Technology has entered the daily life of every person. It is no longer conceivable to live a day without cell phone. Laptops, netbooks, tablets and other modern portable electronics are sold in every digital technology store. There are many, many brands and different price categories. Technology is also improving - phones are already dual-core, but so are tablets. Everything is done to automate all processes and everything seems to be fine, but everything has a downside…

Do-it-yourself laptop cooling

Modern technology should be not only powerful, but also as convenient as possible: multimedia, universal, portable and silent. And if for multimedia it is enough to install powerful processor, video card and memory modules, then for universality it is already necessary to have various digital outputs and inputs for connecting other digital devices. Portability, on the other hand, can boast of a miniature device, such as a netbook, which, moreover, must be silent. Low noise level achieved by solid state hard drive(flash drive technology), and the lack of a processor cooling fan - passive cooling. The latter, in my opinion, has both pluses (dust from the fan does not clog the radiator, equipment consumes less energy from the battery - it works longer, reduces the cost), and minuses (at high room temperatures, passive cooling is ineffective, lowering power when overheating, the likelihood of exit out of service). All of the above disadvantages can be crossed out good cooling for a laptop.

In stores, if you have money, you can buy anything. But not everything that glitters is good! Sometimes home-made works much more stable than factory-made. I will bring specific example. I recently bought myself Asus netbook latest model, which to my surprise does not have a factory CPU cooling fan. During small work, the standard radiator copes with the output of steam-heat from the chip, but at maximum performance, the bottom starts to heat up very much - at the same time, the programs noticeably slow down. I tried to find small cooling pads specifically for netbooks - I succeeded, but their effectiveness is very low. The fact is that all store coasters are powered by USB, which has a low voltage - as a result, the blades accelerate at very low speeds. At the same time, the air flow is not enough for a full-fledged blowing into the small compartments of the bottom. The exit, as always, was not long in coming - you need to make a cooling for a laptop with your own hands.

The cooling system shown below is for a netbook that is operated remotely 24/7. Its location does not need convenience. If you plan to work on the keyboard or touchpad of the device, then make inclined legs, while moving the fans to a distant area (usually, the processor cooling system is located in the corner), pick up narrower coolers.

Cooling from improvised means

The design was made for home use - all show-offs go sideways, the main thing is functionality and not a lot of cost.

In the process, we need the basic materials:
Cooling fan - 2 pieces for 40 rubles = 80 rubles.
Insulating tape - 10 rubles.
Power supply - taken from an old cell phone charger.
PVC plate - 40 rubles.

Connectors - 3 pieces for 3 rubles = 9 rubles.
Fork of connectors - 10 rubles.
Crimp for connectors - always in your pocket 🙂
Screws for fastening - there were
Rake about half a meter - there was
Stationery knife - available.
Pen and ruler available.
Direct hands patience and an hour of work - there is always.
Screwdriver and pliers - well, this stuff in every house is probably in bulk.

At the same time, connectors are used for convenience - you can do without them by simply twisting the wires together. Those. Crimp, connectors and fork can be safely excluded from the list if they are absent!

As an avid IT specialist, the following tools were the first to hit the table:

The process of manufacturing cooling for a netbook

1. So, we take a PVC sheet (sold in hardware stores) a little larger than the bottom of the netbook. In the middle, we cut out two circles with a clerical knife - the diameter is exactly under the fan blades.
2. Screw the fan into the factory mounting bays. Screws can be driven into small pieces of PVC
3. On the sides of a wooden slat we make legs 0.5-1 cm higher than the installed fan - for good air intake
4. We attach the power supply - only red and black wires are used, blue is not needed - it is used in computers to control the speed.

As a result, we get something like this:

5. On the upper side, we fasten two rails with screws on the sides - they are needed for air ventilation.

6. As a result, we get a ready-made, powerful cooling tablet, which, in addition to everything, is made by hand

Let's summarize

As a result, we have received very good remedy cooling, while the cost does not exceed 150 rubles. The whole process took about 1 hour. I didn’t shrug it off much - it could have been made prettier, but quality is important to me, not aesthetic appearance. It's simple - this netbook is part of the 24/7 systems for collecting and analyzing keywords. I turn to him only once a day to track the progress of work.

