I think I should justify myself in relation to this odious person. And then some, perhaps, can accuse me of the fact that I used to be a hamster at Miro's. Indeed, at one time I actively read and commented on it. But not at all because she really considered her a worthy person. Of course no! Miro made me deeply disgusted with her views (attitude towards overweight people, masturbating for wealth, etc.), and the contradictory nature of many of her statements, due to the fact that the project has several authors of different intellectual levels (the so-called “shmarokombinat”), didn't escape me. To suck up to her (in those matters where I did not have to change my own principles) I began on purpose. My goal was to gain her confidence in order to learn more about her. And I also wondered if Miro would be able to take away all the gossip by finally demonstrating his legendary car, new house and an oligarch boyfriend. At the same time, I always understood that she was an enemy, not only a class one, but, with her propaganda of thinness that was anti-sexual for me, one might say, even a biological one. I felt like a scout in the enemy camp.
My plan failed due to a completely absurd accident: this hysterical Lenka suddenly mistook me for a pederast man. She wrote: "Are you gay?" and banned me. Then, analyzing what I pierced, I realized: after all, Miro herself is frigid, “dry”, she repeatedly emphasized this. Women are divided for her strictly into "decent", like her (that is, the same frigid) and "whores". In the comments, I made it clear that I was interested in sex with men, while I definitely didn’t look like a whore in my psychological profile. Therefore ... Yes, Miro can not refuse a kind of logic.
Another thing is Bashkirka (Zashkirka, Zashkvarka, the alleged virtual of Dmitry Kreimer and the entire shmiro company - it looks like they use this account together). Here it seemed to me very much even "wet". As mashkind writes about it:
“At one time we were very friends, if I may say so about LJ friendship. They cracked in the night in a personal fb about personal. The Bashkir woman wrote that she treats me very warmly, but it didn’t let me go that her attitude towards me was like flirting. When I later found out that I was talking not with a smart 25-year-old girl with great life experience, but with a man, I felt disgusted. Very disgusting."
I had a similar feeling from a short-term contact with Bashkir, but it did not seem nasty. At first I thought that Bashkirka was bi; there is such a type of bisexuality - from an overwhelming temperament, and Kristinka gives the impression of a very hot thing. Then, when I found out that Bashkirka is a man, it didn’t shock me either, I don’t care in this regard. By the way, Mashka is silent about something: she was shown a photograph of some girl disguised as a Bashkir "Christina". But she did not publish this photo. Apparently, as a top blogger, he is afraid of spoiling relations with the shmarokkombinat, which is most likely associated with the management of the SUP.
Miro's rating is not without fraud. Here, for example, is the strange diary nofk452 - social cap at the time of writing this text 136, while there are only reposts in the journal, almost no one comments on it. How is this possible? And this nofk452 regularly reposts Miro, leaving her meaningless comments. There are clearly a lot of such virtuals for cheating at the shmarokombinat.
But it's not even that scam. Miro is disgusting as a person, she, with ostentatious patriotism, broadcasts to the masses views that are unacceptable to a cultured person, destroys morality. The Shmarokombinat uses a short, mean little man as its sign, and this trash deserves to be exposed.
Let's start with the fact that Lena Miro is not a completely mentally healthy person, she constantly claims ridiculous things. For example, she called this woman “kikimora”. Maggot, do you see well, should you take some eye drops? Because any person with normal vision will say that compared to the Glinskaya kikimora, you are just you - a cross-eyed, round-shouldered, skinny creature with a shrill voice, a washcloth on your head and sagging silicone cans.
The reason for Miro's morbid homophobia is understandable. According to some reports, her elderly lover, with whom she cohabited upon arrival in Moscow (he is also the creator of the Miro-project), fucked her in a perverted way so that the cunning provincial woman could not get pregnant from him (see comments). Pleasure from this, Lena, of course, did not receive due to her frigidity (and not every woman, in principle, is able to love anal sex). Now Miro, on the basis of her personal anal tragedy, sees “gays” everywhere, she intimidates readers that the ass becomes flat from anal (an illiterate statement is akin to the fact that hair grows on the palms of masturbation; vulgar idealism in its purest form). Lena, pederasts may not be the most pleasant people on earth, but they are definitely not to blame for your problems! It's time to begin to overcome the psychological trauma of having sex with a wealthy pensioner for a plate of buckwheat and a place on the windowsill in Scarlet Sails. Find a good psychotherapist, it will not be expensive for you, because you are a millionaire, the owner of houses, islands and London discos. Well, at least for free phone for victims of violence call.
Previously, Lena boasted about the life of a rich kept woman, but for some time now she began to propagate that a woman is obliged to work on an equal basis with a man, as usual, pouring mud on housewives and those who earn less than her husband. The reason for this turn in Miro's worldview is also obvious: a wealthy Moscow pensioner gave Lena a kick in the flat ass and sent her back to Stary Oskol to her mother. Lena sold the blog and now only plays the role of an employee in it. Here is the testimony of a person from the LJ administration: Lena sits on her blog from Oskol, her working day is 8 hours. Yes, and the condemnation of women who marry “on the fly” is also easily explained, since at one time Lena failed, as they say, to “take on the belly” of the cunning pensioner Shmarov. Miro is so predictable in her reactions. One could sympathize with her if it were not for her constant exercises in misanthropy. Lena decided to restore the self-esteem broken by Shmarov, endlessly humiliating others.
On the pages of her magazine, she promotes that "fat" - freaks, unworthy of being called people. At the same time, she herself is prone to fullness and, having inserted a silicone breast, she could not do fitness with the same intensity and gained weight. For this, she is now being poisoned by the same evil fools obsessed with thinness. So she became a victim of her own fascist ideology. She claimed that a man who earns less than 500 tr. per month - not a man. Now rich snobs scoff that Lena lives with her parents, works hard on her blog, shines in photographs with worn underwear, expired creams and floated breast prostheses, and is forced to move around Oskol in her mother's car.
With the last of her strength, Miro clings to the image of a rich Moscow woman, continuing to insult everyone who does not fit into the standards of a “beautiful life”. So far, the promoted blog, of which she is the face, and from which she receives a share of the income, helps her to stay afloat. It is clear that she will not want to give up her role and start an honest working life. Therefore, it is foolish to expect Miro to repent and realize his mistakes. Rather, one day she will have a nervous breakdown, because even Miro has already been banned from showing her trademark malice to the full extent (for example, under the influence of a political moment, she was forced to curtail childfree propaganda and began to call women who gave birth “mommies”, and not ovules and pigs). Let's see what will happen next.

