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Viral marketing is at the peak of its popularity these days. This way of transmitting information increases the number of customers exponentially, especially in the Internet business.

Why viral ads? Viral does not mean harmful. If the word virus is associated with computer viruses, worms, Trojans, then I will reassure you. In our case, viral advertising is what is transmitted between users on their own initiative. This type of advertising is very popular among marketers because of its effectiveness and low cost.

The whole difficulty lies in the fact that we cannot accurately predict the behavior of our product in an advertising company (whether it will be viral or not). To do this, we need to analyze examples of viral products.

Examples of viral products in Russia and the world.

1. Viral clip (song). Group "Leningrad" with viral videos (on Louboutins, healthy lifestyle, drinking in St. Petersburg). Everyone liked it because it reveals the Russian soul, a lot of obscenities and colloquial language, "the naked truth of life."

2. Viral game. pokemon go game. First of all, a lot of mentions in the media. New technology alternate reality. Pleasant memories of the animated series of the 2000s, when there was also mass hysteria with stickers, posters of packemons.

3. Funny short video (memes). Like a virus, we constantly pumped video jokes to each other on mobile phones (“Chumazik”, “Aga airship”, “Irreplaceable Slavik”, “The door sang”). Now the popularity of a certain video does not take a long time due to the huge flow of new videos. But funny videos are spreading on the web at a tremendous speed, and many of the videos we constantly remember and discuss.

4. Viral news. In 2008, when the financial crisis gripped Russia and the world, there was a rumor that buckwheat and salt would rise in price. People bought buckwheat and salt in bulk for several years ahead. The same thing happened in 2015 when people rushed to buy household appliances, someone bought three refrigerators. I think these rumors are not without reason. Smart marketing move.

And so, we have identified several examples of viral products. Now you can identify the general similarities and main features of the virus.

Signs of viral products

A product can be called a virus when:

1. The product does not need support to grow as such. The product is distributed independently.

2. The product evokes emotions, whether positive or negative (sexual arousal, fear, happiness, laughter, sadness, disgust, hatred).

3. The product carries novelty and interest. Gives something without which it is already impossible to imagine the modern world.

4.The product idea is simple and easy to remember.

5. The product is as accessible as possible for people. More precisely, on the contrary, any user is available for the product.

If the product has the above described signs, we can assume its viral spread.

This is where the concept of “virus capacity” comes from.

“Virus intensity is such a property that makes us spread information about it to friends and acquaintances.

Its essence is that the greater the gap between price and quality (better quality, service, design and at the same time lower price), the greater the virus intensity of this product or institution.

The task of a marketer is to launch a viral product with the highest possible virus intensity.

Now I will give some tips that you can use in your advertising programs to achieve a high virus intensity.

Techniques in advertising to increase virus capacity.


Maximum involvement of the media.


One of the important factors influencing the virality of a product is the creativity in its advertising. Come up with something that no one has done before you and people will be interested in it. Everything new is always exciting. To achieve viral success, an ad must stand out from all other ads, not just from its direct competitors.

If the product is discussed by everyone and everywhere, then it is known and will be advertised. Discussion can be different, both positive and negative. Therefore, the danger of this method is that it can negatively affect the rating of the brand itself. But, as they say, it is impossible to be good for everyone.

On the brink of failure.

This factor is best described as a video that most people wouldn't show their mom. Such videos are on the verge of social acceptability. Some may find them offensive, shocking, obnoxious, or "morbidly imaginative." However, what is important is that they combine such balancing on the edge with good humor. The element of shock contained in the video is generally perceived as more ridiculous than inappropriate. This also includes advertising with direct sexual overtones.


Viral diseases infect cells in which there are already violations, which is what the pathogen uses. Modern studies have proven that this happens only with a strong weakening of the immune system, which is no longer able to adequately fight the threat.

Features of viral infections

Types of viral diseases

These pathogens are usually distinguished by a genetic trait:

  • DNA - human catarrhal viral diseases, hepatitis B, herpes, papillomatosis, chicken pox, lichen;
  • RNA - influenza, hepatitis C, HIV, polio, AIDS.

