As noted by many users and developers of 1C configurations, changing the font in the 1C program settings does not lead to its real change. Users who critically need to increase the font in 1C often get out of the situation by changing the screen resolution. But in this case, everything increases in general, and therefore it is not best way out. Changing the font in operating system also does not give the desired result - in 1C the font is unchanged.

how to increase the font in 1C

In order to increase (or decrease) the font in 1C:Enterprise 8.2, you need to create the appropriate style in the configurator mode in the "General" section of the configuration tree, where the font should be made to the desired size. In addition to the size and outline of the font, the style mechanism in 1C allows you to arrange much more, but we will limit ourselves to the font. When the style is created, it is necessary in a predefined procedure BeforeStartingSystem() global configuration module global context variable MainStyle to assign the value of the created style:

MainStyle = StyleLibrary.<ИмяСозданногоСтиля>;

In the described version, the font will change in accordance with the style settings for all users of the 1C:Enterprise program at once. The developer can vary the solution by creating styles for different users and setting the global context variable MainStyle to the style appropriate given user. Such information can be stored, for example, in a register of information, in which user, and will serve as a resource style. It is possible without creating a register of information, using conditional operator depending on value Username() assign a particular style to the desired user to the MainStyle variable.

See other articles in the section «

Implemented in version

We have implemented a mechanism for quickly scaling forms. For the most part, it is intended, of course, for users, but developers can also use it if necessary.

We believe that this mechanism will be convenient and useful in cases where you need to quickly and easily, or briefly and temporarily increase or decrease the scale of application data displayed in the form.

You probably know that you can increase the font by changing the screen resolution. And some time ago, we were finalizing platform mechanisms so that applied solutions would be clearly and correctly displayed with . But changing the DPI is a relatively complex and "fundamental" operation. First, not all users have sufficient knowledge to perform it. And secondly, it affects all applications installed on the computer. If you need to increase or decrease something only "here and now", or if users do not have sufficient qualifications, they will not change the DPI.

In such a situation, the mechanism for quickly scaling forms will come in handy. If the user does not have good eyesight, he can easily make himself "bigger". And if the vision is good, but not the entire table fits in the width of the form, you can make it “smaller”.

In client applications

To zoom managed forms and documents in client applications, you can use either the main menu or a command from the system commands area:

The scale setting dialog opens on the right upper corner, but you can move it to any place on the screen that suits you:

The form scale can be changed from 50% to 400%. This does not just increase or decrease the size of the font and elements, but the entire form is rebuilt to fit the new element sizes.

For example, you can increase it up to 200%.

Or vice versa, reduce to 70%.

Zooming is done on the client and does not require a call to the server.

Scaling applies only to the content of the form. The system bars, favorites dialog, and history dialog are not scalable. Frames and scrollbars inside the form are also not scaled. Resizing these elements can be achieved by changing the screen resolution (DPI).

By moving the slider, you change the scale for one shape. But if you want to apply this scale to all forms, then there is a button for this. Install for everyone. The same button will help you at any time return the scale of all forms to 100%.

Despite the fact that we have set a fairly large zoom range, we do not believe that all of it will necessarily be used. According to our estimates, users who want to use this feature will slightly reduce all forms, up to 90-95%, and some forms, on the contrary, will slightly increase to 105-110%.

Maintaining Scale

Scales are stored for each form separately in local storage on the user's computer. In addition, the overall scale for all forms is stored there, which has a standard value of 100%. When setting a new scale for all shapes, the individual values ​​for each shape are removed.

Form scale in the configurator

In the configurator, you can also set the scale at which the form will be shown to the user. To do this, we implemented the form property Scale. We recommend using this property in those cases in which you previously used OptionScale: Compact. You need to proceed from the fact that in compact mode the scale of the form is approximately 80%.

Shape preview at scale

While editing the form in the configurator, you can see how it will look at different scales. In the form editor, you can select the scale from several fixed values.

As a result, the form displayed in the area preview, will be increased, for example, to 150%.

Show pictures

In order for enlarged forms to look good, it is necessary to have several versions of the same picture designed for different resolutions. Therefore, the mechanism of variants of pictures, which already exists in mobile platform, we have expanded to the platform for personal computers.