The laptop has long and firmly entered the lives of many of us as a mobile alternative. personal computer. And although tablets have been more and more confidently replacing their older electronic counterparts, laptops, thanks to a larger screen, full-size keyboard and other functional advantages, still have a fairly large number of users, including me.
Despite the obvious ease of use mobile device most users sooner or later have the problem of laptop overheating, as a rule, one of the “heavy” applications is the culprit of the failure. Another reason for overheating of the cooling system is hot weather, it also sometimes happens that the ventilation grills turn out to be blocked by something, as often happens when the laptop is placed on an object with a soft surface, such as a blanket. Regular system cooling does not do its job and as a result, slowdowns, freezes, and fps drops in games occur. It was this sad circumstance that made me think about additional cooling of the laptop.
Of course, many will wonder why not just buy a cooling pad in the store. You can also in the store, but a high-quality stand will cost quite a lot of money, besides, it was just interesting for me to make a cooling system with my own hands, especially since, by the nature of the then activity, I was able to get most of the materials I needed for free.
So, by the nature of my activity, I was associated at that time with the assembly plastic windows and doors, and the basis for the stand, I chose one of the small segments of the plastic window sill. The window sill is good because it consists of two thin plates connected by stiffeners, which fit perfectly into my idea.
So; when I got home, with the help of a “grinder”, I brought the dimensions of the window sill to the size of a laptop, in my case it is FUJITSU AH 530, plus a centimeter of margin on the sides.

The next stage is a trip to a computer goods store in search of a suitable cooler, according to my idea, it was supposed to be a fan powered by USB port laptop. However, I could not find the desired copy and I had to be content with an ordinary cooler 120 by 120 mm in size, 12 volts, 300 milliamps.

I decided to power the cooler from a charging machine lying around idle at home on a radio-controlled remote control. The charging current provided almost the necessary - 250 milliamps, but the voltage, only half the allowable - 6 volts. Nevertheless, the propeller turned quite cheerfully, but at the same time quietly, which suited me quite well. I decided to place the cooler in the stand in the place above which the ventilation grill should have been, located under the processor, in order to additionally blow it from below. To do this, I marked out the contours of the socket for the cooler and, using the same "grinder", cut it out. As it turned out later, this was not quite the optimal choice for the location of the additional fan, but more on that later.

The location of the laptop on the stand turned out as follows - the front edge of the bottom of the laptop rests against the side of the window sill, which prevents it from sliding off the stand even in a vertical position. Rear end The laptop is installed on a plastic glazing bead with a rubber edge - a seal, (screwed to the base with self-tapping screws), which makes it non-slip, in addition, when placed horizontally, the laptop keyboard is at an angle to the user and its use is quite comfortable.
I installed the fan parallel to the bottom of the laptop case using ordinary plumbing sealant. The presence of cavities inside the main part of the stand allows the cooler to freely pump air flow, and through them you can lead wires from the fan to either side. The plug for connecting the fan to the power supply had to be invented by myself in accordance with the connector located on the PSU wire. To assemble the plug, a wire connector came in handy, with two screws of which I secured the wires from the cooler, and the contacts were pieces of a metal antenna from a broken machine control panel. Thanks to this design, the cooling power supply can be connected only when necessary.

So, after making this simple cooling pad, I, of course, decided to test it in action. The popular game World Of Tanks was chosen for testing, the fps increase was approximately 5 to 10 points, and the heating temperature also dropped noticeably CPU, motherboard and laptop hard drive. Best of all, the cooling effect was manifested when it moved slightly to the side and the fan blew the hot air coming out of the laptop grills up.