Viral diseases can also be classified according to the mechanism of influence on the cell:

  • cytopathic - the accumulated particles break and kill it;
  • immune-mediated - the virus embedded in the genome sleeps, and its antigens come to the surface, putting the cell under attack by the immune system, which considers it an aggressor;
  • peaceful - the antigen is not produced, the latent state persists for a long time, replication starts when favorable conditions are created;
  • degeneration - the cell mutates into a tumor.

How is the virus transmitted?

The spread of a viral infection is carried out:

  1. Airborne. Respiratory viral infections are transmitted by the retraction of mucus particles splattered during a sneeze.
  2. Parenterally. In this case, the disease passes from mother to child, during medical manipulations, sex.
  3. Through food. Viral diseases come with water or food. Sometimes they stay dormant for a long time, appearing only under external influence.

Why are viral diseases epidemic?

Many viruses spread quickly and massively, which provokes the emergence of epidemics. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Ease of distribution. Many serious viruses and viral diseases are easily transmitted through saliva droplets inhaled. In this form, the pathogen can maintain activity for a long time, therefore it is able to find several new carriers.
  2. reproduction rate. After entering the body, the cells are affected one by one, providing the necessary nutrient medium.
  3. Difficulty of elimination. It is not always known how to treat a viral infection, this is due to the lack of knowledge, the possibility of mutations and the difficulties of diagnosing - at the initial stage it is easy to confuse with other problems.

Symptoms of a viral infection

The course of viral diseases may differ depending on their type, but there are common points.

  1. Fever. It is accompanied by a rise in temperature to 38 degrees, without it only mild forms of SARS pass. If the temperature is higher, then this indicates a severe course. It does not last longer than 2 weeks.
  2. Rash. Viral skin diseases are accompanied by these manifestations. They may look like spots, roseola, and vesicles. It is typical for childhood, in adults rashes are less common.
  3. Meningitis. Occurs with an enterovirus and is more common in children.
  4. Intoxication- loss of appetite, nausea, headache, weakness and lethargy. These signs of a viral disease are due to toxins released by the pathogen in the course of activity. The strength of the impact depends on the severity of the disease, it is harder for children, adults may not notice it.
  5. Diarrhea. Characteristic of rotaviruses, the stool is watery, does not contain blood.

Human viral diseases - list

It is impossible to name the exact number of viruses - they are constantly changing, adding to the extensive list. Viral diseases, the list of which is presented below, are the most famous.

  1. Flu and cold. Their signs are: weakness, fever, sore throat. Antiviral drugs are used, when bacteria are attached, antibiotics are additionally prescribed.
  2. Rubella. The eyes, respiratory tract, cervical lymph nodes and skin are affected. It spreads by airborne droplets, accompanied by high fever and skin rashes.
  3. Piggy. The respiratory tract is affected, in rare cases, the testes are affected in men.
  4. Yellow fever. Harms the liver and blood vessels.
  5. Measles. Dangerous to children, affects the intestines, respiratory tract and skin.
  6. . Often occurs in the background of other problems.
  7. Polio. Penetrates into the blood through the intestines and breathing, with brain damage, paralysis occurs.
  8. Angina. There are several types, characterized by headache, heat, severe sore throat and chills.
  9. Hepatitis. Any variety causes yellowness of the skin, darkening of the urine and colorless feces, which indicates a violation of several bodily functions.
  10. Typhoid. rare in modern world, affects the circulatory system, can lead to thrombosis.
  11. Syphilis. After the defeat of the genital organs, the pathogen enters the joints and eyes, spreads further. It has no symptoms for a long time, so periodic examinations are important.
  12. Encephalitis. The brain is affected, a cure cannot be guaranteed, the risk of death is high.

