When loading, a window appears with the inscription CPU fan error press "F1" on the monitor, it is worth pressing the "F1" key and the download continues operating system, since this error is not considered critical. I have faced a similar task and I can’t say that the solution was the same, but first things first, I will give you all the solutions to this problem that I know.

CPU fan error press "F1"

Of course, such a warning is related to the processor fan and, first of all, you need to pay attention to it. We make sure that the power plug of the processor fan is inserted into its connector on motherboard titled " CPU Fan", because there are several more connectors with the word "Fan", for example "Chassis Fan" and "Power Fan Speed", sometimes they are mistaken even in computer sales companies.

The fan should rotate freely, without any accompanying sounds. There should be no dust on the processor heatsink.

Many advanced users with an error "F1" they check the fan's performance and make sure that it is working, turn off this error in the BIOS, for example, in the section " Fan Monitor", In the parameter" CPU fan speed"- set the value" ignore"And the motherboard stops monitoring the fan speed processor.

So that it does not burn out at extreme temperatures, we can only hope for an emergency shutdown of the computer or we need to use programs that monitor the temperature of components inside system block.
Also, many simply set the “Wait For "F1" If Error" parameter in the BIOS to Disabled

and the operating system will boot with this error, but without first pressing the F1 key. The consequences are eliminated, but the disease itself remains.

Sometimes on motherboards there are 4-pin connectors for connecting a processor fan, they also insert a three-pin fan, this is a little wrong and in many cases leads to a similar error - CPU fan error press "F1" .

And sometimes there is only one connector on the motherboard for connecting a processor fan and nothing is inserted into it at all, our error will naturally occur. You may ask: - "Where is the processor cooler connected?" Good question, just such a case came across to me recently, and not somewhere, but in a state institution. To my question: - “For a long time, when you turn on your computer, it asks you to press F1?” They answered me: - “As soon as they brought it, we press it, but they brought it a year ago.” We remove the side wall of the system unit and see that the processor fan is connected to the wires leading to the front panel of the system unit,

there, in turn, they are connected to a small round screen that reflects the fan speed, I personally think this is not a necessary upgrade.

Every owner of a personal computer and laptop sooner or later, unfortunately, has various problems with their devices. Now we will completely put aside the issues of programming, viruses and the like, and turn our attention to the technical side. Let's say you turn on your PC, and the screen says: CPU Fan Error! Press F1. Anyone not particularly knowledgeable in computers, the user will be confused. Here we are now going to solve the problem, how to fix CPU Fan Error.

What does this message on the screen mean?

This inscription means that you have encountered an error in the operation of the fan intended for the processor, and you are prompted to press the F1 key. As a result of pressing the key, the computer will continue to boot. But the thing is that the problem, due to which the error popped up, will not disappear by itself. Therefore, sooner or later you will have to think about how to fix the CPU Fan Error.

In fact, any PC is configured in such a way that when it starts, the internal program polls all devices and checks all their parameters. If errors are detected, the user receives a corresponding message accompanied by sound. With some of them, as in our case, further work is possible, with others not. But the user must remember that by continuing to work on the device, he risks, because if the cooler is really faulty, then this is fraught with overheating of the processor.

What problems can be with the cooler with such a message

When the inscription "CPU Fan Error" is displayed on the computer screen, this does not guarantee that the cooler is completely out of order. It is possible that it simply does not work as a result of problems that have nothing to do with it. It is with these malfunctions that we will deal with today.

You will be very surprised at what is the main reason for the pop-up inscription at boot - CPU Fan Error. It is dust, the most ordinary dust. It is the factor that blocks the fan. In the system unit, let's say in fairness, there is a lot of it, like dirt and hair. Wires hanging inside the block can also interfere with the cooler.

How to fix these problems

There are no problems with removing this. A little work - and everything will be in order. But, of course, you have to disassemble. We do this only when the power is completely turned off. Having disassembled the system unit, we look, first of all, at the cooler. If the whole thing is the presence of a large amount of dust, then you need to get rid of it. We do this with a conventional vacuum cleaner. In the event that the inspection revealed hanging wires, we tie them up or fasten them so that they do not interfere with the operation of the cooler.

Often, when a problem is solved, how to fix a CPU Fan Error, users ask if there is a need to remove the fan itself. We do not recommend doing this. After all, when installing it back, thermal paste will be needed, and it may simply not be at hand. In addition, some do not even know about its presence and the need to use it.