I consider the resulting design to be quite successful, the stand is used both for cooling (especially helps out when working with a laptop in the evening in bed, on a blanket), and as additional protection the bottom of the laptop from possible external damage or accidental contact with water (it happens on the kitchen table). In the future, I plan to install another cooler (fortunately, there is enough free space) due to which the cooling effect will increase.

Owners of stationary PCs often complain that the video card is very hot, the processor is very hot, and the cooler does not cope with all tasks. Many begin to look for the perfect cooling system. Someone prefers to buy a new, but more powerful cooler, someone decides to switch to nitrogen cooling, and someone is experimenting with a water system. One way or another, the choice of the PC owner is great. But additional cooling for a laptop is much more difficult to find.

For whom?

In general, you need to think about how to “cool the ardor” of your laptop right away when buying a device. Sometimes it is too late to solve a similar problem when the processor on the integrated board burns out or the whole system fails. Therefore, in order to understand whether additional CO is needed, you need to decide on the purpose of your device.

If you have purchased a simple laptop that you will use to surf the Internet and sit in office programs, then most likely you will never experience problems with overheating. If you decide to purchase a gaming device or a serious multimedia device, then you should immediately think about an ambulance.


But you don’t always need an additional cooling system for a laptop if you have a powerful device. Often manufacturers focus on this system, create special technologies, and all you need is to periodically clean the inside of the laptop. Also, everything can depend on the design component, because developers are always trying to make a high-quality and productive system.

time to think

What to do if you did not immediately think about purchasing a CO, but relied on the manufacturer, but, oddly enough, he let you down? Here we have to think about diagnostics. There are many reasons to buy additional cooling for a laptop. First, you realized that you have a powerful system in front of you that generates too much heat, which means that you need to help it cope with overheating. Secondly, you decided that it was worth trying to improve performance, and started overclocking. In order for it to occur safely for the device, it is advisable to immediately purchase a CO and experiment.

It happens that the user begins to notice how the system becomes sluggish. He immediately sins operating system, which could pick up viruses, and reinstalls it. When the situation remains the same, he begins to think that one of the components has failed. This is how unfortunate users begin to appear who are looking for how to put new processor Or change the RAM.

But many people forget about the prevention and diagnostics of the device. You can't just buy a laptop and forget about it forever. Over time, he asks for care. This can happen even a year after the purchase, or it can happen after 5 years. But the user must understand that the system needs cleanliness. If you do not know how to disassemble the device yourself, clean the cooler, radiator, change the thermal paste, then take it to a service center.

If you are not sure that the problem is in the cooling system, try to monitor the temperature indicators through the utility. Do a test, and when the system tells you that the CO is not quite up to its task, then go to clean the board and all components from dust.

Few of us have read the instructions for using a smartphone, tablet or laptop. Probably, no one knows that there are warnings in the user manual, ignoring which, you can ruin the device ahead of time. So, for example, there is information that the laptop cannot be used on a soft surface, work with it on your knees, prevent air from escaping from air vent etc.

It is also important to understand that any device is short-lived, especially with the current competition and marketing, it is unprofitable for manufacturers to make devices that would live and please the user for decades. It's much easier to release a ton of new models every year that differ in color and button placement to get customers to change their laptops because of outdated configurations and wear.

As a result, there are real centenarians - devices that have been operating for more than 10 years, they are not entirely relevant today, but still perform standard functions. There are also such devices that noticeably “get tired” after five years. Including the cooling system wears out. Therefore, if you began to notice overheating, and your laptop is a hundred years old at lunchtime, then you should think about buying a new one.


Why do we need laptop coolers, additional cooling, various methods ventilation? It is clear that the system does not overheat. But what happens to her when she works at elevated temperatures? First of all, hot air not only reaches all the elements on the board, but even touches the keyboard and touchpad. When the load is high, and the temperature exceeds the boundary norms, the CO makes a lot of noise, which makes the user uncomfortable.