Julia Vysotskaya became the woman of the year according to Glamor magazine. The phrase "Yulia Vysotskaya" vaguely tells us something only because when Yulia was 22 years old, she picked up the director Andron Konchalovsky, who at that time was 58 years old.

The girl "Nobody" and the grandfather-director met in the elevator, had lunch together, and the next day Konchalovsky invited Yulia to fly to Turkey. Julia agreed.((

Since then, Andron, who is already 79 years old, has been trying to make an actress out of faceless Yulia, or at least a beautiful woman.

Photo: Cyberspace & Time

So far without success.

Here is what the composer Eduard Artemiev, who wrote the music for many of Konchalovsky's films, says about Vysotskaya:

“Of course, Konchalovsky “made” her. I remember Vysotskaya as a very young student, when she first appeared in his life, she was plump, a little shy, always smiling. Her husband made her lose weight, educated her, bought Yulia courses in Los Angeles , under his influence she learned English, French, Italian.

Well, in general, yes: smiling, plump. I would add: greyish.

Photo: Social networks

Especially in contrast with the other wives of Konchalovsky:

Photo: Ruskino.ru(

All that Yulia is capable of is to look like a cleaning lady and jump around the kitchen like a mad ladle, clogging up the TV channels.

Photo: lichnosti.net

And this is Glamor magazine's woman of the year.

However, nothing surprising.

This is what those who read Glamor look like:

Photo: Social networks

And so - the editor-in-chief of the journal:

Photo: the Fashion Spot

Award guests:

Photo: life.ru

Couple of the Year by Glamor magazine:

Photo: life.ru

I look at all this and think: "And why, in fact, is the magazine called Glamour? Why is it not called Cattle?"

Well, we don't have glamor in our country and never have. There is a collective farm. There is a bug. And glamor - no, it didn’t happen b.

Popular blogger Lena Miro (real name - Elena Mironenko) was born in 1981 in the small town of Stary Oskol. After graduating from school, she moved to Voronezh and entered the local university, where she received a diploma in translation. After that, Lena moved to England. The girl made a living organizing parties. A few years later, Miro returned to Russia and began to take her first steps towards fame.

