Modern smartphones are high-tech devices that combine many different functions. Today, most smartphones from well-known manufacturers have two cameras at once, one of which is front-facing, as well as many other multimedia features. Despite the usually high build quality of various models of multifunctional phones, during operation, the operation of a particular function may fail. Most often, smartphone owners are faced with such malfunctions as a broken charging connector and a malfunction of the front camera. If in the first case, iphone repair is not difficult and can be done in any service, then if the front camera breaks down, you first need to find out the reasons for its malfunction.

The main reasons why the front camera may not work

The front or front camera is a feature that people need to take pictures of themselves and for video communication. The lens of this device is located on the front of the smartphone, and therefore it can be accidentally damaged. In the event that for some reason the front camera does not start, you must first make sure that its lens is not damaged, that is, carefully examine it for scratches, chips and other defects.

If there are no obvious defects on the front camera lens, then a failure in its normal operation can be caused by such reasons as:
Update software smartphone. If your phone is set to update the firmware by default, then downloading more recent software may cause some smartphone functions to malfunction, including the front camera.

Read also:

  • What to do if the sensor on the phone does not work?
  • What to do if the sound on the phone does not work?

The presence of viruses in the smartphone. With active use of the Internet through the phone, along with important data, you can also download a dangerous virus that causes some functions to fail. In this case, it is recommended to take the phone to a virus removal service.

Damage to internal loops as a result of a fall of the phone from a height. If there is no external damage on the front camera, then it is quite possible that the cause of the breakdown lies inside.

The front camera sensor is dirty. Since the lens is located on the outside of the smartphone, dust may accumulate in it. To restore the normal operation of the front camera in this case, it is enough just to thoroughly clean the sensor with a cotton swab.

One of the easiest ways to get the front camera working is to reset your phone to factory settings and then reboot the device. If this measure did not help, then it is better to contact a specialized phone repair service, where they will not only be able to find out the cause of the camera malfunction, but also eliminate it in short time. The cost of repairing such a breakdown depends on its cause and the degree of complexity of the troubleshooting work.

Hello everyone, dear readers, in today's post we will try to figure out why the camera on the phone does not work. Many users of mobile gadgets on the Android operating system have a similar problem. There may be several reasons for this unfortunate incident. Below we will look at each of the reasons and try to fix this annoying error.

Causes of a non-working camera

  1. Mechanical - the most unpleasant reason that your camera does not work. For example, if the camera stopped working as a result of the phone being dropped. a similar reason a non-working camera can only be fixed at a service center, I don’t advise you to deal with this problem on your own, because can only make it worse;
  2. System error - in this case, the cause of the non-working camera is an error in the Android operating system. For example, deprecated error. Below I will tell you how you can check and update the version of Android;
  3. Viruses are some viruses that get into your mobile device, violate and block the operation of the camera - both the front camera and external camera. This problem solved by simply installing antiviruses and checking operating system. Below I will provide a list of antiviruses that you can use.

System update

To check for the latest updates for your operating system, do the following:

  1. The first thing you need to do is launch the Settings app;
  2. Now scroll to the very bottom of the page and select "About phone", in this section you need to select “System Update” and click on it;
  3. If you did everything correctly, the system update process will begin.

Let's move on to the last reason for the non-working camera, namely the presence of viruses in the phone.

It is hard to imagine the owner of a modern gadget who would use it only for calls and messaging. Smartphones and tablets have combined almost everything - a phone, an alarm clock, audio and video players, and much more. And suddenly it happens that the camera does not work on Android. How to fix this problem?

One of the important modules of current gadgets may stop working for a number of reasons, among which there are several main ones:

  1. System firmware update. Due to an incorrect procedure or some kind of failure during the update process, the settings of various modules very often fly off.
  2. Virus attack. Quantity and variety malware large enough.
  3. Device damage. Various mechanical impacts (falling, hitting, falling under water, etc.) can lead to incorrect operation of the camera.
  4. Trash. The camera has a sensor that may be affected by contamination or dust.
  5. Module cache. This is purely a software issue.

In any of these cases, various messages may appear on the screen (for example, it says “Camera failure”), the window may freeze, crash, or be just a black screen. So what to do if the camera on your phone stops working?

How to solve a problem

Return to factory settings

This method will allow you to fix the problem with the system and module settings that arose for one reason or another. But you need to do it right, for which:

  • first make a backup copy of the necessary files and data, as well as the system itself (this item is optional, but it is better not to neglect it);
  • then go to the device settings, General tab;
  • find item " Backup and reset" (in different versions Android and models name may differ);
  • in the new window, select the "Reset settings" item;
  • get information about what data will be deleted;
  • make sure that the battery level is at least 30%;
  • start reset;
  • after finishing, you can check the operation of the camera and configure the device.

Virus check

If, after returning to the factory settings, the gadget still gives an error message, you should check it for viruses. You can do this in two ways:

  • connect your phone or tablet to a PC and scan with a computer program;
  • install the utility directly on the gadget.

In any case, you need to do a deep check.

External and internal cleaning

It will be useful to clean the device from various debris, both internal and external. In the first case, it is enough to wipe the lens with a special cloth or clean, but with the application of a special agent. You can also disassemble the phone and clean it, but for this it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Internal cleaning involves deleting the module cache, for which:

  • go to settings, General tab;
  • select the item "Applications";
  • swipe from right to left several times to get to the All tab;
  • find the camera and go into it;
  • in the window that appears, we need the "Clear Cache" button.