In addition to the fact that it is possible to make additional cooling for a laptop with your own hands, there are also better options to improve CO. So, it is easy to find in the market in the form of a stand. This is the most common way to protect a system. It is possible to install a vacuum cooler, which has recently become popular among those who are dissatisfied with stands.


Before we look at options that you only need money for, let's learn about a creative alternative. This is a homemade device. In general, the Internet has great amount examples and answers to the question of how to make additional cooling for a laptop. Not all of them, of course, are reliable and of high quality, but there are already more or less standardized options that have been used by more than a dozen people.

So the gist this experiment in that homemade system does not cool the case, but helps to remove warm air from the radiator. To do this, in addition to the internal cooler, an external one is installed. There can be many options for its design, as well as materials. If you decide to create such a miracle, it is better that the ventilation grille goes back, since such a design can interfere with the side. Well, you have to put up with the static nature of the device.

The case is made of cardboard or whatever comes to your mind. A regular fan is bought with an average size of 120 mm. The cooler must be designed for system unit. But of course, it will be used in a homemade design. Therefore, it should operate at 12 watts. For such additional cooling, a laptop PSU is not suitable. To power the fan, it will be enough to connect it via USB or buy a simple 12W power supply for it. We make a pyramid-shaped structure that will taper towards the edge: on the one hand we have a built-in fan, and on the other there is a gap the size of which should fit snugly against the hole so that there is no air leakage, and the structure is airtight.


Of course, the above option is not dangerous, but still, all such experiments can lead to irreparable, especially if you do not have enough information. In general, there are many such ways. Another option is to make additional cooling for the laptop instead of the DVD drive. Some users understand that in the era of flash drives and other information media, the optical drive is losing popularity and taking up extra space in the laptop. They start thinking about what can be installed instead.

So thoughts lead to the installation of additional hard drive or, depending on the design, a fan. Last option more suitable for people who understand this topic, because you need to understand where in this case the air will go out and where it will come from.

official devices

As mentioned earlier, one of the devices that can serve as additional cooling for a laptop is a stand. This is the most popular method that not everyone likes. Nevertheless, it is believed that in order to bring down the heating temperature, it is necessary to raise the laptop above the surface. To do this, users enclose pencils, books, coasters, and more. Using a similar principle, manufacturers have developed stands with built-in coolers. They differ among themselves in the size of the fans, their number, the location of the stand, its size, etc.

Another additional cooling for a laptop is a vacuum cooler. This is an option for those who are negative about coasters. This device "sticks" to It has the form of a box, on which there is a temperature indicator. Works approximately like homemade device but more efficient and automated. Takes a large volume of air, quickly sucks and cools. Compact and handy. The only drawback is the noisy operation.


As practice shows, the laptop requires additional cooling only in the case of powerful systems. This option is suitable for gamers, as there devices heat up to crazy temperatures. Although in such devices, the CO is usually set up much better than in the same ultrabooks. Also, owners of outdated devices who cannot part with their laptops are thinking about an additional cooler. Due to the fact that the system wears out and loses its original performance, it needs additional help.

But the most important thing that should not be forgotten is the prevention and cleaning of the laptop. This is the reason for overheating and burning of the board, which occurs most often and can ruin the device in just a couple of years after purchase.

4.8 / 5 ( 104 votes)

Any laptop heats up to some extent during operation. Especially often overheating of this technique occurs in the summer, when the temperature environment rises. Similar overheating is also observed when modern computer games. In order to protect the equipment from critical temperatures, temperature sensors are initially installed in it. When the temperature readings of the central or GPU reach a critical value, the device simply turns off. But this is not always convenient, especially if at the time of shutdown you were important actions on your device.

Causes of overheating

In order to cope with overheating problems, you need to find their cause and try to eliminate it.

