Profiles in social networks can bring a good income, but for this you have to actively promote them. First of all, you need to recruit as many friends as possible so that the coverage of the ads placed is impressive. In addition, a large number of friends will attract the attention of advertisers.

How to wind up many friends on Vkontakte? There are many ways to attract applications, and even if you do not have start-up capital, you can take advantage of markups. Free promotion Friends online is offered by many services, but you will have to work to start cheating.

How to quickly make friends on Vkontakte?

Before talking about ways to recruit friends, I would like to recall the options for making money on promoted profiles. You can post links through Blogun, connect to Admitad offers, or even attract clients for your own business.

The easiest way to make friends

Without using third-party services and programs, you can receive many applications every day using special communities. To do this, type “Add” in the Vkontakte search and you will see a list of the required communities:

All these communities are created for mutual exchange, where users post ads on the wall:

New entries on the wall appear almost every second, and you will need to take the time to add your posts. Just write "Add to friends" and continue to send messages. Applications will start coming in gradually.

How to make friends on Vkontakte for free?

The previous method will require a lot of time, and to reduce it, you can use cheat exchanges. One of the best exchanges is . On this site, you can watch videos, follow people on Twitter, put classes on Odnoklassniki and get coins for it:

Collected coins you will use to cheat friends. Proceed to create your task and choose to cheat VK friends:

Your page will appear among the cheats and coins will be gradually debited from the balance. You will sometimes need to go to the exchange to earn coins. You won’t have to transfer them anywhere, as soon as they appear on the balance sheet, your task becomes active again.

Similarly, you can make friends through other services:

In some systems, not coins are used, but rubles, but the essence of this does not change. First, you participate in other people's cheats, and then you start your own company with the funds raised.

How to make friends on Vkontakte inexpensively?

If you are ready to spend money on increasing friends, then again you need to use separate services. Now, the most low prices the project offers this type of cheating:

As you can see, for 29 rubles you can get 100 friend requests. You will hardly find cheaper prices, and the database of accounts is constantly updated. It is convenient that the minimum delay of applications is only 30 seconds, i.e. you get 120 requests every hour.

How to make friends on multiple accounts?

If you are working on the promotion of several profiles at once, then it is best to use click-through sponsors. For example, you can start a task on, where you will need to add 4 friends at once, and you will pay once. Creating a job on Wmmail is easy, in the advertiser section you will find the following form:

You can use the task text from this example. As for payment, you can set a reward of 1-3 cents. Each performer will send you a report, and you will be able to check if he really sent requests to add friends.

It is not necessary to invest your money in Wmmail jobs as it is a quick and easy way to earn a couple of dollars on this site. To do this, complete the tasks of other users:

In tasks, you need to register, post ads on forums, watch videos, and so on. You can earn $1 in less than an hour of work, and with this money you can pay for about 50 tasks (depending on the reward) and get 200 friends on your profiles.

You can quickly make 10,000 Vkontakte friends if you use all the methods at once. Don't forget to submit 40 applications yourself every day, just choose people who have a lot of friends and few followers to make your applications more likely to be accepted.

The service for cheating friends and subscribers is used to promote a personal page on the VKontakte network. Thanks to it, you increase the number of friends and subscribers on your page, thereby rising in the VKontakte search results (the search is sorted by the number of subscribers + friends). After ordering the service, you will receive new friend requests, you can both approve them by increasing the number of friends, and leave them as subscribers by increasing the number of subscribers. The maximum number of friends on one account can be no more than 10.000 friends, and the number of subscribers has no restrictions.

No matter how cynical it may sound, but - it's really profitable! We do not offer you dubious scams that can tarnish the reputation of an honest and decent person. But we offer effective promotion!

Make friends VKontakte is tantamount to expanding the broadcast audience. This allows you to create a circle with the highest concentration of like-minded people, which others want to join. This reaction of the audience to simple numbers ensures a continuous increase in the number of subscribers and friends. You will be able to achieve large-scale goals quickly, easily and profitably!

