Fortunately, social network has a feature called conference or, as many say, conversation.

Can create a conversation in VK with 500 participants at the same time - in one dialogue (in a group up to 100 thousand subscribers).

It is very simple to do this and now we will look at how to do it from a computer and phone.

If you are sitting with a PC, then we perform the following steps:

1. From your page, go to the "Messages" section and click on the icon.

2. Now add friends with whom we want to communicate in the same dialogue and create a conversation:

The conversation has been created and now you can start discussing a particular topic.

Conference VKontakte

Any of the interlocutors can change some settings in the conference.

To do this, in the conversation itself, you must click on the icon (upper right corner):

  • Add a companion(invite more friends to the conversation);
  • Change the title of a conversation(change the name of the conference);
  • Show Attachments(view images, music and other materials posted in the conversation);
  • Search by message history(search for messages by keywords);
  • Disable Notifications(turn off new message notifications);
  • Clear message history(Can );
  • (leave the conference);

More features can be found in the tab "Conversation Information".

It's very cool that in the conversation settings you can appoint administrator any member to keep order in the chat (only the creator can demote). And in the settings you can (exclude).

Additionally, you can:

Can . To do this, just click on the message and click on the icon at the top.

How to create a conversation in VK from your phone

mobile device very simple:

1. We open the official Vkontakte application for Adnroid, iPhone or Windows phone and go to dialogues.

2. In the upper right corner, click on the three dots.

3. Choose.

4. We tick the users we want to add to the conversation.

5. In the right upper corner click on the checkbox.

Do not know how to create a conversation in VK, trying to figure out what this option is and what its capabilities are? Imagine you were given a way to combine several participants in one dialogue. This is an analogue of group chats, one of the options for an online conference. Today, you can connect up to 500 users to the dialogue!

How to make a conversation in VK?

From phone

note that next instruction how to create a conversation in VK from your phone in new version site. The changes, of course, are minor relative to the old version, but they are present, so we recommend that you study the instructions:

  • Go to the VKontakte application, find the message icon at the bottom of the status bar (it is located in the center);
  • Go to the section;
  • Click on the plus sign next to the search icon;
  • Select the "Create Conversation" command from the drop-down menu;
  • Add participants to it from the contact list, click the checkmark;
  • Think up and enter , click on the daw again;
  • All is ready!
  • Poke a plus sign;
  • Add friends, enter a name below, click on the "Create a conversation" button;
  • Please note - you can also, documents, media files, audio materials, voice messages;
  • If you click on the three horizontal dots, the submenu of the section will open - we advise you to explore all the possibilities of the option.
  • Find the "Conversation" block and click on it;
  • You can create a VKontakte chat, don't forget to name it.
  • After that, the conversation will be added to home page groups.
  • If you copy the link, you can also post it on the wall. When you click on it, the participant also gets into the conversation.

How to invite to a conversation

If, during a dialogue with friends, you suddenly realized that someone is missing, then do not be discouraged, you can always add more participants in the conversation. Make it simple.

  • Go to the desired dialog;
  • At the very top, next to the name of the chat, hover over the ellipsis and click on the "Add members" section;
  • Check the boxes next to the profiles you want to invite to the chat, and then click on the "Add interlocutor" button.
  • It is even easier to invite interlocutors from the phone. You just need to click on the avatar, and select "Add member" from the menu.

Please note that also if you click on the number of people in the chat, you can not only see who is included in it, but also exclude participants.

How to delete a conversation

But if you are bored with the general chat or just no longer need it, it is quite possible that you decide to get rid of it. But do not rush to google the query "how to delete a conversation in VK." Because it's simply not possible to do so. The only way to get rid of this form of dialogue is to remove all the participants in turn and then leave it yourself. The main thing is not to confuse the sequence of actions)

What useful chips are there for conversations in VK?

