When conducting RPS, rescuers often have to perform tasks far from populated areas, spend several days in "field conditions", and face various extreme situations, which imposes additional requirements on their ability to work in these conditions. Strong knowledge in various areas, the ability to use them in any conditions are the basis of survival.

Going to the AKP, rescuers must, along with tools and protective equipment, have the following set of necessary items, which can be useful in any climatic and geographical zone:
- a signal mirror, with which you can send a distress signal at a distance of up to 30-40 km;
- hunting matches, a candle or tablets of dry fuel for making a fire or heating a shelter;
- whistle for signaling;
- a large knife (machete) in a sheath, which can be used as a knife, axe, shovel, spear;
- a compass, a piece of thick foil and polyethylene, fishing accessories, signal cartridges, an emergency kit of medicines, a supply of water and food.

Signaling. Rescuers must know and be able to put into practice special signals. To indicate their own location, rescuers can use campfire smoke during the day and bright light at night. If you throw rubber, pieces of insulation, oil rags into a fire, black smoke will be emitted, which is clearly visible in cloudy weather. To get white smoke, which is clearly visible in clear weather, green leaves, fresh grass, and damp moss should be thrown into the fire.

To signal from the ground, an air vehicle (aircraft) can use a special signal mirror. It is necessary to keep it at a distance of 25-30 cm from the face and look through the sighting hole at the plane; turning the mirror, match the light spot with the sighting hole. In the absence of a signal mirror, objects with shiny surfaces can be used. For sighting, you need to make a hole in the center of the object. The light beam must be sent along the entire horizon line, even in cases where the noise of the aircraft engine is not heard.

night for signaling can be used light hand electric flashlight, torch, campfire. A fire built on a raft is one of the distress signals.
Good funds signaling - brightly colored objects and a special coloring powder (fluorescein, uranine), which are scattered on snow, earth, water, ice when an aircraft (helicopter) approaches. In some cases, they may be used sound signals(shout, shot, knock), flares, smoke bombs.
One of the latest developments in the development of "targeting" is a small rubber balloon with a nylon shell, covered with four luminous colors, under which a light bulb flashes at night; the light from it is clearly visible at a distance of 4-5 km. Before launch, the balloon is filled with helium from a small capsule and held at a height of 90 m by a nylon cable. The mass of the kit is 1.5 kg.

With the aim of facilitate the search, it is advisable to apply international code table air signals "Earth - Air". Its signs can be laid out with the help of improvised means (equipment, clothing, stones, trees), directly by people who must lie down on the ground, snow, ice, trampled on the snow.

"Need a Doctor"



food and water"

weapons and

map and

"Need a signal light with a battery and a radio station"

"Indicate direction to follow"

"I am moving
in this direction"

"Let's try
take off"


"Here you can

"Requires fuel and oil"

"Everything is fine"

"No or

"Yes or

"Not understood"

"Mechanic Wanted"


"Nothing found, keep looking"

"Information received that the aircraft is in this direction"

"We found
all people"

"We only found a few people"

"We are unable to continue, returning to base"

"Split into two groups, each going in the indicated direction"

Everyone should know what international distress signals are. After all, despite the fact that today everything is fine, we do not know what life has prepared for us for tomorrow. That is why it is so important to protect yourself and understand the system of signs.

SOS signal

Signal signs and codes are considered generally accepted for all states, languages ​​and rescue services. Believe me, not a single rescue service will confuse the signs that you are trying to convey.

The SOS signal is considered a call for help because of English language translates as "Save our souls". Such a signal can be transmitted in different ways, from this its meaning does not change. For example, these three letters can be laid out from stones on the beach, or with the help of branches in a large open meadow.

An SOS signal can be transmitted from a ship by writing three capital letters on the deck itself. This signal can also be transmitted using an intermittent network signal or a radio transmitter. Be sure to remember this code: three dashes, three dots, three dashes.

Universal Signals

International distress signals are the same for every country. So wherever you are, feel free to use them. This way, help will come much faster.

If you are in the mountains, then you should use the six-one signal. That is, first there should be six short characters, and then a pause. In this case, signals can be given by any available means. For example, you can use a whistle or So if you are going to the mountains, be safe and take these items.

International distress signals used outside the mountains are called "three-one". That is, first served three short beeps, then a long pause. It is very important to give signs correctly so that they are recognized as distress signals. If you are using a whistle or flashlight, then give three short, clear signals, then pause for a minute. Then repeat the signals again.

How to call for help in the forest

If you are lost in the forest, you should definitely not despair. Even in such an uninhabited place, you can wait for help. Using international distress signals in the forest, you can draw the attention of rescuers.

The most effective and noticeable signal is the lighting of a fire. There is certainly enough firewood in the forest. The main thing, going on a hike, is to take a large number of matches with you.

