They can be used without any additional equipment directly from the keyboard mobile phone. Many of them carry no useful features, but some allow you to learn more about your mobile phone and even manage it. Using some of them may void your phone's warranty or even damage it, so proceed at your own risk.

Samsung Codes

*#06# - shows IMEI
*#9999# - shows version software
*#0837# - shows the software version
*#0001# - shows serial parameters
*#0523# - display adjustment menu
*#9998*228# - battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#9998*289# - change the frequency of the call
*#9998*324# - debug screen
*#9998*523# - change the display contrast
*#9998*636# - memory status
*#9998*746# - SIM file size
*#9998*842# - vibrator test
* # 0228 # - temperature and battery level (C100)
*#OLCD# - display brightness
* # 8888 # - iron version
* # 9999 # - firmware version
*#9998*JAVA# - CSD and GPRS settings
* # 9998 * VERNAME # - extended information about firmware, hardware and dates of creation
*#0837# - software version output
* 0001* s* f * t # - change serial parameters

Samsung SGH-600
*#06# -> Shows IMEI.
*#9999# -> Shows the software version.
*#0837# -> Show software version (instructions)
*#0001# -> Show serial parameters
*#9125# -> Activates the smiley when charging.
*#9998*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#9998*246# -> Program status
*#9998*289# -> Change ringer frequency
*#9998*324# -> Debug screen
*#9998*364# -> Watchdog
*#9998*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack - Use side keys to select values. Cancel and ok.
*#9998*427# -> Trace Watchdog
*#9998*523# -> Change display contrast - G60RL01W version only
*#9998*544# -> Jig detect
*#9998*636# -> Memory status
*#9998*746# -> SIM file size
*#9998*778# -> SIM Service Table
*#9998*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors - if ok then phn is reset, info is put in memory error.
*#9998*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
*#9998*837# -> Software version
*#9998*842# -> Vibrator Test - The screen backlight flashes for 10 seconds and the vibrator turns on.
*#9998*862# -> Vocoder Reg - Normal, Earphone or carkit can be selected
*#9998*872# -> Diag
*#9998*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error
*#9998*999# -> Last/Chk
*#9998*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)
*#9998*9999# -> Software version
*0001*s*f*t# -> Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0.1, t=0.1) (incomplete)
*0002*?# -> unknown
*0003*?# -> unknown

SP unlock SGH-600 and SGH 2100

*2767*3855# -> Full reset l EEPROM (This code removes the SP lock!!)
But also changes IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0

*2767*2878# -> Custom reset EEEPROM
This code has been tested on Samsung SGH-600

Codes for X100

*#8888# - shows Hardware Version
*#9999# - shows Software Version
*#8999*8376263 - firmware data
*#8999*8378# or *#8999*test# -Test Mode (for more details see here)
*#8999*377# - error log
*#8999*324# - some technical data
*#8999*636# - some technical data
*#8999*523# - display contrast, the same as through the main menu of the phone
*2767*2878# - reset user EEPROM settings (be careful, this procedure also clears the phone book)
*#2255# - call log
*#4777*8665# - GPRS setup
*#0020# - setting the default menu language
*#0007# - sets the text mode to Russian
*#7465625# - block list
*7465625*638*# - network blocking

Sony-Ericsson Codes

*#06# - shows IMEI
>*<<*<* - вход в служебное меню
*#0000# - sets the English language

Ericsson T28s
*#06# -shows IMEI
*#0000# - sets the menu to English
* # 3370 # - sets Enhaced Full Rate (the mode improves sound quality)
#3370# - disables Enhanced Full Rate
*#9000# - to enter SIM lock code
*#9001# - to enter corporate lock code (Bosch 908)
*#9002# - to enter provider lock code (Bosch 908)
*#9003# - to enter the network lock code
*#9004#- to enter subset lock code
*#9100# - to remove the SIM lock code
*#9101# - to remove the corporate lock code
*#9102# - to remove the provider lock code
*#9103# - to remove the network lock code
*#9104# - to remove subset lock code
*#3262255*8378# (*#DANCALL*TEST#) - to open the secret Engineering menu (menu 10)
10.- Engineering
10.1- MS Info
10.1.2 off
10.2- Software details
10.2.1-Software version
10.2.2- EEPROM version
10.2 -Test / Production details
10.3.1 -Hardware data
10.3.2- Production data
10.3.3- Service data
10.3.4- Mechanical data

