
    El Murid

    Belarusian conflict

    Photo: flickr The Russian-Belarusian conflict is not abating. Belarus is working on the issue of deliveries of American oil through Odessa. The party may arrive as early as February. All these deliveries are currently being made in manual mode, and therefore there is no need to talk about the reorientation of Belarus to other suppliers. However, the statements are getting tougher. The turning point in the conflict could be...

    24.01.2020 16:44 16


    Elena Zemskova

    Not a major overhaul, but just straightening

    State Duma deputies do not believe that they have made a "constitutional coup" - according to them, they just polished some of the provisions of the main law of the country. Changes to the Constitution, initiated by the President of the Russian Federation in the course of his address to the Federal Assembly, secured on Thursday, when considered in the State Duma, the unanimous support of deputies from all Duma factions. 432 parliamentarians voted for them - this is more than two-thirds of the votes, ...

    24.01.2020 14:40 11



    Shall we play DumaBingo? Up-to-date with the latest news

    By order of Putin, co-chairman working group Pavel Krasheninnikov, Chairman of the Duma Committee on State Building and Legislation, was appointed to prepare proposals for amending the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In addition to him, there are 11 State Duma deputies in the group. We have already talked about the interests of which groups Deputy Krasheninnikov represents in the Duma. Pavel Krasheninnikov - one of the most influential deputies of the State Duma, says ...

    23.01.2020 23:46 53


    ANTI-RUSSIAN PROJECT OF PUTINISM. Opposition University. Issue #24

    January 23 at 20:00 Moscow time analytical analysis of the anti-Russian essence of the Putinism project. Join. The political opposition must be smart and enlightened, only then is its victory and the improvement of our Fatherland possible! Theme of the release: ANTI-RUSSIAN PROJECT OF PUTINISM Moderator: Stepan Stepanovich Sulakshin

    23.01.2020 18:25 22


    Go to hell with your "stability" and "order"!

    This is the message received by supporters of the Sulakshin Program in one of the social networks: “What are you talking about, dear? Do you know that foreign cars are many times better than Russian-Savetian tarantasses? That is, you want us, the citizens of Russia, to prohibit the purchase of high-quality foreign-made cars? And like waiting for 50 years, when the Russian woman will inflate to such a level? And like we, citizens of Russia, should stupidly ask for our only life for this “transitional season” of yours? And you wouldn't go to hell...

    23.01.2020 17:39 107



    The State Duma unanimously adopted amendments to the Constitution

    The State Duma at the plenary session on Thursday adopted in the first reading the draft law "On improving the regulation of certain issues of organizing public authorities." In the best traditions of the CPSU congresses, the draft of the most ambitious constitutional reform in the entire recent history Russia was approved unanimously. According to Interfax, there was not a single deputy in the Duma hall who decided to abstain and press ...

    23.01.2020 15:37 25


    technical resource wehm

    What is the connection between the calls to “kill” journalists and “the people should not decide, but only vote”

    It often happens that events that seem to be unrelated to each other suddenly begin to take shape in one big picture. Separately, they look like some single facts, but when combined, they show the direction in which some action takes place. Here is the statement of the head of Chuvashia about journalists, as well as the words of the deputy from United Russia, who would doubt it, Vera ...

    23.01.2020 12:31 26


    in an unnatural way

    Valentina Matviyenko picked up Putin's initiative to ban dual citizenship for officials mentioned in the constitution. And she proposed to expand the list of these positions at the expense of those not mentioned. In principle, the standard rule is that the more stupid the initiative is put forward by the authorities, the more readily it is picked up by subordinates. Why is the initiative stupid? Because the ban announced by Putin is purely administrative in nature, when the problem itself is complex and systemic. And that means that you need to solve it too ...

    23.01.2020 12:00 23


    Anatoly Evgenievich Nesmiyan Rusrand

    false flag

    The announcement of the list of the new government, furnished as an intrigue, is a banal "false flag" for the population and a purely internal kitchen for those who build their business schemes on specific figures at distributing faucets of various sizes. For the vast majority of the country's population, specific characters from the list announced today will not bring anything other than the fact that it has existed all the previous time. The explanation for all this is simple - the members of the government in Russia do not form the policy of their ...

    22.01.2020 22:44 19


    Burkina Faso

    Titanic of Russian statehood is on the same course

    If it makes sense to write about the new composition of the government of the Russian Federation? Especially considering that the power and economic backbone has remained the same? Shoigu is in place, Siluanov is in place, Lavrov has not gone anywhere, Kolokoltsev is where he was, etc. Well, they changed a number of technical figures like Maxim Oreshkin to Maxim Reshetnikov. These two from the casket even have surnames that are consonant. Apparently...