Installing Special Utilities

If none of the methods discussed above solved the problem, there is another option with installing programs on the gadget that will work in the same way as standard camera. An example of such applications is Camera MX.

The specified application has its own menu, which contains main page with the launch of shooting, a gallery of files from the device's memory, as well as a large number of different effects. With this program, you can take funny and original selfies, including GIFs that preserve movement.

It can be used when working with such applications as the main one, i.e. rear and front cameras, which means that functionally many of them can be even better than the standard module. If, when using such utilities, you still cannot get an image, then the problem is much more serious.

In this case, it remains only to contact service center. It will also be advisable if the warranty period on the tablet or phone has not yet expired.

Hello! Just recently, I had to update the iPhone 5S to iOS 10 to one friend and everything would be fine, but ... then I would not write this article :) In general, the next day he came to me and literally stated the following: “At Apple all rascals. They artificially make devices obsolete - they force you to buy a new one. Look, after the update, the back camera stopped working for me (now there is always a black screen), and the flashlight does not turn on, it constantly writes about some kind of overheating, although the device is completely cold.

I certainly can believe that Apple is somehow forced to buy their new gadgets (for example, by adding new features). But not as barbaric - a simple update breaking cameras. Therefore, it was decided to try to fix this ailment and ... it turned out! How? Let me tell you now, let's go!

From the very beginning, it is worth noting that, with regards to this problem, the rear camera and the flashlight are dependent on each other. The camera will show a black screen, and when you turn on the flash, it will say: “Flash off. Before use iPhone flash refrigeration required. This is, so to speak, the main symptom.

So, first of all, I climbed to look and see what people write about this. It turns out that the Apple forum already has a whole thread dedicated to this ailment. And there will be such "lucky ones" (with a camera that does not start after the update) for the whole town. True, it is mainly about the iPhone 5, but the 5S, as well as other gadgets on iOS, are also mentioned. Here are some tips and actions that we managed to peep - after their implementation, for some, the camera worked again:

  1. Enable or disable power saving mode ().
  2. Switch cameras (from front to back) several times. Until the black screen disappears and it starts to turn on.
  3. Press a little in the area of ​​​​the camera (very carefully!).
  4. Close all applications that may be using the camera and try again.
  1. We do a hard reboot of the gadget. How?
  2. the latest current firmware.

If this does not help, then you will have to climb inside the gadget. There will be a little advice here - in the case when the device is under warranty, you shouldn’t do it yourself. . And remember that for the PCT iPhone, the warranty period in Russia is 2 years (and not one, as many people think) -.

If the assembly and disassembly skills are not alien to you, then we check and turn it on and off:

  • Camera loop.
  • Battery.

Perhaps they simply moved away after a fall or other blow. If the phone has been unofficially restored, reassembled, or has undergone some kind of “handicraft” repair, then very often it can be noted that there is no special film on the cables that allows you to securely fix the cable in the connector. And at the slightest fall, it simply falls out.

Even if everything is in place and it seems to you that they are installed tightly and completely, to solve the non-working flash and black screen when starting the camera, you need to remove and insert them. Yes, a simple reconnection is enough in most cases.

It worked in our case as well - in the end it turned out that the friend's phone fell several times and the camera cable simply went away.

It should be noted here that a friend bought the iPhone 5S on the market and who, how, and from what he assembled it - we naturally do not know. In any case, if on previous version iOS did not prevent the camera from starting normally, then after the update something went wrong and instead of the subject we saw a solid black screen.

I hope that it will not come to disassembling the device and that it will turn out to be different, more simple ways. Although in last version there is nothing complicated, you just need to act carefully and not break anything else :)

P.S. There is another secret way to solve the problem - put "like" and everything is "OK"!

There are several possible causes breakdowns.

  1. One of the most common problems is viruses (read), from which the rapidly developing level of the system often suffers. Visiting unfamiliar resources on the network and absence increase the risk of infection of the gadget.
  2. Updated firmware. One of the common options why is the camera not working on android(read). The procedure can lead to failures in important settings applications, respectively, the camera stops working correctly. A good solution to the problem is a system rollback after updating the platform, reset Android to factory settings.
  3. Mechanical damage. For example, dropping the device may disrupt the operation of the module responsible for the camera.
  4. Dust and dirt on the sensor, contamination of the cache module.

Front camera not working on android

Work this application is also very important for modern man. The range of use of such a camera is very extensive. Sometimes, launching the utility fails. The following symptoms may occur if the camera on Android does not work:

  • gadget freezing during the launch of the front camera;
  • the application displays only a black display;
  • throws an error when turning on the camera.

What to do when the camera does not work on an Android smartphone

You can try to fix this kind of problem yourself. First of all, you need to reboot the device, then check the operation of the camera. Next, check the charge battery, since on some devices the resource threshold is less than 30% can contribute to the appearance of an error of this kind. The next step is to create backup information and cache clearing. Such manipulations help when a black screen is displayed when the camera is started or when it freezes. If the performed manipulations did not lead to anything, it is better to contact the specialists at the service center.