The most dangerous viruses in the world for humans

The list of viruses that pose the greatest danger to our body:

  1. Hantavirus. The causative agent is transmitted from rodents, causes various fevers, mortality in which ranges from 12 to 36%.
  2. Flu. This includes the most dangerous viruses known from the news, different strains can cause a pandemic, a severe course affects the elderly and young children more.
  3. Marburg. Opened in the second half of the 20th century, it is the cause of hemorrhagic fever. It is transmitted from animals and infected people.
  4. . It causes diarrhea, the treatment is simple, but in underdeveloped countries 450 thousand children die from it every year.
  5. Ebola. As of 2015, the mortality rate is 42%, it is transmitted by contact with the fluids of an infected person. Signs are: a sharp increase in temperature, weakness, pain in the muscles and throat, rash, diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding is possible.
  6. . Mortality is estimated at 50%, intoxication, rash, fever, and lymph node damage are characteristic. Distributed in Asia, Oceania and Africa.
  7. Smallpox. Known for a long time, dangerous only to people. Rash, fever, vomiting, and headache are characteristic. The last case of infection occurred in 1977.
  8. Rabies. Transmitted from warm-blooded animals, affects the nervous system. After the appearance of symptoms, the success of treatment is almost impossible.
  9. Lassa. The pathogen is carried by rats, first discovered in 1969 in Nigeria. The kidneys, nervous system are affected, myocarditis and hemorrhagic syndrome begin. The treatment is difficult, the fever claims up to 5 thousand lives annually.
  10. HIV. It is transmitted through contact with the fluids of an infected person. Without treatment, there is a chance to live 9-11 years, its complexity lies in the constant mutation of cell-killing strains.

Fight against viral diseases

The difficulty of the fight is constant change known pathogens that make the usual treatment of viral diseases ineffective. This makes it necessary to search for new drugs, but at the present stage of development of medicine, most measures are developed quickly, before the epidemic threshold is crossed. The following approaches have been adopted:

  • etiotropic - prevention of the reproduction of the pathogen;
  • surgical;
  • immunomodulatory.

Antibiotics for a viral infection

In the course of the disease, there is always a suppression of immunity, sometimes it is necessary to strengthen it to destroy the pathogen. In a number of cases, when viral disease additional antibiotics are prescribed. This is necessary when a bacterial infection joins, which is killed only in this way. With a pure viral disease, taking these drugs will not only worsen the condition.

Prevention of viral diseases

  1. Vaccination- effective against a specific pathogen.
  2. Strengthening immunity- Prevention of viral infections in this way involves hardening, proper nutrition, support with plant extracts.
  3. Precautionary measures- the exclusion of contacts with sick people, the exclusion of unprotected casual sex.

Research history

For the first time, the existence of a virus (as a new type of pathogen) was proved in 1892 by the Russian scientist D. I. Ivanovsky and others. After many years of research into diseases of tobacco plants, in a work dated 1892, D. I. Ivanovsky comes to the conclusion that tobacco mosaic is caused by "bacteria passing through the Chamberlain filter, which, however, are not able to grow on artificial substrates."

Five years later, in the study of diseases of cattle, namely foot and mouth disease, a similar filterable microorganism was isolated. And in 1898, when reproducing the experiments of D. Ivanovsky by the Dutch botanist M. Beijerinck, he called such microorganisms "filterable viruses." In abbreviated form, this name began to denote this group of microorganisms.

In subsequent years, the study of viruses played a major role in the development of epidemiology, immunology, molecular genetics, and other branches of biology. Thus, the Hershey-Chase experiment became a decisive proof of the role of DNA in the transmission of hereditary properties. Over the years, at least six more Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine and three Nobel Prizes in Chemistry have been awarded for research directly related to the study of viruses.


Simply organized viruses consist of a nucleic acid and several proteins that form a shell around it - capsid. An example of such viruses is tobacco mosaic virus. Its capsid contains one type of protein with a small molecular weight. Complexly organized viruses have an additional shell - protein or lipoprotein; sometimes the outer shells of complex viruses contain carbohydrates in addition to proteins. An example of complexly organized viruses are the causative agents of influenza and herpes. Their outer shell is a fragment of the nuclear or cytoplasmic membrane of the host cell, from which the virus enters the extracellular environment.

