Did you know that knowing only the phone number, you can find ANY VKontakte profile, even if he himself does not want it? For example, your friend Petya created a fake profile on VKontakte under the name of Masha Ivanova. If Petya is in your phone book, just install the VKontakte application, and then "search for friends from the phone book." The application will carefully compare all the phone numbers from your contacts and show the profiles associated with it in social network. Cool, yeah?

This function is not advertised by the creators in any way, but she is.

The most interesting thing is that now it is impossible register on VKontakte without using a phone number. The social network explains this by the fight against bots and cheating. Because of this, even a new direction appeared - the sale virtual numbers for registration in social networks. And the search has become a big headache for many.

How to disable search by your number when importing contacts?

This setting is still there, but it is hidden very, very far away.

We go to the VKontakte website, open Settings, chapter privacy. In the "Contact me" block, set the parameter Only me in the "Who can find me when importing contacts by number" section

Why remove yourself from the search?

This is done to exclude the case of phishing and fraud in your address. An attacker, knowing only your phone number (for example, you left it in ads on Avito), will find out your real data, place of work or study, photos of you and your family, names of your friends.

This can be used by collectors, scammers, bank employees.

If you do not want your profile to be in search engines oh you can take it out open access. In most social networks, setting the level of access to the profile is available - either the profile is available to everyone without restrictions, or only to a limited circle of people. Sometimes it is possible to restrict the access of search robots to the page.

If you set the access level in the settings to only a limited circle of people, then the search robot will not index your profile.

Below are ways to remove your profile from public access in different social networks. If you have any problems, please contact the support service of the respective social network. Unfortunately, we do not store comprehensive information about how to close profiles of all social networks.

  1. In contact with
  2. Facebook
  3. Classmates
  4. My Circle
  5. Livejournal
  6. LinkedIn
  7. Twitter
  8. Google Plus

In contact with



To close your profile on Odnoklassniki, go to the publicity settings ( http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/publicitySettings) and in the column Confidentiality opposite the inscription Open page for search engines choose no. Save your settings.

My Circle

To close your profile on the My Circle network, go to the settings (http://moikrug.ru/settings/privacy) and allow your profile to be shown only to My Circle users.


To close your LiveJournal profile, go to your settings (http://www.livejournal.com/manage/settings/?cat=privacy) and check the box Minimize my journal's exposure to search engines.


Privacy settings can be changed on the corresponding page https://www.linkedin.com/settings . To close the profile, you need to follow the link Edit your public profile , and then select Make my public profile visible to *no one*.


If you want to make it difficult to find your accounts (pages) in social networks then this article is for you! I will not talk for a long time on the topic of why and who needs it, but I will immediately get down to business.

I will only note that there are no one hundred percent ways to “hide” your page from unwanted eyes. Even hackers are caught, incl. remember this. Well, now let's start.

Ways to make it difficult to find your page (account)

  1. Registration under a false name and surname. The simplest, quite effective, but not always useful way. It is best to use it in cases where you are not going to communicate with those who know you in real life, because. from those with whom you still want to talk, unwanted questions may arise.
  2. Inclusion in the surname and name of letters in English, as well as special characters. For example, your name is Svetlana. You can burn yourself either so Light @ n @ , or so C willow a n a. The second option looks more plausible, however, if someone types Svetlana in the search, he will never find you, because capital letter « FROM', as well as lowercase letters ' a» written in English language. A simple person does not notice the difference, but the computer will “break” on this and will not show you in the search.
  3. In the registration form, fill in the first and last name fields on the contrary. That is, in the field " surname» you write your name, and in the field « name"You write your last name. This method is less efficient. A number of social networks will still show you in the general issue.
  4. Filling in a fake place of residence and date of birth, place of study, etc. This method is best used as a complement to the previous four.

And further! When using all these methods, I strongly recommend that you register your account on a NEW, unknown to anyone mailbox. Because if “scorched” e-mail, ICQ, Skype are indicated as contact data, which those you want to hide from know about, then they can easily find you on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook, because these social networks provide the ability to search for people by email address and other contact information.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. personal and public (public) pages. It goes without saying that some of them are deleted (for example, for spamming, swearing, suspicious activity, etc.). But there are times when the user himself wants to remove all traces of his stay from VK, including his personal page.

This possibility is provided by the Contact functionality, but there are a number of points that you should definitely pay attention to and which will be mentioned in this article. It is noteworthy that it has the ability to delete even the page to which you have long lost access, as well as the public in VK, which you changed your mind about and decided to close.

How to delete your page in Contact?

  1. , where all available information about you is located, as well as the wall.
  2. A public (official) page that you can create on VK, for example, to represent your business, brand, or simply to maintain a page on a specific topic (humor, fan club, hobby, etc.). Read more about them in the article "".

Both types of these pages can be deleted, but most often it is required to delete exactly “My Page” in VK, where personal information, correspondence, etc. is stored. There may be a lot of reasons, but the essence is the same - it is possible to implement it, but everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Actually, that's why this question so often arises among many users of this social network and that's why this article appeared.

I will describe right away official path, which is offered by the Contact administration to those who wish to remove all traces of their stay in this social network. Actually, you still won’t be able to delete all the traces (although you can cheat), but more on that below.

So, the removal instructions offer us to go from the left menu to the “My Settings” tab, scroll the page that opens to the end and click on the inscription “ delete your page ».

