Sony's blog is dedicated to a healthy lifestyle and, in particular, diet or proper nutrition. She calls her concept “mindful eating.” "My the main objective- to show that healthy and low-calorie dishes can be even tastier than traditional ones and very diverse. In addition, I share my findings on the theory of healthy eating, ”Sonya writes at home.

It is easy and pleasant to adopt her experience, because the blog contains a large number of understandable recipes, following which you can embark on the path to finding a new happy and healthy self.

Be sure to check out Julia's know-how — the Healthy Cupcake in a Mug catalog, which contains 16 recipes for mind-blowing cupcakes.

Meet another Julia in our selection. Once she managed to get rid of a third of her weight and rethink her views on life in general and food, and since then Yulia has been constantly trying new recipes for tasty and healthy food, altering them to suit her lifestyle and nutrition.

Now many of the products on Yulia's table are not from the store at all. Cheesecakes in chocolate icing, cream cheese, butter, cottage cheese, chocolate - Yulia learned to do all this herself and willingly shares recipes for these and many other products in her top post.

Traditionally, it is believed that baking and healthy eating are two things that are incompatible. Katya, in her blog, refutes this misconception and pays special attention to the topic of dietary baking. You will be surprised how many delicious and at the same time waist-safe recipes for cakes, cookies and pies exist!

Katya posts many of them on the blog in the format of short video recipes, indicating the calorie content and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the final dish.

Another beautiful Julia got into our selection. Her blog is not so much about recipes (although there are some!) and dietary nutrition, but about a whole lifestyle that helps to be as efficient as possible and enjoy life.

Food is the building blocks of our body. That is why what we eat directly affects how we feel and how we act. Julia's detailed step-by-step recipes and instructions will be useful to anyone who wants to join a conscious approach to nutrition and not only.

Prepared by LiveJournal Russia especially for Hello, blogger.

9 interesting websites and blogs about losing weight smartly

1. Vitaly Omelchenko's blog #ProStroynost

The author lost 25 kilograms himself and has been maintaining his weight for more than 6 years, talking about his secrets, observations and conclusions on the pages of his site. Blog "Strength" contains headings about the psychological aspect of obesity, and about proper nutrition, valuable lifestyle tips that will help you lose weight.

In this resource, I was interested in the article Bars for weight loss: an honest review. It examines the reason people buy them: to make a quick snack and the belief in their fat-burning effect. But, if we talk about losing weight, then in most cases, this is just a beautiful myth.

There are three types of bars: protein, muesli and fruit. In fact, only the latter have a natural composition, and the first has a lot of sugar, the second also has simple carbohydrates and palm fat. As a result, fruit bars will not be satisfying enough for a snack, while the rest will do more harm than good.

2. Website "Proper nutrition for weight loss"

Among others useful articles I found a material about water - Is it possible to lose weight if you drink a lot of water? It describes possible reasons weight gain due to fluid deficiency.

The article teaches how to use water correctly and in what quantities. The conclusion of the author is this: it is impossible to lose weight only with the help of water, but its lack can also lead to obesity.

3. The well-known site "Zozhnik" (what if you don't know him?)

It is led by a married couple, Maxim and Yulia Kuderov, who are healthy lifestyle people themselves. The site has sections on nutrition, a menu with already calculated calories, information about exercises, the psychology of losing weight, fitness counters and much more. One heading "Healthy lifestyle girl" is worth something. And recently I read an article about how pregnancy and childbirth affect women's health. In general, it will be interesting :)

The articles actively use the scientific evidence base, a lot of translated materials, including authors popular in the West.

It describes how much excess salt interferes with the human body to function normally. Sodium retains fluid, stimulates the extreme activity of the immune system (which causes autoimmune diseases and various allergic conditions), obesity and hypertension develop. The author encourages the reader to exercise moderation in nutrition in relation to kitchen salt.

5. Ksenia Tatarnikova’s blog “Smart Cookie”

The author of a resource by profession a journalist and translator, this site is her personal blog, which touches on many life topics. These are articles about relationships with the body, appearance and beauty, articles about personal experience healthy weight loss, diets, interesting recipes, experience of overcoming life crises.

She talks about the intolerance of society towards overweight women, when the vast majority of those around them believe that they have the right to point out to a person his obesity, and due to this, rise in their own eyes. The article teaches to think and see first of all the soul of a person and accept him as he is.

