Some time ago we published a detailed guide on how to create a group in social network Facebook. As it turned out, many users are also interested in the reverse process - the removal of previously created communities. Searching for the "delete" button is simply useless, because this is Facebook, and its developers turn even the simplest tasks into an intricate quest. For this reason, we have written a guide to help administrators delete a Facebook group without too much headache.

In fact, a full-fledged function for deleting a community by a social network is not provided. However, there is a "golden rule" that will help solve this common problem: if there are no members in the group, it is automatically deleted by the system. Thus, the administrator has only one task - to clear the list of community members.

Note: The creator of the group must leave it, otherwise it will not be deleted.

The first thing you have to do is go to your group. Then, in the menu located at the top, select the "Participants" section. What follows is a tedious but important process - exclusion of Facebook users who have gained access to your community. Under each name is a familiar gear, symbolizing "Settings". By clicking on it, select "Exclude from group". The system will require you to confirm your intention to remove the member, which can be done by clicking on the "Confirm" button. These two steps must be repeated with all members of your community, except for the creator.

Note: the creator of the group must be the last to leave it. If this condition is not met, you will lose access to the community, and the remaining members will automatically receive an offer to become an administrator.

The final stage is the exit of the creator of the group from the community. This can be done according to the already studied scheme in the "Participants" section, but there is also alternative way. AT top menu group, click on the gear icon and select "Leave group".

The system will write a warning that you are the last member of the group, and your exit from it will result in the removal of the community. It is at this moment that the treasured “Delete Group” button appears. By clicking on it, you permanently erase the community from Facebook stories.

If your group has already managed to gain popularity and a decent number of participants, it makes sense to warn users in advance about the planned closure. The easiest way is to post a message on the wall. As an additional measure, you can use the renaming of the community, changing the name to the announcement "Group is closing".

Note: Unlike Pages, Groups can be renamed at any time. To do this, select the “Edit group settings” item in the settings menu and enter a new name in the “Group name” field.

So, deleting a community on Facebook is a simple process. It can take a long time just to clear the list of participants. Everything else will take no more than 2-3 minutes. The main thing is to be confident in your decision, because. restoration of groups on the site is not provided.

Facebook users periodically have questions regarding the various functions and capabilities of this social network. Let's first take a look at the most simple functions and operations, for example, we will find out how you can delete a group on Facebook.

Deleting a group

To perform any operation on a social network, you must be registered in it, that is, be a Facebook user. In order to leave a group you don’t need, even one you created (and there can be a lot of different reasons for this), you need to do the following:

  • On the home page Facebook we find the section "Groups" on the left and go into it;
  • A window with groups is displayed, but not only those that you created. Here is the entire list of communities of your friends and those communities that the social network system itself recommends. Select the section "Your groups";
  • A list of communities that you control appears on the screen. Choose the one you want to dispose of, click on it;
  • Click on the icon - "members", where you begin to "clear" the list of those who have joined your community. Because to delete a group, it is necessary that there is not a single member in it, except for the administrator, that is, you;
  • Remove each of the participants by clicking the gear icon to the right of their photo, and select the function - "Exclude from the group";
  • On the right panel, select - "groups";
  • We are interested in the section - "Your groups", where we select the community we need, which we definitely want to get rid of and leave it. Click on the icon next to it and, accordingly, go to this "brotherhood";
  • On the right under the community photo we find the section - “leave the group”. By clicking this button, you will no longer be a member.

Cleaning up your Facebook profile

There comes a moment when you get bored with everything that is on your page. I want to completely get rid of everything old in order to update the profile to 100 percent. To do this, you need to delete all messages in the form of dialogues, because this way this process will be faster; then get rid of your videos, photos, albums, groups and everything else. Not losing sight of also audio recordings and so on.

Imagine how much time you lose to delete all files one by one. That is why, to save your strength, nerves and time, we created special programs who can do it all in just a few seconds.

Although great amount people come to a social network to create a group or an official page, there are times when you have to delete them. As funny as it may sound, deleting a group is somewhat more difficult than creating one, and that's because Facebook has a "Create Group" button, but there is no "Delete Group" button. True, this does not mean at all that it is impossible to do this.

So, as we have already said, it is useless to look for the "Delete group" button. The developers of this social network really tried to keep their users with all their might. Often, they succeed, but in most cases, administrators simply remove all members and content from the group, leaving it at the mercy of administrators.

But still, there is a method provided on Facebook that will help you delete the group for sure and solve this problem, because simply deleting members is not enough. It is important to do everything in stages and correctly.

Clearing a group of members

First, go to the group and find the "Actions" section, which is located in the top menu and click on the "View Likes" link.

After that, you should prepare for a long and monotonous work, the volume of which directly depends on the number of participants in your group. If there are about a hundred of them, consider yourself lucky. If several thousand, the work will be for several days. Each individual participant will need to be removed manually.

So, next to each name you will see an icon in the form of a “wheel”, which you need to click on and select the “Delete” item. After that, the system will ask you about the firmness of your intentions. Click "Confirm" and you're done. The member has been removed. All this will have to be done with everyone except the administrator.

It is very important to remove the administrator from the group last. Why? Everything is simple. If you remove the administrator, the group will be unmanaged, you will not be able to remove members who will automatically receive an offer from the system to become the leader of your group. Why do you need it? So we clearly follow the instructions and delete the administrator last. You can do this in the way described above, or resort to an alternative.