Of course, the effectiveness of a fire depends on the place of its cultivation. If you kindle it at the bottom of a gorge or in a forest thicket, there will be little sense from it, and it is unlikely that you will be able to attract attention by this.

Another thing is to kindle a fire in a well-visible open area. For this, a forest clearing or a towering hill is ideal. There were many cases when, in good calm weather, the smoke from the fires rose to a distance of about fifty kilometers above ground level. However, to achieve this effect, the fire itself must be of considerable size.

Please note that if you light only one fire, the person who notices it may not realize that you are in danger. An international distress signal will be considered three bonfires kindled on one vertical line or laid out in a triangle.

The distance between fires should not be less than fifty meters. At the same time, prepare large stocks of dry logs, because it will be very disappointing if it ends at the right time and you go unnoticed.

International rescue signals on a ship

If you find yourself in a hopeless situation on a ship, then pay attention to such rescue signals that will be deciphered in the same way anywhere you go:

  • if there is, be sure to use it;
  • make an open flame, while making sure that it does not spread throughout the ship;
  • flip the state flag;
  • give a flag signal;
  • use continuous sounds, which can be produced by any apparatus that gives fog signals;
  • slowly raise and lower your arms out to the sides.

Signal table

The International Distress Table will help transmit desired codes. To do this, signs must be laid out in open glades or on hillsides. The larger the signs, the greater the likelihood that they will be noticed from a great height.

Signs can be made from everything that comes to hand: from pieces of clothing, stones, branches. On the seashore, this can be done with algae or pebbles. In any case, it is very important to achieve color contrast.

Whatever situation you find yourself in, don't despair. Wherever you find yourself: in the mountains, in the forest or at sea, you can use the rescue signs, and you will definitely be helped. When going hiking in the mountains or in the forest, do not forget to take a flashlight, a whistle and matches with you. Try to make yourself known as best you can.

Grebenshchikova V.M.

MOU secondary school No. 31,

G. Kartaly

Don't lose hope for help when you're in an emergency.

You need to be constantly ready to give signals to rescuers and help them find themselves as early as possible

  • To give a signal in a timely manner, the fuel for the fire is prepared in advance.
  • It is folded in open places: a clearing, a hilltop, a river spit.

Pyrotechnics .

There are few emergency kits that do not include one or more parachute rockets.

signal fire

To give a light signal of distress, you can use the flash units built into many modern cameras. Photo flashes are distinguished by a strong, but very short light pulse, which can be mistaken for a random glare. Hence it is very important that the signal is periodically repeated. It should be given on the most elevated and bare area of ​​​​the terrain. It is very good if the reflective background is light.

Signal cartridges of night-day action enjoy well-deserved recognition.

There are special flares, torch-candles, smoke bombs that sometimes burn up to ten or more minutes or longer.

SIGNAL MIRROR. One of the most effective means of signaling! But you must have it!

From an aircraft flying at an altitude of 1-1.5 kilometers, a light spot is detected at a distance of up to 25 kilometers, that is, earlier than any other visual signal.

INTERNATIONAL CODE SIGNALS. The geometric figures of the international code are laid out from the spruce branches on the snow or by trampling the snow, breaking out or cutting down the bushes, but always in an open place.

bottle mail Notes are placed in empty bottles indicating the date and place and circumstances of the accident. The bottles close tightly and are thrown into the water at random. Several cases are known when, thanks to a similar method, those in distress were discovered and rescued.

  • Near the camp, on the tops of trees standing alone or towering above the forest, you can hang signal flags sewn from colorful pieces of fabric. Also around the camp on the branches of trees you can hang bright objects, foil, anything that can attract attention.
  • Large orange or colorful panels are clearly visible from above, stretched with long ropes over a lake or river parallel to the surface of the water. For example, one side of the cloth is tied to bushes and trees growing on the shore, the other to stakes driven into the bottom of the reservoir.

If during the trip you notice a "foreign" distress signal - take all measures to provide assistance.

  • Ilyin A - "School of survival in case of accidents and natural disasters"
  • A.A. Ilyichev "Great encyclopedia of survival in extreme conditions"

Signaling is not as easy as it might seem. Your alarm may go unnoticed. In addition, the inability to properly signal with certain types of personnel tools can cost you your life.

All means of distress signals are divided into service and improvised (type of means), as well as sound, visual and radio signals (the principle of signal transmission). Their main goal is to indicate your exact location for subsequent evacuation and emergency assistance in the form of dropping food, medicine, weapons and ammunition from the aircraft.

Staff funds

Radio distress signal (SOS). Signal SOS disasters(save our souls ( )) was adopted by the International Convention in Berlin on November 3, 1906, for its unimpeded reception every hour for 6 minutes (from 15th to 18th and from 45th to 48th) on "distress frequencies" - 500 and 2182 kHz - all radio stations in the world fall silent; silence sets in on the air, so that everyone who is in trouble can freely go on the air and give a distress signal, indicating the square of their location, or give them the opportunity to find themselves. To send this radio signal, you must have an emergency radio transmitter and know the basic use of this device and Morse code.

