If you need to find out how long a particular site has been on the Internet, you can use several in various ways. Let's look at them using the example of the famous search engine Yandex.

How to find out when a website was created - whois services

You can use the information provided special services. Whois Service sites provide information not only about the date of its creation, but also about the owner, hosting location, etc.

Its interface is extremely simple. It is necessary to enter the address of our experimental subject in the single Whois Lookup field – www.yandex.ru. After clicking on the “Search” button, the server displays the results.

The Dates line contains information about the creation of the domain – Created on 1997-09-23. The date is written in the American “year-month-date” system; we are more familiar with the European representation - 09/23/1997.

There are other sites that can provide similar information - both English and Russian:

  • whois.net
  • dnsstuff.com
  • whois-service.ru
  • wwhois.ru/whois.php

Virtual website hosting for popular CMS:

How to check when a website was created by the date on it?

Some sites themselves indicate the start time of their work. Traditionally, the date is placed on the page in the footer, also called the footer.

On the main Yandex page There is no such information, but we will try to find this information in the “About” section. That’s right, it’s still the same 1997.

This inscription does not always correspond to the registration date. On some dynamically updated sites, it may simply record the current year, meaning that the copyright refers to the information that is displayed on the page at that particular point in time.

We determine the date based on the content of the site.

If the current year is indicated in the footer of the site next to the copyright icon, then you can try to find the very first posts that appeared on it. Let's try to clarify the date of creation of Yandex Blogs. In the footer, the copyright indicates 2013-2016. Let's check. To do this, go to the “Archive” section and, using the calendar, find the oldest entry.

The copyright indicates a different date. Why did it happen? It turns out that until 2012 inclusive, Yandex used the services of Artemy Lebedev’s design studio and its copyright was on the pages. And since 2013, the portal’s own team began to design services and Yandex’s copyright took its rightful place on the page.

Browser response

Date last change pages can be obtained from services that provide a server response to a request.

By turning, for example, to https://2ip.ru/server-response/, we receive a package of information from yandex.ru. The information we are interested in is located after the Last-Modified item.

The answer indicates Greenwich Mean Time, which is three hours less than Moscow.

How to find out the date of creation of a website online?

To check the date of creation of a site, you can use portals that provide a comprehensive analysis of it, for example, cy-pr.com. In addition to this information, you can get a detailed report on the site’s statistics in search engines, its traffic, the number backlinks, the geography of its visitors and much more.

In the form on the page you need to enter the site address and click the “Analysis” button.

The Registration Date line indicates the already familiar date of creation of Yandex - September 23, 1997. Other portals that provide similar information:

  • spyonweb.com
  • seolik.ru
  • e.megaindex.ru
  • sbup.com

Internet Archive

You can try to find out the date of creation of the site by contacting the Internet Archive.

Yes, despite the somewhat absurdity of the name, there is a portal archive.org, which is engaged in the noble task of creating copies of sites (snapshots) at different points in time. Let's check when Yandex came into his field of vision.

Enter the Yandex address in the search field and click “BrowseHistory”.

At the top of the screen you can see a time ruler, which displays the dates of creation of site copies. Below is a calendar with colored circles around the dates, proportional to the number of copies made on that day. We choose the earliest year, 1998.

By double-clicking on the marked dates, you can open the site as it looked at that moment. It’s easy to see that “that” Yandex has little in common with the modern one.

How to find out the creation date of a website page?

If a site page contains any updated information, for example, news, then the date of its creation can be determined by the date of the most recent entry. On the Yandex main page you can clearly see when it was created in this particular form, on October 15 at 11:42 a.m.:

This is what the page creation date on the Yandex blog looks like:

It's clear that last record was made on October 7 at 11:10, which is the moment this page was created.

If the page contains any comment forms, then the date of its creation can be determined by the date of the very first comment, for example:

Of course, the first comment may not appear immediately after the page is created, but certainly not before. That is, we can be sure that the page was created earlier than this date.

This method makes it easy to determine the start date of the forum. You need to find the very first comments or messages from administrators about the forum rules. They are usually the very first entries and accurately reflect the start date of the forum.

