The question of how to make a stencil in Microsoft Word is of interest to many users. The problem is that finding a sane answer to it on the Internet is not so easy. If you are also interested in this topic, you have come to the right place, but first, let's figure out what a stencil is.

A stencil is a "perforated plate", at least that is the meaning of this word in an exact translation from Italian. We will briefly talk about how to make such a “plate” in the second half of this article, and directly below we will share with you how to create the basis for a traditional stencil in Word.

If you are ready to seriously get confused by connecting your imagination in parallel, you can use any font presented in standard set programs. The main thing, when it is printed on paper, is to make jumpers - places that will not be cut out in letters bounded by an outline.

Actually, if you are ready to sweat over the stencil so much, it is not clear why you need our instructions, since you have all the MS Word fonts at your disposal. Choose the one you like, write a word or type the alphabet and print on the printer, and then cut them out along the contour, not forgetting the jumpers.

If you are not ready to spend so much effort, time and energy and a classic-looking stencil suits you perfectly, our task is to find, download and install the same classic stencil font. We are ready to save you from an exhausting search - we found everything on our own.

The Trafaret Kit Transparent font completely imitates the good old Soviet TSh-1 stencils with one nice bonus - in addition to the Russian language, it also has English, as well as a number of other characters that are not in the original. You can download it from the author's website.

Installing the font

In order for the font you downloaded to appear in Word, you must first install it on the system. Actually, after that it will automatically appear in the program. You can learn how to do this from our article.

Creating the base for the stencil

Select Trafaret Kit Transparent from the list of fonts available in Word and create the desired inscription in it. If you need an alphabetic stencil, write the alphabet on the document page. Other characters can be added as needed.

The standard portrait orientation of a sheet in Word is not the most suitable solution to create a stencil. On the landscape page it will look more familiar. Our instruction will help you change the position of the page.

Now the text needs to be formatted. Set the right size, choose the right position on the page, set sufficient indents and spacing, both between letters and between words. Our guide will help you do it all.

Perhaps the standard A4 sheet size will not be enough for you. If you want to change it to a larger one (A3, for example), our article will help you do this.

Note: When changing the sheet format, do not forget to change the font size and related parameters proportionally. Equally important in this case are the capabilities of the printer on which the stencil will be printed - support for the selected paper format is required.

Screen printing

Having written the alphabet or inscription, having formatted this text, you can safely proceed to printing the document. If you still don't know how to do this, be sure to check out our instructions.

Create a stencil

As you understand, there is practically no sense from a stencil printed on a regular piece of paper. More than once they are unlikely to be used. That is why the printed page with the stencil base needs to be “strengthened”. For this you will need the following:

  • Cardboard or plastic film;
  • Carbon paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Shoe or clerical knife;
  • Pen or pencil;
  • Board;
  • Laminator (optional).

The printed text must be transferred to cardboard or plastic. In the case of transferring to cardboard, ordinary carbon paper (carbon paper) will help to do this. You just need to lay the stencil page on cardboard, placing a carbon paper between them, and then trace the outline of the letters with a pencil or pen. If there is no carbon paper, you can push through the outlines of the letters with a pen. The same can be done with transparent plastic.

And yet, it is more convenient with transparent plastic, and it would simply be more correct to do it a little differently. Place a sheet of plastic on top of the stencil page and trace the outlines of the letters with a pen.

After the stencil base created in Word is transferred to cardboard or plastic, all that remains is to cut out the empty spaces with scissors or a knife. The main thing is to do it strictly along the line. It is not difficult to drive the knife along the border of the letter, but the scissors must first be “driven” into the place that will be cut out, but not into the edge itself. It is better to cut plastic with a sharp knife, after placing it on a solid board.

If you have a laminator handy, the printed sheet of paper with the stencil base can be laminated. Having done this, cut out the letters along the contour with a clerical knife or scissors.