    22.01.2020 20:01 27



    Impression of Putin's Address to the Federal Assembly. There was some intrigue with Putin's appeal to the Federal Assembly. True, I did not follow this, I was not at all interested, although passions were whipped up, it was reported that something epochal was being prepared there, then they said that part of it would be closed, that it was postponed, etc. There was more intrigue…

    22.01.2020 19:24 42


    Lev Vershinin


    Huge material about a possible "hot" conflict between the United States and Russian Federation, in my opinion, belongs rather to the genre of scary tales, but one thesis nevertheless attracted attention as a launching pad for thinking about interesting things, namely: “assuming that the United States acquires a suicide country in Europe, which can be throw an attack on Russia in order to once again unwind ...

    22.01.2020 12:14 32


    Pavel Kukhmirov

    Reflections on Bandera Street

    I won’t be dishonest if I say that I didn’t have the slightest desire to speak out in any way about Mr. Zelensky’s last New Year’s address. And even now, after almost twenty days, it is not particularly there. To be honest, I have not found anything new or original in hypocrisy for a long time. However, after another “Russian…

    21.01.2020 18:21 18


    Rusrand Stepan Stepanovich Sulakshin

    #ProgramSulakshina Questions and answers. Issue #47 ◄21.01.2020

    Where does the knowledge of the world and awareness of oneself in this world begin? Understanding your position and your duty, deciding on the next step? With a question! Ask yourself 1000 questions and your thought will work. You will go through 1000 options and find the answer. In science they say that the most difficult thing is to ask a question, to set a task. Ask your question on the program “The country will become different! Questions and Answers" on Sulakshin's YouTube channel. Email address for letters: [email protected]

    21.01.2020 16:27 52


    Vladimir Viktorovich Volk Rusrand

    Nothing can be changed ... Give up?

    The fact that nothing in the life of Russia can be changed, that Putin's liberal government has come forever, a regime without much bloodshed will never part with anything, one has to hear and read every day many times. Sometimes there is a strong belief that this is Olga's office of trolls, those who praise the authorities and scold the opposition in social networks, changed the temnik and switched to mysticism and fatalism. There is another extreme. Here before, when…

    21.01.2020 16:20 173


    Rusrand Sulakshin S.S.

    End of Putinism

    Putin's message to the Parliament took place, all sections of society became excited and ... And it becomes visible another special operation that solves one single issue: extending Putin's rule to a life-long version, prolonging Putinism. The threat of collapse and collapse of Russia has increased dramatically. Once the GKChP also came out with a trick and a special operation, an extra-constitutional coup, and the USSR was destroyed. Naturally, the intrigue that Putin has brewed is coordinated with his support institutions, the administrative corps, the entire corps of beneficiaries from this political regime. Of course…

    20.01.2020 22:43 434


    Denis Korotkov

    Wagner. First oil

    Illustration: Pyotr Sarukhanov / Novaya Gazeta That's why Russian mercenaries are in Syria. Damascus signed contracts for the development of oil and gas fields with the companies of Yevgeny Prigozhin Geological exploration and production of 250 billion cubic meters of gas in Syria will be engaged Russian company with a staff of two under the guidance of yesterday's student tutor. If anything, two assault detachments of the "Wagner group" will help her. In December…

    20.01.2020 19:09 68


    Sulakshin S.S.

    RESULTS OF THE WEEK with Stepan Sulakshin 20.01.2020

    Dear friends! On Monday, January 20, 2020 at 20-00 Moscow time - the next issue of the weekly information and analytical program "Results of the Week". Events in the world, Russia, our life. Not propaganda. Truth, reflection, honest criticism, forecast. Patriotism and interests. The interests of the majority of the people, our country, the whole good and humane part of the world. Host - Stepan Stepanovich Sulakshin.

    20.01.2020 18:40 99


    Andrey Vasiliev Rusrand

    Attack drones: why we still don't have them and when will they appear

    The manner in which General Qasem Soleimani was assassinated showed that modern facilities deliveries of non-nuclear weapons are actively developing and in demand. Iran denies that the convoy in which Soleimani was attacked by a drone, however, the American media continues to claim in news stories that it was a drone. Today, UAVs can be used as a tool to solve any problem. But in Russia, there are still difficulties with the creation of a combat drone. Andrey Vasiliev - ...