The role of viruses in the biosphere

Viruses are one of the most common forms of existence of organic matter on the planet in terms of numbers: the waters of the oceans contain a colossal number of bacteriophages (about 250 million particles per milliliter of water), their total number in the ocean is about 4 10 30, and the number of viruses (bacteriophages) in bottom sediments of the ocean, it practically does not depend on depth and is very high everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of species (strains) of viruses live in the ocean, the vast majority of which have not been described, much less studied. Viruses play an important role in regulating the number of populations of some species of living organisms (for example, the wilding virus reduces the number of arctic foxes by several times with a period of several years).

The position of viruses in the living system

Origin of viruses

Viruses are a collective group that does not have a common ancestor. Currently, there are several hypotheses explaining the origin of viruses.

The origin of some RNA-containing viruses is associated with viroids. Viroids are highly structured circular RNA fragments replicated by the cellular RNA polymerase. It is believed that viroids are " escaped introns" - insignificant sections of mRNA cut out during splicing, which accidentally acquired the ability to replicate. Viroids do not code for proteins. It is believed that the acquisition of coding regions (open reading frame) by viroids led to the appearance of the first RNA-containing viruses. Indeed, examples of viruses containing pronounced viroid-like regions are known (Delta hepatitis virus).

Examples of structures of icosahedral virions.
A. A virus that does not have a lipid envelope (for example, picornavirus).
B. Enveloped virus (eg herpesvirus).
Numbers indicate: (1) capsid, (2) genomic nucleic acid, (3) capsomere, (4) nucleocapsid, (5) virion, (6) lipid envelope, (7) membrane envelope proteins.

Detachment ( -virales) Family ( -viridae) Subfamily ( -virinae) Genus ( -virus) View ( -virus)

Baltimore classification

Nobel laureate biologist David Baltimore proposed his classification scheme for viruses based on differences in the mechanism of mRNA production. This system includes seven main groups:

  • (I) Viruses containing double-stranded DNA and lacking an RNA stage (e.g. herpesviruses, poxviruses, papovaviruses, mimiviruses).
  • (II) Viruses containing double-stranded RNA (eg rotaviruses).
  • (III) Viruses containing a single-stranded DNA molecule (for example, parvoviruses).
  • (IV) Viruses containing a positive polarity single-stranded RNA molecule (eg picornaviruses, flaviviruses).
  • (V) Viruses containing a single-stranded RNA molecule of negative or dual polarity (eg, orthomyxoviruses, filoviruses).
  • (VI) Viruses containing a single-stranded RNA molecule and having in their life cycle the stage of DNA synthesis on an RNA template, retroviruses (for example, HIV).
  • (VII) Viruses containing double-stranded DNA and having in their life cycle the stage of DNA synthesis on an RNA template, retroid viruses (for example, hepatitis B virus).

Currently, for the classification of viruses, both systems are used simultaneously, as complementary to each other.

Further division is made on the basis of such features as the structure of the genome (the presence of segments, a circular or linear molecule), genetic similarity with other viruses, the presence of a lipid membrane, the taxonomic affiliation of the host organism, and so on.

Viruses in popular culture

In literature

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (fantasy novel)

In cinema

  • Resident Evil" and its sequels.
  • In the fantasy horror film "28 Days Later" and its sequels.
  • In the plot of the disaster film " Epidemic" there is a fictional motaba virus, the description of which resembles the real Ebola virus.
  • In the movie "Welcome to Zombieland".
  • In the movie "Purple Ball".
  • In the movie "Carriers".
  • In "I Am Legend".
  • In the movie "Contagion".
  • In the film "Report".
  • In the movie Quarantine.
  • In the movie "Quarantine 2: Terminal".
  • In the series "Regenesis".
  • In the TV series The Walking Dead.
  • In the television series "Closed School".
  • In the movie "Carriers".