When creating a stencil in Word, especially if it is an alphabet, try to make the distance between letters (on all sides) no less than their width and height. If this is not critical for the presentation of the text, the distance can be made a little more.

If to create a stencil you did not use the Trafaret Kit Transparent font offered by us, but any other (non-stencil) font presented in the standard Word set, we recall once again, do not forget about the jumpers in the letters. For letters whose outline is limited inner space(an obvious example is the letters "O" and "B", the number "8"), there must be at least two such jumpers.

That, in fact, is all, now you know not only how to make a basis for a stencil in Word, but also how to make a full-fledged, dense stencil with your own hands.

Hello readers of the SubliMaster site! Today I will teach you how to make a stencil portrait from a photo or picture. A similar portrait can be used for graffiti. I prefer to cut them out in a plotter from thermal film and put them on a T-shirt.

If you master this kind of stencil making well and learn how to achieve good similarity, then you can diversify your product range by offering to apply stencil (contour) images to T-shirts.

They have their own zest and originality!

As usual, I will use two programs in my work - Photoshop and CorelDraw.

Finding a frame from the show is not difficult. Moreover, you can take an image directly from the video.

Loading the image into Photoshop. First you need to work with the image - remove all unnecessary.

1. Crop the image to the size you want. Activate the "Rectangular Marquee" tool, select an area of ​​the desired size on the photo and click "Image - Crop".

2. Now you need to remove the background. We don't need anything but the Bearded Man himself. This can be done with an ordinary eraser, gently erasing all unnecessary.

4. You can also see that the Bearded man's hat is cut off on this frame. You'll have to draw it yourself. Increase the vertical size of the canvas by going to Image - Canvas Size. Then again with the help of "Stamp" and "Eraser" draw the cap.

Here is what you should get as a result:

It is desirable that the quality of the photo was better. Although even with such a fuzzy image, an acceptable result can be achieved.

Let's move on to the most interesting. Go to the menu "Filter - Sketch - Letterpaper...".

On the left side of the window you will see your photo in white and gray. This is already a stencil.

On the right side of the sliders "Grain" and "Relief" set to 0, and using the top "Tone Balance" edit the image detail. I set the value to 19.

After all settings, click "Yes".

Now go to the menu "Image - Adjustments - Highlights/Shadows..."

Set these options and click OK.

Our stencil is ready.

As you understand, this is a bitmap image that can be printed on paper and carefully cut out for graffiti. But you, like me, are probably interested in a vector stencil. Only a vector can be sent for cutting in a plotter.

To do this, I will save the stencil photo I received and open it in CorelDraw. Why in Corel go to the menu "File - Import".

Tracing not only converted the raster image into a vector image, but also smoothed out the bumps and angularities inherent in the stencil from Photoshop.

Now this image can be sent to the plotter for cutting and transferred to a T-shirt. Don't forget that after the quick tracing, the bitmap source is also under the vector. Remove it by moving the vector to the side.

Of course, you can guess that instead of "Quick tracing" you can choose the tracing modes "Detailed logo" or, for example, "High quality image". Here you can already move the settings sliders, increase or decrease detail, adjust anti-aliasing and get a better image as a result.

You can do without Photoshop altogether by immediately importing the color and cropped image into CorelDraw. Then you need to go to the menu " Bitmaps- Mode - Black and White".

Then trace the resulting image into a vector, as described above.

But personally, I prefer the method with the use of Photoshop at the first stage. The image is more "alive" and similar.

This lesson is over. I hope you will easily fill your hand and be able to make high-quality stencil portraits from absolutely any photo.

I remember when I was at school, there was still the Great Mighty Soviet Union and stencil rulers were very popular among students. We signed notebooks with stencil letters, composed what we thought were interesting texts and tried to realize our children's creative ideas. Time passed, all this became useless to anyone, and with the advent of graphic editors, such as Photoshop, it has become easier to discover and develop your talents. I wouldn't say that screen font cyrillic now in a trend, but there is still a small demand for it. For example, a screen font according to GOST 14192-96. This is an interstate standard for marking cargo. It is also present in my collection. not to mention that it is ideal for retro styling of work in both Word and Coreldraw and Photoshop, but is also used where the use of any other font is unacceptable.

