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Tool - determination of geographical coordinates on the map Google Maps cities, streets, houses, in real time. How to determine coordinates by address - latitude and longitude on the map, convenient search by coordinates in Google Maps. A world map with coordinates (longitude and latitude) will allow you to find any address using already known parameters, calculate the distance between two cities/points online

Fill the form Google search Maps - enter the city, street, house number. Type the name of any geographical feature separated by a space. Or move the label to Right place, and search (click "Find") by the coordinates of the object on the Google map. A similar search has already been used when searching in . Use the change in the scale of the diagram (the desired scale will appear in the third field from the top) to see in more detail the location of the house on the street.

As you may have noticed, when you move the label on the diagram, the geographic parameters change. We get a kind of map with latitudes and longitudes. Previously, we have already dealt with determining the coordinates on the Yandex map

Using the reverse method, everyone will be able to search for coordinates in Google using known parameters. Instead of the geographical name of the object, fill in the search form with known coordinates. The service will determine and show on the map the exact geographical location of the street, district.

Interesting places in Google Maps - online secrets from the satellite

Knowing the address of any city in the world, the latitude and longitude of Washington and Santiago, Beijing and Moscow is easily determined. available to both city visitors and local residents. We are sure that you have already mastered this instrument on the page, by default on the map is the center of the capital of Russia - the city of Moscow. Find your latitude and longitude on the map at the address.

We offer to learn the secrets of the Maps service Google online. The satellite will not fly past interesting historical places, each of which is popular in a certain part of the globe.

Below you can see for yourself that these interesting places of the earth deserve special attention. And Google service Maps Sputnik is happy to offer you to find and see the world's most famous geographical mysteries. We believe that the residents of the Samara region will also be interested. What it looks like - they already know.

You do not need to determine their geographical coordinates and look for desired cards Google service. It is enough to copy any parameters from the list below - latitude and longitude (CTRL + C).

For example, we will watch from a satellite (switch to the “Satellite” scheme type) the largest stadium in the world and Brazil - Maracana (Rio de Janeiro, Maracana). Copy the latitude and longitude from the list below:


paste it into the search form of the Google Maps service (CTRL + V). It remains to start the search for the object itself. A label will appear on the diagram with the exact location of the coordinates. We remind you that you need to activate the "Satellite" scheme type. Everyone will choose a convenient +/- scale for themselves in order to better view the stadium in Brazil

Thank you for the provided data service Google Maps

Cartographic data of cities in Russia, Ukraine and the world

Online service for determining coordinates on the map of Russia. Convenient search GPS coordinates (latitude, longitude) at an address in Russia, location by coordinates on the Google Maps map of a city, street, house, object + calculator - calculate the distance between two points in degrees

Determination of latitude, longitude at an address in Russia

  • country Russia
  • continent - Europe
  • capital - Moscow

Enter known information into the search box (by default Moscow): city, street, house number, object in Russia. After activating the search, online, the latitude and longitude will be determined on the ground, at the location. In order to clarify the data, you need to move the marker to the search point, go to satellite scheme Google Maps (Satellite), zoom in

Large cities of the country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Ufa, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Volgograd, Voronezh

Search by known parameters. Enter your data in the search box to find a point on the map by coordinates. Example 55.7543,37.6200 - latitude and longitude of the capital city of Moscow

How to find a place by latitude and longitude?

Find on the interactive map of Russia (Russia) the required region (city, place, street, house, road, geographical feature). Move the marker with the mouse. To specify the location of the marker, use zoom (+ /-), change the type of scheme (map with objects or satellite)

Moscow coordinates - 55.7543,37.6200

Online calculator - calculation of distances between two points by coordinates

Using the proposed distance calculator and the geographical coordinates of two points (cities, houses, streets ...), you can calculate the distance between them (in km, m, miles, nautical miles)

During the search, we get GPS coordinates at the address of the area as decimal degrees. Sometimes you need to get information in a similar format - degrees, minutes and seconds

Example: 48.85837,2.294481 (Eiffel Tower in Paris)
Using the decimal part of the latitude 48.85837 with a dot in front. 85837 × 60 (multiply by 60) we get in deg ° min ': 48 ° 51.502′
Next, take the decimal part of minutes.502×60 and find the seconds. We get: 48°51’30.1″

48°51.502′ — 2°17.669′ (degree min’)
48°51’30.1″ – 2°17’40.1″ (degree min’ sec)

Airports of the country:
, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Abakan, Vladivostok, Voronezh, etc.

The navigation system from Yandex is used by a large number of people living in the CIS. Convenience and ease of use are perhaps the most important characteristics of Yandex Navigator. Despite these characteristics, some aspects of the application cause even experienced users questions. One of the frequently asked questions is “How to enter coordinates into Yandex Navigator?”. In today's material, our resource will answer exactly it, paying attention to all the subtleties.

