The article describes the most working methods for solving the ISDone.dll error: An error occurred while unpacking: The archive is corrupted! Unarc.dll returned an error code.

What does the ISDone.dll and Unarc.dll error look like. That writes

When this kind of error occurs, a message like this pops up:
An error occurred while unpacking: The archive is corrupted! Unarc.dll returned an error code: - 7,ERROR:archive data corrupted (dexompression fails), error archive code -7.

Moreover, the error code can be different: - 1, -6, -7, -12, -14

In what games is it common

Mafia 3, Skyrim, GTA 5, Duing light, Fallout 4, Far Cry 4 Mad Max Need for Speed, Assassin's Creed 3, Dishonored, Bioshock Infinite, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, FIFA 15, Max Payne, Crysis 3, Mirror's Edge, Resident Evil 6, Might and Magic Heroes 7, Red Alert 3, Syndicate, Call of Duty, Rise of the Tomb raider, Watch Dogs, Mortal Kombat, Warcraft 3, Unreal Tournament and other games downloaded from torrents, and all kinds of repacks, hacked distributions, etc.
If you don't want to bother with solving the ISDone.dll error when Unarc.dll returns some error code, buy games on Steam. If you decide not to lower the black flag and continue to use pirated products, then you will have to read everything written below, trying, trying and trying again.

Why does ISDone.dll error pop up: Unarc.dll returned an error code

ISDone.dll is a library responsible for unpacking and preparing files for running applications. Supports .arc, .7z, .rar, .pcf, .srep archives. It is often used by game repackers to compress game files as much as possible. Therefore, the ISDone.dll error is most often found in RePack versions of games larger than 8 GB, which, in turn, are distributed via torrent.

The reason can be anything, an under-downloaded torrent, a broken disc, a broken archive, an antivirus blocking the unpacking of the archive, etc. etc. Here I have collected all the methods familiar to me that helped real users overcome this error. If a method not described in the article helped you, write it in the comments. Surely someone will be grateful to you for the coffin of life.

Solving the error "ISDone.dll: An error occurred while unpacking: The archive is corrupted! Unarc.dll returned an error code"

1. The archive is really damaged

1.1. Unfinished torrent

View information on the downloaded torrent. The total size and the size of the downloaded should be identical.

If not, then rehash the torrent or download again.

Perhaps the problem is in the torrent client itself. Download and install the latest stable version.

1.2. Broken DVD disc

Try downloading all the game files to your computer and running the installer. If it doesn't help, buy another disc and burn the game from the same (different) source onto it.

1.3. Broken archive on a flash drive. Flash drive issues

Sometimes archives can be broken on a flash drive. Download the content to your computer and run from there. If it doesn't help, copy the game files to the flash drive again. Install. If it doesn't help, change the flash drive.

2. Problems with archivers

Since the ISDone.dll library deals with unpacking .arc, .7z, .rar, .pcf, .srep files, the problem may be in the archivers themselves. Install/reinstall archivers working with .arc, .7z, .rar, .pcf, .srep files. In principle, reinstalling 7-Zip and WinRar archivers from their official sites should be enough.

3. Disable Antivirus, Firewall and Windows Defender

Perhaps the repack is blocking the installation antivirus program, Firewall or Windows Defender. Disable them. Firewall and Defender are disabled through the Control Panel, antivirus - in accordance with the features of the anti-virus program taken.

4. Not enough rights. Install with administrator rights

Please check your account type before installation. Give her admin rights. To do this, go to Control Panel → Accounts users → Change your account type.

5. The size of the paging file is not enough for unzipping

To increase the swap file go:
Control panel → System → Extra options System → Advanced → Performance (Settings) → Advanced → Virtual Memory. Swap file (Change).

Uncheck the "Automatically choose the size of the swap file" option. Select a drive. Specify the size of the paging file. Click Set. Click OK.

Set the paging file size to the same size as random access memory, but not less than 4 GB. For example, used 4352 MB, maximum 4352 MB.

6. Problems with RAM

Turn off the computer, open the lid system block, pull out the RAM slot. Clean the oxidized contacts of the RAM (an eraser is suitable for erasing written in pencil). Insert the slot back. If there are several, you can swap them.

7. One of the files is damaged or both: ISDone.dll and Unarc.dll

Copy and replace the files reporting the error. This can be done in two ways. Try both manually and with the help of software. The second method treats the error more often (there are no statistics, but there is such an opinion).

7.1. Manually

Download files.

Place them:

To folder C:\Windows\System32(for 32-bit Windows).
To folder C:\Windows\SysWOW64(for 64-bit Windows).

Save the changes to the registry. To do this, go to Start → Run and enter first
regsvr32 isdone.dll
and press OK.
regsvr32 unarc.dll
and press OK.

7.2. Using the DLL-Files Fixer program

Before launching the program, download the files provided above, so it will find them on your computer and install them where necessary.
DLL-Files Fixer is a paid program, it requires a key.

