From the very beginning, CMAs were created with the expectation that they would be able to do all the laundry and drying tasks themselves. And therefore, the fact that things could not have done without a heating element is clearly felt. Because, if not him, then who could organize the heating of water to the required temperature? And how would drying laundry be possible without it? And that's precisely why automatic machines always have heating elements - one of the most important parts of washing equipment.

Heating elements of washing machines and their device

From the very beginning, it must be said that if the SMA “knows how” to heat water and dry clothes, it means that it has two heating elements. The heating element, which is designed for heating water, is installed at the bottom of the tank, while for organizing drying, a heating element is used in the so-called "drying chamber".

heating element for washing machine- This is a tubular heater (electro), capable of converting electrical energy into heat. Once washing equipment is connected to the mains, then electricity passes through its heating device (or rather, along an electric spiral inside the device, pressed into a stainless tube along with quartz sand), heating the water to the required temperature. And the connection of the heating element itself occurs due to the terminals, made according to the type of plates for contact clamps. There are also terminals on the thread - it all depends on the model of the washing machine.

By the way, the electric spiral, arranged inside the stainless tube, is made of a thermoelectric alloy, which makes it possible to endure not only a long regular load, but also short-term overloads (this may be due to power surges). If we talk about the place of attachment of the heating device, then it turns out that there must be a sealing plastic gasket.

Design features of heating elements of automatic machines

It does not hurt to know that heating elements for heating water are similar in design, but may differ in various factors: power, length, bending angle of the heating element, terminal location, presence / position of the hole for the temperature sensor. Let's take a look at all these options.

If we start the comparison with power, we will find out this: the most economical heating devices consume power within 800 W, and the most voracious - up to 3000 W. Speaking about the length of heating elements, it must be indicated that they can be long, short and medium in length. So a short heating element is a heating part, starting from 15 cm, and the longest is within 30 cm. As mentioned above, heating elements of automatic washing machines also differ in the bending of the heating element. If they, as a rule, all have a spiral shape, then the angle of their bending can vary from 15 to 45 degrees (there are some species in which even an excess of the specified parameter is observed).

There is also a difference in the terminals: standard models have one terminal on each side, while CMAs such as, say, Bosch have two on each side.

It is worth pointing out such a difference as a heating element for a metal tank and a heating element for a plastic one. For iron tanks, heating devices are made with an elastic band about 1.5 cm long (or even less), and for a plastic tank - more than the specified parameter. And all because the plastic tank has thicker walls.

You should not pass by such a distinctive feature, which is the special. sensor hole. If it is provided, then it is located in the metal base of the heating element. You need to understand that if you suddenly need to purchase a new heating element, then you should definitely take into account this feature - buy only a heating element with a hole for the sensor.

Water as the main factor against heating element Heating elements are in contact with water - this goes without saying, therefore it is not surprising that their failure occurs primarily due to the appearance of scale. This is akin to scale in a kettle, only here everything is more serious and in a larger volume, because the scale on the heating element is a “bouquet” of various undesirable impurities. When the limit of "tolerance" of the heating device comes, he informs his owners about this as follows: the heating capacity decreases, more electricity and powder are consumed for washing, the linen does not shine with perfect cleanliness. In general, everything is not the same as it was before.

If all these signals are ignored and operation continues, then huge troubles on a global scale are possible - the breakdown of other important parts of the automatic machine and its complete failure. To prevent this from happening, try to contact the masters in a timely manner, whose repair service is at the highest level in terms of knowledge of the problems not only of AMA, but also of other household appliances.

Service life of the SMA heater

Under normal operation, the service life of the heating element can be from 5 to 10 years. But if you create unfavorable moments, then it will fail before the specified first period. And what can provoke such an exit? It:

  • The production quality of the SMA itself and its parts;
  • Frequency and temperature of washing;
  • Hardness of water.

But most of all, the “life” of an automatic machine, like its parts, depends on quality. And if you want to always be sure that any Appliances only from a recognized manufacturer, then do not be lazy to purchase it in specialized centers. It is these stores that can provide all warranties for their products, as well as help with the selection of any spare parts, accessories and installation fittings.

According to statistics, the most vulnerable part of a modern washing machine is the heating element. The heating element may burn out due to its own overheating, which occurs due to the abundance of limescale on it.

However, restoring the efficiency of the washing machine is not very difficult. The main thing is to choose the right new heating element. The online store of heating elements provides models for almost any washing machine.

Initially, it should be understood that the heater may have the following characteristics:

  • configuration (straight, curved);
  • dimensions;
  • the presence of a sensor;
  • seat type.

The fact is that the type of landing nest is the same for almost all modern machines. If, when choosing a heating element, you meet a model that has a different landing nest, then it is already more than 15 years old.

By and large, the dimensions of the heating element are not decisive. Of course, a large heating element cannot be put in place of a small one. But the reverse situation is quite possible. As a result, the washing machine will heat the water more slowly, that's all.

By the way, the same can be said about power.

The washing machine has a temperature sensor. Even if you install a heater, which is much more powerful, it will heat the water faster and turn off automatically.

As mentioned above, the main problem of all heating elements that are used to heat water is lime deposits. It is for this reason that it is recommended to use special household chemicals that will protect the heating element.

However, manufacturers offer another method of protection - heating element coating. Today, ceramic is considered the most common. It differs in that it is very smooth.

As a result, calcium deposits cannot cling to the surface of the heating element and it remains intact. However, even a small probability of failure of the heating element for some reason always remains.

In this case, it may be a problem to find a similar heating element. But, after all, you can always put another, simpler heating element, since the landing nests are the same for everyone.