The first features of this option were very scarce, for example, only 30 people could be added. Today it is a full-fledged tool for working or educational communication, it includes many different interesting additional techniques. To fully learn how to use the function, consider all its subtleties and nuances:

  • Did you know that it is possible to create a conversation in VK with yourself, though why this is needed is an interesting question! You can’t just add yourself to the participants of your group chat, because if you start looking for yourself through the search, there will be no result. There are two ways: through or find yourself in messages and send the text. Here you can save your favorite records, need documents, or important information.
  • It is easy to create a group chat in VK from the usual one, if you go into a dialogue of two people, click on three dots to open the menu, select the "Add interlocutors" command;
  • Another interesting feature is with the participants;
  • Embed and transfer part of your rights to him;
  • Any conference participant can add users, he can also delete, but only his invitees;
  • But the parent of the chat has the right to delete everyone, at his discretion. You need to click on the participant counter button, find an objectionable person, click on the checkmark, select "Exclude";
  • Many community owners want to know how to create a conversation in a VK group - but there is no point in such a function, because for this there is an open group wall and the Discussions section, in which you can always discuss important information. If this section is not yet in your group, then here's what you need to do to make it appear:

Go to the "Management" window (the button is right under the avatar);

Now the page will show new block"Add Discussion".

  • You can only delete a common dialogue by leaving it first, the corresponding command is in the menu. Before that, exclude participants from there, change the name to "Deleted". The final step is to clear messages. By the way, you can return to the conference before cleaning. And here

If you have to conduct working and friendly correspondence with the same person, then business messages will simply be lost in a pile of everyday ones.

Perhaps you first marked them as important, but then abandoned them altogether, because you can get lost in so many important messages.

The best way out in this situation would be to create a chat for two. So you can distinguish between work topics and everyday communication. For example, in a normal dialogue, friendly correspondence, and in a working conversation - a conversation on a business topic.

If you have already tried to invite only one person to a conversation, then you know that until recently it was impossible for VKontakte to create a conversation in which there would be only two participants, and even more so one.

A conversation in which there is only one participant - you - can be useful if you need to structure a large amount of information and have constant access to it.

Now in VK you can create a conversation in which there will be as many participants as you want, even one or two. How to do this, we will tell you in a new step-by-step instruction.

How to create a chat for two or for one VKontakte

Step #1

We enter our profile in VK.

Step #2

We go to the "Messages" section.

Step #3

Here, click on the plus sign in the upper right to create a conversation.

Step #4

We call her and ... that's it! You can add a cover by clicking on the camera icon.

Chat for one is ready.

Step #5

To create a conversation for two, simply invite a friend to the created and named chat. Ready!

It's so easy to create chats for two people if you are chatting on different topics with the same friend. You can also chat with yourself, even if it sounds a bit autistic.

In fact, this is a very convenient feature, because often you want to postpone an article, post or video for later. All this information can be thrown off in a private conversation, so it will always be at your fingertips.

Technological progress around the clock allows us to visit social networks. Thanks to smartphones, users have become less likely to log into their accounts through a PC. Often, people who are not particularly advanced in the IT field ask themselves the question: “How to create a conversation in VK on the phone”? After all, sometimes this feature is very necessary!

  1. For work/study moments.
  2. Interest conversation.
  3. Event discussions.
  4. Entertainment.

Often the conversation is necessary for students in order to distribute educational lectures and notify about changes in the schedule. It has also become popular to create conversations to discuss various events: birthdays, weddings or banal picnics. Conversations are created by members of various fitness communities or food blogs. Often, a group chat exists with groups of friends, simply in order to “share” funny pictures in it.

Firstly, there are two ways to go to Vkontakte with mobile device:

  • - using a browser;
  • - using the application.

According to statistics, more than 80% of users social network use their smartphones for messaging, so let's take a look at how you can make a discussion on VK.

How to create a conversation in VK from your phone

A pop-up notification will help you fully customize the conversation: set an image, turn off notifications, add new users, or remove existing users from the conversation.

How to delete a VKontakte conversation from a phone or computer.

Sometimes an already existing conversation is no longer relevant and needs to be deleted. Everything is very simple here, in mobile application that when logged in through a browser.