    20.01.2020 18:34 39


    Volk V.V. Rusrand

    A ready-made scientific layout of the new constitution of Russia speaks for Sulakshin

    So, Russian President Putin launched a constitutional reform. The word is not very pleasant to the ear of a Russian person, for whom any reform (economic, financial, pension, land, coal industry or engineering) will certainly end in a general deterioration in life and the state of affairs in the country. Hundreds of politicians, political scientists and constitutional experts have rushed to newspapers, websites, radio channels and television studios. And not only those that explicitly and by default support the ruling regime, eating through ...

    20.01.2020 17:37 36


    Channel "Axiom"

    Empire of lies - revelations of a TV man

    Read today in ed. Meduza news. In Moscow, there was an attack on the former employee of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Leonid Krivenkov. The man worked for 10 years as an operator on Russian television. And after his dismissal, he decided to talk about censorship, about custom-made lies, and about orders coming to television from the Kremlin. It would seem a common story for Putin's Russia. Until I got to know him...

    19.01.2020 22:59 83


    Red Muscovite

    Iran vs USA: a snake ball of contradictions and fatal mistakes, what is important to know

    In recent weeks, the eyes, without exaggeration, of the entire world community have been riveted to the Middle East, on the territory of which the Iranian-American conflict, which has been lasting for the fifth decade, has flared up with renewed vigor. In short, let me remind you the chronology of events: in May last year, US President Trump announced his withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran; then there was a series of attacks on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, to ...

    19.01.2020 21:46 36


    Lubov Donetsk SNJ

    Pereyaslav Council - can we repeat?

    Photo: frame from the film "Taras Bulba", dir. V. Bortko, 2008 As usual, pompous and meaningless celebrations took place in the Russian Federation, this time timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Pereyaslav Rada - in Ukraine this event is not celebrated for obvious reasons. Yes, and the Russians have nothing to be particularly happy about, if you think about it - the ancestors acquired it, but the descendants lost it, and they also have fun. Happened…


The humanitarian program for the reunification of the people of Donbass, which was recently announced by the heads of the so-called self-proclaimed republics, caused a mixed reaction even among the local population. Many Donetsk residents are skeptical about such loud statements and are perplexed about what kind of humanitarian aid can be discussed if the local elite is not able to provide social and material assistance even to people in the uncontrolled territory.

In order to understand how close the statements of the so-called "leaders" of ORDLO are to the truth, it is necessary to understand what the "program for the reunification of the people of Donbass" is. The main idea of ​​the humanitarian program is to provide assistance to socially unprotected persons. It provides for a number of free services Ukrainians living in the free territory of Donbass. First of all, this is material assistance, the provision of medical services and services in the field of education.

It is also interesting that for most of the main points of this program, specific deadlines for implementation have been set. Representatives of the so-called LDNR are ready to provide financial, food assistance, free education and medical services to fellow citizens, but only within one year.

Other points of the program, such as “strengthening unity, cultural values ​​and spiritual community” or ensuring “environmental security”, providing for the access of representatives of the “LPR” to Ukrainian enterprises (Azovstal, Avdeevsky Coke Plant, Konstantinovsky State Chemical Plant, Dzerzhinsky Phenol Plant), in the self-proclaimed leadership are ready to lend indefinitely.

Veterans cash payment

The program "for the reunification of the people" provides for a one-time financial assistance to veterans of the Second World War who took part in the hostilities from September 1, 1939 to September 3, 1945. Assistance can only be paid to those who live on both sides of the contact line in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The amount of a one-time payment is 10,000 Russian rubles. You can also receive financial assistance in Ukrainian currency in the amount of UAH 5,000.

As stated in the uncontrolled Donbass, "one-time assistance to veterans will be paid from March 15 to September 30, 2017." To do this, elderly people need to contact one of the four branches of the Donbass Post (formerly Ukrposhta) in March 2017. This is a post office in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, branch No. 111, in Gorlovka, branch No. 4, a branch in Olenovka and in the south - the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye in the Novoazovsky district.

And from April 1, 2017, veterans living in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities will be able to apply for payments to specially created centers social assistance and administrative services. They promise to open such centers near checkpoints at a safe distance from the line of contact.

To receive the so-called "material payment", veterans are required to provide a completed application, a passport, a certificate of a disabled war veteran or a participant in hostilities with an insert, an original military ID or a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office.

