Flashing the phone helps to solve some errors in the device. If Lenovo A319 constantly freezes, then you can try resetting it to factory settings first, and only then “flash” it.

Important! Installation is not official firmware will void the warranty and delete all important files, so you should make a backup beforehand. You act at your own peril and risk, because. incorrect flashing can turn the device into a "brick".

Instructions for flashing a smartphone

First you need to download the program SP Flash Tool, Lenovo USB driver, SP Drivers 2.0 and the firmware for the phone itself. Install USB driver and a program for flashing. Next, go to "Device Manager" and select "Ports". We connect the phone to the computer without a battery via USB, an unidentified device "Mediatek ..." should appear in the manager, right-click on it, select the item "Driver" -\u003e "Search for drivers on the computer", then select the previously unpacked driver SP Drivers. Then you need to disconnect your phone from the computer.

  1. Unzip the archive of the SP Flash Tool program, run it.
  2. Press the "Scatter-loading" button, select the file "..._scatter.txt" from the folder with the firmware.
  3. Check the box "DA DL All With Checksum", click the "Download" button.
  4. Connect Lenovo A319 phone without battery via USB cable.
  5. After the firmware is completed, a green circle and the inscription "OK" will appear on the screen.
  6. Disconnect the smartphone from the computer, insert the battery and turn it on. The first boot will take about 10 minutes.

The success of this operation directly depends on whether the correct firmware is selected. It is very important to do exactly this manual to avoid various troubles. If everything is done correctly, then updating the firmware will not be difficult.

Lenovo is currently the fourth largest PC maker in the world. The company's arsenal includes desktop PCs, laptops, Cell phones, smartphones, netbooks and even servers, monitors, tablets, video cards. And this is despite such additions to all of the above, such as mice, keyboards, memory modules, optical drives, power supplies, software and accessories, as well as covers, bags for laptops. The breadth of the company's product range is impressive, and filling the consumer market with Lenovo electronics requires serious support. The Lenovo specialized service center carries out it in many cities, especially in large centers of the country.

Today, there is a fairly common tendency to turn not to specialized service centers, but to little-known "but very understanding" equipment repairmen. When making such a choice, it is worth understanding that the Lenovo service center is directly engaged exclusively in this type of equipment and electronics and one hundred percent knows the intricacies of this particular company. Moreover, the Lenovo service center has the opportunity to quickly cooperate with other specialized companies that supply the necessary original parts for Lenovo equipment.

It is worth noting that most of the gadgets that are produced by this company have a wide range of non-standard and unique parts that can be found in few places. This is a known problem of Lenovo devices, but everything is solved thanks to specialists. Only a Lenovo service center is able to get such necessary parts for a laptop as, for example, a matrix or original backlight lamps. In any case, if you have any problems with the electronics of this company, you should contact the Lenovo service center, and here's why:

1. Only specialists can guarantee the quality of the work performed, with a complete diagnosis and determination of the exact cause of the problem.

2. Exclusively at the Lenovo service center, if necessary, you will be offered to replace a non-working part with an original one. You can get an original part only by specially ordering it somewhere in advance, or from another phone, but in the center it comes directly in the shortest possible time.

3. Lenovo service centers carry out maintenance of all company equipment, as they have selected and trained specialists directly to service Lenovo.

4. After the purchase of a particular Lenovo gadget, the buyer acquires a warranty card or receipt, with which you can get free service. This service is provided exclusively at the Lenovo service center. This right is lost if the device has already been opened before the service specialist.

5. Maintenance of any Lenovo products can take place in any of the services after the end of the warranty period.

On the Lenovo Service Center website, you can verify the list of gadgets that need to be repaired, as well as see pricing policy(if the repair is not under warranty) and the location of the nearest service department. Among them you will see repair services for tablets, laptops, netbooks, monoblocks on low prices. Masters performing repair work not only replace parts, but also carefully understand the essence of the problem, doing everything possible to prevent a recurrence of the incident.

In the Lenovo service center you will be offered a wide range of services for repair and determination of the cause of the breakdown:

testing the entire system for breakdowns, the correct operation of all functions;
gadget diagnostics, including work internal systems, heating, the work of each part, which helps to accurately determine the cause of the breakdown, and also prevents new breakdowns of the device;
replacement of parts, including the matrix of an electronic device. The size of its diagonal is not important, since the Lenovo service center works directly with the company's suppliers;

repair of the matrix and other elements of equipment. Masters undertake repairs only after a thorough investigation and diagnosis of the problem, when the cause is discovered, and the repair solution becomes obvious to them;
complex repair of the entire device, which may be necessary in case of major breakdowns, for example, after the gadget falls from a great height, etc.