SONY Codes

*#06# - shows IMEI
#8377466# (#version#) - software version


*#06# - smartphone IMEI

*#0000# - Firmware number

* # 7780 # - Restoring the original (working) settings of the smartphone

* # 7370 # - Reset the smartphone to factory settings (all software, contacts, calendar, etc. are deleted - the phone becomes clean)

*#2820# - Bluetooth code (unique address of the Bluetooth module)

*#7370925538# - cleaning "Wallet" (for 6600 and above - which have "Wallet").

Safe Mode when you turn on the phone - "ABC" + "Power Button" (in 3650 "ABC" is "pencil")

Loading into Safe:

1. Turn off your phone
2. Press "ABC" (and DO NOT release)
3. Press the power buttons
4. Hold "ABC" until the phone is FULLY loaded !!!

And here is another additional way to format the phone (with the loss of all data), in case you can’t even dial the coveted code * # 7370 # or even start the phone: in the off state, hold down three keys at the same time, green for answer, asterisk and key "3". And now turn on tryby without releasing the keys. Formatting will start.

To use the codes *#7780# and *#7370#, you will need to enter the lock code (default 12345).

##002# cancel all redirects.

**004*number# enable forwarding of all calls to the entered number.

NOKIA 3210, 3310 (!!!), 3330, 8210, 8250, 8850, 9110

Shows the serial number of the phone (IMEI)

Software Version

1 line - Version
2 Line - Date of release of the program. security.
Line 3 - Phone type.

Warranty codes:
*#92702689# (= *#war0anty#)
You will be prompted to enter a "warranty code" type,

The service menu will appear on the screen:
IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identification)
Phone release date MM/YY
Phone purchase date
Date of repair
Pass user data?

*3370# - Activation of the full-size coding mode (Increases the quality of communication, reduces battery life)

#3370# - Deactivation of the full-size encoding mode.
Note: After entering these codes, the phone will restart with the new settings.

Check if you can stop SIM Clock:
*#746025625# (= *#sim0clock#)

Codes for determining whether LOC is installed on the device or not
Your Nokia can be blocked by 4 types of locks:

To check the status of these locks, enter the line:
#pw+(MASTERCODE)+(y)# where
- p = press * 3 times
- w = press * 4 times (in the original, on the contrary, w - 3 times, p - 4)
- + = press * 2 times
- MASTERCODE = exactly the thing that locked your device. But to check the status, enter 1234567890
- y = number from 1 to 4

If the phone is locked by an SP (Service Provider) code that is unknown, then try the following:

1. Pin code request must be enabled;
2. turn on the phone;
3. when prompted for a Pin code, press C, then the up or down arrow;
4. press C and hold until the display clears;
5. now enter the command to change the Pin code, but without changing it;
This operation must be repeated each time the machine is turned on.

Half Rate Codec:
*4720# - Half Rate will be activated after the phone is rebooted (power consumption decreases)
#4720# - Half Rate will be disabled after rebooting the phone
Enhanced Full Rate mode allows you to get much better sound quality with the same number of bits of transmitted information, but loads your provider's network more, while the duration of the conversation is reduced by about 5%

Half Rate mode degrades the sound quality, but unloads the network and allows the provider to pass more calls through it, while the duration of the conversation increases by about 30%

Security code Information in IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) contains:


TAC = Type Approval Code (2 first digits = country code).
FAC = Final Assembly Code (For Nokia FAC=10).
SNR = Serial number.
SP = Spare (always SP=0).

