Vkontakte with a monthly audience of 80 million users confidently occupies the first position in the TOP 10 most popular social networks of Runet. Chatting comfort, weight interesting games, online services, music and video, a convenient internal search system - it would seem, what else does an Internet consumer need? And that's what! Get rid of it all!

Yes, yes, that's right: delete the page in contact - and that's it. And there is nothing surprising in this desire. There are plenty of justified motives for committing this act: a session on the nose, bouts of gambling addiction, a manifestation of jealousy of the second half, a desire to hide from an ex-girlfriend, etc. Alas, worldly lyrics sometimes oblige.

So, how to delete a page in a contact?

Method number 1: activating the "delete" option

1. Go to your VK page.

2. Click in the user menu located above the "In contact" icon, the "My settings" section.

3. Scroll down the opened settings with the mouse wheel. Find the "delete your page" link in the "footer" of the site (its lower part) and follow it.

Choose your option from those offered. If there is none, please indicate "Other reason" and leave a short comment in the form below explaining why you no longer want to see own page In contact with. Here you can do without special details: the standard phrase “in connection with the current situation” will suffice.

If you need to tell all your VKontakte friends that you are going to say goodbye forever to its endless virtual spaces, check the box next to "Tell Friends".

5. Think again about your decision. There is no doubt - feel free to press the coveted "Delete page" button.

6. A message will appear stating that the account has been deleted. As well as the period (see the date in the second line above the profile picture), during which it can be restored.

Attention! If use this way deletion, the account, until it finally disappears, is stored on the server of the social network Vkontakte for 7 months.

Returning your favorite VK page is as easy as deleting it. If you realize after a while that you got excited, open the social network, enter your username and password, and then click on the "Restore" option in the column on the left. will appear big button"Restore page" - click it and rejoice at the return of the account to normal.

Method number 2: changing user settings

This option deletion requires a little more effort from the user, but on the other hand, the procedure for permanently deleting a page is much faster. After the actions described below, the account will permanently disappear in about 2.5 months, and not after 7 - in the case of using the first method.

So, if you need to remove the page as quickly as possible, use method number 2.

1. Open your personal page and go to "My Settings".

2. Select the "Privacy" tab.

3. Set all settings (who sees..., who can...) in sections "My page" and "Contact me" to "Only me" and "No one".

4. After changing the settings, do not go to the personal page.

The VKontakte administration system regards such a privacy configuration as the owner's unwillingness to use the benefits of the social network and, accordingly, automatically deletes the page.

Method number 3: "freezing" the account

Using this method, the page still remains at the disposal of the user, that is, it does not disappear forever. Only its appearance changes in order to hide from all friends, comrades or from someone specifically for a certain time.

The algorithm of actions is very simple: the account owner deletes all content on the page - photos, audio, video; deletes friends; in the "Contact me" section in the "who can write / invite" settings, it is set to "No one". If desired, for greater secrecy, it also changes the first and last name to a pseudonym and page address so that it is impossible to find an account in the search for personal data and visually determine its belonging to the user.

The main advantage of the method is that “disguise” can be removed at any time, since the login, password and phone number attached to the account remain unchanged.

The choice of a particular method depends on your goals, dear reader. It depends on what you want to say to your personal page in VK - "Goodbye!" or "Goodbye!"

Good luck and good luck to you! Make deleting your account quick and painless.

Vkontakte: how to delete, how to restore, how to return a page after a hack.

  • With the advent of social networks, the life of almost every inhabitant has become public
  • Even if you position yourself very modestly on social networks, this does not mean at all that someone from your friends will not post a photo from a common weekend, a neighbor will not post a photo where you run for bread in a bathrobe in the morning, and so on.
  • You can exclude such photos from the Internet only through the court, but you can hide your life from the crowd of onlookers even more in a simple way- deleting the page in the social network
Delete the VK page

We are all different, and our actions in life are different, as are the backgrounds that lead to these actions. Everything is deleted from Vkontakte in different ways, as in life.