Repair of individual parts, not to mention a comprehensive repair, requires the intervention of a true professional, and given the originality and originality of some of the company's electronics designs, only a Lenovo service center can perform this work with high quality. In their daily work, the masters regularly use high-class repair equipment, which allows them to perform the most delicate tasks. Among these working tools, mention should be made of:

specialized digital microscopes that allow for accurate diagnosis;
soldering stations class BGA;

necessary for the implementation of a complete repair and diagnostics of the hardware-software complex.
Moreover, each Lenovo service center offers even simpler services, for example, qualified advice to customers who wish to purchase electronics and equipment from this manufacturer. Specialists in the center have experience working with many devices, as well as deep knowledge in each of them, so consultations on the correct operation, use of individual device functions, etc. are also provided directly by Lenovo service centers. Among other proposals, there is also a change, an update software for laptops, netbooks or desktop PCs.

Thus, the decision to use the services of the Lenovo service center is the most correct one if your gadget has begun to work incorrectly, or if specific functions are not recalled, as well as in the event of absolutely any problems or questions in the field of technology and electronic technologies from Lenovo.

The Lenovo A319 is an inexpensive but rather impractical phone. This device often has such a bug: when turned on, it may start to reboot endlessly or not boot beyond the Lenovo branding that welcomes the user. But in fact, these problems are easily solved by changing the firmware of the smartphone. In this article, you will learn

What software is needed?

Thirdly, you need to go to the Scatter File section and find the downloaded firmware file in the system. It is likely that it will be signed as "*smartphone processor model (for example, MT6572)*android_scatter".

The fourth step is to wait until the firmware is loaded into the program.

Fifth, you need to find the DA DL All with check sum block. This is necessary in order to give a command to the program that the firmware will be installed on a phone without a battery. Once again, pay attention to the very first step of the instruction.

Sixth - go to the "Format" item, where you need to put dots in front of the Auto Format Flash and Format whole flash graphs. You need to click "OK" and connect your smartphone via USB cable to the computer.

The processor will perform the seventh action itself. It will format the smartphone. After completing the initialization process and partitioning the disk, you must disconnect the smartphone from the cord and click on the Download button.

Eighth - you need to connect the USB cable to the phone and computer. If a lenovo driver was not installed, the system will either give an error (and then you have to install it in manual mode), or try to find and install it yourself.

Ninth - the download process has begun new firmware to a smartphone. As soon as it is installed, the program will show a small window with a green circle - the flashing is completed. Now you have learned how to flash Lenovo A319.


Finding out how to flash the Lenovo A319 turned out to be easy. Moreover, the flashing process itself took quite a bit of time (on average, eleven minutes). But that's not all: the rest of the smartphones are reflashed according to the same principle. True, you should not think that the firmware is installed the same on all devices. Each manufacturer has its own system programming features that must be taken into account when reinstalling the firmware on a smartphone. For example, in the case of Lenovo A319, this is the preliminary removal of the battery for a successful change operating system device.

This should always be taken into account so as not to turn the smartphone into a "brick".

Advantages Lenovo smartphone A319 is well known to everyone - it's a decent performance at a moderate price for a phone. But no matter how reliable the technology is, sooner or later the Lenovo phone starts to “fail”. Most often this is due to problems with some kind of hardware program. Only specialists can solve this issue, because it is difficult to understand on your own what exactly is wrong.

There are also Alternative option- install a new firmware on the phone. This process is similar to changing the operating system on a computer. And the consequences are the same - all data stored on the device will be deleted. But if you regularly save them to another medium, then this is unlikely to be a problem. But after installing the new firmware, you can use your smartphone like new.

Self-flash lenovo phone A319 in several ways, and each of them is equally effective. Therefore, you choose what is more convenient. We will briefly describe the features of each method, which allows you to do a flashing with your own hands and in a short time.

Mandatory training

Before installing new operating programs, you need to make sure that the phone is more than half charged. This is extremely important, because changing the operating system will require energy, and without its reserves this process will be impossible to complete successfully. Also check if the computer has the latest USB drivers so that the PC can recognize the phone as a connected device.

If you have memory cards installed on your phone, they must be removed to avoid data loss.

Flash Tool

The official FlashTool program is designed specifically for flashing smartphones on the Chinese MTK platform. Just it is used in production by Lenovo. So with its help you can reflash any Lenovo phone. The following is step-by-step instruction work with the program:

  1. Download and install drivers for specific model phone. To install, first connect the phone to the computer, go to the "Device Manager", there we see a new connection and update the drivers. We recommend installing them only from the official Lenovo website. As a rule, they do not "fly off" during use.
  2. Downloading Flash Tool, unzip the file with it and install it in convenient folder computer.
  3. Download the desired version of the firmware. Use only trusted sources so as not to harm your smartphone.
  4. Run FlashTool and specify the path to the downloaded firmware. All files that you add will be immediately displayed on the screen.
  5. Disable PRELOADER to avoid problems. In addition, no checkboxes should be removed.
  6. We connect the smartphone to the computer and make money on "Download" in the window that appears.
  7. The device is recognized by the system and the automatic flashing of the phone immediately starts.