**04*oldPIN*newPIN*newPIN# - Change PIN code

**042*oldPIN2*newPIN2*newPIN2# - Change PIN2 code

**05*PUK*newPIN*newPIN# - Unblock PIN code

**052*PUK2*newPIN2*newPIN2# - Unblock PIN2

*#35# - Check the blocking status of all incoming calls

**35*code# - Activate blocking of all incoming calls

#35*code# - Disable blocking of all incoming calls

*#33# - Check the blocking status of all outgoing calls

**33*code# - Activate blocking of all outgoing calls

#33*code# - Disable blocking of all outgoing calls

*#330*code# - Check the blocking status of all calls

**330*code# - Activate blocking of all calls

# 330 * code # - Disable blocking of all calls

Philips Codes


For Philips Genie 828
*#7489*# - shows the secret code of the device
*#7378*# - shows some information about the SIM card
*#3377*# - information about blocking the SIM card
*#7693*# - activates and deactivates Sleep Mode
*#8463*# - shows information about Sleep Mode
*#2847*# - opens the menu section "Closed User Group"
*#4377*# - disables and enables battery recharging
*#2558*# - check time (day, hour, min) via network
*#2562*# - disable time check
*#2255*# - turns "Debug Call Mode" on and off
*#2337*# - activates a sound signal if the phone reconnects to the network

Siemens Codes

Changes cannot be made from the menu, they can only be made using the following. key combinations:
**042*OldPin2*NewPin2* NewPin2#
in most cases OldPin 0000.
It is also possible to change PIN2 using the following. combinations (GSM):
**042* OldPin * NewPin 2#
or use menu 7-4-2 to enter PIN2 and then change it by pressing the left key below the screen. (soft key)

Checking the Firmware Version

To view the firmware version, press the Menu button and then 9-8-2 and then press the left key below the screen.
Or *#06# & "green button" and left key.

Quick change of interface language

Achieved by entering:
*#0000# & "green key" = automatic language selection
*#0001# & "green key" = English
*#0030# & "green key" = Greek
*#0031# & "green key" = Danish
*#0032# & "green key" = French
*#0034# & "green key" = Spanish
*#0039# & "green key" = Italian
*#0049# & "green key" = German
*#0090# & "green key" = Turkish

Speech encoding type

*#3370# & "green key" = Activate Enhanced Full Rate.
The sound quality is improved while the standby time is reduced by approximately 5%!
#3370# & "green key" = disable Enhanced Full Rate
*#4720# & "green key" = Activate Half Rate Mode.
The sound quality is reduced, but the standby time is increased by up to 30%!
#4720# & "green key" = disable Half Rate Mode

Switching on the phone without a SIM card

*#0606# & left key (soft key)

Restoring original settings

You can reset all the changes made and get the original, original settings:
*#9999# & "green key" = Does not change settings related to network and SIM card

Keyboard shortcuts
Voice mail (Voice mail) - Press the key<1>and hold for a few seconds
Country codes (International country codes) - Press the key<0>and then left key
Ringer off - Press key<*>
Keyboard lock (Keylock) - Press a key<#>and hold for a few seconds.
Increasing standby time
According to SIEMENS:
- 1 minute of screen backlight equals 1 hour of standby time.
- 10 seconds of menu operation corresponds to 15 minutes of standby time.
- A minute of broadcast message transmission corresponds to 30 minutes of standby time
- Connecting the phone to another base station is equal to 1 hour in standby mode
- Turning on the phone and then registering it to the network takes 2 hours from standby mode.

Battery saving settings:

1. Turn on the infrared port only if necessary - you can assign one of the programmable keys (8-4-1 or 2)
2. CB can be configured to read using one of the programmable keys (8-4-1 or 2)
3. Use backlight only when necessary (8-5-2)
4. Avoid constantly turning the phone off and then registering on the network
5. Use the vibrator only when necessary. Don't use the vibrator all the time
. 6. Disable automatic network registration (6-3)
7. The battery in the S25 is rather weak. To conserve energy, set s25 to automatically turn off every evening. You can safely turn on your phone in the morning. This option is located in the menu under the clock.
8. Temporarily turn off the backlight of the display (the keypad lock must be activated), just press the End call button (with the image of a red phone).

How can I quickly turn off the vibration alert?