It turns out that in order to receive "one-time financial assistance", the elderly need to cross the line of demarcation, having previously stood in kilometer-long queues at the checkpoint. And also provide original documents that could not be preserved. Of course, only a few can decide on such “tourist routes” for material assistance in the territory controlled by the LDNR. Indeed, for such a trip, the elderly will need really good health.

Of course, the leadership of the self-proclaimed republics promises that the payments intended for veterans can also be received by their next of kin, but for this they need to have a notarized power of attorney with them. However, the LDNR forgets to mention that Ukrainian powers of attorney are not recognized in the uncontrolled territory, so applicants for financial assistance will need to contact local notaries.

Free medical care

Representatives of the self-proclaimed LDNR undertake to treat compatriots from the Ukrainian territory of Donbas absolutely free of charge. The so-called “Ministry of Health of the DPR” promised to start registering all interested patients from March 15 this year.

They hope to treat compatriots in several areas: chemotherapy for oncological and oncohematological diseases in children and adults. They promise to fight the problems of oncohematology at the Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery. VC. Gusak, and the treatment of general adult oncology is taken at the Republican Cancer Center named after. Bondar. Children with cancer are promised to be treated at the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital.

In addition, they offer assistance in hip arthroplasty and implantation of pacemakers. They want to accept patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system in the Donetsk Clinical Territorial Medical Association. And the services of hip arthroplasty will be provided in the Donetsk Republican Traumatological Center. Also, the Republican Center for the Protection of Motherhood and Childhood in Donetsk and the Lugansk Perinatal Center intend to provide assistance in obstetric care to mothers.

At the same time, speaking about free medical care, representatives of the so-called “LDNR” are silent about the fact that not everything is so smooth in medical institutions in most uncontrolled cities. Today, health care facilities continue to experience an acute shortage of medical professionals.

According to the data of the local employment center, only in Amvrosievka there are about 52 vacancies in the specialties of a doctor and a nurse. And in Makiivka, about 79 medical workers with higher education and 30 specialists with secondary specialized education are required. Most of all, there is a shortage of family doctors, obstetricians, gynecologists, pediatricians, traumatologists, ophthalmologists and other specialists.

In addition, despite the constant claims of the so-called “authorities” about free medicine in the LDNR, local residents know firsthand that most medical services in hospitals, from medicines to operations, are provided only for money.

For example, in the Donetsk trauma center, whose doctors intend to provide assistance to sick compatriots under the “program for the reunification of the peoples of Donbass,” treatment for the local population is expensive. The trauma center does indeed offer free operations only for certain categories of citizens, but at the same time they write out huge bills to sick patients for the purchase of endoprostheses.

At the same time, the hospital is talking about long lines for free prostheses that come with humanitarian aid from the Russian Federation. And they offer relatives of sick patients to purchase the necessary prostheses, as well as pay for surgical kits, a drip and anesthesia on their own. They even issue an invoice in advance for the purchase of a prosthesis from local Donetsk clinic suppliers.

Education on a budget

The LDNR promises to teach applicants from Ukrainian territory at the expense of the "budget" in local universities. Students are ready to accept about thirty educational higher institutions. At the same time, in the published list of educational institutions that take part in the “humanitarian program”, there are many Donetsk universities that were deprived of a Ukrainian license.

Today, these educational institutions are subordinate to the “Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR” and operate under a local unrecognized “license”. Among them are Donetsk National University, Donetsk Law Academy, Donetsk National Technical University, Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages, Donetsk Institute of Railway Transport, Donetsk National Medical University named after. M. Gorky and many other universities. Despite the fact that these universities were deprived of Ukrainian accreditation, they continue to issue unrecognized “higher education diplomas” to students.

Donetsk educational institutions of vocational and secondary specialized education also take part in the "humanitarian program" for free education. Among them are Amvrosievsky College of Industrial Economics, Dokuchaevskiy Mining College, Gorlovsky College of Industrial Technologies and Economics, Gorlovsky College of Municipal Economy and other institutions.

According to the so-called leadership of the DPR, applicants living in the Ukrainian part of Donbass will be able to receive education in various specialties. At the same time, the "Minister of Education" Polyakova noted that applicants entering the DPR university can be accepted both on a "budgetary" and on a paid basis. And higher educational institutions of private ownership (Donetsk Institute of Tourism Business, Makeevka Institute of Economics and Humanities) offer education exclusively on a paid basis.

"All state educational organizations of higher professional education (HPE) can accept citizens from the territory temporarily controlled by Ukraine for budgetary and contract forms of education, educational organizations of HPE of private form of ownership - only for a contract,” Polyakova said.