PRSkill will help in solving this problem. Our experts know what live VKontakte subscribers can do and are ready to demonstrate this strength for your success !

Benefits of cheating VK subscribers and friends

There are a lot of advantages to buying live VKontakte subscribers and getting them, but let's look at the main ones. The main advantage of cheating live VKontakte subscribers is that you will be displayed in the TOP of the issuance rating.

Users who have a large number of followers appear higher in the search results.

Get to the TOP of search results - REALLY!

For example, you want to be the first in the search results for the cities of Ulyanovsk, on this moment the first in the ranking is a user with 40,000 subscribers. To be the first in the ranking, you need to order 41,000 VKontakte subscribers.

We also wanted to note that the more VKontakte subscribers you have bought, the more unique useful features tracking statistics.

  • 50 subscribers - additional statistics opens up for you, which is located in the "My Answers" section, in it you can see: audience coverage, feedback your entries, and the number of members who have followed or unfollowed you.
  • 100 subscribers- you will see full statistics, which is located under the block of audio recordings. Three sections are available in the full statistics: Activity, Attendance, and Reach.
  • 1000 subscribers- at this stage, even more interesting functionality opens up, which opens up the ability to be displayed in the "Interesting Pages" section of your subscribers.
  • 10,000 subscribers- you have the opportunity to view statistics on your page, according to the functionality as in communities: statistics on traffic, reposts, likes, comments.

Who benefits from cheating VKontakte friends online?

The answer is simple. Everyone. Regardless of the purpose of creating a personal VKontakte page, the number of friends and subscribers is an important criterion for rating. And the rating in the world of social networks decides everything: where to buy, who to pay, who to trust.

There are doubts about why making friends on VKontakte is beneficial for you? ? Just see what tasks it solves for the page, depending on the purpose of creation!


For bloggers

Personal users

Safe and fast page development

Building trust in the company and its product

Possibility of extra income

Increasing the reach of the target audience

Formation of a circle of admirers,

Excellent base for starting and developing commercial activities

Formation of a circle of loyal subscribers

Chance to find a soul mate

Pages with a large number of followers have more weight and authority in issuance by search query or a specific criterion (city, school, place of work, university, etc.). This means that the page may be of interest to more people. potential clients and subscribers.

Make friends on VKontakte to become a star!

Number of subscribers in social network- an important indicator of how much a person, brand or company is interesting to the audience. Cheat friends VKontakte online is convenient, simple and effective method quickly get to the top search results and bask in the glory and attention from potential subscribers and customers.

But just buying VKontakte friends is not enough! After all, it is obvious to any outside observer that it is impossible to please everyone. Obviously, any audience can be divided by interests into a couple of segments. And it is these interests that will help develop and monetize the page.

But how to gather such an audience as quickly as possible? In this case, paying for “add to friends” clicks is not enough. You need to clearly know who will do it! You need to correctly form an audience of friends and subscribers. PRSkill helps in this task. We offer not just a paid cheat for VKontakte subscribers, but also. We invite you to choose your own friends! When placing an order, you indicate the necessary criteria for the portrait of a potential subscriber so that the circle of like-minded people is not only interesting, but useful and beneficial!

Buy VK friends is a solution for you if:

  • It is in your interest to make the page more popular.
  • Your goal is to create trust relationship to your brand, ideas, product, using your personal VKontakte page.
  • You are trying to increase sales by increasing the reach of the target audience.
  • You want to raise the page in the ranking.
  • In your prospects, a rapid start and maximum coverage of the target audience.
  • Your task is to attract advertisers from the business environment

Live subscribers of VKontakte without penalties and restrictions

What is natural is not ugly. This principle is followed by all social networks. And VKontakte - not an exception. Moderators are careful to ensure that growth statistics do not exceed the natural capabilities of users. And the concept of “live” subscribers is just as logical for them as the phenomenon of “dead souls”. Algorithms track the speed of subscriptions, their source, other subscriptions of this source and easily identify the cheating of friends in VKontakte, which is contrary to the norms. The result of such an analysis can be blocking of pages of both the subscriber and the owner. We offer to buy VKontakte subscribers cheaply, while we recommend using the services of cheating live subscribers, we strongly do not recommend choosing low-quality services for which no guarantee.