The fastest way is to put the phone in professional mode (expert mode, see the instructions) and then press three keys in sequence - Menu - 3 - 5 to turn the vibration alert on or off.

Alcatel Codes

*#06# - shows IMEI
000000* - enter the service menu
Service menu:
TRACES - netmonitor, viewing network parameters
SWOFF CODES - phone shutdown log
EMPTY SWOFF - clearing the phone shutdown log
CTRL CHARDGE - battery charge control
CHEKER - display test

LG Codes

2945 # * # - Entering the engineering menu for many models

* # 07 # - IMEI and firmware version
2945 # * 1 # - entry into the 2nd engineering menu G5400 and on others of the G series
2945# * 5301# - enable the lock menu
*8375# - B1200
* 6861 # - initialization after loading B1200
# and ON together, then 668 - B1200
2945# * (hold) - LG-600
2945# * 1# - 2nd service menu LG-510
* 789 # + Send - LG-200

Most LG models allow you to unlock your phone using the engineering menu

DEF codes

Very often someone called you from a mobile phone and the number was left on the identifier of your phone.
In this case, you need to determine where the caller is from by the number or code of the mobile phone.

Phone number structure:

DEF code structure:

0 - Central District

Northwestern District.

2 - Ural district

Siberian district.

Far Eastern District.

5 - Central District(Please note that according to the DEF federal numbering system, the Nizhny Novgorod region is assigned to it) + some numbers of the Moscow region.

Moscow region.

7 - Volga District

Southern district.

Landline phone number

ABC code (city code)



Call direction.

Outgoing call

Incoming call– received call.
Mobile call
Local call
Home city
Home region
Local calls
Long distance calls
International calls
Direct dialing

Dialing rules.

Exceptions! Moscow city MR Ural Nyagan(KhMAO).

Federal number DEF code (mobile network code)

Long distance call:

International call:

810 .

810 7 917 123 1212

Country codes:

Crimea and Sevastopol

Intercity format:


Phone number structure: ABC, DEF codes, landline number, country codes.

BMS: Terms of Service \ Dial Order \ Dial Rules \ General Dial Rules

Phone number structure:

Prefix - Country code - Area code (ABC) - Phone number (for example: +7 - 8422 - 123456)

Prefix - Country code - Cellular network code (DEF) - Phone number (for example: +7 - 917 - 1234567)

Being within the radio coverage of GSM cellular operators, an MTS client can call anywhere in the world.
Most companies providing cellular communication services have numbering capacities - "city" and "federal".

DEF code structure:

Deciphering the character "F" in the DEF code for MTS:

0 - Central District(Please note that according to the DEF federal numbering system, the Nizhny Novgorod region is assigned to it) + some numbers of the Moscow region.

Northwestern District.

2 - Ural district(Please note that according to the DEF federal numbering system, it includes the Kirov region and Udmurtia).

Siberian district.

Far Eastern District.

5 - Central District(Please note that according to the DEF federal numbering system, the Nizhny Novgorod region is assigned to it) + some numbers of the Moscow region.

Moscow region.

7 - Volga District(+ some numbers of the Moscow region).

Southern district.

9 - Numbers of the Ural region(including the Kirov region) + some numbers of the Central region.

Landline phone number– mobile phone number, similar to numbers within the city network and in international format looks like: “+” – country code – ABC code – mobile phone number.

ABC code (city code)- telephone code of the settlement, assigned on a geographical basis (for example, 861 - the code of Krasnodar).

CMS: Services \ Additional and network services \ City number

Essence: providing the Client with an additional 6- or 7-digit (depending on the region) number for receiving and making calls from a cellular SLT. The city number is additional, it always has an analogue in the federal format, which is the main and main one.