Someone slams the door loudly, writes spiritual statuses and returns after a while, someone, quietly closing the door behind him, never appears again.

The reasons? There may be thousands of them. For example, we are not all eternal. And Vkontakte users are no exception. Relatives of the deceased quite often decide to delete the page in order to eradicate unnecessary conversations and so on.

No exception, and young ladies, unexpectedly for everyone who decided to radically change their lives. And how to delete hundreds of friends, thousands of posts and photos is easier to brush off the old life with one movement and go on a new path of life.

Video: HOW TO DELETE A PAGE IN VKontakte (Humor)?

People so often began to leave, and then return, that Vkontakte marketers even developed a scheme according to which each retired person can be attributed to one category or another.

  • I'm bored here. These are further divided into two subtypes: passive and dreamers. Passive, added as friends to colleagues and classmates. For the first week, they actively looked at their photos and walls, and then got bored ... But any social network is a way of communication. You can chat, brag about your achievements, read the news, books, watch movies, listen to music, and so on. Fantasists after registration add a couple of friends to themselves, post a number of photos, interesting (from their point of view, because we are all different) posts and wait for fans and subscribers. Which are not and will not be, because if you are not a master of a unique craft, not an actor or politician, then where will people come to your page from? The social network is a powerful tool in the hands of marketers, if you want to develop, study, or pay specialists
  • Bloody gebnya and her fans. A million horror stories about Vkontakte and FSB surveillance. There is only one question, what do you comrades write on your pages, and with whom do you communicate that you are afraid of the FSB coming into your homes? And you really firmly believe that this requires a page from social networks. One unsubscribe on a forum, social network, website is enough and people will come to your home, and they don’t need your page, they just need an ip address. That's how the great theory of narrow-minded people collapses
  • Goodbye pathetic parody, long live the great Facebook. And they do, but not for long. After all, it has a different interface, in many ways not very clear to our layman, friends mostly post official news, articles on work and just a drop of humor in it. If they find friends there at all ... they get bored there a little, and then back to their native land
  • I want no one to know it, I want to hide, they can jinx me and other panic attacks do occur. Hundreds of people. If this is not imposed by religion, and your friends do not support you ... delete the page, of course, but you yourself understand that this will not solve the problem? Neighbors at work and at home already know about you, they can “jinx you” (although we personally treat this with skepticism as a concept) at a trolley bus stop, but you can only hide on a desert island. Pay attention to the beginning of the article
  • Contact mania as a serious disorder. But here, in addition to deleting the page, as in the previous case, a psychologist is needed. To understand the causes and help with treatment. Otherwise, you will quickly switch from contact addiction to gambling, alcoholism, or something else. In general, beware

Save or delete Vkontakte page

Before deleting a page, remember - first of all, VKontakte, like any social network, is a way to communicate with your friends, colleagues, relatives, and even those closest to you.

Page management is a personal matter for everyone. Someone posts thousands of photos, others do not have a single one of their own. Someone uploads their work, and someone only communicates in private messages.

Is it possible to recover a deleted page in a contact?

In case there was a rush and the page was deleted. Time passed, and they began to regret, do not despair, the page can be restored.

If less than 7 months have passed, we proceed to restore our home page. If more than 7 months have passed, unfortunately, you can only register a new one.

It's simple:

  • Follow the link https://vk.com/ Vkontakte
  • Enter your username and password
  • Enter captcha code
  • A page will be displayed with information that your page has been deleted, and below "Restore your page". Click on the link
  • Click "Restore Page"
  • Ready! Next time, you don’t have to delete it, you can just log out of the social network and not log in for a while

Video: How to recover a deleted VKontakte page?

How to delete a page in contact with recovery?

Before deleting a page, we advise you to think it over several times. Did our moms and dads turn off the landline phone number in their apartment twenty years ago because of a quarrel with someone? Did they refuse to communicate with the outside world for the sake of anyone? We think not.

But if the desire is unshakable - just follow the link http://vk.com/settings?act=deactivate

And state the reason why you are leaving.