Having disconnected the gadget from the computer, we turn on the phone flashed with a USB flash drive. This is necessary to check its performance. Carry out the initial settings, and if everything is in order, then this means that you did an excellent job with the flashing.

Flashing via Recovery

If you are not interested in how to flash a phone in order to install new software, but want to update the system to new version, then you can do without the Flash Tool program. To do this, you need a Recovery phone. This is done as follows:

  1. We get superuser rights to be able to edit system files.
  2. Downloading TWRP Recovery for a specific smartphone model.
  3. Install the Mobileuncle MTK Tools utility.
  4. We launch the program and with its help, selecting the appropriate file in the column " Recovery update”, start the firmware update process.

Detailed instructions for installing official firmware on Lenovo A319 via SP Flash Tool.

    Drivers and programs


Installation instructions

    Do backups required user data.

    Disable driver authentication.
    Windows 7
    When the computer is turned on, after BIOS boot, you must press the key F8. In the menu that appears Additional options downloads" choose " Disable Driver Signing Requirement». This method may not work the first time, so you should repeat the action or open command line as administrator and enter two commands:
    « bcdedit.exe /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS»
    « bcdedit.exe /set TESTSIGNING ON»
    Windows 8
    Need to press a keyboard shortcut Win+I, hold down the key Shift and select "". When you turn on your computer, select " Diagnostics» > « Extra options » > « Download Options» > « Reload". When loading, select the mode "by pressing the key F7.
    Windows 10
    Key must be pressed Shift and select menu Start» > «». After download select " Troubleshooting» > « Extra options» > « Download Options» > « Reload". Then select " Disable mandatory driver signature verification" by pressing the key F7.

    Download the archive with the SP FlashTool utility and unzip it to any folder.

    Download and install drivers for the correct operation of the SP Flash Tool.
    To do this, you need to unpack the archive with the drivers into an arbitrary folder. Then open " Device Manager”, select the name of your computer (the first element) in the list, then click “ Action» > « Install old deviceFurther". Then select " Installing equipment manually selected from a list» and press again « Further". After select " Show all devices» and press « Further". Now press the button " Install from disk”, in the window that appears, click “ Review”, find and select the downloaded driver file, depending on the OS version and click the button“ Open". Then press " OK". In the new list select " MTK USB Port» and press « Further". Agree with the warning by clicking " Install this driver anyway" and complete the installation by clicking " Ready". A new device will now appear in the device list with the name " MTK USB Port (COM3)" In chapter " Ports (COM and LPT)”, which you need to remove, but leave the driver. Select a new device and click on it right click mice. AT context menu choose " Delete". In the window that appears, click " OK”, making sure that the item “ Uninstall driver programs for this device» is inactive.

    Download the archive with the firmware (for example, this one) and unpack it into an arbitrary folder.
    It is recommended to use the folder path without Cyrillic characters.

    Turn off your smartphone and remove the battery.

    Launch the SP Flash Tool and go to the " Download».

    In the program, specify the path to the Scatter-loading file (which is located in the same folder as the custom recovery) by clicking the " choose».

    Then alternately click on the column " LOCATION» of each line and select all the necessary files if they were not automatically selected.

    Select " Options» > « Options...". Go to tab " Download» and activate the items « USB Checksum" and " Storage Checksum" In chapter " DA DL All with Checksum».

    If the smartphone was able to " eternal loading, before installing the firmware, you need to format it.
    To do this, go to the tab " Format”, activate the items “ Auto Format Flash" and " Format whole flash except Bootloader". Then press the button " start» and connect the switched off device to the PC via a USB cable.
    After the operation is completed, disconnect the smartphone from the PC.

    After all the files are prepared, click the " Download» at the top of the program.

    Smartphone without battery immediately connected to the computer via USB-cable.
    It is recommended to use original or cable good quality, as well as USB port 2.0 located on motherboard(for PC).

    SP Flash Tool will recognize the device (if the drivers have been installed correctly) and the firmware installation process will begin.

    After successful installation, insert the battery back into the smartphone and turn it on. After a while, the device will boot up and be ready for further work. The initial startup usually takes a long time, but no more than five minutes.
    If an error 4032 occurred during the firmware, then the following should be done.