  • The main reason for overheating of the laptop lies in its dimensions, namely in the compactness of the case. In it, manufacturers place all the same components that are available in the usual desktop computer. In doing so, the task is to maintain the performance of the device. To fulfill this purpose, the hardware elements are packed quite tightly in the case. free space very little remains between them. This prevents the full movement of air, the meaning of which is to bring hot streams out and cold in. The compactness of laptops does not allow equipping them with overall and powerful coolers.
  • An additional inconvenience when using a laptop is dust, lint, hair, wool and other small light particles that periodically accumulate in places where air is blown out and on the radiator. Because of this, the performance of the device, in particular, thermal conductivity, is reduced. In this case, the cooler becomes clogged, and its efficiency is reduced.

Summer time has come, and laptop owners are increasingly asking themselves the question: “how to cool a laptop” if it gets pretty hot after a certain period of operation

  • Sometimes the cause of your device overheating is a malfunction in the fan, caused by a breakdown or a factory defect. For example, it may turn out that the lubricant on it is insufficiently applied or the bearing is faulty.
  • Running the device for a long time can dry out the thermal paste, which provides better heat transfer to the cooler and heatsink, allowing the fan to function more efficiently.
  • Some laptop owners misuse them. For example, you can often observe how at home the device is not installed on a hard surface, but on a blanket or placed directly on your knees. In these cases, overheating of the device cannot be avoided, because the holes for blowing out heated air are closed, and the processor is not able to fully cool.

Expert opinion: how to cool a laptop at home?

Most effective method to lower the temperature inside is to replace the thermal paste. It is desirable to carry out such a procedure regularly. It is also worth remembering that the best remedy for overheating is prevention: place the laptop only on hard surfaces (and it is best to purchase a special cooling pad) and do not forget to clean it from dust.

Konstantin Kotovsky

About symptoms

To determine the temperature of the laptop are used special programs. If you suspect that your device is heating up excessively, refer to the data that displays the temperature sensor measurements. For example, you can use the BIOS / UEFI or the HWInfo utility to find out the required information. You can find any other program that will show you the heating of the computer by displaying sensor data. In a special window, you can also observe the speed of rotation of the cooler.

Refer to the operating manual for information on the permissible operating temperature range of the device. This data is also available on the official page of the company that sells laptops.

But it is not necessary to resort to utilities when determining the permissible operating temperature of a small-sized computer.

When the CPU/GPU temperature limit is reached, the device will simply turn off

If it overheats, then it will be clear immediately by the following signs:

  • too loud noise from the fan;
  • the blown air is very hot;
  • abrupt shutdowns laptop computer;
  • hot body.

Consequences of high temperatures

If you do not pay attention to the constant overheating of the laptop, this can lead to unpleasant consequences. For example, high temperatures have a negative effect on the processor. The crystal structure of its components is gradually destroyed, negatively affecting its performance.

You probably paid attention to the fact that an overheated microprocessor begins to “slow down”, slowly completing tasks. In this case, the owner of the device can see error messages on the screen. Some processes may be invisible to the user. Sometimes when the processor overheats, it needs to perform calculations several times until it gets the correct result.

But this situation can be especially inconvenient for gamers who are fond of online games with detailed graphics. The high temperature inside the laptop provokes the device to turn off right during some important “battle”. Often such nuances make the gaming community wonder: “how to cool a laptop?”, And resort to sophistication for the sake of good cooling.

But the negative thermal factor adversely affects not only the crystal structure of the microprocessor. After all, the silicon involved in the operation of transistors is also subject to charring, as are the contacts. This provokes even more overheating and easily disables the device in just a few months.

Typically, a laptop is not in danger of failure due to overheating, because it has temperature sensors

Ways to eliminate factors that provoke overheating

Notebook stands

Today, there are many different laptop stands available. They differ in the presence or absence of an additional cooling cooler. Both of them allow you to reduce the temperature of the processor. Such devices are sometimes quite inexpensive and available to everyone.

Software cleaning

You can reduce the temperature by reducing the list of software that works with the system. It is also advisable to close unused applications through the task manager.

CPU voltage

You can manage it according to the following scheme: start the “power supply”, → go to the settings of the current power plan, → select Extra options power supply, → open the processor power management tab → lower its maximum voltage.