Video: How to delete a VKontakte page? And how to restore it

How to completely delete a page in a contact forever?

So, you have thought it over many, many times and yet your future life without Vkontakte. Then you can delete your page permanently.

  • Login to your account
  • Setup menu
  • General tab
  • Scroll to the bottom and click "Delete your page"
  • Think a little more and finally confirm your action. Do you want to slam the door loudly? Click "Tell Friends"

Video: Delete a VKontakte page FOREVER?!

The page is frozen, there is no desire to unfreeze it, but “it’s an eyesore” and something needs to be done with it. Especially if it is signed by your real name, or business name.

It's simple, you need to write to the support service and add identity documents to the request.

How to delete a hacked page in a contact?

As soon as you discover that your page has been hacked, do not immediately panic and try to remove it. Yes, at some stage you neglected your security and fell for the bait of burglars. But first, follow the link https://vk.com/restore and try to restore access.

Video: What to do if a page in VK is hacked!!!

If the attempts were unsuccessful, then it's time to write to the Vkontakte support service https://vk.com/support?act=new&from=h&id=2519

How to delete a page in contact from android?

Mobile users may panic - how can I delete if there is no computer nearby? And it won't be anytime soon. Just as easy as in the browser.

How to delete a page in a contact through the application:

  • Log in to your Vkontakte
  • Press Settings menu
  • Scroll to the very bottom and click "Delete your page"

Video: How to delete a page in contact with android?

How to delete a page in contact from an iPhone?

Just as simple as in the case of android. More details in the video below.

Video: How to delete a page in contact from an iPhone?

If you are interested in a way to restore access, then information about this is above. It also describes in detail how to view friends, photos and other information on your page if you do not intend to restore it.

There is such online service https://archive.org/ containing the largest archive of data from the Internet. And this service has a button "Wayback machine" (Time Machine), by clicking on which and inserting a link to your deleted page, you will find yourself in the past, while not restoring access.

How to delete a page in contact via phone: tips and reviews

Kira: there was a monstrous incident in our family, after that my life changed forever. Attacks from strangers, writings and even threats did not stop, and I decided to delete my page. Thanks to a simple instruction, I did it in 2 minutes.

Igor: I had a stormy childhood and no less stormy youth. I graduated, started a career and tried to get a job in a company in Canada. I was refused, but the employee entered the position and with personal account added “with such social networks, you will never be accepted anywhere.” I immediately deleted everything, but eventually got bored (already on new job) restored access but changed his first and last name, and also deleted all his photos.

Video: How to delete all entries from a VKontakte page?

Each person registered with social network, you may want to delete your page completely, or for any period of time. The time provided by the developers for reflection varies from one month to six months. This is due to the fact that about a fifth of users submit requests for deletion every year and half of them subsequently restore their pages.

Below are detailed ways to delete a page in a contact, proposed by the developers, and accidentally (or not by chance) found by users. There are different options - you can delete it completely permanently, and temporarily.

Method number 1

The easiest way to completely permanently delete a page in a contact provided by the developers is to delete it through the settings. To do this, you can do this:

  1. Login to your account.
  2. On the left side, in the menu column, select the item "My settings".
  3. Open the "General" tab.
  4. At the very bottom of the page, click on the link "Delete your page".

We choose the reason for the deletion, if desired, send a message or parting words to our friends.
your page has been removed. But since you used your page before the decision to delete it, you can restore your account and old page up to six months.

If you didn’t manage to enter the “Settings” menu item or you don’t want to look for it, then, after logging into your account, follow the link http://vk.com/settings?act=deactivate. After the transition, the deletion window will also open for you, where you indicate the reason and confirm the deletion.

Method number 2

Or a way to safely forget. It is used if you communicate little on social networks, visit your page about once a month, or even want to forget about the existence of social networks and sleep peacefully. So, how to delete a page in a contact completely forever in this case?