Information on the distribution of numbering capacities between other mobile operators in Russia can be found on the website

Detailed information on converting a number from a city (direct) format to a federal one is located:

CPS: Service conditions \ Numbering capacities \ Numbering capacities of MTS OJSC

BMS: Terms of Service \ Numbering Capacities \ Converters ABC - DEF and DEF - ABC

When answering a client’s question, we definitely remind you of the possibility of independently clarifying the ownership of the MTS number:

“Capacity 9хх ххх is assigned to the YYY operator of the ZZZ region. You can check if a certain number belongs to an MTS operator by dialing *916*number# and calling. The cost of the request is 2.72 rubles. ( CMS: Services and discounts \ Additional and network services \ USSD \ USSD service for determining whether a number belongs to an MTS subscriber).
If necessary, you can recommend the client to clarify the information on the site (it is possible to send the address to the client via SMS assistant).

Call direction.

Outgoing call
call in progress.
Incoming call– received call.
Mobile call- a call made to the phones of MTS subscribers.
Local call- a call made to the phones of other fixed and cellular operators of the home city.
Home city the city for which a certain range of numbering capacity is assigned.
Home region the region in which the contract was concluded (Moscow region, Sverdlovsk region, etc.).
PSTN public telephone network.
Local calls– calls made to the phones of the home city, including the numbers of fixed-line and cellular operators.
Long distance calls– calls made to phone numbers outside the home city.
International calls- calls made outside the host country, in our case - outside the Russian Federation.
Direct dialing– Dialing a number without specifying an area code.

Dialing rules.

BMS: Terms of service \ Order of dialing \ Rules of dialing

  • The call is made to a landline (landline) phone

To call from an MTS mobile phone to any city number of the regional (regional center) where the switchboard is installed, including to a mobile phone with a direct landline number, you need to dial a regular number without a prefix. For example: A client from Tatarstan is located in Naberezhnye Chelny and calls a landline phone in Kazan. In this case, you can dial the number with the area code or use direct dialing.

Exceptions! Moscow city– there is no direct dialing option. You need to dial 8 or +7, then the area code, then the phone number. AT MR Ural unprefixed (no area code) dialing is open only in Nyagan(KhMAO).

  • The call is made to a cell phone (SLT)

Federal number–10-digit subscriber number, consisting of the DEF code and a seven-digit subscriber number. DEF code (mobile network code)- a telephone code assigned on a non-geographic basis (unlike the ABC code), i.e., devoid of territorial binding to a particular region of Russia.

* KPV - call send key (handset).

Long distance call:

Long-distance communication is paid per minute, rounded up. Free threshold - 3 seconds.

8 - access to the intercity line in Russia. The possibility of dialing through 8 is only on the territory of Russia and to Russian numbers !!!

Codes of cities, towns, regional centers throughout the Russian Federation can be found using the link:

CMS: Terms of service \ Dialing procedure \ Search for Russian city codes

International call:

In GSM phones, a universal sign is used to access an international line, which is designated as "+".

Also, to access the international line, it is possible to use the combination 810 .

In the same way, you can dial a number when calling within the territory of the Russian Federation. Example: 810 7 917 123 1212

Codes of cities located outside the territory of the Russian Federation can be found using the link:

BMS: Terms of Service \ Dial Order \ Search for International Area Codes

Country codes: CPS: Terms of Service \ Dial Order \ Country Codes

Crimea and Sevastopol

Starting September 25, 2014, MTS subscribers can call landline numbers in Sevastopol and Crimea in long-distance format.
Intercity format:

Sevastopol: 8-‎869-subscriber number (or +7-869-subscriber number)

· For other cities of Crimea - see. CMS:

CMS: Terms of service \ Dialing procedure \ Codes of cities in Russia new

For MTS customers with TP "Super MTS for sales in the Crimea and Sevastopol" when calling to landlines in Sevastopol and r. Crimea, the area code is always dialed.
When dialing a number through 8 or +7 (intercity dialing), billing will be carried out in the direction of intercity within Russia.

The three main mobile communication companies in the Russian Federation are MTS, Megafon and Beeline. Other mobile operators in Russia are not so popular, and even such giants as TELE2, Rostelecom and Iota fall short of the leaders. The coverage of large mobile communication companies covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation. To identify subscribers, telephone numbers are used, and to determine the provider, prefixes of mobile operators are used. One company, especially if it is large, may own several indices. For example, the list for MTS covers a wide range of numbers.