In animation

AT last years viruses often become "heroes" of cartoons and animated series, among which should be mentioned, for example, "Osmosis Jones" (USA), 2001), "Ozzy and Drix" (USA, 2002-2004) and "Virus attacks" (Italy, 2011).


  1. In English . In Latin, the question of the plural of a given word is controversial. The word lat. virus belongs to a rare variety of the II declension, words of the middle gender in -us: Nom.Acc.Voc. virus, Gen. viri, Dat.Abl. viro. Likewise, lat. vulgus and lat. pelagus; in classical Latin, the plural is recorded only in the latter: lat. pelage, a form of ancient Greek origin, where η<εα.
  2. Taxonomy of viruses at the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) website.
  3. (English))
  4. Cello J, Paul AV, Wimmer E (2002). "Chemical synthesis of poliovirus cDNA: generation of infectious virus in the absence of natural template". Science 297 (5583): 1016–8. DOI:10.1126/science.1072266. PMID 12114528 .
  5. Bergh O, Børsheim KY, Bratbak G, Heldal M (August 1989). "High abundance of viruses found in aquatic environments". Nature 340 (6233): 467–8. DOI:10.1038/340467a0. PMID2755508.
  6. Elements - science news: Destroying bacterial cells, viruses actively participate in the cycle of substances in the depths of the ocean

Methods of dealing with viral diseases.

Diagnosis of viral diseases.

Methods of transmission of viral diseases.

1. When propagating plants vaccination, on the root. It is important that the queen cells are free from viruses.

2. contact infection. As a result of leaf contact, for example, through hair breakage (trichomes) when rubbing the leaves, through processing tools, garden tools, workers' clothes, especially when pinching, cutting flowers. (tulip variegation virus).

3. Transmission by vectors. The most common way. Viruses can be transmitted by insects, nematodes, fungi. Most carriers of gray aphids, cicadas, thrips, whiteflies. (potato virus, cucumber, pea, beet mosaic virus)

Symptoms of viral diseases can vary greatly depending on a wide variety of conditions, so the diagnosis of viral diseases can be difficult.

1. visual inspection. The fastest but least accurate method.

2. Serological method. If a virus is introduced into the blood of an animal, then specific proteins are formed in the blood serum - antibodies to this virus, transferring it to a harmless state. To diagnose a disease, a drop of the juice of an affected plant is mixed with a drop of diagnostic serum from the blood of an animal previously treated with a known virus. If the juice contains this virus, then as a result of the reaction of the virus and antibodies in the mixture, a flocculent precipitate is formed, the intensity of which can be used to judge the relative amount of virus in the plant juice.

3. indicator method. Based on infection of the indicator plant with the juice of the test plant. Indicators respond with certain clear symptoms to infection with this virus. This is a more sensitive, but also more time-consuming method.

4. Inclusion analysis method. With a razor blade, a section of the epidermis with leaf hairs is cut off and under a microscope they look for viral inclusions in the cells of the hairs.

1. Destruction of diseased plants.

2. Use only healthy planting material.

3. Fight against insects - carriers of viruses.

4. Improvement of plants by meristem culture.

5. Disinfection of planting material by thermotherapy.

On the carnation garden About 9 viral diseases were noted:

Bushiness virus. There is a sharp shortening of the internodes, dormant buds begin to grow, forming many side shoots, the plants do not bloom.

Soft mosaic virus. Light mottling on the leaves, light strokes on the flowers.

Ring spot virus. Leaves have chlorotic concentric rings.

Clove banding virus. The leaves have whitish, yellow, brown stripes or strokes.

The carriers of these viruses are many species of aphids and nematodes.

yellow dwarf virus Luke. Allium virus 1. At the base of the leaves and on the flower arrows - short yellow stripes. The leaves turn yellow, the arrows are bent. Flower heads become smaller, bulbs are small, plants have a dwarf appearance.

On the apple trees Several types of viruses have been identified:

Apple mosaic virus. On the leaves - a light mosaic in the form of small irregular cream or yellow spots. In summer, in place of spots - necrosis. Sometimes there is a deformation of the leaf blade.

