Today there will be an actual post about the experiment on raising tick articles, because today another update of this indicator took place. As always, figures, facts and relevant conclusions.

I must say right away that this update did not bring me much positive emotions. It's not that he upset me, but he didn't make me happy either. My blog threw off 30 TIC points and now it is 40. Unfortunately, no one has offered this value, so there are no winners. What are your results?

About a month and a half ago, I created a campaign in the liex article exchange (April 17) as part of an experiment to raise tit articles. 3 sites participated in it. For all the time, about $ 130 was spent. The account currently contains the following information:

As you can see: 1220 articles are posted, 65% of all articles posted in this exchange are indexed in Yandex, and even less in google. In the filter, I set the removal of the article if it is not indexed for more than 21 days. They are indexed for quite a long time, there are many low-quality donors.

This is the longest and most thankless job in promoting articles. It's one thing when you need to come up with or create 1000 unique anchors. Another thing is when you need to create 1000+ articles. I created one material of 5000 characters and uniqueized it using the method I wrote about in the article about . I didn’t reproduce the article in that program, but simply compiled it (I’m so used to it). The output is a text of 55,000 characters without spaces.

Experiment results

Site #1: 0 -> 10 (gain 10).

Site #2: 0 -> 10 (gain 10).

Site #3: 10 -> 20 (growth 10).

Well, I'm not happy with the results either. An increase of 10 TICs on each site is not the effect that I expected from such a budget. Based on these results, one can judge the debunking of the myth, which says that the links that are placed higher in the article transmit more TIC. AT this experiment this is not confirmed.


  1. The liex exchange has a lot of junk sites that need to be reviewed and filtered out manually.
  2. "Valid sites" convey the negligible weight of the TIC.
  3. You need to change the parameters in the filter for selecting sites.

I will continue to post articles in liex as part of this experiment, I have already changed some data in the filter, and I will wait for the second update of the thematic citation index. I will definitely let you know the results.

By the way, in the near future I will publish a post about promoting articles in the same exchange. There, the attendance results look more attractive. In order not to miss all this, I advise. I look forward to your comments on both the experiment and the results of the update. If you have any questions, then ask - I will be happy to answer them. I will also be glad if those who already had a similar experience in raising the TIC with articles will be noted.

How to Raise a TIC - Some free ways - 4.0 out of 5 based on 15 votes

The topic of TIC has always been very popular and relevant.

So far, most webmasters earn, or want to earn, by selling web links from the pages of their site - the question of how to raise the TIC will be very popular.

On the Internet, you can find many ways and methods to raise the TIC, but not all of them are working and effective. This article discusses proven, working methods for raising the TIC.

What is TIC?

Before proceeding to the consideration of methods for raising the TIC, let's find out and define what it is. TIC (thematic citation index) shows the credibility of the resource compared to other sites of the same subject and is used to rank sites in the Yandex Catalog.

What affects TIC?

The value of the TIC indicator depends on the quality and quantity of links going to your site from other resources. Each web link that goes to the pages of your site has a certain weight, which is transferred to your resource. The weight of the link depends on the authority of the resource from which the link comes to your site.

The number of web links leading to your site affects the value of the TIC, but the thematic citation index is determined by the quality of these links. And if your site is in the Yandex Catalog, then the thematic proximity of the resource that links to your site will also play a big role in the TIC.

When measuring the thematic citation index, web links are taken into account only from those pages of the resource that are indexed search engine Yandex and only those that are not closed by the . Also, web links from free sites that are not present in the Yandex Catalog, as well as from unmoderated directories and various link cleaning sites, are not taken into account.

On the Internet, you can find such an opinion that the TIC of the resource from which the web link to your site comes from has a great influence on the TIC transmitted through this link. In fact, the thematic citation index of a resource that links to your site does not have a direct impact on the TIC transmitted via this link. Much more influence on the thematic citation index, transmitted by link, has the quality of the resource and the number of web links going to other sites, with this resource.

Thus, most TICs are transmitted from older, trusted resources that are not spammed with a large number of outgoing web links. The more links from the resource go to the pages of other sites, the less they transfer the TIC to each site. That is, after a certain number of web links coming from a certain resource, Yandex starts to underestimate the weight of these web links, and when a certain threshold is reached, it does not take these links into account at all.