Screen font Russian and English

Not all screen fonts are universal. That is, they can write in both Russian and English. But I chose the 8 most outstanding ones, in my opinion. One of the most popular is stencil kit font. This is how they look:

A stencil is a special device that is used to apply the same letters and numbers to a large number of surfaces. The stencil can be a simple sheet of paper, film or other material that is easy to cut, in which through holes of the desired shape are cut. The coloring matter passes through these holes and makes up the overall picture.

The simplest stencil used to be available at any stationery store. It was intended to create inscriptions or just letters and numbers in a specific font. Now, the easiest way to make your own stencil is to print on the printer and cut out the desired holes. In this article, we will look at the process of creating a stencil using Microsoft Word.

As you may have guessed, in our example, the material for the stencil will be plain paper. Also, the material can be film or cardboard, if your printer is able to work with such material.

First, you need to choose a font for the stencil. Basically, you can use any font for your stencil. However, keep in mind that in this case, when cutting out the stencil, you will need to think over the design itself, which should include jumpers. It is desirable to do this for letters that have closed contours. Letters such as O, A, D, etc., must be made with jumpers, otherwise their internal parts will be filled with a solid color. Sometimes this is not critical, but for the overall picture, it is advisable to do with internal voids.

Here, for example, is one of the fonts, the Latin letters of which do not have closed contours. The name of the font is "Bauhaus 93". But in the example, I will not use this font. I would like to remember what the old Soviet stencils looked like. Finding a font for such a stencil on the Internet is not difficult. For those who do not want to strain once again, here is the download link. The font itself is called "Trafaret Kit Transparent". Apparently the creator of this font himself comes from the CIS or Russia. A nice bonus is the presence in this font of both Latin and Cyrillic.

Now you need to install this font in your operating system. Before doing this, it is advisable to close the Word window so that the font can integrate normally during installation. Open archive and extract given file font. Then open this file by double clicking on it. And click the "Install" or "Install" button:

Now this font is installed on your system. Open the Word and write the desired phrase or the whole alphabet for the stencil. Change the font to the previously installed one. Edit the page orientation and font size as needed. The page orientation can be changed on the "Page Layout" → "Orientation" tab. After completing all the operations, your stencil is ready.

I remember when I was at school, there was still the Great Mighty Soviet Union and stencil rulers were very popular among students. We signed notebooks with stencil letters, composed what we thought were interesting texts and tried to realize our children's creative ideas. Time passed, all this became useless to anyone, and with the advent of graphic editors, such as Photoshop, it became easier to discover and develop your talents. I wouldn't say that screen font cyrillic now in a trend, but there is still a small demand for it. For example, a screen font according to GOST 14192-96. This is an interstate standard for marking cargo. It is also present in my collection. not to mention that it is ideal for retro styling of work in both Word and Coreldraw and Photoshop, but is also used where the use of any other font is unacceptable.

Screen font Russian and English

Not all screen fonts are universal. That is, they can write in both Russian and English. But I chose the 8 most outstanding ones, in my opinion. One of the most popular is stencil kit font. This is how they look:

Question about how to make a stencil in Microsoft program Word is of interest to many users. The problem is that finding a sane answer to it on the Internet is not so easy. If you are also interested in this topic, you have come to the right place, but first, let's figure out what a stencil is.

A stencil is a "perforated plate", at least that is the meaning of this word in an exact translation from Italian. We will briefly talk about how to make such a “plate” in the second half of this article, and directly below we will share with you how to create the basis for a traditional stencil in Word.

If you are ready to seriously get confused by connecting your imagination in parallel, you can use any font provided in the standard set of the program to create a stencil. The main thing, when it is printed on paper, is to make jumpers - places that will not be cut out in letters bounded by an outline.