Path to glory

In February 2010, Elena created the infamous blog with the nickname miss_tramell in LiveJournal. The number of her subscribers was actively growing: after a couple of years, thousands of comments were collected under Miro's blog posts.

The format of her online diary leaves no one indifferent. Goddess LJ writes on topical issues, but does it cynically and poignantly. Someone admires this approach, but most people consider Lena a provocateur and brawler who is constantly trying to attract attention.

The main themes of miss_tramell's entries are gossip, intrigue and other people's "dirty laundry". Lena dares to criticize the stars of the first magnitude and advise how to live. At the same time, there are many articles on the topic of sports training and healthy lifestyles.

Writing career

It is important to note that initially Lena positioned herself as a writer, and used her livejournal blog only to promote her books. However, “rage” entered very quickly and realized that the Internet diary brings her much more fame. On the this moment Lena has published about 20 books, among which several are devoted to proper nutrition, training and creating the perfect body. The rest are ordinary women's novels.

Personal life

After the billionaire boyfriend, who turned out to be a fiction, ceased to appear in the celebrity's stories, she began to position herself as a loner. However, information about the novels of the "goddess LJ" constantly appears in the press. Moreover, her lovers are far from the image of the ideal man, which Lena draws in her LiveJournal. It is authentically known that at one time Miro lived in New York with a 45-year-old photographer.

Interesting fact

At the beginning of her journey, Lena pretended to be a native Muscovite who bathed in luxury. The real information about her was found by ill-wishers and published on the Internet.

Brief dossier:

  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Height: 169 cm
  • Weight: 49 kg
  • Instagram - www.instagram.com/lenamyro
  • LJ — miss-tramell.livejournal.com
  • Vkontakte - vk.com/lena.miro

Lena Miro is the last person in LiveJournal with whom I would like to quarrel. Because - tell me whatever you can think of - but in the grand scheme of things, she does an absolutely right-oriented job. That is why Miro has the right to make mistakes too.
Here, for example, with Anna Netrebko, Lena ... somehow did not work out very well. Now I will explain why.
Once I took part in a talk show where, for some reason, the upcoming weight loss of Teona Kontridze was discussed. Do you know such a singer? She sang in musicals and now continues to sing, but I suspect that this singer is clearly not for 86% of the population. What is there to say? Better take a look!

But now she is so bright and cheerful. And then, about seven or eight years ago, on the show, we had an unfortunate woman in front of us. Eyes full of prayer spoke all about her inescapable grief. What then happened to Theon?