The threshold after which Yandex stops taking into account links will be individual for each site. It will depend on many factors: the quality of the resource, the age of the domain, the quality of the web links that go to this site, the location of this resource in authoritative directories (JK, DMOZ), Alexa Rank, etc.

Thus, the TIC is affected by:

    the quality of web links, which in turn depends on the quality of the resource, the links that go to this resource and the number of links that go from it to other sites;

    the number of quality web links going to your site;

    thematic links (if the site is in the Yandex directory).

The thematic citation index grows very well for sites that are present in the Yandex Catalog, especially when web links go to the site from resources similar in subject matter. However, this does not mean that if a non-thematic resource referred to your site, then this web link will not affect the thematic citation index in any way, it will simply be lower than the thematic web link.

To raise the TIC, it is not at all necessary to obtain anchor web links, a fairly simple, non-anchor link such as At the same time, you should try to ensure that most of the web links go not to the main, but to the internal pages of the site.

I deliberately digressed a little from the topic so that you can understand how you should act and what to look for when raising the TIC in one way or another, paid or free of charge. It is not knowing these points that is the reason for many failures of novice webmasters who want to raise the TIC site.

Now let's specifically consider how to raise the TIC.

By raising the TIC in free ways, you will not need to pay money for it, but this does not mean that these methods are very easy. If you don't want to pay, then you have to work hard. Labor is the biggest disadvantage of free ways to get links.

We raise the TIC with the help of free links from the profiles of portals and forums

Free links to your site can be obtained from the profiles of various portals and forums. Best effect, give links from profiles of various portals, a much smaller effect, from profiles of various forums. On the Internet, you can find ambiguous opinions about links from profiles. These web links are not very stable in the index, but not all. The main thing is to correctly approach this process. It is important here to fill out your profile completely and humanly.

In fields like "About Me" or "Interests", try to use keywords, relevant to the content of your site. But it is not necessary, just stupidly, to list them. Make them into normal coherent text, as if you are talking about yourself or your interests.

In addition, here it is necessary to take into account the fact that links must be left only from high-quality resources located, for example, in the Yandex catalog, and you also need to take into account how many links have already been left from this resource to other sites.

You can see if links from the resource pages are sold, how often registered visitors leave web links to their sites. If almost every registered visitor leaves a link to his site and there are many such visitors, be aware that a link from this resource will transmit the TIC very weakly, or will not transmit it at all. Links from profiles of various portals work especially well.

In addition, you need to pay attention to whether these links and profile pages are open for indexing by search engines.

As for the forums, here, in addition to the profile, you can get links from the pages of the forum itself. It can be a link from the signature, an article from your site posted on the forum, an answer to some question, with a link to your site as a source of a solution to the problem.

Raise the TIC using links from comments on sites and blogs

Here you can also meet the ambiguity of opinions on the effectiveness this method. Naturally, 10 - 30 comments will not give you anything. Much more comments are needed, and they must be of high quality, detailed and on the topic of the article, otherwise your link may not live very long.

Also, it is necessary to pay attention to the spamming of the resource with links. This is especially true for blogs. Therefore, I advise you to look in the direction of various portals in which it is possible to leave a commentary with a link to your site. Naturally, you need to pay attention that these web links are not closed. nofollow attribute and indexed by search engines.

One of the most favorite topics on seo forums is the TCI: “How to increase the TCI?”, “Raising the TCI with payment after the fact”, “How much does it cost to raise the TCI?” etc. etc.

If the issue of building up the TCI worries people so much, then, probably, this is mega-important? Maybe the traffic on the site depends on the TIC? Or the more TIC, the higher the sales? Not at all. The Yandex Thematic Citation Index (TCI) is one of the most ancient and confusing Seo myths. Let's figure out who needs the TCI and why and does your site need it?

What is TIC?

What does TCI depend on?

Yandex, as usual, is secretive, so the formula for calculating the TIC remains a mystery to everyone. But from the official definition itself, it is clear that the TIC is formed from an assessment of the quality and quantity of links to the site. And one more thing, very important (!): links should come from sites that belong to the same topic as your site. Therefore, the index is called "thematic".