PRSkill uses own software , expert developments in the field of promotion and experience of competent specialists. We check the results of the work and guarantee absolute security for your page, so cheating VK subscribers and friends is completely safe!

You can buy live subscribers on VKontakte or on the #1 social media promotion service PRSkill right now!
In order to order VKontakte subscribers, register, replenish the balance and click on the "Buy Now" button

Cheat friends Vkontakte - your quick way to succeed!

Popularity in social networks is becoming more important. Increasingly, well-known online personalities are becoming more recognizable and successful in real life. Therefore, the spin personal profile Vkontakte is your first step on the road to success! You can make friends on VKontakte quickly, cheaply, online in the PRSkill service at the best prices!

An important aspect of popularity in a social network is the constant increase in subscribers - friends in a profile or community. It can be quite difficult to achieve the desired indicator on the friend counter on your own. The cheating of subscribers and friends of Vkontakte comes to the rescue. It is this service that allows you to make the page on the social network more popular, attract more attention to it and bring it to the top positions in the search. If you want to get promoted on the site as quickly as possible, hurry up to buy friends on Vkontakte,. The Vkontakte friends site offers subscribers of excellent quality and loyal prices for services.

Cheat friends Vkontakte online - the price of the issue

Immediately after creating a Vkontakte account, the page needs a quality boost. It is unlikely that you will be able to see a large number of friends in your profile for the first time. In most cases, it takes quite a lot of time to make acquaintances, attract an audience and receive requests to become friends on Vkontakte in large numbers. We will help you add resources to your account as quickly as possible.

Many users of social networks are concerned not only with the question of how to make friends on Vkontakte, but also with the cost of cheating services. Different sites and services for SMM promotion offer their own price list for services. Site No. 1 for inexpensive and effective promotion in social networks The site is a great opportunity to buy Vkontakte friends inexpensively, at a price of 90 rubles per 1000 subscribers. The cost of the service "cheat Vkontakte friends quickly" is determined by various factors.

The main ones are:

  • The quality of pages attracted to friends. Everyone is well aware that it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the desired activity in the account and popularity by cheating fake pages and bots. Bots as friends on Vkontakte will not like, comment or buy. Nobody is interested in a "dead" audience in the form of beauty salons, shops or other "dead souls". High-quality accounts for cheating will cost more, but they will bring the expected effect.
  • Spin speed. Fast cheating is expensive, but allows you to get the desired indicator on the counter in a matter of days. In real life, it may take more than one month to attract such a large audience.
  • Guarantees. Most often, services that work legally, as transparently and as with guarantees offer services at higher rates. By slightly overpaying in price, you get a guarantee of the provision of the service itself within the agreed time frame and a guarantee of the quality of the purchased resources.

Cheating Vkontakte friends without tasks from the site is a great opportunity to buy Vkontakte friends cheaply with guarantees, choosing the quality of accounts, as well as the optimal speed of cheating.

We do our best to make the services of the service as accessible as possible for the majority of customers. Do you need Vkontakte friends with savings? Need? Buy a large number of subscribers and get nice discounts from the site for order volumes, as well as nice bonuses for replenishing your account balance. Information about discounts and bonuses is presented on the website of the site.

Cheat Vkontakte friends quickly - how to choose a site for promotion

Cheat friends Vkontakte for free is a risky undertaking. Experts recommend avoiding services with a dubious reputation, for which cheating Vkontakte friends for free without tasks is the main type of service. It is advisable to resort to the services of specialized sites that will answer the question of how to recruit Vkontakte friends quickly, and organize professional SMM promotion of a page or group for money.