And she gave birth to two children in a row. And got better. And she fell into the hands of dieters, who told her: "Now we will lose weight, otherwise you are like a cow and therefore unhappy!" and dragged to the show. You have to be so confident!
In the studio at big screen they showed footage in her apartment: a ruthless "doctor" threw cheese, bread, good dairy products, meat and, it seems, even walnuts out of the refrigerator and out of the life of a normal Georgian woman. I left her a limp sprig of lettuce and said "this is how you will eat now."
And here sits a frustrated, unhappy, literally heartbroken young woman who talks about how she fell in love, how she gave birth to children, but there was no wedding, there was no wedding! And now her man is quite ready to marry, but she does not want to be a "fat bride", she wants to return the figure that she had at the age of 17 - they say, that figure is much better suited for putting on a wedding dress. And only then is she ready to "get married."
Well, there was a lot to be said. Do you know what these talk shows are? Everyone is in a hurry to show his face on TV, and for this you need to open your mouth and say something, or even better, interrupt others.
Finally it was my turn. I understood that I was going to talk past the money, the authors of the program would still cut out my speech or distort it beyond recognition. But I said
- What happened, Theon? Have you recovered? Eka is unseen! There are women sitting in the studio, many, for sure, giving birth. Ask them - did you get better after giving birth? Everyone gets better, it's the law of nature! And you did the main thing in your life - you gave birth to two children. And what now with the fact that you have become fuller than you were? Look at you! You still have thin wrists and ankles, you probably move as easily as before, the fire burns in you, you are still the same Teona Kontridze! Live in peace! You are a very pretty, bright woman! If the weight goes away - good, but if not, then so what? And full women are just as happy as thin women are unhappy!
I also wanted to tell her that, for example, my wife, when she gave birth to our two older children at the age of 21-23, after giving birth very quickly came back into shape. And when she gave birth to her youngest daughter already in her forties, she remained full for quite a long time. So what? Now everything is in in perfect order and without any self-torture. It's just that when a woman is over thirty, the processes of returning her previous weight are slower than when a woman is twenty with a small ponytail.
But they didn’t let me talk longer, because the main character of that program, the “doctor” nutritionist, intervened in the dispute. I put the word doctor in quotation marks, because in Russia there is not a single medical university that would train specialists in this field. Therefore, all these nutritionists, the essence, amateur performances, often illiterate and irresponsible.
But to hell with them, with nutritionists. Do you know what Theona told me at the end of the program? She didn’t even know my name, but she addressed me through the microphone:
- Man, over there ... yes, you! And thank you very much.
I now think, did she really listen to me right then? She listened and lives, sings, dances and feels (sincerely I hope) a happy woman? Happy, beautiful, desirable?
Theon, if you are reading this text now, then listen. Now it's my turn to tell you again. You are one of the most desired. You are a welcome guest in my house, I want my palms to burn with applause after your songs. They will tell me: "Stalik, the beauty contest in full force wants to meet you!", And I will answer them: "I choose Theon!" Because Theon is much more interesting to me than two dozen pairs of long legs and skinny asses.
Now, Theona, don't be offended by what I say next. Your colleague Anna Netrebko is the woman whom I and millions of other men are ready to pay thousands of euros for the joy of seeing and hearing. That's what they pay - tickets to her concerts are extremely expensive.
And now Lena Miro - listen. After all, it's great that if Anna met dieters and fitness trainers on her life path, then she brushed them aside, as they brush aside flies in the summer heat in the Kuban. Yes, we definitely met! But she laughed and continues to live and work, live and sing on! And he lives cool, God grant everyone such a happy creative life! I am sure that a good mood is much more important for her work than a well-shaped ass - after all, she is a singer, for her soul and vocal cords are the most important parts of the body. I also know for sure that many men will agree with me - even today she is damn, just too pretty!
By the way, about those photos with which you illustrated your post. One was taken just before she gave birth to her son, and the other after the birth. And I was at her concert when she was already quite pregnant. Do you know what happened during the concert? She took off her shoes and danced! And it was a beautiful sight, honestly.
Not so long ago I was at one of her concerts. Here's a video. There was a funny episode when Yusif Eyvazov - her husband - gives an opera singing lesson to Nikolai Baskov.

And watch another episode when Anna walks between the rows and sings. I just sat so well that she passed thirty centimeters from me. This is the queen coming. This very beautiful and talented woman excites by the fact that she just passed by. And dozens, hundreds of owners of skinny asses and silicone boobs will pass by - who cares? Yes, only fools and cretins. Because if nothing is attached to a skinny ass - no intelligence, no talent, not even a good heart - then it's just a commodity. And the goods can always be bought - there would be a desire! Therefore, you pass by such women as if you were passing by a jewelry store window - but who, by and large, needs these tsatskis?

For a woman with a beautiful figure to be passed by men with at least the same excitement as a sports car or a powerful motorcycle, it is very desirable that something else be attached to beauty according to fictitious standards. And Anna Netrebko has this "something" in abundance. And Teona Kontridze has enough. But there are women who have intelligence, talent - come on, talent, come on, sparks of God - at least a spark in their eyes, oh how lacking.

In general, girls, listen to me - I'm already 55 years old, I understand you women. Does a figure fit into a stencil drawn by someone? Congratulations! It does not go away, but you feel good, you are loved and you have someone to love? Congratulations twice! And if you are talented, if you attract men not only with secondary sexual characteristics, then I congratulate you three times.

And only in one case, fullness should be alarming - if you also feel bad and doctors confirm that this is a consequence of fullness. And that's it! Remember that real men love real women not at all for 90/60/90!

Yes, and finally. And tell me, in your opinion, who lives a full life - Anna Netrebko or those unfortunate women who are permanently "losing weight"?

From my male point of view, there are at least five reasons for such an undeniably pretty woman as Lena Miro to be so disgustingly evil. I'll name them in order:

1. Lena Miro is a happy owner of a thin, male-like, non-sexy body. And, like most ladies of her complexion, she had long understood the unpleasant truth.

Fat women are usually more beautiful. Both with clothes and without. Their only problem is marketing and fashion. Marketers are always glad to see your complexes, and they will produce them with great pleasure. And the fashion industry is designed almost entirely for forty-kilogram ladies, simply because tailoring for them does not require an individual approach and special skill.