In addition, graduates are allegedly promised to be employed at enterprises that operate in the uncontrolled territory. At the same time, the self-proclaimed government does not mention the low wages that are currently being offered to workers in the local labor market in the LDNR.

It is known that before the signing of the so-called humanitarian “program for the reunification of the people of Donbass”, only applicants who are registered in the uncontrolled territory or permanently reside here could count on “budgetary” places in universities in Donetsk. But students from other CIS countries (including from the Ukrainian territory of Donbass) could only hope for paid contract training. True, the “Ministry of Education of the DPR” also announced the so-called quotas for free education for children from Russia, Ukraine and the neighboring LPR. For example, in 2016, only 200 state-funded places were provided under the “quota for compatriots” program. As a rule, only students from the uncontrolled Luhansk region applied for such a quota. Such quotas were issued to partner universities after the conclusion of an agreement between the parties on cooperation. Also, applicants who passed the State Final Attestation and collected all the necessary certificates in the DPR could apply for a special quota.

It turns out that according to the program, in order to receive free education in the uncontrolled territory, applicants from other Ukrainian cities of Donbass must provide a bunch of documents and a certificate of the results of passing the mandatory State Final Attestation. The free education program is designed for only one year, and the deadline for submitting documents for registration for participation in the GIA in the uncontrolled territory ends on April 15, 2017. It can be said that applicants from Ukraine applying for state-funded places do not have much time left. Perhaps, representatives of the self-proclaimed LDNR are counting on such an outcome, creating only a demonstration performance from the “humanitarian program”.


This program includes the provision of medical care (provision of free medical services in healthcare institutions in the following areas: obstetrics, oncology, endoprosthesis replacement of large joints, cardiac surgery).

Provision of educational services, incl. organization free education Helping graduates find jobs. Providing targeted assistance to veterans of the Second World War, citizens who find themselves in a difficult situation. Provision of free legal services and consultations, administrative support. Assistance in the preparation of documents for the provision of health services and training in educational institutions. Organization mail message and monetary transactions, as well as providing assistance to separated families.

The program also includes the preservation of professional relations in the field of health, the preservation of spiritual and moral values, the development of physical culture and sports, environmental protection and the creation of a humanitarian fund for the DPR to support fellow countrymen.

The public organization "United Donbass Foundation" provides assistance to residents of Donbass, living both in the territories temporarily controlled by Ukraine and in the Donetsk People's Republic. Assistance is allocated only to those applicants who are really in a difficult life situation, confirm it with documents and a statement.

The amount of assistance provided by the Fund is not fixed, the assistance itself is a one-time. The Commission of the Fund considers each application separately and collectively decides on the amount of payment or type of assistance. Therefore, it is mandatory to indicate the complexity of your situation in the application.

After reviewing the package of documents, the Fund Commission may make one of the following decisions:

    on refusal to provide assistance;

    on the provision by the applicant of additional documents;

    about providing assistance.

The amount of assistance is set by the Commission depending on the circumstances or the nature of the difficult life situation. Assistance can be provided both in the form of cash payments and in kind (food, medicines, etc.).

Required documents for applying for assistance

Additional Documents for Applying for Assistance

disabled people 1, 2 groups

A document confirming the disability group (medical report of the medical and social expert commission (MSEC certificate) or a certificate to the MSEC examination certificate);

Certificate from the medical institution on the need for emergency surgical intervention;

Medical file (on the basis of which an examination of medical documents is carried out, a medical examination of the applicant and a clinical and functional diagnosis is determined);

Act on an accident at work;

Income statement.

extreme life situation

(a combination of several categories, oncology, destruction of housing as a result of military operations)

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

A detailed extract from the medical history issued by a medical institution;

Acts of destruction;

Conclusion of the state commission on the fact emergency technogenic nature (which occurred through no fault of the applicant) and its impact on the loss of the applicant's health (medical expert opinion);

single mothers/fathers, widows/widowers with children under the age of 18

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

Birth certificate of the child, extract from State Register acts of civil status of citizens on birth registration in accordance with the first part of Article 135 of the Family Code of Ukraine or a certificate issued by an authority social protection of the population, that the applicant is a recipient of state assistance for children to single mothers

Widows / widowers birth certificate of the child, death certificate of one of the parents;

families with three or more children under the age of 18

Statement of the established form; - certificate of income.