What is a cell phone number

The ten-digit identifier, consisting of the provider code and a unique set of numbers, is the mobile phone number. In the international format, there is also a country index (for Russia +7). Def codes (operator identifiers) consist of three digits; numbering starts at nine. These are non-geographic telephone indexes, thanks to which it is possible to determine the subscriber's communication service provider, but firms no longer have a monopoly on them. You can switch, for example, from MTS to Megafon while maintaining the same set of numbers.

The transfer service is still available to a small number of people, and it is still possible to find out where the unknown is calling from. For the same reason, the number codes of Russian mobile operators remain in demand. Def are not considered secret information and are in open databases. They encode not only information about the provider, but also about the region in which the number is registered (within the range of regions, and not a specific city or district).

Cellular operator codes

The Federal Communications Agency (Rossvyaz) distributes the codes of mobile operators in Russia. A table with a list of def identifiers is posted on the official website of the institution and is regularly updated. It is available for download to any Internet user. For the convenience of the search, you can drive the code into a special form on the site and quickly find information about the corresponding network provider and region.

Russian cellular communication companies

The leaders of the list are Megafon, MTS and Beeline. In addition to them, there are other companies in the TOP. The most popular mobile operators in Russia:

  • Megaphone. The leading company covering all regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the republics of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Tajikistan. The subscriber base of MegaFon has more than 75 million active numbers. It is the leader in providing mobile internet.
  • MTS. Belongs to the list of leading providers. Provides high quality voice communications, cable TV, Internet access services. It has its own retail network.
  • Beeline. A brand owned by Vimpelcom, which is part of a concern serving more than 235 million subscribers. The company provides a wide range of tariffs and high-quality coverage.
  • TELE 2. The work of this group of companies is highly appreciated by users. It serves more than 38.9 million subscribers.
  • Iota. Gained popularity as an innovative company providing mobile voice services and 4G high-speed Internet.
  • Rostelecom. Leader in the provision of cable television and broadband Internet access. Feedback on the quality of services provided is positive, but many customers criticize the work of technical support.
  • MTT. Major cellular provider. Serves 2 million subscribers.

Russian mobile operator codes

A total of 57 identifiers are currently involved. The structure of the def code is as follows: 9, then one of the digits in the range from 0 to 9. This is how 9 two-digit indices are formed, each of them has a third number, also from 0 to 9. A summary table of all occupied digits (distribution of cell phone numbers Russian operators by regions below):

  • 90: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9;
  • 91: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • 92: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • 93: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • 94: 1;
  • 95: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8;
  • 96: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • 97: 0, 1, 7, 8;
  • 98: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • 99: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9;

As can be seen from the list, Russian mobile operators have not distributed all the def codes among themselves. Remaining free identifiers:

MTS numbers

The codes 91x and 98x are reserved for the MTS mobile provider (where x is a number from the range from 0 to 9, see the table above). The regional distribution is as follows:

MTT codes

This provider uses the following codes: 90x, 93x, 95x, 98x, 99x. In the vast majority of regions, 958 indices are registered. 930, 933, 958, 980 are also often found. Most of the subscribers belong to the Central Federal District:

  • 930, 931, 933, 934, 939;
  • 966, 969;
  • 980, 984, 985, 986;
  • 992, 993, 994, 995.

Beeline codes

This company, which provides calling and network access services, uses two main codes: 90x, 96x. Full distribution table for the Russian Federation:

903, 905, 906, 909, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 967


909, 961, 962, 963, 965, 968, 969

903, 905, 906, 909, 960, 961, 962, 969


903, 905, 906, 909, 960, 961, 962


909, 961, 962, 963

Moscow and region

903, 905, 906, 909, 962, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 968, 969, 980, 983, 986

903, 905, 906, 909, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 966, 967


902, 904, 908, 951, 953, 962, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 968

All but the Far East

All but the Northwest


Subscribers who use Megafon can be recognized by def 92x. The regional distribution is as follows:

Tele 2

90x, 95x, 99x are TELE2 identification codes. In addition, Moscow subscribers can be encrypted under the numbers +7 977 хххххх. The rest of the code distribution.