Most plump women do not need to lose weight, but dress better. Correctly, proportionally dressed fat woman will cause irritation in older ladies-stylists and fitness gurus and wild desire in men. But no one will put on things for models that cause envy and hatred in women. Therefore, unfortunately, poor pigs not only suffer from imposed complexes, but also dress in clothes that are completely unsuitable for them.

And the skinny deer in every possible way spread rot on them for their sexuality.

2. Lena has a desire to be an ideal and please everyone. Reality is harsh on such women. There are men who like, for example, sheep. And some of them come to success in life. For such men, Lena Miro's butt, whatever it may be, will forever remain a completely asexual ass.

And if sheep are a matter of taste, then as for overweight women, I would venture to suggest that most men like them. For example, me. And I knew a lot of ladies. I will clarify: naked and in very different lighting conditions. I responsibly declare that a very large number of far from skinny and moderately athletic women look very good in the nude. Especially, for example, if they lie on the bed on their stomach. And if a man, upon contact with such a woman, does not begin to pinch her thighs in order to calculate the first stage of cellulite, he most likely will not find it in principle.

And, frankly, most of the positions in which it is customary to fuck women (and this is exactly what men prefer to do with naked women) do not involve carefully examining the lower thighs with a flashlight and a magnifying glass.

When I was young, my friend, then a stately colonel, and now a respectable general, spoke very categorically about skinny ladies. He said that dating a fragile lady is like going on a strict diet. Eating boiled meat with empty tea may seem delicious only if you think every minute about how pathetic you will look from the outside. In all other matters, such a diet loses a lot to dumplings.

During my student years, I and some of my friends met with both ballerinas and gymnasts. And, sadly, they came to the conclusion that everything there is solid and too specific.

There are men who like thin women with small breasts. For example, such models are very popular in BDSM. But not all men will prefer such a thin woman to a full-fledged plump person. And even more so, to be honest, well-earned men do not like it when they are told who they sleep with. And Miro often sins with reasoning like "a dominant male must choose for himself the hairy and poor, otherwise he is not a dominant male."

Miro will never be a pretty plumper with bulky breasts and an appetizing booty. And long communication with Lena Miro can hardly seduce most men. Accordingly, the circle of its potential admirers is very limited. And for women who spend so much energy on their appearance, it is extremely difficult to admit this. This is a good reason for Elena to hate pigs and pigs.

3. Lena Miro does not know how to dress and behave. If she knew how, she would be a beautiful woman of thirty. But since she apparently believes that she does not need it, she does not always look good. Sometimes she resembles a vocational school student who is on drugs. And sometimes just a middle-aged wife of a bandit from the nineties.

But, apparently, after the girl spent so much effort on body care, it is extremely difficult for her to admit that she has something to work on in terms of image. Perhaps, subconsciously, she understands that she loses to many well-groomed women in clothes, which is why she loves to prove so much that they look terrible naked.

This is all the more sad because writing sheets of hateful text does nothing to solve the problem. But it would be easy to solve a normal photographer and a good stylist.

4. Lena Miro has an imperfect figure. And she is very shy about her body. It's cute, of course. But within reason. But reasonable is not her case. When even a very pretty girl begins to hate her body and the female body in general, it is repulsive.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that Elena, like most girls, prefers men and does not understand anything about female attractiveness. In her magazine, you can periodically read speeches in the spirit: "Ugh, those terrible boobs are so ugly." Hatred of "fat" and "cellulite pigs" - it is from the same series. Women are not turned on by the female body, and while working on it, they try to make it as less feminine as possible. They hide their breasts, lose weight when it is not necessary at all, wear shapeless clothes. At the same time, all these women, striving to look in fact as less attractive as possible, explain their behavior by the fact that only “correct rich men” like them. Wealthy gay men exist, I don't argue, but why should all heterosexual men be declared losers?

The only thing left to rejoice at is that such an infection has not yet spread to men. Still, the fashion for busty guys would finish off this mortal world completely.

5. Lena Miro is stuck in her youthful ideas. First, in the nineties. Secondly, during adolescence. It was then that it was customary to look like a long-legged frog, dress absurdly, behave aggressively and smack fat. Now a successful and attractive woman is not a vulgar eighteen-year-old mistress of a bandit, which Mrs. Mironenko so wants to be like. A woman is a professional in her field, independent and has a certain intellectual background and life experience. And with a good character, which is very important.