The video will demonstrate the process of replacing the heating element in the washing machine:

For everyone who has a washing machine, sooner or later the question of its repair arises. The most common problem is the failure of the heating element - Most often, the culprit of the accident is scale deposited on it. Its appearance provokes poor water quality and frequent washing at high temperatures.

The breakdown manifests itself in the absence of water heating, the washing time increases significantly - the machine unsuccessfully tries to heat the water.

You can carry out work on replacing the heating element yourself, without contacting service center. The main thing is to choose the right heating element for the washing machine, in accordance with its model. But not always, knowing only the model of the device, it is enough to simply select the components. Often you have to select analog parts.

What to look for when choosing a heating element for a washing machine?

When choosing, the following features should be taken into account:

  • Seat type. As a rule, it is the same for modern washing machines, so there should not be any problems. This item should be taken into account by owners of devices that are more than 15 years old.
  • The presence of a reinforcing collar. Comes with seal. If you choose a heating element for a washing machine without a collar, and put it in the apparatus, in place of the part that had it, then there is a high probability that the heating element will fall out during washing.
  • Thermocouple connector. For example, the heating element for the LG washing machine of most models comes with it. If there is a hole, and the sensor itself is not connected, you can put a plug.
  • Heating element length. It is best to match the size of the old one, although a slight difference is allowed. For example, a heating element for an LG washing machine of modern models is short, and for Electrolux or Zanussi it is long.
  • Heating element power. Today you can pick up a heating element with a power of 800-2200 watts. The larger this value, the faster the water will heat up to the desired temperature.
  • The shape of the heating element. It can be straight or curved.
  • Coating. For example, a heating element for a Samsung washing machine is most often ceramic. According to the manufacturer, it is less prone to scale.

Heating element location

Replacing the heating element is not particularly difficult even for a person far from repairing washing machines. The main thing is to correctly determine where it is. Depending on the model, the disassembly process and the location of the heating element may differ. In some washing TEN machines located in the front part, while others have a back under the cover.

The first step is to check the rear location of the heater. On the back of the washing machine, a removable hatch can be provided, screwed on. One has only to open the back cover and next to the engine you can immediately see the outer part of the heating element with power wires and a nut in the middle. If the rear hatch does not open in any way or the heater is missing, then you will have to disassemble the front part.

How to replace the heating element through the front panel?

Unfortunately, removing the front panel is much more difficult than the back panel. The whole process is divided into several stages:

  1. First you need to remove top cover. To do this, on the back of the machine you need to unscrew the screws and pull the cover towards you and up. You should act carefully so as not to pull out the plastic latches, without which the lid will not rise back.
  2. Disconnect the washing machine control panel. First you need to pull out the powder container. To do this, pull out the container, press the lock button inside and pull it out to the bottom. If there is no button, then just lift the container a little and pull it towards you. After two or three screws become visible - unscrew them. The remaining screws are located on the top or side of the control panel, after unscrewing them, carefully remove the panel and, without disconnecting it from the wires, put it on top of the washing machine.
  3. Separate on the hatch of the washing machine. With the door open, with a screwdriver, you need to carefully pry off the spring clamp that holds the cuff, and remove it by pulling it in a circle. Further, the rubber is simply removed from the body of the washing machine. Also on the hatch are the lock screws, unscrew them, and push the lock itself inward.
  4. Front panel of the washing machine. Having done all of the above, you can finally get to the internal parts of the washing machine. It remains to unscrew the screws securing the front panel. They are usually located on the bottom and top of the washing machine. At the bottom, they can be hidden by a decorative panel, from the bottom on the sides, or next to the drain filter. After that, remove the panel with your hands and set it aside. Now access to the heating element has been obtained.

Replacing the heating element in the washing machine

No matter where the heating element was located, the steps to replace it are exactly the same. If already purchased, you can immediately install it in place.

It is necessary to remove all the wires from the contacts from the old heating element, they sit very tightly, so you can carefully help yourself with a screwdriver. Then unscrew the screw securing the heating element and carefully remove the heating element.

The new heating element is installed as it was removed, only in the reverse order. Also, in the reverse order, all removed parts are mounted and the screws are screwed in.

Prevention of damage to the heating element

To prevent damage to the heating element, it is necessary to deal with the formation of scale. To do this, you can clean the device with citric acid every 3-4 months. It is necessary to pour 60 grams of acid into the powder container and start the washing program at 60 degrees without laundry. If there is a suspicion that a lot of scale has formed, then at 90. After this simple procedure, both the drum and the heating element are completely cleaned.

Also, a simple way, if not to prevent, then significantly reduce the rate of scale formation, is to constantly wash in warm, not hot water. That is, use programs up to 40 degrees. In this case, electricity is saved well.

TEN - tubular electric heater. In the washing machine, it is responsible for heating the water. It works "in pair" with a temperature sensor, which is most often installed in the heater itself. If the washing machine has stopped heating water, one of the reasons may be the failure of the heating element. The catalog of our online store contains more than 50 models of heating elements for all brands of automatic washing machines (Bosch, Indesit, Ariston, Zanussi, Electrolux, Beko, LG, Candy and others). All products are made in Europe by brands: Cebi, Thermowatt, Irca, Bleckmann. Prices from 590 rubles.

How to choose a heating element

The main criteria for choosing a heating element of a washing machine are:

  • power: from 1500 to 3000 watts. The most common are models for 1800-2000 watts. When replacing, it is allowed to install a heater with a power of +/- 100 watts from the original one.
  • heater length: from 160 to 300 mm. Most washing machines are equipped with heaters of 200 or 240 millimeters.
  • the presence of a hole for the temperature sensor: the temperature sensor can be installed directly in the heating element (in this case, a hole with a diameter of 12 mm is made on the landing site of the heating element), or in the tank of the washing machine.

Replacing the heating element of the washing machine