8. The game is installed in a folder with a long name. The folder name contains Cyrillic characters

Follow the path of the game installation. Try to install the game in a folder with a short name in Latin. For example, Game, Game or with a similar name.

9. Clean up the system drive

Perhaps the system disk is cluttered. Clean it up. For this we click right click mouse on drive C. In the menu that appears, select "Properties". We clean up.

10. Update DirectX

11. Update motherboard drivers

Driver for your motherboard download only from the official website of the developer.
Look for the same game from another repack author.

12.Reinstall Windows

Try reinstalling Windows, try a different build.

I hope that helped.

If you know a method that is not described in the article, describe it in the comments. Many, many people will be grateful to you.

Video: ISDone.dll encountered an error while unpacking Unarc.dll returned an error code

Today we will talk about the ISDone.dll problem that occurs when you try to install the game on Windows 7, 8 or 10. We will tell you why the error occurs and how to fix the problem.

Users Windows versions 7 and 8 can suddenly see the most unpleasant inscription - "ISDone.dll encountered an error while unpacking" Next, the reason is indicated: "The archive is damaged" or "It is impossible to read the data" and a specific number is indicated in "Unarc.dll returned an error code."

Why does it occur when trying to extract files from an archive, even taking into account the condition of downloading from a reliable source? The answer can only be a check of the entire computer for operability, namely, the sequential execution of certain actions.

What should I do to eliminate ISDone.dll?

Installation new game very exciting moment, especially if it's part of Assassin's Creed, legendary series resident evil, GTA 5, FIFA, Sims, Fallout 4 etc. By the way, this bug is typical for graphically complex games on Windows 7/8/10 and 64 bit.

First course of action

  1. The initial step should be the decision to disable the antivirus, you should deactivate all its processes. This helps in many cases, especially with antivirus. Dr. Web.
  2. The first point did not help, then proceed to the second. Here you need to be careful about the path where the file is located. The reason lies in folder name storage locations. The name must only be English language, the use of Cyrillic is not acceptable. If the folder is called Games, then it should be replaced with Game. More in a simple way may become moving the file to drive C.
  3. What you should not do is try to download ISDone.dll from the Internet. Its replacement in most cases does not bring results, but catch a virus very possible. To begin with, try all the proposed methods, only at least resort to this item.

The second option, if the first did not help

  1. The installation was not successful. Take a flash drive and transfer the file to it. Next, try to test the functionality on another computer. If everything worked, then proceed to study the system indicators on your PC.
  2. The problem lies to a lesser extent in the operating system, in most cases, malfunctions of the boards on the motherboard are detected. The first object for diagnosis should be RAM memory.
  3. RAM, as the main type of isdone.dll error, occurs more often. The faulty memory module should be determined one by one, that is, when unpacking the file, remove the components. If the unpacking is successful when removing the memory module, then the problem has been detected.

These actions largely have a positive effect on resolving the issue with the isdone.dll error. The last additional item can be downloading the official unpacker programs, provided that the computer is checked and convinced that it is working. If the file turned out to be damaged, then the unpacker can partially fix it, although there are not many guarantees.

But Video instruction to fix the bug, with the help of auxiliary applications. According to the reviews - works.

The notification “ISDone.dll - an error occurred while unpacking” is not a sentence, it is just an excuse to check the computer for full performance. You should download only from reliable Internet sources, then with this problem you can safely say that the PC is to blame. The isdone.dll library should also be loaded only with guarantees from the developer, if everything that has been tried has not helped.

In contact with

After downloading RePack with a game or program from the Internet, many users complain about an error that occurs during installation. As a rule, it says: "Unarc.dll returned an error code - 1" or any other number instead of one. In this article, we will go through six ways to fix this problem, so read it to the end to exactly solve the problem.

Determining the nature of the error

To begin with, we will try to figure out why "Unarc.dll returned an error code - 1" at all, and only then we will move on to solutions.

It should be said right away that this error is related to unpacking data and can be divided into two categories:

  1. An error that cannot be corrected.
  2. An error that can be corrected.

Now let's take a closer look at these two points.

A mistake that cannot be fixed

Situation: " Unarc.dll returned an error code - 1 "can be critical, that is, there is no way to fix the error. As it was said, this is related to the archive, and the error occurs during its unpacking. In this case, the message will also indicate the following: "ERROR : file [path to archive] failed CRC check".

Error that can be fixed

Along with an error that cannot be corrected, there is another one that can be eliminated. It should be noted right away that if after the line "Unarc.dll returned an error code - 1" there is a mark in brackets: (decompression fails), then given error fix it in one of the ways that we will offer you in this article. It is also worth saying that the error is directly related to unpacking the archive, or rather, to the archiver itself, but there are also cases when the reason is slightly different. All this will be discussed below.

Method one: installing the archiver

As mentioned above, "Unarc.dll returned an error code - 11" or some other number is associated more often with the archiver. The fact is that the creators of RePack "s often use rare archivers in order to reduce the final size of a game or program as much as possible, and users do not always have tools on their computer to work with such archives.