  1. To begin with, in the conversation settings, you need to delete all chat participants, you can also delete the entire correspondence history at the same time, if you are sure that you will never need it.
  2. After that, the creator of the group chat should also “leave the conversation”.

Now that it has become clear how to make a conversation in VK, you can safely create a chat for communication or business correspondence, promptly share simultaneously with all your friends breaking news and events.

How to create a VKontakte conversation from a computer

Creating a VKontakte conversation in a browser on a computer

If a person has dealt with a PC, then most likely he knows how to create a VK conversation from a computer. So, the principle of creating a group chat in the browser mobile phone about the same, especially if you use the "full version" of the site.

So, first of all, in the "full version" of the site, you need to enter the "Messages" section. A “+” sign will immediately appear in the search bar, when you click on it, the entire list of your contacts and, accordingly, the line for creating a conversation will be displayed on the screen.

Now it is necessary to mark those users who need to be added to the chat group. All participants in the current conversation will be displayed on the screen, then you need to enter the name of the conversation, add the main photo (by clicking on the camera icon) and click on the “create conversation” button.

Let's move on to mobile version social network site. In the same way, in the panel that slides out on the left, select "Messages". As in the case with full version site, click on the "plus sign" and mark users, then click on the "tick", enter the name of the conversation and "create a conversation."

In the "Settings" of the conversation, you can upload the main photo, change the name and add / remove interlocutors.

It's so easy and simple to create and delete conversations to communicate with several VKontakte friends at once, we hope our article will be useful to you, we are waiting for your comments and comments.


A conversation on VKontakte allows you to chat with several people, exchange both graphic and video information, and any files. For the first half of 2015, there can be a maximum of 30 people in a conversation. Quite, even enough. And if you need to unite a larger number of people, you will have to use third-party services. Next, we will get acquainted with how to create a conversation, how to skillfully use its functionality and, if necessary, delete it.

How easy is it to create a VKontakte conversation?

Creating a conversation is difficult and will not work. Its creation takes a few clicks. Go to "My Messages" and click "To the list of friends" (located at the top right).

Next, in the same place where the inscription "To the list of friends" was located, click "Select several interlocutors." Then we add friends to the conversation to the column on the right - at least 2 (one is possible, but it will be a dialogue), a maximum of 30. If necessary, write the name of the conversation, if you do not specify, then the name will automatically consist of the names of the participants, after creating the name of the conversation you can change . Click " Create a conversation» - multiplayer communication created!

What is the functionality of a Vkontakte conversation?

All the functions and possibilities of the conversation are reflected when you click on the link " Actions". Their short description.

1) Add an interlocutor: if necessary, you can add new interlocutors, and each participant in the conversation can add.

2) Change the name of the conversation - changes the name of your conversation, each of the interlocutors can do this.

3) Update Conversation Photo - for convenience and beauty, you can upload a picture to the conversation, the picture will be displayed in the dialog section.


4) Show content from the conversation- materials are any files (pictures, audio, video, documents) that were posted during the correspondence in this conversation.

5) Search by message history- enter keywords and looking for necessary information in the history of correspondence.

6) Disable Notifications / Enable Notifications - Notification refers to the standard "VKontakte" soundtrack when active in a conversation.

7) Clear message history - a lot of information has accumulated in the conversation, clear it, but remember that the clearing concerns your page, and when viewing the conversation from another account, the information will remain unchanged.

8) Leave the conversation- when you click on this item, you will leave the conversation, regardless of your status in the conversation (creator or not), when you leave the conversation, you will not receive a message in it, but if you wish and the existence of this conversation, you can return. You cannot return only if you have been excluded from the conversation by its creator.

How to delete interlocutors and the conversation itself?

Only the creator of a conversation can remove all users from a conversation. A non-creator can delete themselves (leave the conversation) and delete the users they invited. To delete users, you need to go to the list of participants in the conversation and then delete the required people.

In order to stop the activity in the conversation (it is generally impossible to delete it), the creator of the conversation should exclude all participants from the conversation and leave it himself.

I hope that you won’t have to resort to deleting the conversation, and detailed communication will benefit each of its participants.