A form will open where you will be prompted to select one of the reasons that prompted you to delete your personal page from VK or you can write your own explanation. Doesn't matter.

And the important thing is that the removal, although it will happen instantly, but The contact will keep a copy of the deleted page for about seven more months in case you are during this time (in this case, everything will be restored: both records, and video, and audio, and photos, and personal correspondence stored in your account). Those. in fact, it is not deletion, but a temporary suspension of access to the page.

True, if during this time you don’t press the “Restore” button (it will appear every time with a login and password from a deleted account), then your data stored on “My Page” will be permanently deleted (probably still not completely deleted, for once lit up, consider that you are hooked, but removed from the public domain).

Please note that you only delete entries (and media files) on your own Vkontakte page. But all entries, comments, likes and other traces of activity left by you on other VK pages will be saved. And your name and surname will still show off there.

Unfortunately, there is no way to delete entries from other people's pages (they will remain there forever). But on the other hand, before deleting your page, you can make a feint with your ears - replace your real name with a fake (fictitious) one. It will be easy to do this edit window "My Page". And after that, it will be possible to begin the official account deletion procedure described above.

Also note that , will still remain in the database of this social network. To avoid this, link it to the newly created account (if you still plan to continue hanging out on this social network). In a couple of weeks, he will get rid of the old page and it can be submitted for deletion.

There is also not an official way to delete your page from Vkontakte. It is notable for the fact that the process itself takes not seven months, but only about two, but there is no exact guarantee that by following the instructions below you will achieve the desired result (the internal kitchen of VK is constantly undergoing changes and some of the cartoons may no longer work).

To do this, just go to the VK privacy settings page and close yourself from the outside world as much as possible, choosing wherever possible from the list options items like "Only me" or "No one". After that, access to your page will be as limited as possible for everyone except you. And if you also don’t log into your account for a couple of months, then there is a high probability that such a page will be taken and automatically deleted (which is what we need).

How to delete a page in VKontakte, access to which is lost

It is quite possible that the VK page you created a long time ago has become an obstacle that you would like to get rid of. However, often behind the veil of years, the opportunity to gain access to it is completely lost. Previously, for example, all accounts were linked to email addresses, and not, as it is now, to a phone number. It is quite possible that you have this moment you no longer have access to the Email that was used during registration, but you still want to delete the page. What to do?

In principle, the situation is not so rare, therefore, such an opportunity is provided for in the Contact structure. True, in order to avoid that in this way people do not try to delete other people's pages (out of harm or malicious intent), then the deletion process itself will be possible only if on your page real name and surname were indicated and also posted your real photos.

In this case, you can delete a page in VK, even without having access to it, by performing a series of actions:

Everything, after that it only remains to wait for a response from VK technical support and, if necessary, perform some other actions. But most often your page, when providing the above photos, without any problems will be removed from the base of the social network Vkontakte.

If you mature over time, you can open a new page (to the same full name), but try not to lose your login and password from it (now to your account, which increases security and simplifies the process of restoring access if necessary).

How to delete a public page (public) in Contact?

Everything is a little more sophisticated here, but in fact it’s also nothing complicated - you just need to know the sequence of steps. It is not possible to directly delete a group or public from VK (in the manner of "My Page"), but it will be possible to do a feint with ears, which nevertheless is offered as a recipe and in official instructions on the use of this social network.

How to delete deleted pages of Vkontakte friends?

If you come across a lot of accounts in your list of friends that show a sad head of a sheep (or a dog?), And when you go to the page, you get an inscription that it has been deleted, then this is not very convenient.

Actually, you can easily get rid of them, although this may take some time. In other words, we need to delete the deleted (for various reasons) pages of our friends in Vkontakte. There can be many reasons for removal;

To clear your list of Friends from "dead souls" (they have a sad sheep-dog instead of an avatar), you will need to go to to the view page of all your friends and opposite a friend whose page for one reason or another was deleted from the Contact, click on the located right button "Unfriend":

Although you can leave temporarily blocked users in Friends, because they "can come to life" over time.

Well, it's about like this.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Life is in full swing on the VK social network, users communicate in communities and with friends, post photos, videos, music. But there are those who have decided to stop all social activity by deleting their profile from VK.

And in place of the user's page that was once located, an image with a dog now flaunts. Exactly the same happens if the user's page was temporarily frozen.

Everything is fine, but some of these users are in your friends, or, perhaps, publics / groups that you administer, which can cause discomfort. After all, these pages are displayed in the general list, which makes it difficult to navigate and search for the desired person, but objectively there is no point in keeping these deleted user pages.

If you are of the same opinion, then this manual on quick removal pages with dogs ( deleted pages) will come in handy.

Instructions for deleting deleted pages in the social. VK networks

To implement our plan, we will use a popular and very functional browser extension that allows you to instantly perform routine tasks, including the procedure for clearing the list of friends / members on VK from deleted pages. Why did you choose this particular method? The answer is simple - it is reliable and safe.

The extension is called ViKey Zen and is located on the Google site https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detai…

It should be especially noted that its compatibility and performance is not limited to Google browser Chrome, completely calm given extension installed and works in Yandex Browser, Opera and many others.

This is how you can easily and naturally remove all dogs from your friends list. Also, this extension can clear the list of public / group members from deleted or blocked users, the corresponding item is in the block Communities. This feature may be useful to you if you are a community administrator on VK.