Switching off the device

Sometimes, simply turning off a laptop allows it to cool down sufficiently so that it can continue to operate safely. This reduces fan noise and allows time for the underside of the case to cool down.

Today you can purchase a lot of gadgets and even installations that allow you to keep the temperature regime of the device within acceptable limits.

Cleaning and replacing thermal paste

Professionals advise every six months to clean the cooler (fan and radiator) from dust. At the same time, it is desirable to update the thermal paste, which increases heat dissipation from the CPU to the heatsink.

A Phillips screwdriver is used to open the housing cover. Dust that has accumulated inside the laptop, between the radiator fins and under the fan, is removed with wipes, cotton swabs, a can of compressed air, or a vacuum cleaner.

To reduce the chance of the device overheating, you need to properly distribute the thermal paste when replacing the cooling element. You can buy it at any store that sells computer technology, or in the radio market.


  • detach the heatsink from the processor surface;
  • remove the remnants of the old thermal paste from the processor and heatsink;
  • apply new paste to the surface of the microprocessor.

The paste is applied in a thin layer, it is necessary to provide a minimum of space between the radiator and the contact area. If you apply an excessively thick layer of paste, overheating of the central processor is possible, up to its failure.

Also, at least once a year, you should replace the thermal paste, which improves heat dissipation from the processor to the radiator, and, accordingly, the fan

Fan replacement and repair

If you have experience in assembling / disassembling a portable computer, then you will probably be able to independently replace the fan with exactly the same or more powerful one. This must be done in the case when it is known for sure that the cause of overheating lies precisely in this element of the laptop. Sometimes it is enough just to change the bearing grease. It's easy to do it yourself. After such maintenance, it rotates freely from a light touch.

Cooling programs

There are items in the BIOS that allow you to change the rotation modes of the fans that cool the motherboard (if any) and the central processor. In the presented section, you can set the aggressive mode for them. But at the same time, the noise from the fans will be noticeably higher, even when the laptop is not performing any tasks (idle).

Some discrete graphics cards come with special utilities, but they are usually used to reduce speed and noise from the fan, which increases the temperature.

Some manufacturers make life easier for users by supplying motherboard(or laptop) specialized programs that allow you to monitor sensor readings and change parameters that affect forced cooling.

Proper operation

When using a portable computer, its correct operation plays an important role. When it stands on a hard surface, such as a table or special stand, there is enough space for hot air to blow out. When the laptop is placed on a sofa, blanket or bed, the air inlet and outlet slots are blocked, therefore, cooling is degraded. It is best to place the body of the device on specialized tables, which have additional holes on their surface for the passage of hot air.

DIY laptop cooling stand allows you to speed up your device and prevent constant freezes and shutdowns.

The cooler does not have to be bought in specialized stores.

Such a simple and very useful design can be assembled independently by spending a minimum amount.

Using a laptop, users can work anywhere, because the device is easy to move. To maintain the normal operation of the device, adhere to the following recommendations:


Paper container stand

One of the simplest and available ways to create a do-it-yourself cooler is an option using stationery.

On the shelves of any supermarket you can find flat paper coasters made of metal mesh. The price of such a tray does not exceed 300 rubles.

To design our unique laptop cooling system, we need a stand that looks like this:

Select the dimensions of the product individually, based on the size of your gadget. The advantage of such a stationery part is that it can change shape.

If you can't find a flat stand, get one. With a little effort, change its shape and proceed to further work.

Take an ordinary pan stand and cut a circle in the center of the tray according to its diameter:

Rice. 3 - creating a hole in the cooler

Now you need to attach a stand for kitchen utensils to the resulting circle.

You can also purchase it at any household goods store (the cost varies between 40-100 rubles). We recommend choosing the metal version.

You should get a structure like this:

Rice. 4 - fastening elements

Now take the fan mechanism. It is purchased separately from a computer store. An ordinary plastic part will not cost more than 200 rubles.

