the list to the first place or within visibility, you need to be more active on his page, visit it more often, put likes on each new photo, write him private messages and comment on his posts. A little time will pass and given user will surely take the first place in the list of your friends.
If you need to quickly raise a friend, then delete it and add it again. The only negative is that your friend can find out about this manipulation if you hide all your updates in the privacy settings.

How to demote a specific friend on your friends list

To do this, it is enough not to communicate with him, not to visit his pages, and every day the user will go down, hiding behind those with whom you communicate. If all the activity and updates made by your friend are displayed in the news, you can click on the cross in the right upper corner, then on the button "Do not show Vasya Pupkin's news". This action will eventually move your friend Vasya several positions down. You are not interested in his news, which means that his page is not interesting, why display it in the top positions?