(8723 people)

Codes of mobile operators in Russia

02 September 2013

Mobile communications have become so firmly and organically integrated into our lives that it is already difficult to imagine your day without a cell phone. There are several operators in each country.
As a rule, these are a number of large companies operating at the federal level, and many small, regional ones.
Somewhere there are very few such operators, in developed countries there are about 20-30, and in the USA - more than 100!

Variety is wonderful. We have the opportunity to choose a company whose quality of service and tariffs are the most suitable. It’s just that it’s sometimes very difficult to figure out who owns a particular phone number. But this is important information. Knowing the operator, we can at least approximately determine how much the conversation will cost. A simple example: if you call your mobile operator, the cost will be X, and if another operator, then 2X, 3X, and so on. It is not worth talking about the amount that you have to pay for a conversation with a subscriber of a foreign mobile operator. Obviously it will be very large. Therefore, it is important to know the codes of Russian mobile operators in order not to get into a mess.


The question arises: how to determine which mobile operator the phone number belongs to? There are several ways. The first is to memorize the codes of the operators of your country. Not the easiest option, you see. The second is to look for data on the Internet. Here, too, difficulties may arise, especially if the operator is foreign. How will you study the operator's website in Arabic, for example, the language? Therefore, we suggest that you use the third method - the base of operator codes. Especially for you, we have created the section "Codes of mobile operators of the world". It contains useful and up-to-date information about codes and tips for deciphering a phone number. From this section, you will learn that each mobile operator has its own special code, after which comes the actual phone number. This code can consist of three or more digits, and is called a prefix (or def-code). It is the def-code that allows you to determine the mobile operator. When examining a phone number, do not forget that the country code may appear before the prefix. Thus, the telephone number of any mobile operator consists of three parts: Country code + Operator code + Phone number


In our country, the most popular phone numbers are the so-called "Big Three": "MegaFon", MTS and "Beeline". Due to the wide distribution of the numbers of these operators, most people remember without serious problems which codes belong to which operator. If there are difficulties, use our hint. So, how to identify the code of a mobile operator in Russia?


The MTS mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 910-919 belong to subscribers who have already registered for a long time. In new numbers, it is no longer uncommon for the MTS telephone code, which is in the range from 980 to 989.
910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919
980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989


The Beeline mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 903-909 belong to subscribers who have already registered for a long time. The new numbers will most likely use the Beeline phone code, which ranges from 960 to 976.
903 905 906 909 960 961 962
963 964 965 966 967 968 976


Cellular operator "MegaFon" owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 920-926 belong to long-registered subscribers. New numbers often contain the MegaFon phone code, which ranges from 927 to 937. Our website contains all the codes of mobile operators in Russia, as well as other countries. Using the reference book "Codes of mobile operators", you can always determine who owns the phone number you are interested in. In addition, we invite you to take advantage of a special offer and buy memorable numbers for a very attractive price. For example, "MTS Golden Numbers" or "Beautiful MegaFon Numbers".
920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929
929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937
If you have any questions or decide to make a purchase, then call us at +7 495 997 07 02, we will definitely help. And may you always have a choice!

Guests and residents of the capital are probably interested in learning about mobile operators in the region, as well as their codes within Moscow. The necessary information is provided in the article.

Who are they - mobile and regions?

Six operators currently provide their services in the capital. Let's see who they are, at the same time presenting the total number of their subscribers for the current year:

  • MTS - 104.1 million subscribers.
  • Beeline - 109.9 million subscribers.
  • Megafon - 72.2 million subscribers.
  • Tele2 - 38.8 million subscribers.
  • Yota - 0.5 million subscribers (data not updated since 2015).
  • "Teletai" - 57.8 thousand subscribers.

Let's talk about each of the mobile operators in Moscow in more detail.

MTS is the most expensive brand

PAO is one of the oldest mobile operators in Russia and CIS countries. The company was founded in 1993. It provides the following services:

  • cellular;
  • telephone wire communication;
  • mobile, digital, satellite and cable television;
  • home Internet.