Coordinate Format

In order to understand how to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator, it is important to have an idea of ​​their format. As is known from the school geography course, the coordinates of a certain place are indicated using the degree measure of its latitude and longitude, which in a certain way permeate the entire globe. In navigation from Yandex, the format for displaying and entering coordinate data is fully consistent with generally accepted standards. As a basic example, you can take a coordinate such as - "21 o 43'54.67''N" for latitude and "11 o 23'34.77''E" for longitude, where:

  • 21 o and 11 o - degrees of latitude and longitude;
  • 43' and 23' - minutes of latitude and longitude;
  • 54.67” and 34.77” are seconds of latitude and longitude;
  • N (North - North) and E (East - East) - direction indicators.

Note that Yandex navigation also supports exclusively degree coordinate format. More precisely, by entering the exact indicators of a specific longitude and latitude into the appropriate fields, it is quite possible to find given place. The way looks like "45.342324" for longitude and "32.34234243" for latitude.

Important! You can enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator using any of the methods described above, except for the case when the input field requires a specific of these data formats.

Entry procedure

Asking how to set coordinates in Yandex Navigator, many people not only do not understand how simple it is, but they do not even suspect that in this application you can find out the coordinate data of a particular place and save them for future use. The latter, by the way, is very useful if you want to use offline navigation (that is, without an Internet connection).

So, returning to the procedure for entering coordinates, let's consider its typical procedure for conducting it:

  1. First, it is important to know the coordinates of a particular place. Degrees with a decimal "tail" (32.3231321) would be the preferred format because this species data is recognized in absolutely all versions of Yandex Navigator, while another format discussed earlier began to be used to search for information relatively recently. Note that in order to find a place, it is important to know both of its coordinates, that is, longitude and latitude.
  2. Secondly, the available coordinate data must be entered in the appropriate field of the application. To do this, just go to the search menu (click the magnifying glass icon) and enter the coordinates separated by commas in the order: latitude, longitude (22.323132, 21.543555).
  3. And thirdly, it remains only to click on the search button, after which the place with the given coordinates will be found. You can plot a route to the found position on the map, view the presence of traffic jams, determine the distance and perform other navigation functions from Yandex.

It is worth noting that in latest versions applications appeared features:

  • enter coordinates in the format "degrees, minuses, seconds, location";
  • report coordinate data to the navigator using voice;
  • listen to given coordinates after they are found (information is provided in the format "degrees, minuses, seconds, location");
  • to set the route solely by coordinate data, for this it is enough to select the appropriate function and enter the coordinates of the place where you want to lay the path.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Now, when with how to enter in Yandex Navigator GPS coordinates everything is clear for a specific place, it would be useful to consider other frequently asked questions on the use this application. Having studied the relevant forums, our resource has identified the three most asked questions

and below provided the answers to them:

  1. Is it possible for Yandex Navigator to work without access to the Internet?- Yes, however, in this case, the application will not perform all the functions. More precisely, the navigator will not be able to show the existing traffic jams or provide information about the places of stay. At the same time, to work with the application in offline mode, you need to download maps of the area of ​​​​your movement, then turn on the GPS module on your device and use navigation.
  2. How to download or update Yandex Navigator?- To do this, just go to the application on your device called GooglePlay or AppStore and find navigation from Yandex in the search, after which you can carry out the necessary operations on an intuitive level.
  3. What should I do if Yandex Navigator does not work correctly (does not indicate the route, displays maps poorly, etc.)?- In order to configure the application, you need to perform the following actions: restart the application, restart the device, check the Internet connection and GPS, reinstall the application. Naturally, it is necessary to stop carrying out these manipulations when the desired result is achieved.

On this, perhaps, today's article has come to its logical end. We hope that in the material presented above you have found answers to your questions. Good luck on the roads!

Video review of the program:

To find some object in the city, in most cases it is enough to know its address. Difficulties arise if it is necessary to explain where, for example, an unnamed building in the industrial zone is located, country cottage area, place in the forest. The universal means of indicating the location are geographical coordinates.

In modern navigation, it is standard to use world coordinate system WGS-84. All GPS navigators and major mapping projects on the Internet work in this coordinate system. Coordinates in the WGS-84 system are as commonly used and understood by everyone as universal time.

Public Accuracy when working with geographic coordinates is 5 - 10 meters on the ground. You can specify, for example, not just a section, but a specific place to enter it - a gate, etc.

Two coordinates - latitude and longitude- determine the position of a point on the earth's surface. Coordinates are angular quantities and are expressed in degrees. North latitude and east longitude are considered positive numbers, south latitude and west longitude - negative.

Examples of geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude): 55.717169, 37.930262 (Kozhukhovsky shelter); 21.36214, -157.95341 (Battleship Missouri, Pearl Harbor); 54.057991,33.678711 (Unnamed height).

How to determine the geographical coordinates of a place on the map

2. Using the search, find the required (nearest) settlement. For cities, you can try adding a street, a house to the query.