6. Blog Olga Sologub Fresh recipes for beauty and health

This time my attention was drawn to this article How to lose weight with cling film at home? It describes one simple, passive method for getting a flat stomach. Can you imagine that with the help of cling film you can achieve a result? I also find it hard to believe. But the author tells how wrapping in cling film works and whether this method helps.

It turns out that in this way the body can lose fluid, but not fatty tissue - so the effect will be short-lived. You can still benefit from the procedure, it will be in the form of improved skin elasticity.

To achieve maximum weight loss, women apply various products to the skin before wrapping the films, which are described in detail in the material.

The author draws the following conclusion: simply wrapping your stomach in cling film will not give the result that women dream of. In order to get a lasting effect, you need to eat right and strengthen the abdominal muscles. Here is an exposé article.

7. A project about a healthy lifestyle and longevity Live up!

The author of the project, Yulia Korneva, is an expert in a healthy lifestyle, a coach, she studied nutrition, the impact of nutrition on health. The site has a lot of interesting materials not only about nutrition and physical activity, but also about health, beauty, how to cope with stress, interviews with interesting specialists.

In the section on fitness, I saw the provocative title of the article - Two reasons why you will never lose weight, and it interested me. This is an interview with Ksenia Martisova - a professional personal trainer. She tells how she herself went to her victories, and why many women fail to lose weight.

It turns out that there are two main reasons that can be classified as interference:

  1. The first of these is the poor quality of exercise and the habit of giving yourself indulgences. Trainer's tip: visually capture the accomplishment of important tasks for weight loss in order to turn them into good habits. Acquiring one per month is a normal practice for changing the quality of life.
  2. The second reason is the lack of a strategy and underestimation of the upcoming difficulties. The trainer's recommendations are as follows: you need to write down on paper in advance how the upcoming difficulties will be overcome, a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe goal and planning actions to achieve them.

And the article ends optimistically: if you educate a person in yourself who can do everything, then the result will be excellent.

8. Popular site Calorizator

A popular site dedicated to nutrition and specifically calorie counting. Contains a huge array of information about nutrition, nutritional supplements, diets, calorie content for each type of product. A separate platform for communication in the form of a forum, as well as lines, contests, polls.

For me, the great value and uniqueness of this resource in the recipe analyzer. You can simply enter the entire list of ingredients and its weight and get the calorie content for the finished product.

9. The Challenger project

Designed to inspire, inspire to cope with obstacles and challenges. And everyone has their own challenge. For some it is to run a marathon, for someone to lose 10 kilograms, and for a third person to start meditating.

A very interesting and useful project for everyone who is ready to change. Read and get inspired!

In this article, you have come across 9 interesting websites or blogs. But, of course, these are far from the only projects. If you know other interesting projects that you personally like, share with us in the comments. Let's expand this list!

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Proper nutrition is the main factor that ensures a healthy lifestyle. Our life in all its aspects directly depends on what we eat, in what quantity, when and how. Poor nutrition can cause dysfunction of both individual human organs and the body as a whole. It also negatively affects health and defective food, and its lack or excess.

Proper nutrition

There are a large number of websites about healthy and healthy nutrition. But it is important to choose the right diet that suits your body. To do this, you can use the advice of experts, which can be found in one of the blogs about proper nutrition.

Separately, it is worth talking about medical nutrition. This is a category that aims to improve human health. Often, this concept means various diets and methods of losing weight. Depending on the goals set, diets can help not to lose weight as such, but to cure specific diseases. After all, products can have not only a positive effect on the human body, but also a negative one. For example, salt or glucose is needed by the body to normal functioning, but their overabundance can lead to certain failures.

There are many interesting and useful life hacks about nutrition that many can apply in their lives. They relate to cooking, choosing products, little tricks that you did not know about, but which can make your life much easier and help you always stay in a good mood and achieve the desired results.

Healthy lifestyle

Those who strive to lead a healthy lifestyle should remember that nutrition and sports are inextricably linked with each other. Only with the right combination of exercise and a healthy diet can you achieve the most effective results. Diet in this case plays a key role. You should follow a full-fledged diet that will provide the body with all the necessary substances as much as possible. For each specific sport, a special diet is selected. And everyone will be able to choose it correctly on nutrition portals.

A person who keeps up with the times does not cease to monitor his health. He not only tries to play sports, but also eats right. Today it is not difficult to find beautiful, simple recipes. Published every year great amount best food books The Internet is full of sites about a healthy lifestyle. But none virtual pages cannot be compared with author's blogs, where real people share their successes, stories, difficulties and, of course, recipes for delicious, healthy and so beautiful dishes that it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from these images. Today the site will share with you their list of the best healthy eating blogs. In these blogs you will find recipes for both vegetarians and those who are not used to food restrictions. In addition, the authors very often talk about useful products, sports, yoga, travel and much more. Read more about each of them below.

Blog of Arina Lisetskaya:

We will start with a Belarusian blogger - a well-known culinary expert and restaurant critic - Arina Lisetskaya. Arina has been fond of cooking for almost ten years. In 2014, she released her first cookbook "Holiday Recipes", and since this year she has been starring in the culinary show "A Matter of Taste" on NTV-Belarus. She is a regular contributor to the culinary column in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in Belarus, works with glossy magazines - such as "Women's Magazine", "City of Women", "Yo Life".

In her blog, Arina is happy to share the best recipes for children, for the holidays and just dishes for every day. Here you can find quick daily meals, the best recipes for the holiday, meatless dishes, slow cooker dishes, meat dishes and much, much more.

Victoria Filbert is a lifestyle blogger, main author on Eat and jog. In her blog, the girl talks about proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, self-development and how to stay alert and active. There is a lot of information here on how to choose products, how to replace the usual "harmful" products, Ayurvedic recommendations, as well as useful fitness tips.


The community writes about itself like this: “This community is for those who like to live cheerfully and cheerfully, daily make a choice in favor of healthy and tasty food, and only want to look chic and do not agree to anything less.” As part of the group, administrators talk about simple, healthy and delicious recipes, about yoga, about moving towards joy, about healthy foods and about little tricks that make our life brighter, and we ourselves more cheerful and happier.


One of the funniest vegetarian food blogs on the internet. Two people are working on the blog - Natalia Singareeva and her husband Oleg Singareev, a professional photographer. Natalia has been a vegetarian since 2008. At one time, the author faced the problem of finding delicious recipes for herself. Thus began a long learning curve that culminated in the creation of a delicious, fun, life-affirming food blog.


In her daily life, Yuliya adheres to a healthy lifestyle, in particular regarding nutrition. And in her blog, the girl shows that proper nutrition is not only tasty, but also very diverse. Even for those who want to lose weight. However, Julia is also interested in other recipes. She enjoys exploring different cuisines, culinary traditions and recipes. In addition, the blogger is fond of food photography, which means that in addition to culinary ecstasy, guests are also waiting for aesthetic.


"Two Peas" is a blog about food and drink recipes that make us better: healthy, joyful, addicted. This is a blog for those who like to eat delicious and healthy food, please family and friends, and even just read the recipe "for inspiration". And there is something to be inspired by - all recipes are illustrated with beautiful photos from step by step instructions cooking.


Author Anastasia Goloborodko constantly updates her blog and gladly answers all questions in the comments. There is something to ask. The girl not only publishes interesting and simple recipes, but also announces master classes from chefs, gastronomic exhibitions and festivals. In addition, the blog has a lot of useful articles about individual products, travel, yoga.


How to stay fit and healthy big city? This question was asked by the author of the blog Olya Malysheva. In her posts, the girl shares the secrets of nutrition, detox, lightness and movement in joy. Here you will find simple recipes for vegetarian cuisine, in which there is no sugar and flour, but a lot of greens, fruits and vegetables. In addition, the blog has a lot of book reviews, helpful tips on the choice of products and reviews of natural cosmetics.


The name of the site speaks for itself. It's all about vegetarianism: recipes, news, interviews, articles, author's columns. The portal writes about itself like this: “The portal unites like-minded people - not only those who have already become a vegetarian, vegan, raw foodist or even a prano-eater, but, first of all, those who seek to consciously approach their lives, every choice and every action” . The site also includes the only printed magazine in Russia about vegetarianism - Vegetarian.


Yulia Bogdanova is a slender mother of three active children, a student at a small California college, where she studies a course in plant cooking, a blogger, and a master class presenter. The main difference between Julia and other blogs is her love for seasonal products, mostly vegetable, simple recipes, the exclusion of refined products and ingredients of animal origin. In the blog you will also find the author's thoughts on health and nutrition related issues.

The review was prepared by Anna Kopach

All photos were taken from the specified blogs.

* Reprinting materials from the site is possible only with the written permission of the editors.