However, not all providers paid services offer a resource good quality, favorable prices and terms of cooperation for customers. To choose the best site, you should pay attention to the following significant points:

  • Good reputation. Choose services that have extensive experience in the field of SMM promotion and good feedback from users. Most often, the most affordable prices and high-quality services are offered by eminent resource providers, whose names are always well known.
  • How to enter the site. Forced registration on the service - a reason to think! The user should be able to view the main sections of the site and the information of interest without forced procedures.
  • Possible ways payment. Reliable services work with the largest payment systems and choose reliable payment methods. This allows you to protect users from financial fraud and losses, as well as the loss of personal data during the performance of any transactions.
  • Detailed description of services. When ordering a particular service, the buyer must know what he pays money for. You should not buy a "pig in a poke" if the service does not provide basic information on cheating friends on VKontakte or other services.
  • Guarantees. Solid sites always work with guarantees, which are the main support in solving problems if they arise.
  • Coordinated support service. Ideally, company managers should be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help the user with any issues that arise.
  • Possibility of a trial order and purchase of a minimum package of services. Allows you to check the site, the quality of its work and the resources offered, in order to make a final decision regarding further cooperation.

It is these tips that will help you choose a truly reliable service provider that will help you win VK friends online quickly. Program for cheating friends Vkontakte site - the best solution for those who are interested in cheating VK friends without tasks and.

We are trusted by partners and clients, because we:

Who and why should order friends in VK from the site site?

If you are reading this article, then most likely you are interested in how to get Vkontakte friends quickly for yourself or wind up subscribers to a Vkontakte friend. At the same time, many users of social networks still do not understand who and why they need new friends of Vkontakte friends and SMM promotion services in general, such as.

High-quality promotion of VK friends allows you to:

  • Quickly promote an account and make its owner a popular, recognizable personality.
  • Arrange distribution necessary information not only among acquaintances, but also among a wider audience of users.
  • Provide a good start to your own online business.
  • Increase the volume of sales of goods and services when selling them through social networks.
  • Bring your account to TOP positions and make the page more attractive in the eyes of advertisers.

Make VK friends online using the site The site follows the following categories of users:

  • Firms and companies of any field of activity, of any scale. Business representatives have long understood how to quickly make friends on VK and how to achieve recognition and popularization of their own brand with the help of SMM promotion.
  • Public persons. High activity in social networks helps the "stars" to attract the attention of a wide audience and become even more popular. More VK friends - higher status not only on the network, but also in real life.
  • Owners of private businesses (sellers of clothes, children's toys, hairdressers, nail technicians, etc.). It is social platforms that help attract new users, who can later turn into regular customers.
  • For those who want to reach the TOP and get into the section of recommended interesting accounts.
  • Group owners (public administrators). New communities are slowly gaining popularity. Promoted groups - pretty fast. Users are reluctant to join communities with few friends. A large indicator on the counter, on the contrary, is a kind of indicator of popularity and provokes new users to join the public.
  • Ordinary VK users who dream of popularity and want to impress their friends. It's no secret that some ambitious individuals strive to stand out from the background of the gray mass, using all sorts of methods for this. They are also interested in how to make friends on VK and try to buy Vkontakte friends cheaply on trusted sites.

Cheat VK friends online - we prepare the account for promotion correctly

In order for promotion and promotion in VK to bring maximum benefit and the expected effect, you should take care of the preliminary preparation of the account. Before placing an order for the services “make friends on VKontakte”, you must complete the following actions:

Make VK friends without tasks and safely

Everyone knows that social networks have a negative attitude towards the artificial increase in resources, which is fraught with blocking or a lifetime ban. VK is especially active in tracking down malicious fans of cheating friends and “rewarding” them with sanctions.