Influence the TCI DO NOT affect TCI
  • Links from sites where TIC > 0
  • Links from related sites
  • Links only from indexed sites
  • Links from moderated directories (very good if the site is registered in such directories as ).
  • Links from trust sites
  • Links from bulletin boards, forums, blogs, online conferences, social networks, unmoderated directories and other resources to which anyone can add links without control from the owner of the resource (Yandex.Help source)
  • Links from sites located on free hosting, if they are not described in Yandex.Catalogue (Yandex.Help source)
  • Links blocked from indexing by tags and
  • Links from sites that have fallen out of the index (as a result of Yandex sanctions or erroneous actions of the webmaster)
  • Links from site mirrors (they are glued to the main mirror and count as 1 link)
  • Links from duplicate content (if the same article with outgoing links is placed in different sources, the search engine will count these links as 1)
  • Links from sites that have their own TIC = 0

And a couple more notes:

  1. Regarding the degree of influence: the more links leave the donor site, the lower the weight of each link. And, accordingly, vice versa: the fewer links on the donor site, the more significant the link that you got, and the more likely it will affect the TCI.
  2. Regarding outbound links: links from your own site, on the contrary, “squander” the TCI, because in this case, you share your “authority” with those you refer to.

NB! Please don't accept last paragraph as a call to destroy all links coming from your site. If the site is created for users, then the presence on it useful advice- a natural phenomenon. When you recommend good sites on your own subject, this increases the level of trust of search engines in you.

How and when does the TIC change?

The minimum value of TIC = 0, the maximum is absent. TIC with a value from 10 to 200 has a scale step of 10, up to 500 - a step of 25, up to TIC 1000 - 50 and then - 100.

For example, one of the most cited Runet resources, Wikipedia, today has TCI = 88,000. Interestingly, history shows that its TCI fell to zero twice and rose again.

Changes in TIC values ​​occur at the time of Yandex updates (2-3 times a month). Yandex never warns about updates and does not make them as planned. So for site owners this is a surprise every time (but everyone is used to these surprises).

After the next update, you may notice that the TCI fell / rose / remained unchanged.

How to find out the site's TIC?

You can check the TIC value of the site for today and see the history of its changes using Yandex.Webmaster (site indexing → History → TIC):

True, the history is stored in Yandex Webmaster for only 3 months.

There is also a good analytical service -, which keeps history since September 2011 (enter the name of your site in the search bar, click the "Check" button and you will see the history at the bottom of the page).

Why did the TIC drop to zero?

It also happens that one fine day the owner of the site discovers that his (with such difficulty "nurtured") TIC suddenly reset to zero. This could happen for the following reasons:

Why is TIC needed?

And this is perhaps the most important question. It is possible to increase the TIC, but is it necessary? In position in search results TCI does not affect traffic and conversion, all the more so.

TIC was needed by those who sell links from their site. The higher their TCI was, the more expensive they could sell links, since they were considered “weighty”. But the last ACS was introduced against these sites, which we talked about above. So now the TCI sites that sell links are under great threat.

If you have a commercial site that sells goods, or informational portal, created primarily for users, then you DO NOT NEED TIC. You need good search positions and content that will attract users.

Some argue that along with the growth of the TCI, positions are also growing. It is possible, but NOT because of TIC. It's just that one of the factors that influence rankings is the link profile. Improving it, you simultaneously improve the position and the TIC. But there is no direct relationship between these two concepts.

You can have a zero TIC and be in the TOP. For example, the regional website of the furniture center, which we have been promoting for a year, still has TIC=0, but at the same time it has reached the TOP-10 for 100+ requests, and traffic has increased from 250 to 3000 users per month.

Instead of a conclusion

Despite the fact that only a lazy SEO does not talk about the TCI, no one has 100% reliable information about this indicator. When Yandex reveals its "secret materials", then we will find out whether our guesses and observations are correct or not. In the meantime, we summarize the facts of which we are sure:

Fact number 1. TIC does not affect Yandex search results.

Fact number 2. The TIC is used to determine the place of the site in the corresponding Yandex.Catalog heading.

Fact number 3. TIC depends on the quantity and quality of THEMATIC donors referring to the site.

P.S. If you are still interested in the TCI, then we are unlikely to be able to help you, but if you need good positions in the search results of Yandex and Google, then for you and your site: