If you deleted the correspondence with a friend on the Vkontakte social network, intentionally or accidentally, but you really need it, do not rush to get upset and regret the "loss". This article will tell you in detail how to recover deleted messages (when possible) using regular VK tools, as well as using a special browser application.

To get the dialogs back, first do the following:

  1. Check if there is an internet connection; what is its speed. Constant interruption of the connection, a slow communication channel can lead to incorrect display of web pages, including your Vkontakte account.
  2. Temporarily disable the web filter in the antivirus program, refresh the page using the "F5" key and try to view the dialogue with the interlocutor again. Sometimes "OS defender" scripts block useful pieces of code.
  3. Turn off NoScript, Adblock and similar filter applications in your browser. They can also interfere with the correct operation of the VC.
  4. Clear browser cache/history (for Firefox and Google Chrome- combination "Ctrl + Shift + Del"). Log in again.
  5. In the list of dialogs, by clicking the mouse, select the correspondence of the desired user, in the "Search" line, enter the phrase / word from the message you are looking for and press "ENTER" to find the correspondence. Perhaps it was not deleted, but simply lost "in the bowels" of your account.

Vkontakte settings

Sometimes these steps are enough. But if you still can't recover deleted messages, use the regular means of the social network.

1. Click on the "Settings" menu, go to the "Alerts" tab. If the column "E-Mail for notifications:" is set to "Always notify" (including the options "Personal messages", "Messages on the wall"), go to the mailbox specified during registration in VK. Surely, in the list of incoming letters you will find a remote dialogue.

2. If you deleted an individual message from the correspondence and immediately realized that you acted recklessly, click the "Restore" link next to the "Message deleted" inscription. The text of the message will immediately return to its place.

3. Contact the user with whom you corresponded with a request to send copies of messages (in a personal Vkontakte or in a mailbox). Your messages can be deleted, but he can not (ie, he did not clear the message history).

4. Write a letter to Vkontakte technical support with a request to restore the dialogue: click on the main “help” link in the lower menu and enter the text.

Extension for Google Chrome - VkOpt

VkOpt is a multifunctional addon that increases the comfort of using the Vkontakte social network at times. Among its features are the loading of data on media content, an extended menu quick access to functions and sections, search for photos in HD quality, and of course, the module for processing / restoring messages is a very powerful tool.

Attention! VkOpt - has the status of a trusted application. BUT: beware of fakes and modified versions. The addon can be downloaded without unnecessary fears only on the official website of the developer vkopt.net or in the store Google extensions Chrome.

To view dialogs in Vkopt, you must:
1. Install the addon in the browser.
2. Log in to your Vkontakte account.
The section in the page menu should appear immediately after installation.

3. Open "My Messages".
4. To the right of the "Dialogues" button, select "Statistics" from the drop-down menu [Actions].

6. Set the parameters for displaying message statistics (check the boxes next to the options).

7. In the statistics table, find the user with whom you want to view the dialogue. And then click on the date / time in the same line (rightmost column). Messages will appear on the display.

Do not use third-party dubious programs to restore correspondence, especially those that “request” a login and password from a Vkontakte account. There is a high probability that after such a "recovery" your page will be hacked.

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On purpose or by accident, many of the users in VKontakte clicked on "Delete" and "Clear message history". It seems that after that the dialogues disappear forever.

However, there are several safe ways return them.
If you did not perform any actions, and the dialogue with a certain interlocutor suddenly turned out to be empty, then try the following:

  1. Check your internet connection. Such grief can often happen due to the low speed of the communication channel.
  2. Try accessing your page from a different browser, app, or device.
  3. Ask if other users have such a problem - perhaps the trouble happened on the servers, and after the repair work everything will be restored by itself.
  4. If an antivirus is installed on your computer, temporarily disable the web filter and reload the page with dialogs - the OS defender could easily “eat” the necessary code components.
  5. Turn off filter extensions like NoScript, Adblock in the menu of your browser, which sometimes interfere with the correct operation of the social network.
  6. Clear the cache as well as the browser history, exit your page and close it. Then log into your account again.
  7. Try to find the correspondence through the search for messages - enter in the appropriate box the words that it is guaranteed to contain.

How to recover deleted correspondence in VK

  1. The easiest way is to ask the interlocutor to send you remote dialog or any part of it - after all, when clearing the history of one user, the second one remains safe and sound until, of course, he deletes it himself. In Vkontakte, by the way, it is quite possible to upload a dialogue with all attachments to a PC or laptop.
  2. Go to "Settings" - "Notifications". Find email for alerts. If there is a “tick” there and on the sub-item “Personal messages”, then in the VK specified during registration mailbox will lie all deleted history dialogues. However, large messages will not be displayed there in their entirety, and general conversations will not be stored there at all.
  3. In a similar way, you can see the lost messages on your phone again - in the event that in the notification settings you have checked the box for "Receive SMS alerts" about personal messages.
  4. A single, just deleted message in the browser is easy to return back - after all, immediately after deletion, the "Restore" button appears. However, if you refresh the page after deletion or switch from it to another, the action cannot be canceled.

Such a saving button does not appear even when the entire dialog is deleted - because the system has already tried to protect you from its recklessness by asking you to confirm the delete action: “Are you sure you want to delete all correspondence with this user? It will be impossible to undo this action."

Contact tech support for help home page the "Help" link and describe your problem to the agent in detail. It will be good if you provide screenshots of the correspondence to the request or mention any messages from it.

How to recover deleted correspondence in VK: different ways

In most cases, unfortunately, they refuse to restore the correspondence, referring to the impossibility of such an action. However, technical support always helps to restore correspondence to those users who have lost their archive of messages as a result of "hacking" their page.

If you are familiar with the programming language, then it is possible to restore the dialogue through the social network API. This process is very long and tedious, since you need to return messages one at a time, be sure to indicate their ID:

In conclusion, I would like to warn you against contacting “knowledgeable people” and downloading suspicious software. Alas, these methods will only lead to the loss of money, confidential data of your page and, often, of itself.

Even the only safe (naturally, only on the official website of the developer) VkOpt application, recommended by many, is unable to restore lost correspondence. At most, it will reflect the statistics of your messages.

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Do you know that Murphy's law applies not only in the physical world, but also in the virtual one? What we most fear to lose will certainly be lost. Lost important correspondence in the social network? More proof of that though...

... it's too early to despair! The chance to return deleted messages from oblivion is small, but still there. Today we’ll talk about how to restore correspondence in VK in 5 ways, 3 of which are really effective, 1 is in doubt and 1 more is completely illusory, but who knows, all of a sudden it will help you.

3 really working ways - these are our trump cards. Post them as soon as possible. Preferably as soon as they notice the loss, otherwise it may be too late.

First Trump

The VK administration compares deleted messages to burnt letters that cannot be recovered from the ashes. This is not entirely correct, because a paper letter exists in single copy, and electronic - in two: one for you, the second for your interlocutor. With the default settings, deleting correspondence from one user does not lead to deletion from the second. And this means that it is enough to ask the interlocutor to forward the necessary messages to you. Only and everything.

By the way, the VKontakte administration itself threw the first trump card to us:

But! If you checked the box when deleting a message Delete for everyone”, the interlocutor will not be able to help you. This option erases the correspondence with him too.

Fortunately, it is active only for 1 day. After 24 hours, messages saved by another user cannot be deleted.

Second trump card

Effective, but it works for a short time - until you close the correspondence page. You may have noticed that a button appears in place of the deleted message. Reestablish". Clicking on this button brings it back, the main thing is to change your mind in time.

Third trump card

The fact that there is a third ace in your sleeve should be taken care of in advance. If your VK correspondence is still safe and sound, do it now - set up message forwarding to email.

For this:

  • Go to your account settings section. Select " Alerts».
  • Scroll down the page to the " Email alerts».
  • Specify the mailbox address to which you want to receive copies of messages.
  • Determine the frequency of notifications that is convenient - no more than once a day or always.
  • In the list " Feedback » mark « Private messages».

After such a setting, your correspondence will be stored not only in the VK account, but also in the bowels of the mailbox. To search for the desired message, just look at the letters sent from the address [email protected] Just in case, do not forget to check the Spam folder, but rather use the search by the sender's address:

Questionable method from the past (restore from backup)

The fourth opportunity to restore deleted correspondence, VK users are obliged to third-party developers, in particular, the creators, which works in Google browser Chrome. Some time ago, it provided access to deleted messages directly from the account interface, but today this function, alas, does not work. However, another one works - saving correspondence. If you do this at least once a month, then the risk of irretrievable loss will decrease significantly.

After installing VKOpt, additional features will appear in your account. In the message section, there is a menu shown in the screenshot below. In it is the button of interest to us - " Save the conversation».

Clicking on this item opens a window with a choice of saving format - html or txt. When you select the second option, the settings button additionally appears.

The file with the correspondence is downloaded to the computer.

Ghost Method - Restore from Browser Cache

The fifth method is perhaps the most unreliable. They resort to it out of despair, when nothing else helped and, lo and behold, sometimes it works. And not only in the case of VK correspondence, but also with other information that could be preserved. The method consists in "unpatching" the cache.

To access the contents of the web browser cache, it is convenient to use a free portable utility. Despite the mention of "Chrome", in addition to him, she works with different browsers, in particular with Opera, Yandex and Vivaldi. Perhaps with others too, if the user himself indicates to her the location of the cache folder.

Working with ChromeCacheView is extremely easy. After launching the utility (most likely it will open a blank window), press the F9 key or go to the " file' and select ' SelectCacheFolder". Specify the path to the cache folder or click one of the buttons highlighted in the screenshot - depending on which browser you use for VKontakte correspondence.

After that, the main window will be filled with cache items. To open an object of interest, select it in the list and press F6. Or go back to the menu File" and press " openLinkinWebBrowser».

That, perhaps, is all. There are not many opportunities to restore VK correspondence, but they exist. And the less time has passed since the removal, the higher your chances.

Hello everyone, many are wondering how to view deleted messages on VKontakte and restore them. Actually there are several solutions to this question.