Now, not one picture is set for display, but a set of options for this picture in the form of an archive. This archive has options for different resolutions and for different interface options. To display, the platform selects an option that matches the current DPI and form scale.

For example, now the flag image is a set of several options: for platform 8.2 (normal interface), for platform 8.3 (interface Taxi), for compact mode, for different scales.

Pictures stored in the configuration can also be presented as a set. Now for the picture you can set not only the screen density (scale), but also the interface option for which the picture will be used.


Font name - EanGnivc(True Type)
Font file - Eang000.ttf

Font Eang000.ttf (barcode) is needed to print barcodes in the upper left corner of 1C reporting and other programs.

Installing the EanGnivc font.

Tax returns introduced for reporting since 2004 contain a unique sheet barcode on each sheet. In the forms of regulated reporting distributed by 1C, a special EanGnivc font is used to display the barcode, which must be installed in the operating system.

If this font is not installed, barcodes will not appear on tax returns. However, if you have already installed this font once, you do not need to install it again.

The EANG000.ttf font file is located in the ExtForms\RP11Q1.GRP subdirectory of the infobase directory.

To install a font, follow these steps:

  • On your PC, click the "Start" button, select "Control Panel";
  • In the Control Panel, find and click the "Fonts" icon;
  • In the window that opens, top menu"File" select the command "Install font";
  • In the "Disks" combo box, select the desired disk;
  • In the "Folders" field, select the directory where the EANG000.ttf file is located (For example: ExtForms\RP11Q1.GRP);
  • The string "EanGnivc (True Type)" will appear in the "List of Fonts" list. Select this line and click OK.
If you did not find the font Eang000.ttf, then the archive file with the font can be

Bar code - graphic information applied to the surface, marking or packaging of products, representing the possibility of reading it technical means- a sequence of black and white stripes or other geometric shapes.

EanGnivc barcode

EanGnivc is a barcode developed by FSUE GNIVTS of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (for tax reporting forms) based on the standard EAN-8 barcode. EAN, European Article Number (European article number) - European barcode standard designed to encode the identifier of the product and manufacturer.
This standard is universal for all countries. Types of code:

  • EAN-8 (abbreviated) - 8 digits encoded.
  • EAN-13 (full) - 13 digits encoded.
  • EAN-128 - any number of letters and numbers combined into regulated groups is encoded.
Each digit in EAN-8 is encoded with four strokes: two white and two black. Strokes can have a relative width of one, two, three or four units. The total stroke width of one digit is seven units. The direction of reading the combination of strokes does not matter. EAN code - a linear barcode readable in one direction (horizontally).

code view:

2. PDF417 2D barcode printing module

A two-dimensional barcode is required for submitting reports on paper to the IFTS (order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 10, 2008 No. BE-3-6 / [email protected]).

2D barcode - the code is a symbology barcode

To manually install a single module for printing machine-readable forms, you must first download the archive file containing the installation package of the print module from the FSUE GNIVTS website.

After executing the program, the TAXDOCPrt.dll application will be installed on system disk(C:\Program Files\gnivc\print-nd-pdf417\)

Barcode PDF417

PDF417 (English Portable Data File - a portable data file) is a two-dimensional barcode that supports encoding up to 2710 characters. PDF417 was developed and introduced in 1991 by Symbol Technologies. PDF417 is widely used in personal identification, goods accounting, reporting to regulatory authorities and other areas. The PDF417 format is open for general use. PDF417 can contain up to 90 lines. Each line consists of:

  • start and stop pattern. They characterize the barcode as PDF417.
  • set keywords(CS):
    • left and right indicators - contain information about the line number, the number of rows and columns, the level of error correction;
    • up to 30 data CSs containing both direct data and information for restoring damaged CSs.
Each CS consists of 17 modules, each of which contains 4 strokes and 4 spaces (hence the number 417). PDF417 supports three data types: text (ASCII), bytes and numbers. One character in the PDF code carries up to 1.1 kilobytes of machine-readable data in an area comparable to the size of a conventional barcode. Unlike a linear barcode that requires linking to a large database, the PDF417 character is itself a database.
PDF417 meets the requirements for an inexpensive way to capture, store and transfer large amounts of data. It can transfer entire data files (text, numeric, binary), encode graphics, fingerprints, bills of lading, electronic data interchange (EDI) messages, hardware setup instructions, etc.