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary);

Passport of the second parent (if any), certificate of a large family, birth certificates of children;

citizens aged 65 and over

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

citizens aged 90 and over

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

Pension certificate (if any);

families with disabled children

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

passport of one of the parents / legal representatives (guardians or trustees, foster parents, parent-caregivers), birth certificate of the child, original medical report on a disabled child under the age of 18, issued by the medical advisory commission of children's medical institutions (certificate of the VKK). Legal representatives of a disabled child submit the original document on the appointment of their legal representatives; families of guardians, trustees, foster families and family-type orphanages in which orphans and children deprived of parental care are brought up - a passport of one of the legal representatives (guardians or trustees, foster parents, foster parents), birth certificates of children. The legal representatives of the child submit the original document on the appointment of their legal representatives;

families of guardians, trustees, foster families and family-type orphanages in which orphans and children deprived of parental care are brought up

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

citizens with the status of a disabled war veteran (except for persons who took part in the hostilities of 1941-1945 as part of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) or the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN); persons and members of their families who took part in armed aggression against the people Donbass as part of the armed forces and illegal formations of Ukraine, and also provided them with assistance (volunteers, activists, members of public organizations of a nationalist persuasion)

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

War veteran's certificate

pregnant women at all stages of pregnancy, registered in accordance with the established procedure in health care institutions

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

an exchange card for a pregnant woman or an outpatient card (for up to 30 weeks);

children aged 0 to 3 years

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

passport of one of the parents / legal representatives (guardians or trustees, foster parents, foster parents), birth certificate of the child. The legal representatives of the child submit the original document on the appointment of their legal representatives.

The applicant can submit a package of documents in electronic form (scanned application and documents) to email address or through the branches of SE "Post of Donbass" in any branch. Residents of the territories temporarily controlled by Ukraine can also apply through the Centers for Social Assistance and Administrative Services located near the demarcation line: at the Oleksandrivka checkpoint, Mayorsk checkpoint, Olenivka checkpoint, Oktyabr checkpoint.

Not only the applicant personally, but also his representative can apply for assistance.

For the purpose of communication and interaction, please indicate the messengers in which it is located. (Viber, Telegram). This will allow you to quickly contact the applicants and notify them about the stage of consideration of the set of documents.

Republican Cancer Center named after G.V. Bondar, within the framework of the Humanitarian Program, since the beginning of 2018, has provided medical assistance to 59 residents of the Donetsk region, controlled by Ukraine.

As long-term practice shows, doctors are one of the most humane professions, people in “white coats” are always ready to provide the necessary medical care, regardless of the patient’s registration and place of residence. Is no exception to the rule and the Republican Cancer Center. G.V. Bondar.

« We continue the implementation of the Humanitarian Program for the reunification of the people of Donbass, and since the beginning of 2018, 59 people from the territories of the Donetsk region controlled by Kyiv have already received medical assistance in the direction of “Chemotherapy and Surgical Oncology”, I want to note that this figure continues to grow. Residents of the Republic and the territory of the Donetsk region not controlled by the DPR arrive at the center every day for consultations, diagnostics, examinations and additional examinations, as well as, directly, for treatment and rehabilitation. Our Center has all the necessary equipment and qualified specialists, and for patients this is another convenience - everything is concentrated on the basis of one institution: computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), other types of diagnostics, doctor's consultation, hospitalization" , — said Anastasia Vasilievna Delegoy Dina, Oncologist, Department of Oncochemotherapy No. 2.

For quality medical care Residents of the Donetsk Republic apply to the cancer center. Tatyana, a resident of the city of Mospino, discovered the disease in 2005, when doctors diagnosed lymphoma and osteoporosis. The treatment received in two years was enough for six years, and in 2014, due to the outbreak of hostilities, the disease recurred. “I was observed in the city hospital, and I got to the Republican Center only in 2016 and since then I have been periodically undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy. On the background of taking medications, I feel an improvement in health. Doctors are attentive, responsible, all medical staff are responsive and friendly, delicious food", - shared the woman.

To combat the disease in the Republican Cancer Center. G.V. Residents of the Donetsk region, temporarily controlled by Ukraine, also come to Bondar, and no one has yet been refused, especially since there is everything necessary for treatment.

So, Sergey, a resident of the city of Donetsk region, temporarily controlled by Kyiv, having learned about a lung disease, initially turned to the Kharkiv Regional Cancer Center, where he could only be offered paid chemotherapy. An acquaintance, having experienced the benefits of the Humanitarian Program first hand, recommended that he go to Donetsk for medical help, and since June 2017 the patient has been receiving another course of chemotherapy. Sergey is very pleased with the free treatment provided, in accordance with the terms of the Gumming Program.