  • How to restore dialogue

  • Contacting Support

  • Programs for recovering messages
  • The Vkontakte website is one of the largest and most popular social networks at the moment. Every second person in the world is a user of this program, people from young to old “sit” there. What has earned this site such an increased interest? Communication. You can communicate with people from different countries completely without any boundaries. On this site, it's very easy to hide yourself under a photo or picture, and no one will know who you really are unless you yourself want it to be. But the Vkontakte website has long become not just a sphere of communication, but also a group of interests, a way to earn money and a source of information.

    How to view deleted messages on VKontakte

    For communication on the site, "Messages" are used and it is possible to manage them. But what if you accidentally deleted a message or a whole dialogue that you need and there is no way to ask a person to write it again? There is always a way out! Let's figure it out.

    Every year, the Vkontakte website is edited, supplemented and improved, so it appeared great amount new features. For example, now in dialogs there is an opportunity to immediately restore a deleted message if you accidentally clicked in the wrong place. Just click on the link " Reestablish". But do not refresh the page, because in this case the message in the dialog cannot be restored! And if you deleted a message, this does not mean that your interlocutor will not be able to read it - it will not be visible only to you, it is impossible to cancel sending a message.

    If, for example, you deleted the message and clicked the "Back" button or refreshed the page, then there is another way to view the message - to see it in your mailbox. Since the Vkontakte site usually links your page with your mail, all notifications from this site come there too, unless you have disabled this feature. To check if your email notification feature is active.

    Go to "My Settings" → "Alerts" → and in the "Email Notifications" column, see if you have a checkmark next to "Alert frequency: always notify". After that, all activity will be sent to you on email address. But here, too, there are "pitfalls":

  • Long messages may not appear entirely in your email;
  • If you send a message to a dialog with a large number of interlocutors, the text is not displayed.
  • By the way, it may be that you have problems with the site or with your device, which simply do not show messages. Those. they could get lost. In this case, you can search for a message in the "Search Engine", which is located on the right upper corner in the "My Messages" section. To start the search, enter either a phrase or the name of your interlocutor.

    How to restore dialogue

    It is possible that you accidentally or intentionally deleted an entire user dialog, but you urgently need to restore it. Remember that just as in the case of deleted messages, copies of letters remain with your interlocutor, you delete them only on your page! Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to ask a person to send you a whole dialogue. In this case, to be honest, there is no way to restore the information on your own. But don't despair! If you can't, someone else can!

    As already mentioned, the Vkontakte website is one of the largest social networks, respectively, for its maintenance and proper functioning, they constantly come up with some kind of extensions and applications. One of these applications is Vkopt.

    With this program, the user has a large number of uses additional features for site. However, there is no function to restore messages or dialogs, but it is possible to view message statistics on Vkontakte - there will be no deleted messages, all are counted. You only need to download and install the application " vkopt» to your computer. After that, open the Vkontakte website, then "My messages" and you will see that a new option has appeared in the "actions" menu - "Statistics". Install all the required options and feel free to click on the "Let's go" button. Determine the interlocutor you need by entering the date and time in the window that appears. If the dialog is deleted, it will still be visible to you.

    But remember: it is best to download any applications from official sites! This will protect you from scammers and your computer from viruses.

    Contacting Support

    In the event that you yourself cannot cope with the problem, except methods described above There are several more, such as contacting the site's support service.

    There are special people who help users understand complex issues.


    People often exchange information through social networks. In most cases, it is valuable, so the question of recovering accidentally deleted messages in Contact is quite common.

    How to recover deleted messages on Vkontakte

    • In case of accidental deletion of one message, it can be restored immediately. To do this, click on the "Restore" link in the place of the disappeared entry. If the page in the browser is immediately refreshed after deletion, then the link to access the recovery will disappear, and it will not be so easy to return the message.
    • To return all deleted correspondence, the method described above is not suitable. During the deletion, the site asks for confirmation of this action, so it will not be possible to restore the cleared dialog.
    • If the page in Contact is linked to mail and event notifications are enabled in the settings, it is possible to view the content of deleted correspondence in notifications.
    • To enable notifications, you need to: log in to your page in Contact; open the "Settings" section in the menu; go to the "Notifications" item; In the appeared field "Alerts by mail" you need to enter your email address; for the “Frequency” item, you need to set the value to “Always notify”.
    1. After enabling this function, notifications about the latest events in the Contact will be sent to the specified email address. This will allow you to view even those dialogs that have been deleted in the account.
    2. But there is a limitation, and it lies in the fact that too large messages in the mail are not displayed in full.
    3. If at the time of deleting the dialogs, notifications were not enabled, then viewing messages via e-mail is not possible.
    4. In this case, you can only ask the interlocutor to send the necessary correspondence.
    5. If a friend also deleted all messages, then you can contact support. In this case, the received answer will not be joyful, because technical support workers will most likely say what to restore remote correspondence it is forbidden.


    • On some sites you can find information that you can return deleted messages in Contact with the help of specialized programs or "special people".
    • Users are encouraged to install some browser extensions that will add several "useful" features.
    • In fact, such additions will not be able to help restore messages. These records cannot be trusted. They are left by scammers who, using such programs, steal data from pages in VKontakte and send spam on someone else's behalf.