Other problems and solutions

There are also cases when the unfortunate master's cooler was simply connected to the wrong connector at all. But there is nothing strange in this, since on motherboards, especially modern ones, there are several identical ones in their own way. appearance connectors. And in the case of assembling the system unit by a not particularly qualified specialist, without instructions, this may well happen.

The computer writes Error "and in the case when the fan is not connected to the motherboard at all. This, however, happens very rarely, but the facts take place, for example, with a completely new system unit. Most likely, the workers simply forgot to do this. In these both options, you need to take the instructions with the diagram and check the correctness of all connections.Although very rarely, sometimes the cooler completely fails.Try to revive it by all known methods, if this did not work out, then there is only one way out - replacement.

How to fix CPU Fan Error if the cause of the error is unknown

Yes, it happens. The cooler functions normally, the processor is cooled, which is easily checked using a special software, which shows the temperature of the PC elements. And the cause of the pop-up error is still unknown. How to proceed in such a case? It is desirable to get rid of the error. You can do this through the BIOS. We load it and look for CPU Fan Speed, after which we set it to Ignored. Everything, the error will disappear. But still, we recommend contacting specialists, since the problem may exist, and you simply do not know about it. In this case, the processor may burn out.

Let's hope that the computer, in case of danger, turns off or reboots on its own. You can also disable the need to press the F1 key. That is, the problem will not disappear, but you will not need to click on the F1 key every time you start the PC. This issue is also resolved in the BIOS. Go there, look for Wait For ‘F1′ If Error and set the next value to Disabled.

If you get this error when booting up your computer or laptop, then you have come to the right place! Now we will quickly analyze the causes and possible ways to eliminate the error "".

Literally, this means the following: an error in the operation of the fan for the processor, press "F1". That is, to continue loading the computer, just press the "F1" button. But the problem itself, due to which this error appeared, will not disappear.

In general, when you turn on the computer, its internal program interrogates all devices and checks their parameters. If errors are found, appropriate messages are displayed. Some errors are critical, and further work is impossible, while others are not critical, as in our case. That is, you can press the button and work on, but you need to be confident in your actions, because. if the CPU cooler is not actually spinning, then the computer may overheat.

Causes of the message "CPU fan error press F1"

The CPU fan is connected to a special header on the motherboard called "CPU Fan". There are other connectors, such as "Chassis Fan" or "Power Fan", to which you can connect case or any other fans.

The BIOS of the computer determines the fan's performance by the number of its revolutions, i.e. if the revolutions are "zero", then the cooler is considered inoperative and an error message is displayed. So, very often the processor fan is connected to the wrong connector, and the BIOS simply does not see it! To solve the problem, you just need to reconnect the wires to the correct connector and that's it!

It also happens that the cooler plug is three-pin, and the connector on the motherboard is four-pin. You can connect them, and everything will spin, but the BIOS may not recognize the speed sensor and there will still be the same error. This rarely happens, and usually everything is fine. But if this is your case, then there are two options left: either select compatible equipment, or ignore the error (more on that below).

If everything is connected correctly and everything worked before, then it's time to open the cover of the system unit and check if the processor fan is spinning. Maybe the poor guy is already clogged with dust and doesn’t spin anymore 🙁 Or wires got into the blades and they don’t let them move.

You can try to clean the fan and radiator, but then you still need to go and. As practice shows, cleaning helps for a very short time, and if it comes to the point that the cooler stops spinning at all, then this is a completely disastrous thing.

How to remove and install the processor cooling system, see this video:

At my house it was such that everything was spinning and was connected correctly. The problem turned out to be in the “CPU Fan” connector itself. He didn't read the rotation sensor, he just didn't see it, or only occasionally. I had no choice but to connect the fan to another connector on the motherboard. I still got the error “CPU fan error press “F1””, but I could on a different connector. For such and similar cases, it remains only to turn off the error message.

How to ignore the error when booting the computer

Fortunately, in almost all BIOSes there is a function to disable monitoring the rotation speed of the CPU Fan. Depending on the BIOS version, the option may be located in different places, but will be called approximately the same. , and look for the "Power" tab

To disable tracking, set the "CPU Fan Speed" option to "N/A" or "Disabled". But now you have to make sure that the cooler works on your own. That is, periodically look to see if it is spinning, or observe the number of its revolutions on another connector. It will not be superfluous to monitor the temperature of the processor from time to time.

Convenient with special program. In AIDA64, you can see the processor temperature and fan speed in the section " Computer -> Sensors»

On my laptop it does not show the rotation speed, but all temperatures are visible. In general, the average speed of coolers is about 1500-2500 revolutions per minute (RPM). It will not be superfluous to adjust the thresholds automatic shutdown. This is also done in the BIOS.