Social networks pay attention exclusively to the lightning-fast attraction of resources. If you correctly approach the issue and organize a gradual promotion, the filters will have nothing to complain about. In order not to fall out of favor with controller robots, you should:

  1. Do not trust SMM promotion and the cheating of VK friends to just anyone. Choose one proven service and work only with it.
  2. Do not buy followers on several sites at once. Simultaneous cheating will not allow you to control the quality of the resource received and will inevitably lead to a ban.
  3. Periodically clean up the page from bots to determine the amount of necessary follow-up cheating.
  4. Do not exceed the allowed norms for adding subscribers, do not go beyond the limits set by the VK administration.

The service site not only knows how to attract Vkontakte friends, but also how to organize promotion and promotion as safely as possible. For each account, an individual speed of safely adding friends is selected, taking into account the popularity and activity of the page.

Is it possible to wind up VK friends without tasks quickly and for free?

Still decided to try to get VK friends for free? Instead of sites with a dubious reputation, use the following methods:

  • Add yourself as friends to other users. Pay special attention to accounts with a small number of friends. It is likely that you will be subscribed to in response.
  • Look for mutual subscription communities. There are many users on the network who also need to cheat friends for free.
  • Use the services of free exchangers. At the same time, be careful, as spam can lead to blocking, and you will have to spam to place your own order on the service.

These are really working ways to attract friends to the VK page for free. However, each of them has many disadvantages. Using these methods, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on cheating. At the same time, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a large number of desired friends quickly. In the best case, free self-promotion will provide an increase of 100-200 people. That is why you should not neglect paid cheating. You can wind up VK friends using the site site easily, quickly, in large quantities.

Cheat VK friends online - is it worth being afraid of write-offs?

Each Vkontakte user has heard about such a phenomenon as writing off subscribers. In this regard, many subscribers have a completely logical question: is it worth buying VK friends if they are subsequently written off? To get an answer to the actual question, it is worth understanding why write-offs occur. There may be several reasons:

  1. Too fast subscribers. Any addition of friends should be as natural as possible. If today you have 10 friends in your friends, and tomorrow 2 thousand, VK filters will immediately suspect something is wrong and pay attention to such a profile.
  2. Blank page. Any half-empty VK page is considered fake. Accordingly, Vkontakte is unlikely to allow rapid increase her subscribers.
  3. Appeals from other users regarding the rapid winding up of resources. Keep a close eye on your own competitors and detractors.
  4. An impressive number of fake pages in subscribers. VK mercilessly writes off such accounts. Therefore, it is better not to wait for extreme measures and forced write-offs - periodically conduct independent " purges».

Therefore, we can conclude that if you want to make friends on VKontakte with high quality, live, real at low speed on a filled and active account, it will not lead to write-offs ..

How to buy friends in VK quickly - step by step instructions?

The site has a simple and easy to use interface. It is possible to order VK friends in a matter of minutes. Even a beginner will understand the simple and clear navigation system.

The algorithm of actions for buying services is quite simple:

  1. Registration to the site through email or social networks.
  2. Replenishment of account balance.
  3. Service Search « cheat subscribers Vkontakte».
  4. Selecting the required number of subscribers with a link to the personal VK page (at the time of cheating friends, the account must be open).
  5. Placing an order by means of pressing the "buy now" button.
  6. Adding real users in the ordered quantity after debiting money from the account balance.

Benefits of ordering VK friends from the site

Daily platform services for high-quality and inexpensive SMM promotion used by hundreds of users different countries . We are chosen for the following reasons:

  • 100% result - you get your first VK friends immediately after paying for the service.
  • Working with the site does not require special knowledge and skills, it takes very little time. Even if you are ordering promotion services on social networks for the first time, questions regarding the service services themselves and the way they are ordered are unlikely to arise.
  • No additional financial investment. Registration and use of the service are free. You only pay for the services actually provided.
  • Possibility of additional earnings due to participation in the affiliate program.
  • Pleasant discounts for order volumes and bonuses for account replenishment.