How to remove a group admin?

In order to complete the process of deleting a group, you, as an administrator, need to leave it. And as we have already said, this must be done like the captain of a ship that is sinking - the last one. In addition to the method described above, you can find the “Settings” section in the top menu, click on it, go to the “Page Roles” subsection, find yourself and click on the cross that indicates deletion.

After that, it is enough to confirm your intentions and “voila” - you are removed from the group and will no longer be able to do anything about it. At the end, the "Delete Group" button that you have been looking for will appear. If there are several other administrators in addition to you, they must be removed before you remove yourself. Otherwise, you will have to ask them to complete the entire process.

As soon as you click on the "Delete community" button, it will disappear forever from the history of this social network.

By the way, if after deletion you still have any communities, we recommend that you try to fill them.

If a Facebook group is no longer relevant, you can always delete it. Since the creators of Facebook are interested in users being active on the resource, creating groups and ordering ads, they hid the delete button very well. In this post, we will tell you how to quickly stop people from adding to the community, and how to remove it permanently. If you urgently need to stop activity in the group:

  1. Go to your page and click on the "Home" button, which is located in the header of the site.
  2. In the submenu on the left, pay attention to the Interesting and Groups tabs. If you visit the community quite often, a quick link to the public will be displayed in the "Interesting" section. If the community has been abandoned for a long time, you only remembered about it when you decided to delete it, go to the group category. At the beginning, you will see a list of interesting communities. The ones you manage are at the top in the "Groups" section.
  3. Move there and scroll the page to the section "You control ..." it is located approximately in the middle of the page.
  4. Select an outdated public. In the management section that opens when you click on the ellipsis, click on the "Move to archive" button.

Now users will not be able to repost posts, leave “likes” marks and invite others. However, they will still be able to view community information. At any time, you can remove it from the archive in the management section.

How to delete a Facebook group that I created

To manually delete a Facebook group that you created, you need to remove all members from it. In the management tab, move to the "Participants" category. Next to each person's name, you'll see a hexagon icon. Click on it and select "Exclude from group". Remove yourself as the most recent member. Facebook will issue a warning that you are the last follower and that the group will be deleted. Confirm your intentions if nothing has changed. The public will disappear from the expanses of the site. Facebook will delete it automatically. People who were in the group will not be able to find more in the list. However, all posts from the community that they have added to their wall will remain unchanged.

What to do if there are a lot of participants 1000 or more? Firstly, you need to think carefully, is it worth deleting the community at all, since it is developing so successfully? Maybe, on the contrary, it is worth doing its promotion? Moreover, we are always ready to help you with the likes boost. and subscribers . If we have neither the strength, nor the time, nor the desire to develop the public, try selling it on specialized sites or giving it to one of your friends. Perhaps they will pick up the idea and engage with the community.

If this option does not suit you either, hire a freelancer who will remove all members from the community for 200-300 rubles. In this case, you will have to give the person administrator rights. How this is done, we wrote in detail . As you know, on Facebook, anyone can add you to any community, to get rid of this, use our advice at this link: .

How to permanently delete a Facebook group

After you remove everyone, including yourself, from the community, it will cease to exist. Since any data from the Internet is not deleted instantly, but after 1-3 months, some information about the public will still be stored in the public domain. You just have to wait until it completely disappears.

It happens that a previously created group or public page website, blog or organization for a long time is not used, but a new one has already been created instead, with more up-to-date information. Or, after creation, you realized that the information provided did not become relevant in the social network. In this case, you can delete a group or business page on Facebook at any time. And in this step by step instructions we will show you how to delete a group and company page in the social network Facebook.

Step 1

How to delete a Facebook group

Many Facebook users are faced with the need to delete a group, but, unfortunately, this social network does not provide a separate button by clicking which the group will be immediately deleted. It should be noted that if there are other members in the group besides you, the group will continue to exist, and administrator rights will be transferred to another member. Therefore, if you want to completely delete a group, you must first remove the members of the group, and then proceed to delete the group. Start by going to your group and clicking on the button with three dots (number 2 in the example photo). Then, in the window that opens, select "Edit Group Settings".

Step 2

Consider a way to edit the settings if you do not want to remove a large number of group members. In the window that opens, you can change the name of the group by writing about its closure. This will notify its members about the end of the group. Then click the "Change privacy settings" button.

Step 3

At this point, select "Secret Group" and click the "Confirm" button.

Step 4

Now in the "Approval of participants" block, check the item "Any participant can add new participants, but the administrator approves them." In the "Permission of publications" block, we mark the line "Only administrators can make publications in the group." And in the "Confirmation of publications" block, we put a mark next to "All messages must be approved by the administrator." Now click the "Save" button.

Step 5

There will be a notification on the wall that the group's privacy has changed.

Step 7

At this stage, you will be shown a confirmation of leaving the group, which will indicate that if you leave the group, administrator rights will be transferred to another member. The group will be completely deleted when the last member leaves it. To confirm the action, click the "Leave group" button.

Step 8

If you are the only (or last) member of the group, the notification will indicate that after clicking the "Leave and Delete" button, the group will be deleted.

Step 9

How to delete a company page

Consider the process of deleting a business page if there is no need for its continued existence for the site (blog/organization). Start by going to your website (blog/organization) page and clicking Settings.