Also, it is sometimes possible to completely disable the waiting for pressing the "F1" button for any non-critical errors. To do this, use the "Wait For F1 if Error" option, which is enabled by default.

To disable, set to "Disabled". In the new "bios" UEFI, this option is in the "Boot" section

What is the result

We figured out why the error occurs when loading the computer "CPU fan error press F1" and what to do so that it does not repeat every time it is turned on. According to statistics, the most problems are due to a non-working or slow-working fan. When it barely spins, the rotation sensor shows zero. Also, sometimes it is connected incorrectly.

With a completely idle cooler, the processor most likely will not burn out, but it will work very slowly, and there may be various errors in Windows, if it boots at all)

Reading time: 5 min

This error cpu fan error is very common when booting a computer. And it is connected with a fan, or rather with a fan that is on the processor heatsink. In the article you will learn what to do, how to fix and how serious this error is.

How to fix cpu fan error on boot

Such an error when loading the system can be found if the processor cooler is not working. For example, it is jammed, something is preventing it from rotating, it does not maintain minimum speed, or the fan is simply not connected or connected to the wrong connector. To prevent the computer processor from overheating during operation, the motherboard monitors the number of cooler revolutions, but if the cooler revolutions have decreased, the system will notify you of a problem with the cooler.

Let's first look at the connector to which the processor cooler is connected, it is signed as CPU FAN, it is still very often confused with the CHA FAN or SYS FAN connector, which is designed to connect an additional fan. They are very often located next to the CPU cooler connector.

If you connect a processor cooler to this slot, the cooler will work, but the system will think that it is an additional fan connected, for this reason, a cpu fan error may appear. So check if the fan is connected correctly. Both of these connectors can have 3 or 4 pins.

On modern video cards, the cpu fan connector usually comes with 4 pins, and fans in the store can also be found with three pins. Such a fan can be easily connected to a four-pin connector, although the rotation speed will not be automatically adjusted depending on the load, and the Cpu fan error may also appear when the computer starts.

The presence of this error does not affect the operation of the computer in any way, but when starting the computer in most cases, you must confirm the boot with this error by pressing the F1 key. To fix this error, you need to replace the cooler with a four-pin one or try turning off the cooler check through the BIOS.

cpu fan error how to disable in bios

To disable Cpu fan error, you need to go into BIOS. We are looking for the Power tab - Hardware Monitor, there should be an option CPU Fan Speed.

We need to change the value to Disable or N/A or Ignored.

Depending on the BIOS manufacturer, this item may be located in a different place and may be called a little differently.

For example, this option may also be referred to as CPU fan Fail Warning. To disable, select Disabled

If your cooler is connected to the correct connector and it is four-pin, then you need to check if it rotates freely. To do this, turn off the computer and check the cooler to see if it is clogged with dust, try to scroll it with your finger, it should rotate smoothly and at the same time not stop immediately.

If it does not rotate well or there is some kind of sound during rotation, then it can be removed, cleaned of dust and lubricated, or replaced with a new one.

These are all the reasons why the Cpu fan error may appear and it is quite simple to solve it. If nothing helped you, then you can always ask for help in the comments.

Some Lenovo laptop users are experiencing a problem when their device displays a Fan Error message when turned on against a black background and turns off after a moment. Naturally, no operating system loading occurs. If you try to turn on the laptop again, then everything repeats.

In this article we will try to tell you what Fan Error means when you turn on Lenovo laptop and how to remove this message by returning the laptop to working condition.

What does the Fan Error message say?

Fan error is analogous to an error that occurs on personal computers. The reasons for its appearance may be the following facts:

  • Failure of the cooling fan on the processor;
  • Reduced CPU fan speed;
  • Disconnecting the processor fan connector.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the appearance of a Fan Error indicates problems with the cooling fan.

To prevent the laptop from overheating, the system automatically turns off the power until the fan (cooler) is brought to normal working condition.

How to fix Fan Error in Lenovo?

To do this, you have to disassemble the laptop and at best it will help. Due to dust, the fan may wedge. And by cleaning it as well, in most cases the Fan Error disappears.

It looks like a dusty cooling system

It is also worth checking the reliability of the connection of the fan chip with the corresponding connector on the motherboard. It is possible that from time to time she just disconnected.

In the most severe cases, it may be necessary to replace the fan or repair the connector that supplies power to the fan. But it is better not to do it yourself and it is better to resort to