  1. On your page, open the item "Settings"
  2. In the "Privacy" tab, set all the values ​​\u200b\u200bto "Only me".
  3. In all other tabs, delete all information about yourself.
  4. Delete all files and posts from your page, that is, photos, wall posts, music, and so on. The page should become completely zero.
  5. Delete/unfollow all friends.

Now you can forget your password. Since your page is empty and no one can see it except you and the Vkontakte administration, after a while (about a month) it will be deleted by the administration. But during this time you can still restore the old page. In order to restore a page deleted in this way, you just need to try to log into your account. A link will appear at the top: "restore your page." Click and that's it - the return is made.

If you are sure that you do not want to restore your page, then the next method is for you. It is a slightly modified method #2.

Method number 3

Here you will definitely permanently and immediately delete your page completely (strictly speaking, it will continue to exist, but you will not go to it with all your desire).

  1. We repeat all the points indicated in method No. 2.
  2. In the settings, you refuse the mail to which the binding.
  3. Change the normal password to an arbitrary one, the one that will be easiest for you to forget. For example, 4GJGU8678JHJ.
  4. You buy a left SIM card and link the page to its number (or leave the old one, but then you will have to buy a new one for permanent use).
  5. Leave the page, destroy the attached SIM card.

The method, of course, is longer and more complicated, but now you definitely won’t be able to restore your page, since there is no mail, the number associated with the account, and you won’t remember the password either.

Method number 4

You can write a letter to the service technical support social network. To do this, email [email protected] you write a letter asking to delete your page. Perhaps after that you will be asked to provide evidence that it is yours and you can only wait for a response from the technical support service.

WARNING: If your decision is final and not subject to change, please note that all your ratings and comments will remain online under your name. Therefore, if you do not want to leave your data, you can change your name before deleting.

Method number 5

Applies if your account has been hacked and you can't log in. To apply, you will have to re-register on the social network and it is best if you enter all your data from the last page into it. So the administration will have less doubt that you are the real owner of the account. So:

From the newly created account, go to the page of the hacked one.

Under the photo context menu select "Report User"

In the “User Complaint” window that opens, select the “Abusive Behavior” item and describe your problem in detail in the comment.

The application will be considered from three to network days, after which the user will be blocked and subsequently deleted. The result will be faster if your friends also contact the administrator with a complaint about a scammer.

ATTENTION: If the administration ignored your application, you can restore access to your page and delete it yourself. If using such simple and well-known recovery methods as by phone number or by e-mail, you can’t log into your account, then you can restore access using a special application form.
In order to restore access to your page, you need:

Go to the Vk.com website and select the "Help" item, or follow the link http://vk.com/restore. After that, a recovery window will appear in front of you.

Enter your registration data: login, address Email or phone number.

Enter captcha and verification code. The code will have to come via SMS.

If you do not remember your login or phone, then after clicking on the link http://vk.com/restore, at the very bottom, click on the link "if you do not remember the data, or do not have access to the phone, click here."

Next, you will need to either find your page in the search, or remember an identification number. After that, you will have to fill in the fields with the data that you might have saved ( old password and phone), send a request to the administration and wait for a response. You may need to prove that the page is yours and send the administration a scan of your passport and a personal photo, but you can also repeat complaints about a scammer or write a letter to support.

Method number 6

WARNING: This method is intended for exploratory reading only, as it is socially harmful and entails unpleasant consequences for the user. In particular, from a bunch of minuses to karma to the disappearance of a large amount of funds and restriction of freedom.

If the method provided by the developers and the method of safe oblivion is not enough for you and you want to leave your virtual life with fireworks, then you can try to block your account. To do this, you just need to piss off as many users as possible and provoke them to complain to the administrators. How you do it is up to you. If you hope to restore your page (not recreate it, but restore it), then just simulate an account hack. Profanity, rudeness, spam and aggressive advertising will piss everyone off and you will be blocked very quickly. It will be difficult to restore access, but if this was not planned, then you can not worry. If you want to be deleted without the right to recover, then you will have to violate the laws not only of the virtual space, but also of the Russian Federation. For example, start posting Nazi or extremist texts on the wall, calling for terror and overthrowing the government. They will block you quickly and certainly forever.