It consists of a rotational element and through which we will connect the resulting one to the laptop. Fix it under the tray with bolts.

Rice. 5 - installation of the fan mechanism

As a result, we get an excellent laptop cooling system from improvised elements, which, in terms of its characteristics, is in no way inferior to store devices for several thousand rubles.

You can also choose the power and speed of air circulation yourself at the stage of buying a ventilation mechanism.

Simple foam construction and homemade fan

This the way is fine for those who want to save as much as possible, because the resulting fan will cost you several tens of rubles, and you can make it from any bottle and a piece of foam.

The basis of the structure will consist only of foam.

In order for the product to last longer, we advise you to take dense extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam (sold at any hardware store).

Cut it to fit your laptop.

The design of the cooler should not touch the surface of the table. It is advisable to make 4 more small figures from polystyrene foam, on which the product will stand.

This will provide better air circulation.

Note that the correct position of the cooler implies a slight inclination towards the user, so make one pore of the legs 3 centimeters high and the other two centimeters.

Accordingly, the first two parts will be the rear support.

Rice. 6 - creating a frame for the stand

You can fasten foam parts together using simple PVA glue or superglue

Wait for the mount to dry completely before proceeding to the next steps.

Cut out 4 more small squares and pin them to the corners of the top of the cooler to make it look like this:

Fig 7 - creating the front part of the cooler frame

When you place your laptop on top of the product, it will not adhere to the frame, creating more space for airflow.

All 4 small squares should be the same height. As indicated in the picture above.

Now you need to create a ventilation mechanism. It will be made of ordinary plastic. Take any bottle, cut off its top and create the following detail:

Rice. 8 - creating a fan

The resulting element will become the basis of the fan. In order for the blades to spin, forming a directed air flow, it is necessary to change the shape a little.

To do this, take a candle and set it on fire. Bring the fan to the fire and heat the base of each blade, immediately twisting them in one direction:

Rice. 9 - shaping the blades

Make a hole in the center of the cooling system, based on the size of the fan.

If the blades are too long, cut them off, and go over the edges with fire again to smooth them out.

Take 4 popsicle sticks and secure them to serve as a stand for the ventilation element. You can fasten the sticks together using ordinary adhesive tape.

Glue is best not to use. Position the fan as shown below.

Rice. 10 - creating a cooling design

Take a simple motor mechanism (available at any electronics store) and attach a bottle cap to the outside of it. Place the resulting part in the center of the blades:

Rice. 11 - creating cooling

Take the USB cable and solder it to the motor. The structure is ready. Now you can decorate by painting in any color.

Fig.12 - checking the operation of the device

4 ways to cool a laptop without a cooler

Advanced users can easily upgrade their laptop for better airflow and faster cooling.

There are 4 common life hacks that will help you cool your laptop without using a special stand:

  • Remove all caps from holes that allow air to pass through. . Thus, the air will circulate inside the laptop much faster and the fan will distribute it evenly to the surface of the motherboard and CPU.

Remove the back cover of the laptop and simply peel off all the metal meshes that are located on the air grills;

  • Mechanical cleaning of the fan. In 90% of cases, it consists precisely in other fine particles.

Even the best cooling pad won't help your laptop perform better if the inside of the device is full of dust.

It is necessary to open the laptop yourself or with the help of a specialist and clean the part using dry cotton swab or brush.

After cleaning the component follows - a substance that is applied to the surface of the parts of the motherboard (usually a video card and processor) to improve heat transfer between them.

Over time, the existing layer of paste becomes unusable.

After mechanically cleaning the built-in cooling system, you will immediately notice improvements in the performance of your PC. It will no longer overheat and freeze.

Fig. 13 - cleaning the fan of the device

  • Cleaning the CPU fan. If the structure of the laptop allows, you need to not only clean the fan, but also remove it from the case and disassemble it. Then you should wipe each of its elements separately, because even inside the part itself a huge amount of dirt accumulates;
  • DIY laptop cooling pad

    DIY cooling laptop stand