Do not be afraid of artificial promotion in social networks. Trusting platform professionals website you can get the desired result and many VK friends without fear for the consequences of such activity!

As you already know, within the social network VKontakte, you can make friends with other users. These people will appear on your list of the same name, and you will get some features that are only available to friends. They, in turn, too.

Enough big number user asks a question how to make friends on vk? Now I will show you how to do it.

What is it for

Some users believe that the more friends, the better.

Another option is when you are promoting a product, service or brand through social networks. In this case, the more friends you have, the wider audience is available for advertising campaigns. Such people very often have to resort to cheating friends in order to speed up the process.

Sending invitations to increase the number of friends

Let's start from the very simple option. How does the process of “friendship” take place within VK? One person sends another friend request. He, in turn, confirms or rejects it. If confirmed, these two people are now friends on VKontakte.

From this follows a simple conclusion. To increase the number of your friends, you need to send out a large number of relevant offers.

This is done extremely simply. Go to the page for the selected user, and under his profile photo, press the button "Add as Friend".

Keep in mind that you have a limit - no more than 40 invitations per day (see).

It is worth choosing people who are connected with you. Perhaps you have one city of residence. Or the school where you studied. Not all users willingly add everyone as a friend. Therefore, to increase this probability, you need to have a reason.

How to make friends on VK using groups

Vkontakte has a large number of groups where users provide mutual assistance to each other. I suggest you use them to make friends on VK.

We go to the section "My groups". We click on the link.

And in the search bar we write "Add to friends".

All these groups are needed in order to help make friends. Choose any. I opened the first one on the list.

Then there are two ways. You can send an application yourself to those who want to make friends. Everything is mutual here - if you send a request to a person, he will definitely accept it. This way you will increase the number of your friends.

Look at the group wall - here every minute people post requests to be added.

You just have to go to the user's page and send him a request.

But remember - you have a limit of 40 applications. When the daily limit is reached, you can proceed to the second step. Start posting requests to add yourself.

People who join this group will see your comment and send you a friend request. You will only have to confirm the application.

If you want to make a large number of friends on VK, you need to periodically publish such requests in maximum amount groups.

We use services to cheat friends in VK

I will show you two services through which you can make friends.


Here you will see a large number of proposals for promotion. Among them, and an increase in the number of VKontakte friends. This feature is available for free. You just need to click on the menu button "Add your friends for free".

You will see a pop-up window with a user page. Add him as a friend in the usual way- and after a couple of seconds it will accept the request. Agree, quite an easy way.

Do the same action, the required number of times.

You can also order paid promotion. To do this, replenish your account.

Here you will need to specify the number of friends you want to make. And link to your page. Next, press the button “I agree with the rules. Order".

It's already paid service. But the quality will be better. Fewer friends retire.

Here you will see the entire price. Select tariff plan which suits you.

Today, most of the Russian population has pages in social networks. And many don't even have one. Why is this needed? This is necessary in order to communicate, in order to get acquainted, and finally, in order to promote your services and products. What did you think? VKontakte has a lot of different merchants, businessmen, legal and not very (who are not very, they are usually blocked after a week or two). They all need your wallet and your attention, which is why over time, any page started with the intention of “only chat with friends and listen to music” acquires subscriptions. At first there are ten of them, then there are twenty of them, then there are fifty of them, and this is still not enough.
Go to your list of subscriptions. To your friends list. See groups or people you don't know? Congratulations, you have become a victim of competent (that's right) promotion of VKontakte. For some, you have become a new tick on the list.

OK, I want to try it myself!