WARNING: Violation of laws Russian Federation hazardous to health and may result in criminal liability.

As a conclusion

If you are just tired of the world of social networks, then it is most convenient to use the method already created by the developers or hiding, as described in method number 2. In order not to suffer with the restoration, please take care of strong password and keep all data in a safe place. And please do not use method number six, for actions aimed at deleting a page from a social network, it is too unpleasant.

How to delete a VK page - you may have such a question some time after registering on the Vkontakte website. I hasten to please you! You can leave VK in a minute. You just need to know how to do it!

How to delete a VK page from a computer

On your page in contact, in the right upper corner, click on the triangle next to your name. In the drop-down menu, click Settings.

On the page that opens, at the very bottom, click on the link You can delete your page

Deleting a VK page - indicate the reason

In a new window, you will be asked to indicate the reason for deleting the page. Once asked - you can specify! However, I want to draw your attention to the fact that when you specify a reason, humorous comments appear in the text field, which you can replace with your own. In addition, below, there is a checkmark in front of "Tell friends". If you do not uncheck this box, then a message about your departure from VK, indicating the reason, will be sent to your friends.

Our colleague, in a comment under this article, told what an unpleasant situation, at the age of 76, he got into. After automatically pressing the Delete page button, his friends, on his behalf, were sent a wish: "Happy stay, weak-willed vegetables!".

Therefore, first check what text is substituted in the explanation of the reason for leaving VK, or, uncheck the box in front of "Tell friends". After that, decisively, press the button Delete Page

How to delete a VKontakte page from your phone

Immediately, I want to warn you that you can delete the VK page using official app VC won't work. To delete the VK page from your phone, you need to go to your profile using a browser. You will be taken to mobile version VKontakte website and, in a few steps, you can delete your account.

Deleting a VK page - step 1

1. Press the menu button.

Deleting a VK page - step 2

2. Click Settings

Removing from VK - step 3

3. Go to Account

Deleting a VK page - step 4

4. Scroll to the bottom of the Account, and click "delete your page"

Removing from VK - step 5

5. On the Page Deletion tab, you will be asked to provide a reason for the deletion.

Select the reason by toggling button A. A playful explanation will appear in text field B, which you can replace with your own text. If, "everything is on the drum" for you, then, without correcting anything, click Delete page. If, however, you don’t want your friends to know about the reason for your leaving VK, then uncheck the box next to Tell friends C.

After that, press the cherished button Delete Page and, with a sense of accomplishment, you go about your current affairs.

How to recover a deleted VKontakte page

Everything! VKontakte page deleted! Your photo and all information on the page will disappear. However, a decent period is given - 7 months (210 days), during which the page can be restored.

To the left of the place where the photo was, there is a Restore link. If you do not pass the trial period, click this link - everything will be restored immediately!


Unnecessary, and sometimes annoyingly appearing home pages, you can easily remove using the browser settings. Consider the most-browsers today.

Internet Explorer. This can have several home pages, there is the possibility of both one and all home pages.

Open: Start menu - "Internet Explorer" or Start menu - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Internet Explorer".

Click on the arrow next to the button "Home" - "Delete" - select the page you want to delete - "Yes". Selecting "Delete All" will delete all home pages.

If your browser has the Yandex.Bar add-on installed, then a notification about the assignment of the home page will appear at the bottom of the browser.

Mozilla Firefox. In this and subsequent browsers, there is support for only one home page.

Open a browser: Start Menu - All Programs - Mozilla Firefox.

Click the "Tools" menu - "Settings" - in the window that opens, select the "Basic" tab - clear the field " Homepage".

Opera. Open the browser: menu "Start" - "All Programs" - "Opera".

Click the menu "Tools" - "Internet Options" - "Home Page" - set the value to "With an empty (about blank)".

Opera AC. "Tools" - "Settings" (or Ctrl + F12) - "General" - leave the "Home page" field empty.