Visual signaling aids

Pyrotechnic means of signaling. These include:

♦ flares;

♦ signal checkers;

♦ signal mortars.

These signaling means require the implementation of certain rules for use and storage:

♦ remember that they can shoot, handle these tools like a weapon;

♦ do not repair them in case of malfunction;

♦ if a misfire occurs, do not reuse;

♦ hold any pyrotechnic in your outstretched hand, turning the nozzle away from you;

♦ stay away from other people and flammable objects, store these products in boxes that are protected from impacts and precipitation, give a signal from as close as possible and only when you are sure that it will be noticed;

♦ take the utmost precautions.

signal mirror. This is a polished metal plate with a hole in the middle (5-7 mm) through which you can follow the object.

The "sunbeam" launched by your mirror is detected even from an airplane that flies at an altitude of 2 km at a distance of 20-25 km from your location. The mirror is effective even at night, probably, it can be called “letting moonbeams”.

Improvised signaling means

Reflectors. To indicate your location in the absence of a signal mirror, you can use a cosmetic mirror, foil, or a knife blade. The more polished the plate, the farther the light signal is visible.

Spread pieces of crumpled (this will increase the number of reflective planes) foil on the hill. Or attach the foil to a tree or a pole in a clear view area, it will rotate and give signals.

Kite. A kite can also serve you well. Make a frame out of thin boards, pull thin (preferably colored) paper over it, tie pieces of foil and bright ribbons to the tail of the snake.

signal flags. Hang on tall trees near your camp signal "flags" - bright pieces of matter. In order for them to be visible from above, stretch these "flags" along the ground. Tie one side of the fabric to bushes growing near the reservoir, and the other to stakes driven into the bottom of the reservoir.

Signal fire. If you don't have "flags", foil, pyrotechnics, or a flashlight, you can start a fire that is just as good as any other means. A bonfire located in an open area or a high hill is visible from afar. At night, a brightly burning fire is visible from a distance of 20 km when viewed from the sky, 8 km - when viewed from the ground. Even better, if there are several fires, the distance between them in this case should not exceed 20–30 m. However, for the idea to work, it is necessary to maintain a constant small fire near the fires, so you can make your “alarm” blaze in a short time.

Terrestrial code signals

Signals can be posted in open areas code table. The most banal HELP and SOS. The size of one signal must be at least 3 m. Remember, the larger the signal, the higher the likelihood that it will be noticed. You can make a signal from improvised means: aircraft wreckage, life jackets, clothes, logs.

You can not lay out the signal, but “dig it up”. To do this, remove the sod and deepen the trench. Such signals work both day and night (at night you can make a fire in the recesses). "Scatter" signals around the periphery, the more of them, the better.

Gesture code system for communicating with pilots

♦ “Here landing! We need help!” hands up, palms in, feet together.

♦ “Landing impossible! We don't need help!" - left hand up, feet together.

♦ "Straight" - arms raised, elbows bent, palms back. Legs shoulder width apart. Swinging the forearms back.

♦ "Back" - hands are raised forward to shoulder level. Palms forward.

♦ “Stop! Stop the engine” - cross your arms, the speed of this action corresponds to the degree of need to stop.

♦ "Hang up!" - arms to the sides, palms down.

♦ "Lower" - swaying down with straight arms, palms down.

♦ "Higher" - swaying up with straight arms, palms up.

♦ "Landing" - cross your arms in front of you below.

Questions for self-control

1. What types of survival factors do you know?

2. What is the role of anthropological factors in ensuring the safety of human life?

3. What is the role of material and technical factors in ensuring the safety of human life?

4. What is the nature of the impact of natural environmental factors on a person with autonomous existence in the natural environment?

5. What is the impact of environmental factors on a person with autonomous existence in the natural environment?

6. What are “survival stressors”? What is their impact on the human condition?

7. What are the first-priority actions for those in distress in a vehicle accident?

8. What are the primary actions of those caught in extreme conditions Outdoors?

9. What you need to know (determine) in order to correctly assess the situation to make a decision about next steps caught in an emergency?

10. List the rules for safe behavior when leaving the scene.

11. List the rules of safe behavior while waiting for help at the scene.

12. What activities are included in the action plan for organizing a temporary camp?

13. What is the role and tasks of the group leader in conditions of forced autonomous existence?

14. List the basic requirements for temporary shelters.

16. What factors influence the choice of shelter type?

17. What natural shelters can be used to organize an overnight stay in an emergency?

18. What can serve as the simplest shelter in the warm season?

19. How can you spend the night under a canopy at low temperatures?

20. What shelters and how can be built from snow?