Well, downloading a cheat on VKontakte friends for free, some kind of miracle program is the dream of anyone who wants to turn from a “plankton” into a social business shark. It's so good when there are a whole bunch of friends on the page who write, who like your photos and so on. It seems that you need very little - just download a miracle application that will make friends for you, and then you will become influential and be able to manage the audience by offering certain products or services. Or just become an authority.
But no matter how good the proposed cheat of VKontakte friends is, downloading it is only half the battle.

When a person has bots and fake pages as friends, this is suspicious

Myths about promotion.

Ransomware - this is what you are most likely to download instead of "hack or VK promotion"

How to actually gain authority, make friends, distribute VKontakte goods and do it quickly?!

This is done very simply. You just need to use real promotion. Yes, of course, everyone would be comfortable with the artificial cheating of VKontakte friends for free, a program that could be downloaded very simply and used without restrictions.

"Stupid" cheat bots are immediately blocked

But in fact, you will still need real friends and subscribers. Yes, the number of already existing subscribers or friends influences the decision-making process, but only reinforces the already formed opinion about the page. That is, if you are interesting to the client, then the number of subscribers will make him subscribe, and if you are not interesting to the client, then he will decide that all of them are not related to him social group, and there is nothing to talk about.
Therefore, you will again and again have to return to the issue of quality. The quality of getting friends is determined mainly by the degree of their retention, whether they are real people, and their reciprocal activity.
In order to qualitatively attract real friends and subscribers, you need special tools. But your personal will is also needed.
We will not repeat Carnegie's book to you, but only point out that you should maintain your page yourself if possible, if there is no time, use a timer. This significantly improves the possibility of publishing news, which can now go at least around the clock. We will also point out - you need to research those with whom you want to make friends on VKontakte, or attract them to the page. Think about how they look on average, how old they are, what interests, what kind of education. This will help you determine target audience. In the future, you can use both your time and special programs to attract.

Today we will analyze the cheating of friends on the social network Vkontakte. Imagine a situation that you suddenly wanted to make a lot of friends, either for the sake of interest, or for business. For example, they decided to earn money with the help of VK by performing simple tasks. And, as you know, on most services for making money on VKontakte there is such a requirement as a large number of friends or subscribers.

It is clear that you can start remembering all the people you have ever crossed paths with and try to add them to your friends, but still this list will end someday. Someone will recruit 100 people, someone and 1000. If you want to increase the figure, you will have to add strangers.

I also want to give you a little advice, if you are suddenly going to make money with the help of VK, then it is better to create a separate page for this business, not your main one. And already with this page you can do whatever you want, including winding up left friends for yourself.

You can, of course, just in a brazen way to apply to everyone as friends. This is a more brazen way. But there is a limit here. At the moment, you can submit no more than 40 friend requests per day.

There is a more humane way. It's enough just to find people like you who just want to gain a certain number of friends and reunite their interests. You can do this by searching for relevant communities on the social network. This is exactly what we are going to do with you now.

We go to our page and in the left menu click on the item "Groups"

In the search bar for communities, we hammer in the query "Add to friends" and press the ENTER button.

And now we carefully look at the found communities. All of them bring together people who want to add as many friends as possible:

What can we do with the found communities. We can go through the members of these communities and send them friend requests. But you and I know that we have a limit of 40 applications per day. With such a limit, the process of adding friends, for example, up to a maximum of 10,000, can drag on for several months. To speed it up, you can try to start advertising in these groups where the wall is open.

Here, for example, I left such an ad from my test page, pay attention to the screenshot:

Now applications will come to me, and not I will send them. This will increase the number of friends added per day.

To increase your chances of getting a large number of applications, you can beautifully design your ad and make it more visible. For example, like this:

After some time, you will begin to receive applications from people you do not know, which, of course, you will approve and make new friends.

I also want to tell you about one more chip. In the "Friends" tab, carefully study your possible friends. .

If people who are completely unknown to you appear there, who have several or many mutual friends with you, among whom you have cheated, then most likely these people are also not averse to making new unfamiliar friends.