Or, if data on registered users is available, look at the date of first registration.

Each of these verification methods does not take much time. You can use one of them, or you can combine several options.

You can easily find out the age of the site, the age of the domain. There are a number of services for this, which we will talk about now. Let's look at Whois services and an interesting site for obtaining domain age data.

1. Prlog.ru - comprehensive information about the site and domain.

Go to the website prlog.ru, enter the domain you are interested in in the “Site Analysis” field and click on the “Analysis” button.

Well, now everything is clear - the site is 1 year old. The data is not very accurate, do you want to get information right up to the domain registration date? Read below then.

2. Whois service - all information about the domain.

There are quite a lot of such services, here are examples:

  • whois-service.ru
  • nic.ru/whois/
  • whois.net
  • reg.ru/whois/

And all of them allow you to obtain information about the age of the site’s domain.

Go to one of the sites listed above, enter the name of the domain you are interested in and press enter. You will get information similar to this:

Domain Name:website Domain ID: D167248978-LROR Creation Date: 2012-12-01T19:48:09Z Updated Date: 2013-12-13T00:20:18Z Registry Expiry Date: 2014-12-01T19:48:09Z Sponsoring Registrar: Registrar of Domain Names REG.RU LLC (R1943-LROR) Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 1606

Now everything is clear, the domain was registered on December 1, 2012 and paid for until December 1, 2014. The domain name registrar is Reg.ru or their partner company (in my case it is 2domains.ru).

In this simple way you can always find out the age of the site. Although it would be more accurate to say domain, because the site could sometimes be on another domain, and sometimes the domain gathers dust without use for a couple of years, and then the site starts working on it. These are somewhat different things - the age of the site and the age of the domain, remember this.

This is useful to know:

  1. Have you found an interesting site and want to understand how many people visit this site every day? Do you want to determine...
  2. We are creating a website in order to share any information with people, organize our platform in...

The tool will help you quickly find out the date when Yandex first found the pages being checked during indexing. You can check both website pages and, for example, the age of a VKontakte page. The tool can check the age of up to 50 pages at a time.

Why determine the age of pages?

The age of a document is an important ranking factor for promotion in search engine results. The value is used by experienced optimizers to conduct a comparative analysis of age with pages from the TOP-10 results for the required query in the Yandex search engine.

Page age and site age are completely different things that should not be confused. To determine the age of a site, check its age home page or . The great age of the site itself, of course, affects the initial trustworthiness of new pages, but it is the age of the page itself that determines its location in the search engine sandbox.

Many people are interested in how to find out when a contact page was created. Some want to receive information about their profile, others about others. Why is such information needed? It has no practical benefit. The date of registration in VK is not marked in the calendar; it is not equated to holidays. In most cases, users are driven by curiosity. And sometimes you can brag to your friends that you know when they first appeared on a social network. They may not know how to obtain such information. There will be a reason to show off your erudition and surprise old acquaintances.

There are several ways to find out when a page is registered on VK. It is easier to calculate the date of registration of your own account. To obtain information about other people's profiles, you will have to work hard.

How can you theoretically find out when a person first appeared on a social network? Many users hide information about friends, colleagues, hobbies, but rarely block access to their wall. Although this place fully characterizes its owner. You'll have to spend time scrolling down someone else's wall to the very first entry. But your hard work will be rewarded.

Most users create a welcome note on the day of registration.

Look what date it dates back to? You are a real Sherlock Holmes. The secret of registering a friend is known!

There is a risk that the first entry was left some time after the account was created. Then get to the bottom of necessary information it won’t work, and the time and effort spent won’t pay off. If you're not in a rush, why not use this method. It requires patience. But it is the simplest and safest. Unlike others.

How to find out when a person registered in VK?

Don't want to spend several hours searching for information? Take advantage of third party help mobile applications. The most basic way to install the YaVKontakte application on your phone.

How to check the relevance of the data? No way, you’ll have to trust the site’s algorithms. Do any of your friends have the application installed? Stop playing spy, ask him for his VK registration date.