Actually, if you are ready to sweat over the stencil so much, it is not clear why you need our instructions, since you have all the MS Word fonts at your disposal. Choose the one you like, write a word or type the alphabet and print on the printer, and then cut them out along the contour, not forgetting the jumpers.

If you are not ready to spend so much effort, time and energy and the classic-looking stencil suits you perfectly, our task is to find, download and install the same classic stencil font. We are ready to save you from an exhausting search - we found everything on our own.

The Trafaret Kit Transparent font completely imitates the good old Soviet TSh-1 stencils with one nice bonus - in addition to the Russian language, it also has English, as well as a number of other characters that are not in the original. You can download it from the author's website.

Installing the font

In order for the font you downloaded to appear in Word, you must first install it on the system. Actually, after that it will automatically appear in the program. You can learn how to do this from our article.

Creating the base for the stencil

Select Trafaret Kit Transparent from the list of fonts available in Word and create the desired inscription in it. If you need an alphabetic stencil, write the alphabet on the document page. Other characters can be added as needed.

The standard portrait orientation of a sheet in Word is not the best solution for creating a stencil. On the landscape page, it will look more familiar. Our instruction will help you change the position of the page.

Now the text needs to be formatted. Set the right size, choose the right position on the page, set sufficient indents and spacing, both between letters and between words. Our guide will help you do it all.

Perhaps the standard A4 sheet size will not be enough for you. If you want to change it to a larger one (A3, for example), our article will help you do this.

Note: When changing the sheet format, do not forget to change the font size and related parameters proportionally. Equally important in this case are the capabilities of the printer on which the stencil will be printed - support for the selected paper size is required.

Screen printing

Having written the alphabet or inscription, having formatted this text, you can safely proceed to printing the document. If you still don't know how to do this, be sure to check out our instructions.

Create a stencil

As you understand, there is practically no sense from a stencil printed on a regular piece of paper. More than once they are unlikely to be used. That is why the printed page with the stencil base needs to be “strengthened”. For this you will need the following:

  • Cardboard or plastic film;
  • Carbon paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Shoe or clerical knife;
  • Pen or pencil;
  • Board;
  • Laminator (optional).

The printed text must be transferred to cardboard or plastic. In the case of transferring to cardboard, ordinary carbon paper (carbon paper) will help to do this. You just need to lay the stencil page on cardboard, placing a carbon paper between them, and then trace the outline of the letters with a pencil or pen. If there is no carbon paper, you can push through the outlines of the letters with a pen. The same can be done with transparent plastic.

And yet, it is more convenient with transparent plastic, and it would simply be more correct to do it a little differently. Place a sheet of plastic on top of the stencil page and trace the outlines of the letters with a pen.

After the stencil base created in Word is transferred to cardboard or plastic, all that remains is to cut out the empty spaces with scissors or a knife. The main thing is to do it strictly along the line. It is not difficult to drive the knife along the border of the letter, but the scissors must first be “driven” into the place that will be cut out, but not into the edge itself. It is better to cut plastic with a sharp knife, after placing it on a solid board.

If you have a laminator handy, the printed sheet of paper with the stencil base can be laminated. Having done this, cut out the letters along the contour with a clerical knife or scissors.

When creating a stencil in Word, especially if it is an alphabet, try to make the distance between letters (on all sides) no less than their width and height. If this is not critical for the presentation of the text, the distance can be made a little more.

If to create a stencil you did not use the Trafaret Kit Transparent font offered by us, but any other (non-stencil) font presented in the standard Word set, we recall once again, do not forget about the jumpers in the letters. For letters whose contour is limited by the internal space (an obvious example is the letters “O” and “B”, the number “8”), there must be at least two such jumpers.

That, in fact, is all, now you know not only how to make a basis for a stencil in Word, but also how to make a full-fledged, dense stencil with your own hands.