The rosette virus. Rosettes of very small ugly leaves are formed on the shoots.

drooping branch virus. The plant has a "weeping" appearance. The shoots droop, the wood in them is soft due to the lack of lignification processes. The turgor in the cells is lowered, there is a lag in growth.

Panicle or bushiness virus. On separate branches there is an excessive development of numerous shoots.

Fruit cracking virus. Late flowering, few flowers, single fruits, affected shoots die off. On the fruits - stellate cracks around the calyx.

Ring spot virus astr. Causes the formation of chlorotic rings and zigzag lines on the leaves of aster - Chinese callistefus, zinnia, perennial aster.

Regular advertising on the Web does not provide the desired conversion? This is not surprising. Internet users are so tired of annoying advertisements, commercials, banners and other things that they subconsciously try to avoid them. What to do in this case? Opt out of ads? Of course not! It is possible and necessary to advertise a product and / or a company, it just needs to be done more competently, unobtrusively, interestingly, in an original way. Content should be presented in such a way that users themselves want to not only perceive, but also disseminate information. This, as you understand, is about viral advertising.

Viral advertising got its name because it literally “infects” the audience with its idea and spreads like a real virus. Due to its originality, it is well remembered and quickly transmitted from user to user. But such success is possible on the condition that advertising will contribute to solving consumer problems and be able to reach the maximum audience. The easiest way to spread viral advertising is through social networks, forums, e-mail, i.e. through the possibilities of the Internet.

Benefits of Viral Advertising

  • Benefit. Creating and spreading a “virus” is much cheaper than launching a traditional advertising campaign, since in this case you only spend money on creating a video, and distributing it is completely free, while you have to pay for each display of traditional advertising.
  • Scale . Subject to the success of viral advertising, the reach of the target audience will be simply huge and the cost of 1 contact with the consumer will be minimal.
  • Freedom from censorship. Of course, everything should be adequate. However, viral advertising is not subject to advertising law.

So, we come to the most important questions. How to create a viral ad? What are the methods of viral marketing? We are forced to disappoint you: there is no universal algorithm of actions and uniform recommendations. Each company, each product has its own individual characteristics, its target audience, so viral advertising should be different, unique, aimed precisely at the interests and needs of potential customers. Nevertheless, we highlight the key points used in the creation of any viral advertising.

Stages of developing viral advertising on the Internet

  1. Unobtrusiveness. Advertising should not be intrusive, the key message should be traceable, but not “shout” to the viewer: “Buy me!”.
  2. Humor . Please note that the most popular viral videos are usually humorous. Although this is not a panacea. Your idea may not be combined with laughter and cause completely different emotions.
  3. Relevance . It is important that your idea is in line with current events in the world, people's mentality, topical problems of society.
  4. Positive emotions. We talked about the fact that viral advertising should evoke emotions. Disgust, anger, contempt are also emotions, but you should not evoke negative feelings in people, otherwise they will be associated with your product / service and the company as a whole.
  5. Novelty. The idea should be unique, one that no one else has used.
  6. Discussions. Your advertising should provoke people to discuss, to express their opinion. Only then will they start broadcasting it on their social media pages and forums.
  7. Advertising message. In the pursuit of originality and creativity, don't forget the message you want to convey to your target audience.

Thus, in the first 3 days after the launch of a viral advertising campaign, you can immediately determine its success in the future.

Examples of cool viral ads for inspiration

Disney Characters Surprise Shoppers video - shared 3,757,909 times.

Love Has No Labels video - shared 2,741,138 times.

Budweiser USA video: #BestBuds - shared 2,511,546 times.

Video "The first day of your new life" - 1,919,525 views.

Video "You have something to be proud of" - 8,235,902 views.

Animated video "Stupid Ways to Die" - scored over 30 million views.

Video "The end of the world during the interview."

See these examples of viral marketing and get inspired! And also follow the updates of our articles and learn new useful information for the development of your business and to increase your sales.

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