3. Find the desired location on the map.

4. Turn on the Satellite or Hybrid mode and gradually zoom in on the desired area until you can comfortably see individual buildings and other landmarks (if possible).

5. Get geographic coordinates:

(Google Maps) Click right click click on the desired location on the map and select "What's there?" from the menu that opens. A panel with the address and geographic coordinates will appear at the bottom of the map.

(Yandex.Maps) Right-click on the desired location on the map and select "What's here?" from the menu that opens. Geographic coordinates will appear in the search bar of the map (as well as in the panel on the right).

(Bing Maps) Right-click on the desired location on the map and select "Add Pin" from the menu that appears. A panel with the address and geographic coordinates will appear below the search bar. In writing coordinates, you may have to replace commas with points.

PLEASE NOTE: point 4 is fundamentally important - a satellite image provides the most accurate geographic coordinates. If the maps you are using for the area do not have a good satellite image, try other maps.

How to find a place on the map by geographical coordinates

2. Paste the coordinates into the search bar and click "Search".

Geographic coordinates and GPS navigator

Geographical coordinates can be directly (in the form of numbers) entered into the GPS navigator and read from it. Usually the coordinates are entered in a new waypoint, which is then navigated to, or can be performed search by coordinates. The current location is usually captured as a waypoint, from which coordinates can later be read.

Before work, you must install the appropriate coordinate format in settings navigation program- in degrees ddd.ddddd° (see the section "Forms of recording geographic coordinates"). Attempting to enter coordinate numbers in an inappropriate format will result in a gross navigational error.

Illustrations: selection of the coordinate format in the navigation program settings; waypoint in GPS navigator; current coordinates on the navigator screen (Navitel).

1. On Google Maps (Classic), search by coordinates.

2. Select the desired position and scale of the map, if necessary, turn on the "Satellite" mode.

This method of publication is good because even a completely unprepared user can open the link. At the same time, the numerical values ​​of the coordinates remain available (they can be seen in the search bar of the map opened by the link). In addition to coordinates, the current state of the map is also stored in the link - scale, position, "Satellite" mode.

Geographic coordinates and building routes

Geographic coordinates can be used to set the start, end, intermediate points when building routes on Google maps. Please note that the point markers shown on the map are tied to roads, and their position corresponds to the entered coordinates only approximately.

Forms of writing geographic coordinates

Geographic coordinates are signed numbers (latitude from -90° to +90°, longitude from -180° to +180°) and can be written in various forms: in degrees (ddd.ddddd°); degrees and minutes (ddd° mm.mmm"); degrees, minutes and seconds (ddd° mm" ss.s"). Recording forms can be easily converted one into another (1 degree = 60 minutes, 1 minute = 60 seconds) To indicate the sign of the coordinates, letters are often used, by the name of the cardinal points: N and E - northern latitude and eastern longitude - positive numbers, S and W - southern latitude and western longitude - negative numbers.

An example of different forms of writing the same coordinates:

21.36214, -157.95341
N21.36214, W157.95341
21.36214°N, 157.95341°W
21°21.728"N, 157°57.205"W
21°21"43.7"N, 157°57"12.3"W

The form of writing coordinates in DEGREES is the most convenient for manual entry and coincides with the mathematical notation of a number. The DEGREES AND MINUTES form of coordinates is preferred in many cases and is the default format in most GPS navigators and is commonly used in aviation and at sea. The classical form of writing coordinates in DEGREES, MINUTES AND SECONDS does not really find much practical use.

Google Maps can be used in search queries almost any form of coordinates recording, while the symbols of degrees, minutes, seconds can be REPLACED by SPACES.

Accuracy of determining geographic coordinates

The classic GPS receiver (SiRFstar III chip with disabled Static Navigation mode) ensures the accuracy of determining coordinates in open areas of 5 - 10 meters. Recently, there has been a tendency to use rather mediocre GPS receivers even in expensive devices, with an accuracy that has been coarsened to 30 - 50 meters. In urban areas, the error of any GPS can be tens or hundreds of meters.

The accuracy of determining coordinates from maps on the Internet is limited by the accuracy of satellite imagery. According to practical observations, for google maps for the Moscow region, the satellite image referencing error usually does not exceed a few meters.

How many kilometers in 1 degree of latitude and longitude

1 degree of LATITUDE corresponds to approximately 111 km.

1 degree of LONGITUDE corresponds to approximately 111 km at the EQUATOR, while moving towards the poles, the corresponding distance decreases in proportion to the COSINE OF THE LATITUDE. For example, for Moscow, 1 degree of longitude is 111 km * cos(55.7°) ≈ 62 km.

From these ratios, it can be determined, for example, that recording coordinates in degrees with 6 decimal places provides an accuracy of about 111 km * 0.000001 ≈ 0.1 meters on the ground, which is obviously excessive.

Rounding the coordinates to an integer number of seconds gives an accuracy of the order of 111 km / 3600 ≈ 30 meters.

Geographic coordinates in photos (geotags in Exif)