In 2010, the trademark of this mobile operator in Moscow and Russia was recognized as the most expensive and was valued at 213,198 million rubles. At the same time, MTS's net annual profit is about 50 billion rubles a year.

"Beeline" - the most common in the world

The next Moscow operator is Beeline, a trademark of VimpelCom PJSC. Its services are as follows:

  • mobile and fixed telephony;
  • Internet access, data transmission, including via fiber optics, 4G networks, Wi-Fi;
  • broadband Internet access.

Beeline is not only a mobile operator in Moscow and Russia. The company provides its services in many countries - Italy, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Laos, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Armenia, Georgia, Algeria, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh and so on.

Megafon is the most actively developing

PJSC "MegaFon" presents to its subscribers the whole range of telematic services. It works not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia, as well as in Tajikistan, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. It was Megafon that was the first in the country to provide its subscribers with high-speed Internet - first 3G, and then LTE.

This mobile operator in Moscow is also known for its active acquisition of shares in other companies in its market - Synterra, Euroset, MegaLabs. Among its "daughters" - the notorious "Iota" and the provider NETBYNET.

"Tele2" - the most economical

In Russia, the Swedish company "Tele2" loudly declared itself back in 2003. Promising promotions also drew attention to it - high quality, excellent service, ease of operation, coupled with unprecedentedly low prices for communication. In Moscow, the mobile operator Tele2 appeared relatively recently - this was due to the fact that it smoothly integrated with the assets of Rostelecom in 2014. Before that, in 2013, the Swedish corporation "Tele2 AB" sold its Russian branch to the VTB group of companies.

Today "Tele2" provides a wide range of telecommunications services for both private clients and businesses. In addition to Moscow, the operator operates in 65 regions of Russia.

Yota is the most intriguing

Iota can certainly be considered the most mysterious Russian operator - the corporation's advertising campaign is to blame. Yota is the world leader in providing and also the recognized "fourth operator" in Russia according to 2014 data. Today it is not only a mobile operator in Moscow, but a company operating in 81 regions of the country (modem products are currently available only in 76 regions).

Visible advantages distinguish Yota from the rest of the variety of operators:

  • Communication without roaming throughout the Russian Federation.
  • Prices for all services do not change depending on your movements in Russia.
  • Unlimited free voice communication within the network throughout the Russian Federation.
  • "Transparent" control of your expenses in the operator's mobile application.
  • Free communication in popular messengers abroad even with zero balance.
  • Annual unlimited package at maximum speed.

"Teletay" - the most obscure connection

Teletai is another product of VimpelCom, a service provider with attractive tariff plans and high quality of services offered. Basically, his line of TPs is designed for those who want to communicate economically and a lot - in unlimited variations. The company promises an unobtrusive multi-profile service, an individual approach to each subscriber, advantageous offers for active users of the mobile Internet and those who like to chat on their smartphones. There are also special offers for businessmen and customers who frequently visit the roaming zone.

The small popularity of "Teletai" is primarily due to the fact that it operates in only two regions - Moscow and the region, as well as in St. Petersburg.

Codes of mobile operators in Moscow

Information about the telephone codes belonging to each of the operators will also be useful to the reader.

The code: Operator name:
901 "Skylink" (trademark "Tele2", now not functioning - abolished in 2015)
903 "Beeline"
910 MTS
925 "Megaphone"
958 519... Telegraph
958 523 ... "Matrix"
958 555 ... MTT
958 630 ... Former Rostelecom - today Tele2
962 "Beeline"
977 "Tele 2"
985 MTS
999 779 ... Former Rostelecom
999 800 ... "Iota"
999 880 ... Former Rostelecom
999 980 ... "Iota"

Note that such belonging of telephone codes to a certain operator is typical only for Moscow - in other regions, mobile numbers provided by completely different companies may begin with these numbers. Don't forget also about the new service - switching from one operator to another while keeping your number.

The capital has a fairly wide range of mobile operators. The subscriber will always be able to choose from them a company that meets individual needs and provides cheap calls, unlimited tariffs, Internet access at maximum speed, special tariff plans for roaming or advantageous offers for business.