Luckily, the fix for this error is quite simple, all you need to do is download and install the 7-Zip program.

Method number 2: change the installation address

If you already have 7-Zip installed, or its installation did not help, then you can use the second method and fix the problem with "Unarc.dll returned error code - 11". There are frequent cases when this message appears due to the presence of Russian characters on the installation path. As you might guess, all you need to do is rename the folders using Latin characters.

Method three: increase swap space

A message such as "Unarc.dll returned an error code - 14" may also occur due to the small size of the paging file. Good for operating systems Windows given volume can be adjusted at any time:

  1. To do this, you need to open the "Run" utility by pressing the keys Win+R, and execute the command in it sysdm.cpl.
  2. Then in the window that appears, move to the "Advanced" section, there click on "Parameters" in the "Performance" area.
  3. In the new window, go to "Advanced" again and click "Edit ...".
  4. Next, the "Virtual memory" window will appear, where you need to uncheck the first item, specify any disk other than the system one, and designate maximum size, which corresponds to the virtual memory size.
  5. Then click "Set" and "OK".

Method number 4: replacing RAM

Continuing the conversation, how to fix "Unarc.dll returned an error code - 1", we note that this may be due to insufficient RAM. Unfortunately, in this case, only its increase will help. However, there is also a good side - this problem appears very rarely.

Method five: disable antivirus

Sometimes, especially when you install RePack and not a license, an error can appear due to an antivirus. The fact is that it can consider the game files to be infected and move required libraries, serving for unpacking and installation, in quarantine.

What to do with "Unarc.dll returned error code - 12" if it was caused by an antivirus? In this case, you just need to go to the antivirus settings and disable it during the installation. After that it can be turned on again.

Method number 6: disk analysis

There is another reason that completely excludes the possibility of installing the game. It is directly related to your hard drive. The problem is that it can be damaged. At the same time, interaction with it is partially limited: you can move, copy, and drop files from a USB flash drive, but it’s not always possible to install the game.

In this case, a replacement is necessary, but before going to the store, it is better to scan it first. To do this, open the "Run" window and type the following command cmd- will open " Command line". In it, you need to perform the following task: chkdsk C: /F /R /B. As a result of the scan, you will be able to understand whether your disk is normal or not. And if the results are disappointing, then you should think about purchasing a new drive, since with a high probability it will completely stop functioning soon.

Method seven: installing a dynamic library

Sometimes the error can be caused by the lack of appropriate libraries. In this case, it will be enough just to download them from the Internet and place them in the desired directory.

The following dynamic library files are needed: ISDone.dll and Unarc.dll. Download the dynamic library file ISDone from a site you can trust, also download and Unarc. Once downloaded, place them along the path - C:\Windows\System32(32-bit system) or C:\Windows\SysWOW64(64-bit system). After that, the error should disappear.

Computer games are very popular. It's probably hard to meet a PC user who hasn't at least once heard of such interactive entertainment as The Witcher 3, GTA5, Skyrim, Hitman and so on. It is not surprising that many users use their computers to immerse themselves in colorful and interesting virtual worlds. Unfortunately, but sometimes an attempt to install another toy can lead to the state "ISDone.dll an error occurred while unpacking."

Naturally, users who encounter a similar error code want to understand the situation and understand how to fix it.

The main prerequisites for the emergence of the problem

As practice has shown, most often the state ERROR: archive data corrupted (decompression fails) occurs:

  1. On the equipment where Windows 10 64 Bit is installed, although the likelihood of a similar situation on Windows 7 and 8 is also quite high.
  2. Most often, trouble occurs when you try to install gaming applications from the AAA category. That is, games that are distinguished by serious graphic content.
  3. The cause of the trouble may be hardware damage to the memory, a damaged archive, or failure to follow any instructions from the user.

That is, if the inscription “ISDone.dll - returned an error code” or its equivalent appeared, then you should use the instructions below.

ISDone.dll Error Treatment Method

  • Make sure that there is enough free space on the hard drive for the installation process.
  • Make sure that the archive used is working, and the hard drive contains the archivers necessary to open it.
  • During installation, temporarily stop the functioning of the anti-virus software.
  • When setting the installation path, exclude the presence of Cyrillic letters in it. The folder with the game must be written in English.

If the first stage did not cause a fix - the system still continues to signal that an error occurred during the installation of the game, then there is a possibility of damage to the operating memory bar. It is very convenient when several similar elements are used on the equipment. In this case, it is advisable to perform the following actions:

  • Remove the front panel of the system unit.
  • Disconnect one of the straps. Naturally, in the complete absence of power supply.
  • Restart the previously interrupted procedure.
  • If it did not end successfully, return the memory to its place, dismantle the second element, and so on.

If the installation succeeds during such a check, then the person has found a damaged board that needs to be replaced. If the PC uses only one bar of RAM, then you will have to temporarily take another one somewhere - it is guaranteed to be in working order. This will deactivate the first and conduct a full check.