Payment Methods

Courier for delivery in Moscow and the nearest suburbs

Our couriers accept both cash and bank cards VISA/VISA Electron, MasterCard/Maestro, MIR.

The courier will hand over the cash receipt, as well as all the necessary accompanying documents, along with the order.

In branded salons CITILUX

Upon receipt of an order at self-delivery points in other cities of Russia, it is necessary to make an advance payment online by banking when placing an order or by bank transfer.

Sending orders in Russia is made only on 100% prepayment.

Sending plafonds in Moscow and Russia is made only on 100% prepayment.

Bank card ONLINE

To select payment for goods using a bank card in the basket, select "Payment for the order by bank card", and then click on the advise button to go to the payment gateway of PJSC SBERBANK.

Payment is made through PJSC SBERBANK using Bank cards of the following payment systems:


For payment (entering your card details), you will be redirected to the payment gateway of PJSC SBERBANK. The connection with the payment gateway and the transfer of information is carried out in a secure mode using the SSL encryption protocol. If your bank supports the technology of secure online payments Verified By Visa or MasterCard SecureCode, you may also need to enter a special password to make a payment. This site supports 256-bit encryption. Privacy Reported personal information provided by PJSC SBERBANK. The entered information will not be provided to third parties, except as provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Making payments for bank cards carried out in strict compliance with payment requirements MIR systems, Visa Int. and MasterCard Europe Sprl.

The transferred funds are returned to your bank account within 5-30 working days (the period depends on the Bank that issued your bank card).

Bank transaction

Payment can be made at a branch of any bank that accepts payments from individuals. The commission for the transfer will be 1-7% of the payment amount, depending on the bank you have chosen.

After placing your order, when choosing this type of payment, you will receive an e-mail receipt for paying for the order by bank transfer. Follow the instructions for paying by bank transfer:

  1. Print your receipt. If you do not have a printer, rewrite the top of the receipt and fill out the standard receipt form at your bank according to this sample.
  2. Cut out the receipt.
  3. Pay the receipt at any bank branch that accepts payments from individuals.
  4. Keep the receipt until confirmation of the execution of the order.

Our details

  • Account: 40702810302780002047
  • TIN: 5024175295
  • Gearbox: 773301001
  • Payer's Bank: JSC "ALFA-BANK" Moscow
  • BIC of the Payer's Bank: 044525593
  • Cor/ac. Bank of the Payer: 30101810200000000593
  • PSRN: 1175024015363
  • Legal address: 125430, Moscow, 1st Mitinsky lane 25, floor 2, room 6-3.
  • The actual address: Russian Federation, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, Putilkovo village, Putilkovskoye highway, property 107A, building 1.
  • Index: 143441

You have the right to refuse the goods at any time before its transfer, and after the transfer of the goods - within seven days, in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

All color claims are accepted only in the presence of a Delivery Service employee.

Return of goods is carried out on the basis of a written application to the addresses indicated in the "Contacts" section. Based on your desire, the online store site can independently pick up the order, in which case you bear the costs of transporting the returned goods.

Return and exchange of goods of good quality

Return of goods of proper quality is possible if its presentation, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified goods are preserved. The cost of previously rendered delivery services is not refundable. Claims for the return of the amount of money paid for the goods are subject to satisfaction within 10 days from the date of return of the goods (Article 21 Government Decree of September 27, 2007 N 612 "On approval of the rules for the sale of goods by remote means").

Goods of good quality cannot be exchanged or returned.

Goods of good quality that have individually defined properties, namely, products whose dimensions differ from the sizes indicated in the product cards on the website, are not subject to exchange and return.

Specified in the List of non-food products of good quality that are not subject to return or exchange, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.01.1998 No. 55.

If at the time of your request for the exchange of goods, a similar product is not available for sale on the site, you can refuse the product and demand a refund of its cost.

Possible reasons for refusal to return goods:

  • Lack of original packaging
  • Presence of assembly traces
  • Trademark not saved
  • Lack of cash receipt (waybill)
  • Not paying the Buyers transportation costs associated with the delivery of the return of the goods to our warehouse.
  • discounted goods

Return and exchange of goods of inadequate quality

The appearance and completeness of the goods, as well as the completeness of the entire order, must be checked by the recipient at the time of delivery of the order. At the time of delivery, you put your signature on the invoice, which confirms the transfer of goods of good quality. After receiving the order, claims for external defects of the goods, their quantity, completeness and presentation are not accepted.

If you were given goods of inadequate quality, and it was not agreed in advance by the seller, you have the right to use the provisions of Art. 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

Due to the peculiarities of the remote method of sale, the replacement of goods can only be carried out by returning the goods of inadequate quality and placing a new order for a similar product, or any other chosen by you.

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