How to find out the date of registration in VK by id?

There is also a way to find out when a user’s page in a contact belonging to a third party was created. Special sites that have proliferated on the Internet like “mushrooms after rain” will provide all the information you need completely free of charge. The method is fast and, as far as one can judge, truthful. Do you have any doubts? Find out the date your profile was created. If the information matches the real one, then the data is reliable. Enter the id of the other person’s VK page and start the verification.

On many sites, it is enough to enter the address of a VK user’s wall to see when he registered. There is no point in remembering the names of services; there are a great many on the Internet.

Almost every day new ways appear to determine the date of user registration on a social network.

Who might need information about creating a page?

Many online stores have appeared based on VK. Once you decide to buy a product from someone, you can check how reliable it is. If the page has been registered for a long time, the seller has a lot of friends and reviews, you don’t have to worry about being scammed. A person who has been making money in VK for several years will not risk his income for a couple of hundred rubles. On the other hand, knowing that the page was registered a couple of months ago, you can avoid being deceived and communicating with a scammer.

2 votes

Hello, novice developers and readers of my Start-Luck blog. Today we will talk to you about competitor analysis. The main measure of the “coolness” of sites is their age. In principle, I completely agree with this opinion.

Even if you don't take into account the Internet. It’s cool when a person has worked in a position for ten years. Surely during this time he has learned a lot and will give you more valuable recommendations.

My blog is a little over a year old, and today you will understand how to find out when a competitor’s website was created. I have already talked a little about this topic in the article. This publication will tell you how to look at the design of popular resources over the past 10 or 20 years.

Today we are exclusively interested in age: what is considered age, why this information is useful, and several accurate and not so accurate methods for finding out how many years a project has been on the Internet.

Let's start.

What is the “age” of a site?

If you take search engines, which should primarily concern the developer, then by age they mean the time when the URL was registered. For example, under VK.com for a long time was not social network VKontakte, but just another search engine.

If the domain is purchased, then the real age of a particular project will be quite difficult to find out, and there can be no talk about the reliability of the data. However, fortunately, if you are pursuing the goal of analyzing a resource for marketing purposes, to develop your own strategy, or then the domain age is what you need.

Purpose of analysis

I can think of three goals that you can achieve when analyzing portal age information.

  • You want to think through your own promotion strategy in detail, based on other people's statistics.
  • You are reading an article and need information about how current the information is based on the age of the page.
  • Perhaps you want to buy an existing website or domain, for example, on Telderi . And despite the fact that all the information is displayed there, you want to make sure of its quality.

The last reason is my favorite: “You’re just bored, so why not.” If you have other options, I’ll be happy to read your comments, leave them, I’ll be very grateful.

Effect of age

Just as a person with extensive work experience is valued higher, an adult site is more likely to be placed in first place search results. – this is what age affects. You may already know that young sites that are less than six months old are in a “sandbox” and it is almost impossible to earn first place.

There are also old publications that are thrown out of the first places, since the information was written a long time ago. Of course, search engines don’t yet know how to read texts, and if you write fresh material about how to give anesthesia with a hammer, then there is every chance of getting into the TOP, displacing publications about modern drugs.

Although, they say that it will soon gain momentum and articles will also be checked for the accuracy of the facts.


The easiest way to find out the age is to look at the publication date, if available. This method cannot be called reliable, since many developers deliberately update their old entries so as not to fall out of the TOP. For others, this information is closed. In any case, within the framework of this article, I had to write about this method, although I do not consider it good.

The second method is almost ideal and this is online services. Which ones exactly?

  • pr-cy.ru
  • reg.ru
  • whois.net/
  • sitespy.ru
  • 2ip.ru

Let's check how these services work using my site as an example.


So, first I go to pr-cy. Please note here you can produce many various analyzes and learn a lot of interesting information not only about the age of the site. Let's move on to analyzing the site just for fun. I enter my URL.

It displays a list of tasks for resolving errors, portal statistics, its traffic, a list of links leading to the project and a lot of useful information. Almost everything except age.

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